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File: 801 KB, 1149x666, Screen Shot 2019-03-12 at 1.54.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12745986 No.12745986 [Reply] [Original]

What books can help me understand transgender behaviour and psychology? Mind you this is not an bigoted or hateful thread nor I am sexually attracted to trannies. I just think they are fascinating creatures deserving of serious study

>> No.12745996

>that drawing

>> No.12746005

I think the correct terminology is tranny or shemale

>> No.12746007


>> No.12746008

the correct terminology is dudes with delusions

>> No.12746011

just go lurk their general on /lgbt/ i guess

>> No.12746030

>that box of converse xl shoes

>> No.12746034

Not exactly books but look up Haec-Vir and Hic Mulier.

>> No.12746035

this picture really terrifies me (especially the girl on the bed...you people are genuinely such degenerates, i hate to call you that but honestly everything i see you do screams it and it's almost like you want to wear that title), but i'm also so amazed at how good some people's artistic skills are...i can't even fathom how this painting was made

>> No.12746044

1000 hours in MS Paint

>> No.12746060

can you please tell me what the hell is happening on that bed? who is that and what has been done to them?

>> No.12746072
File: 953 KB, 3640x2140, 1524429145259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the person on the bed has cut marks up their legs probably from some kind of self-harm

they soiled themselves either because of something kind of diaper/scat fetish, or because of too much anal sex.

>> No.12746083

you people are genuinely sick, you should leave this site immediately and restore your preferences to a normal state

>> No.12746093

Anon, you've got it all backwards. We're posting it here because it's nasty, and we recognize that. It's the people not on this site, who think this is normal, that need to have their preferences restored to a natural state.

>> No.12746096
File: 167 KB, 237x262, grotesque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this image is actually extremely historically significant. If it were made on some physical canvas it would be museum worthy in my opinion. Really remarkable and disgusting.

>> No.12746099

>you people

i'm not trans, i'm just explaining what was happening for you, sorry.

>> No.12746101

the trannies that have been invading this board the last few months won't like this one bit

>> No.12746123

>m-muh delicate sensibilities!
>restore your preferences to a normal state!!
lol fuck off ratard

>> No.12746159


>> No.12746166


>> No.12746264
File: 249 KB, 600x600, 1552092916206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being transsexual is the ultimate form of deterrolization

>> No.12746269

That's not a well drawn picture, but I still don't understand why someone would spend so much time drawing something like that

>> No.12746308

Do you guys think gender dysphoria may have something to do with our weirdly strict gender roles? Obviously not at all of it is but I have been pondering this lately between other thoughts.

I will not lie and I am 100% heterosexual and enjoy being a male with a penis but sometimes I have entertained the idea of wearing women's clothes. However, clothes are clothes. They do not magically stop me from wearing them if they were "made for" females. They are completely neutral. Societal pressure and my own insecurity (for lack of a better eord, I guess) does. I don't think I'd ever do it and I certainly don't have a "trap" body type but I will admit the idea is there. Not entirely sure why. Maybe it's that it's "forbidden." Not like anything is really stopping me in the privacy of my own home.

Just weird.

>> No.12746316

this is the crux
trannies are ahead of the curve when it comes to the deterratoritialization of sexual reproduction, gender, our social relationships.
slicing off your ability to procreate willingly, monetizing and binding yourself to complex and expensive medicines, retreating from the pyschical socius and becoming obsessively online. trannies are just next stage evolution

>> No.12746330
File: 72 KB, 610x768, 1550174118869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weirdly strict gender roles
>in the year 2019
You clearly don't live in the west I see

>> No.12746338


>> No.12746348

To me it is a reaction against the loosening of gender norms. Bowie didn't cut his dick off. These trans people are reasserting an essentialist doctrine of gender.

>> No.12746357

Look _under_ the bed.

>> No.12746394


We're still extremely strict with gender stuff in society as a majority. 99.9% of people do not even think about stuff like this, or if they do they keep it absolutely private and secret due to fear of scorn or judgement.

You have a good point with Bowie but I think entertainers have a lot of wiggle room in society with how they present themselves.

>> No.12746430

imo, the trannies who try to act ''normal'' and be accepted by society as ''real women'', who think of ''getting a boyfriend'' and enacting a grotesque parody of a ''normal heterosexual relationship'' are actually even more perverted at a deeper and more fundamental level than the shameless furry anime degenerates.

>> No.12746441

That may be true. They all need to be gassed, but the ones actively trying to usurp the role of actual women are committing a particularly grievous crime; the furries harm themselves, but their impact on society is limited.

