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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.86 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20190311_160032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12744325 No.12744325 [Reply] [Original]

Post your bookshelves as they are now. You can return books from around your room/house, but no further organization allowed. I'll start.

>> No.12744353
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Right now I don't have a shelf. Half my books are in the other side of the planet, and the ones I have here are in a wardrobe.

>> No.12744631

>Gumball Head

>> No.12744674

Why so many LotR copies?

>> No.12744695

inb4 someone posts a

>kindle on a shelf


>> No.12744723
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>> No.12744743
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>> No.12744753

just stop. you don't need to spam every shelf thread with this crap

>> No.12744761
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>> No.12744772

To be fair, this would be the thread to put it on.

>> No.12744778


for some reason he gets upset when anyone posts a collection that isnt utter shit

he's right, though. what we need are more posts of low-tier sci-fi collections/meme collections/alt-right mystical shit. that's where the quality shelf threads are.

>> No.12744798

>quality shelf threads

>> No.12744816

>more junk than books

>> No.12744825


im not even that poster but i'm just curious: what do you have against his photos?

>> No.12744829

I still just rent and try to keep it light. Most of my books are on my shelf at my parent's house still.

>> No.12744847
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Wew, flash did not work out as well as I thought. Oh well. Canticle is lying out because that's what I'm reading next.

>> No.12744864

Is American Gods worth picking up? I started hearing about it a few years back when the show came out. Haven't read any Gaiman since HS.

>> No.12744869

Personally I found it lackluster. I tried a few other Gaiman works as well, and the ones I enjoyed most were Norse Mythology and Good Omens, which was a collab with Pratchett. All in all he does little for me.

>> No.12744880

Post your Goodreads

>> No.12744884

What's the big D&D box next to your D&D books?

>> No.12744890

Collector's edition 5e core rulebooks. My players got it for me as a gift, I am waiting until I need one of them to open it though.

>> No.12744896
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first time posting in one of these

uh, is dresden files actually any good?

>> No.12744914

Good good? No. It's more simple entertaining stuff. Don't go in expecting to have some revelations or whatever. That said, for what it is, I find it enjoyable.

>> No.12744931

>Fappu Hottep

>> No.12745422

Is that Inifite Jest in Russian?

>> No.12745729

Why don't you get a proper book shelf?

>> No.12745961
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i think he's just jealous. he gets mad when you post bookshelves in a bookshelf thread.


not my library. i highly doubt its owner has a goodreads.

>> No.12747472
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Its absolutely tiny but I'd like to expand it, as I recently only got back into literature after years of succumbing to the addiction of video games and all that garbage:-))

>> No.12747534
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ahoy mateys

>> No.12747541

whoa, an actual discord tranny. i thought you guys were a myth

>> No.12747573
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>> No.12747596
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make judgements about my character

>> No.12747598
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>> No.12747604
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>> No.12747616

>reddit gamer memes
Get off my board

>> No.12747617

likes to post pictures for ants

>> No.12747622

YYour top shelf is very much me - I might go take some pics of mine - The iWoz book, is it signed? I have the same signed by him

>> No.12747647


>> No.12747672

yeah, it came out here recently. I probably could read it in English but that would take several months, and the translation is alright I think.

>> No.12747683
File: 1.28 MB, 1560x2080, IMG_20190312_182732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/3 Original built up collection. Hope I'm doing this right, pass judgement as you please

>> No.12747698
File: 1.29 MB, 1560x2080, IMG_20190312_182954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/3 Newer bits and pieces - The magazines piled up are my collection of Rolling Stone Magazine

>> No.12747713

3/3 Newest case - Signed stuff goes in here

>> No.12747718
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3/3 Forgot Pic /DERP

>> No.12747810
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that potato cam

>> No.12747819
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Am I based yet?

>> No.12747854
File: 1.89 MB, 4215x2232, P_20190107_153543_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I like to collect books. This is an outdated picture.

>> No.12747942

Nice hotwheels fren
>elon musk
:^) you need a good clean

>> No.12748052

Some good stuff in there I wish the picture would be more clear obviously

>> No.12748062

Wow you people live like shit.

>> No.12748070

Based and redpilled

>> No.12748073

quite based. The DMT/yoga stuff is a meme though

>> No.12748411

why do you think so?:-0

>> No.12748480

cool room

>> No.12748502

Does the Aeneid not line up with the Odyssey?

>> No.12748529

Based Glenfiddich poster.
Total patrician whiskey.

>> No.12748551
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>> No.12748598
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>> No.12748599

>The Block Monopoly
based and redpilled

>> No.12748607
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>> No.12748610
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English section.

>> No.12748612
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>> No.12748635
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>> No.12748645
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>> No.12748715

oh no

>> No.12748722
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4192 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dis gud. u can come hang if u want.

>> No.12748939


Damn just reminded me there's property up for grabs


Scanning and can't see the Obama trash, would have been gifted that. Gifted the Musk as well

>> No.12748967
File: 2.21 MB, 3968x2240, IMG_20190307_140112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Began reading half a year ago, first some fantasy books and now historical fiction.

>> No.12748995

speaks two languages, likes to think he can speak six

>> No.12749086
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m8, wat?

>> No.12749088