>> No.12746448

the whipping girl

>> No.12746451

This looks disturbingly similar to my tranny roommate’s room.

>> No.12746461
File: 167 KB, 1200x801, 1551415816576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw no gf (male)

>> No.12746523

tranny memes are funny XD

>> No.12746524

YASSSS! It's, like, totes weird that our society in the year 2019 has these weird social mores.

>> No.12746534


Stop this kind of posting. It's shit and contributes absolutely nothing.

>> No.12746538

>We're still extremely strict with gender stuff in society as a majority.
It's all made up. It's all arbitrary, maaan!!!
>99.9% of people do not even think about stuff like this, or if they do they keep it absolutely private and secret due to fear of scorn or judgement.
Everyone is an open minded individual just like me, they're just oppressed by norms, man!

>> No.12746545

>Stop this kind of posting. It's shit and contributes absolutely nothing.
Yikes, honey.

>> No.12746715

It's frightening how accurate this image is. As someone who has been exposed to countless trannies, both online and in real life, who has taken part in multiple online communities comprised of mainly trannies, and who has come to understand them relatively well, I understand that their depravity has no end. They revel in their indecency, and use it as some sort of leverage to push themselves further into an abyss of degenerate decadence. It is reasonable to say that their grotesque outward appearance is mimicked, if not surpassed, by their inward feelings. Do not be fooled by their initial presentation of docility, for it is merely a facade; as one comes to know them better, the facade begins to fade, and their true destructive nature reaches beyond themselves. Their gender dysphoria is merely the tip of the iceberg, which pales in comparison to the array of mental illnesses it adjoins. Treat them fairly, but heed my warning to not tread too close, otherwise one might go mad.

>> No.12746745

Why have you spent so much time around them in the first place, since you sound like a Christian reactionary that is unsettled by the direction society is presently going down with regards to gender? Maybe you aren't that, but why have you interacted with them so much?

>> No.12746763

I’d love to see a melanin enhanced gentleman give her a prostate massage

>> No.12746777

feels like they're everywhere in WoW. can't avoid contact with them.

>> No.12746797

you sound like a pansy

>> No.12746809

Not saying this as a tranny hater but god damn imagine seeing this person run at you at full speed in the middle of the night. I can imagine their face splitting open, that huge maw dripping with saliva before it rips you limb from limb.
I saw a tranny yesterday. Bad hairline, dressed like a hooker, very evident 5 o clock shadow, jeez. No thanks.

>> No.12746810

I've spent my fair share of time around a myriad of different peoples. I'd say my initial exposure to them was merely coincidental, but as time went on I developed a sort of morbid curiosity. I try not to shut anyone out, regardless of beliefs or whatever issues they may have, so it seemed beneficial to try and better understand them. Additionally, I had some friends at the time who were sort of involved in that scene, although not trannies themselves - perhaps one could call them fascinated as well. I've since removed myself from these communities altogether, since it seemed as though no good would come from it it; however, I value the experiences I had and the things I came to learn. I would also say your characterization is sufficiently accurate.

>> No.12746826
File: 470 KB, 1693x2000, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me why trannies are repulsed by this man?

>> No.12746827
File: 128 KB, 675x1200, DrnRXKbVAAA1jCW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not saying this as a tranny hater but god damn imagine seeing this person run at you at full speed in the middle of the night. I can imagine their face splitting open, that huge maw dripping with saliva before it rips you limb from limb.

God I wish that was me

>> No.12746841

Sexing the Body by Anne Fausto-Sterling

>> No.12746875

The girl/boy/goy/whatever tied to the bed in some tranny demon’s basement kinda turns me on. I wish the other two trannies would go over and tickle their helpless captive

>> No.12746876

Who do you think made picrel? It's all inside jokes

>> No.12746883

can we play crystal castles while

>> No.12746885

Why is it always with the bad hairlines? Seen them on every tranny I've met

>> No.12746889

>it's just inside jokes!!
browse any tranny sub of your preference for an hour and you'd come to the conclusion of said pic

>> No.12746895
File: 30 KB, 540x400, Cj-mrKRUgAAewJE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're getting it.
"The trans feminine body is a circuit. It is both testosterone blockers and estrogen inputs, Acéphallus and Body without Sex Organs. On the one hand a rejection of phallogocentricism, on the other hand the affirmative desire of the body made virtual. The immanence of desire in the trans feminine body expresses itself as the sexual desire of the trans woman and the desire to be a woman, the desire for gender itself. It manifests in a coupling of technology and capital, desire being plugged into a different sort of productive matrix. "

>> No.12746904
File: 115 KB, 450x728, 9781788731577-4f24c93871d376efaf059ac12bc3811c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12746910

>someone with shitty genetics who have trouble getting women and has a crippling porn addiction turns to new absurd way of furthering his way down the rabbit hole
hmm idk seems complicated

>> No.12746911

Sorry, we’re listening to Ace of Base.

>> No.12746912
File: 267 KB, 647x1024, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their hairline was really apparent because they were trying to do that Ariana Grande ponytail.
I mean, even women wear wigs. It's easy to hide that.

>> No.12747044

>they soiled themselves
at first i thought that was blood from DIY genital surgery but the bulge seems intact so that might be wrong

>> No.12747055

>phd computer science

>> No.12747228

>It's all made up. It's all arbitrary, maaan!!!

That is 100% true in the case of clothing though.

>> No.12747246

I heavily resent the suggestion that Girls' Last Tour is trannycore

>> No.12747255

Oh shit, /lit/ missed out on Pretty Princess Points Posting

>> No.12747270

what did the ancients say about transgenderism

>> No.12747319

>Mind you this is not an bigoted or hateful thread nor I am sexually attracted to trannies

one of these is a lie

>> No.12747335

normal 100% heterosexuals who enjoy being a male and having a penis fully embrace societies gender roles and have never entertained the idea of wearing women's clothing

kill yourself faggot

>> No.12747351

> you sound like a Christian reactionary that is unsettled by the direction society is presently going down with regards to gender

hahaha yeah if you have normal human sensibilities you must some sort of backward bible thumper hahaha

>> No.12747367

children were a mistake

>> No.12747371

liberal capitalism ruins everything once beautiful

>> No.12747475


It's just clothing. Is it gay for women to wear "men's clothing?"

>> No.12747490

the fuck was that

>In today’s terminology, most free software developers would probably be considered “onions boys”.
someone needs to post this on /g/

>> No.12747520

Well I will say that there seems to be a not so sly irritation that bubbles up in your post (and picture).
But if you're genuinely interested, you could start with Oscar Wilde. He wasn't a transgender but it's an inkling into the not so alien mind of someone who has dissimilar sexual preferences than you. I find it odd, as I'm sure those that don't, find it just as odd that people can't empathize with someone who views themselves as feminine, or masculine, the opposite gender, etc.

I think it would be a lot harder to understand if there weren't people of this nature. And those who find it disagreeable or perverse in some sense (who aren't religious) I find it bamboozling that they seem to imply that they are masters of knowing the complexities of the human brain, when the truth is we have only scratched the surface.

>> No.12747526

WHy is it sexy when women wear men's clothing but not when men wear woman's clothing?
I think it's because men are secretely gay.

>> No.12747529
File: 13 KB, 169x238, 1524429145259~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think the younger siblings of trannies think of them? Does the degeneracy drive them away the same way an overbearing parent accidentally encourages the behavior they teach against?

>> No.12747530

Dude i am bisexual, every saturday evening i drive up to the rest stop to get my ass pounded by anonymous greasy truckers. But trannies? Thats just a step too far if you ask me one has to draw the line somewhere

>> No.12747557


I think it's just sexy women being sexy no matter what, you know?

>> No.12747564

Shave your nuts and meet me in the john in five minutes. No homo btw.

>> No.12747580

>I just think they are fascinating creatures deserving of serious study
Before you begin, go to the nearest big city, hang out in the gay village and meet some transgender guys. spend a lot of time with them - partying and hanging out. A lot of time, tho.
Then see if your opinion changes.

protip: your opinion will change, because you are romanticizing someone's very serious problems

>> No.12747583

>Shave your nuts and meet me in the john in five minutes

Absolutely 10/10 reference there lad

>> No.12747588

Achilles dressed up as a girl to hide on an island

>> No.12747623

Anyone else far right but feel incredibly bad for trannies? All those videos of them freaking out going viral n such make me sick. You think they wanted to be born that way? It’s akin to making fun of special ed students, as if they had a choice. None of us can imagine the internal mental suffering they’ve gone through their entire life where 40% of that population attempts suicide.

It’s clearly a mental illness so I’m not sure why it’s so accepted to make fun of them. I have no problems with eradicating millions who deserve it, but these people were BORN broken and I refuse to participate in such shameless cruelty towards them.

>> No.12747646

>person who wrote this read angela carter one day and thought this was the state of humanity

unironically what they should have done is given it a red hue over the whole piece and lots and lots of the same black clothes/overly bright clothes hanging on makeshift closet (haha gay joke)

>> No.12747650

>but i'm also so amazed at how good some people's artistic skills are

Fucking lol, that shit is literally children
tier lurk more at >>>/ic/

>why someone would spend so much time drawing something like that

That shit can be made in under a hour

>> No.12747656

An hour is still too much time

>> No.12747682

Can you post more? I remember tons of these around 2015 (memetic golden age)

>> No.12747708

>lurk more at >>>/ic/
that board just reminded me that artists are just vile dogs

>> No.12747716

yeah I've always thought it a bit dumb to say trannies are mentally ill but then not treat them like it. a bit like when people on /pol/ gloat about all gays supposedly being victims of child sex abuse. uhh... shouldn't that make you sympathetic to them?

>> No.12747732
File: 380 KB, 1400x695, 1533949901241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know who makes these, or why, or even what they are referencing, but they're oddly mesmerizing

>> No.12747738

>It’s clearly a mental illness so I’m not sure why it’s so accepted to make fun of them

Because society is trying as hard as possible to force the perspective that it is not a mental illness (it is not, it is a developmental disorder btw) which has the end result of feeling like the existence of trannies results in the powers that be literally twisting what is reality in order to accomodate them

The bigger problem is optional trannies, people who just decided to do it to get a job as a game developer or whatever. These people outnumber actual transexuals 100:1 today and laws are being made for *their* benefit.

>> No.12747811

No one is twisting reality. The crux of the argument is and always has been the gender they define themselves as and others willingness to oblige them.

The XX-XY determination system has never been earnestly attacked by any trans movement. In other words, they know their biological gender, but they aren't asking to be biologically reformed. It all comes down to courtesy. If someone wants to identify as the opposite gender, I say fine by me because I don't pretend to know or judge the inner workings of their mind and sexuality.

>people who just decided to do it to get a job as a game developer or whatever.

These are the amongst the best arguments people can come up with. Who the fuck is reshaping their entire life in the most drastic way thinkable so they can get a low paying job? Do you really think people are changing their entire lives in such a way so they can get a better seat in the theatre? This is a non-issue. Fucking inept, it's the same sort of reasoning as people changing their gender so they can get access to the opposite bathroom or locker room. It's a non issue. In simple terms, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. It's comically simple minded hysteria. Fox would blow up with a story like it, Ben Shapiro would eat it up, but stories like this are a non-happening non-issue.

This is the same damn civil rights movement the fags had to deal with. They're not going away you fucking nimrods. Just take note of the trans movement, it's not going to be curbed. Try to remember that and with each day you'll see it.

>> No.12747818


>> No.12748027

yeah its fucking butch

>> No.12748088

They are just men who don't want to take the responsibility of being a man. It is fact that being a woman is much easier, and instead of just accepting this they think it is unfair and decide that they should get it easy as well.

>> No.12748162

Shit load of trans are doing it for shit and giggles, and yes easy jobs in a society afraid to even look at transexual direction to avoid being stoned on social media.
Hence the 40% suicide rate, mentally ill people who, once they destroyed their body with hormones and SRS, kill themselves because none of their problems went away, and everything got worse.
Also why you have discord trannies getting people to kill themselves through blackmail or self medicated transition, because they feel other people needs to experience the dread they are feeling in they terminal crash course to suicide.

>> No.12748359

Traps are the thinking man fetish

>> No.12748419

If you are self inserting as the top then you are a beta because you don't want to put in the effort to attract a woman.
If you are self inserting as the trap then you are a huge beta because you don't even want to take the initiative during sex. You just want to sit there and take it in the ass.
If you are just observing the porn and not self inserting then you are a cuck.

How is any of this "the thinking mans" fetish?

>> No.12748442

battle strategy =\= mental illness

>> No.12748792
File: 119 KB, 907x1360, 71iSx4xUmQL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh beta Muh alpha
Lmao, I said the thinking man.
You know the sigma male, you will never understand.

>> No.12749148

if anything, coming up with 100+ names for every distinct sexual/gender preference and categorizing it is a sign of strict gender delimitations becoming more and more specific

>> No.12749348

Gay people should start being priests again that was way better

>> No.12749383

the tranny cult is truly horrifying

>> No.12749491

what's it from?

>> No.12749545

That's basically someone I know.

>> No.12749585

Theres something intriguingly uncanny something "off" about them. how their voices and bodies and movements, even their personalities, seem to oscillate between male and female. They are unstable and marginal, always seem to suffer from 'deep psychological issues', some of them are actually quite intelligent, though that only makes them more freakish. I kind of understand why some primitive cultures used to revere them as shamans, apart, at once above and below the rest of the tribe, which makes more sense than the liberal idea were we are all the same and we can all be normal.

>> No.12749593

>I kind of understand why some primitive cultures used to revere them as shamans, apart, at once above and below the rest of the tribe
tfw no mystical androgynous shaman

>> No.12749767

it was obviously made by a trans person who spends a lot of time on 4chan
its pretty funny honestly

t. tranny

>> No.12749796

why the fuck would you strain/destroy your relationship with family/friends, drastically reduce your chance of finding a loving partner, make is so that the general public sees you as a freak, spend thousand of dollars on medication and surgeries, severely damage your career prospects, and put yourself at increased risk for violence and discrimination for "shit and giggles"?

>> No.12749805

it's called a serious mental illness

>> No.12749807

there are lots of men who would gain in social status by becoming trans. They go from no friends and community to having at least some support system

they're already seen as trash, they're not losing anything

>> No.12749820

Because you felt like something might be wrong with you, found a cloistered festering subculture online that told you there actually was something wrong, decided to try it out, received approval and encouragement from said subculture, friends, family and society at large, felt unique and special, and developed a fetish for it. All without having any sort of developmental disorder.

>> No.12749821

which is clearly not a fun thing to suffer from

except that doesn't happen in reality
sure it sucks to be a loser male but you still have a lot better prospects in society than being trans

>> No.12749827

>received approval and encouragement from said subculture, friends, family and society at large,
lmao no

>> No.12749835

we get it, you're a tranny
no one cares

>> No.12749836
File: 203 KB, 770x995, homos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12749838

>you still have a lot better prospects in society than being trans
Maybe on paper, but all the incels turned tranny on r9k are a sign that thye don't feel that way

>> No.12749845

why haven't you transitioned then?

>> No.12749859

>h-hey guys I'm not sure about this whole trans thing but heres a picture of me in a skirt trying it out. My parents probably wont like it but...
>omg sister you look fabulous, you'll be gorgeous once you transition I'm sure. Don't listen to your parents, if they cant handle it just cut them out of your life, you deserve better. Dont listen to any dumb bigot that offers any alternative viewpoint on the matter they don't know whats best for you, this is who you are

>> No.12749868

I spent countless hours searching for pictures of people who looked like me and transitioned, not asking people. Nobody encouraged me to do it
But yes you should cut people out who are bigoted and it is who you are

>> No.12749870

Is this from The Protocols of the Cock Jockeys of Babylon?

>> No.12749874


>> No.12749878
File: 30 KB, 606x191, 89B2AC40-896C-43EA-9189-738A5C4022C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12749879

>Everyone is an open minded individual just like me, they're just oppressed by norms, man!
why should everyone have to be like you?

>> No.12749884

I think this is supposed to mock that streamers Destiny, right?

>> No.12749896

Distasteful joke.

>> No.12749897

The white male incel is the lowest in the ZOG progressive stack caste system, but he can ascend to the top by chopping up that pecker. Read up on the priesthood of cybeles, this is nothing new. Sodomy has supplanted christianity as the state religion of the west. Wonder why they act so righteous and holy for gettinc fucked in the ass? Christian clergy is chaste while progressive clergy prides itself on abnormal sex acts.

>> No.12749905

Cultish behavior, isn't it? To convince yourself you never had a choice. To distance yourself from incompatible opinions. Creating an environment where heresy is not tolerated and heretics are spurned. Spending countless hours in curated forums looking for pictures of smiling, happy members of the cult to convince yourself there's no way it could go wrong.
Sorry if this offends you but I do find it creepy

>> No.12749909
File: 105 KB, 1000x622, 1551241209310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nyxlandunlife, is that you?

>> No.12749917

this is high IQ wording
please use your talents differently mate, i.e. don't think about trannies all day

>> No.12749937

The Priesthood of Cybeles is certainly not a case where castration was used as a means of upwards social mobility. Its true that people did become eunuchs at various points in history for reasons of social mobility, such as Assyria or the Byzantine Empire until around the year 1000. The asexual piety espoused by Christianity but interestingly in the Byzantine world theologians debated for centuries if eunuchs constituted a Christian ideal or if it was cheating. Its not like even Christian cultures have always been delineated into two clear gender categories, since although eunuchs were considered men their performative and productive gender roles were distinct from men and they no longer fit neatly into Byzantine society which was based on the patriarchal family unit

>> No.12749955

Mein Kampf and the Qur'an. Both have a slightly similar conclusion how to deal with this behaviour.

>> No.12749963

>That drawing
Thx. Now I am depressed

>> No.12749965

honestly posts like this make me feel like cis people are just incapable of understanding how gender dysphoria feels
it is something that has existed in me since childhood (probably since the womb because there is a strong likelihood i did not receive normal male hormone levels) and when i learned what transpeople were is was like having myself described to me

also i don't see how its creepy if you are thinking about making a major life change to want to do research

>> No.12749986

>Farthest margins of acceptability
Do gays want to be nailed to the cross next to pedos ?

>> No.12750002
File: 125 KB, 490x319, talking-about-gender-with-vs-talking-about-gender-with-trans-20085797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12750098

I know there are factors in prenatal development that can cause a predisposition to such behavior, but that only raises further questions about the phenomenon.
How many trans people experienced these conditions in the womb? How many trans people didn't? How many straight people did, and how many didn't?
Regardless of such factors you still have free will. Could you have been an example of someone who experienced such factors but nonetheless lived happily straight? Could you be a transsexual who didn't experience such factors but decided to transition anyway?
The ideology of sexual deviants is concerningly fatalistic, using veiledly religious suppositions of destiny to waive away any criticisms of the choices they make or discussion of how they affect them.

>> No.12750114

Unfortunately there is no reliable source on it since the medical community has bent over for unscientific sociologists pushing a political agenda. Otherwise it would be in the DSM-V

>> No.12750229

>How many trans people experienced these conditions in the womb? How many trans people didn't?
I would venture to say that the majority did since there is what I consider compelling evidence for this effecting gender identity in people assigned male at birth
There have also been studies that have shown that those who got more testosterone are prone to being better at math and being more aggressive
>How many straight people did, and how many didn't?
Being straight or gay is different from gender identity and in assigned male at birth people there is no strong correlation between this and sexual orientation, just gender identity
in assigned female at birth people this is a correlation between more testosterone and lesbianism

>Regardless of such factors you still have free will.
this I do not think is correct at all
You have a will but it is not untethered

>Could you have been an example of someone who experienced such factors but nonetheless lived happily straight?
personally? absolutely not
>Could you be a transsexual who didn't experience such factors but decided to transition anyway?
I cannot imagine a situation where a cis person would willingly transition.

>waive away any criticisms of the choices they make or discussion of how they affect them.
Usually these criticisms are not valid and amount to nothing more than ignorance even when well meaning

>> No.12750304

Then, why are 100% of trannies literally obsessed with anime to an unhealthy degree?

>> No.12750311

confirmation bias from being on 4chan and socially ostracized people then to gravitate to socially unusually hobbies

>> No.12750318

This. 4chan got me into tranny porn and fucking trannies.

>> No.12751330

You don't think it's due to the relationship between transgenderism and ASD? Were speedrunners and CWC all born transgender?

>> No.12751477

I don't think cwc is really trans, cwc seems to be mentally deficient and barely aware of reality in general
Autism matches with higher levels of testosterone in the womb but autistic people are prone to a lowered concern for social conventions in general. So maybe they are trans but I don't think what drives them is the same as trans people who were exposed to more estrogen. So it probably isn't an inborn thing in their case.
I've also read that transgender autistic people tend to be less concerned with their appearance as related to their gender identity, and this probably explains why some of the speedrunners look like that.
idk I am not on the autistic spectrum and I don't know anything about speed running except for the picture of the table of people who don't pass

So I don't think what drives them is the same as what drives me, and autistic transpeople don't usually preform their gender identity the same as non-autistic transpeople, but at the same time I don't think they should be denied the right to do it or that their is one single cause of people becoming transgender.

>> No.12751484

It sounds to me like you can't even nail down a definition of transgenderism.
It's not possible to debate on someone who constantly moves the issue around as some sort of nebulous and intangible concept that only they define.

>> No.12751501

Trannies try to be as stereotypically female as possible.

>> No.12751511

Gender itself is a nebulous and intangible concept and there isn't a need to have a single set definition or cause for transgenderism.

>> No.12751523

Not really, sexed clothing is designed to fill certain roles and compliment certain features.

>> No.12751527

You are born a certain gender. That gender has set characteristics. This much is true.

Everything else is a mental disorder

>> No.12751578

gender and mental disorders are social constructs and people should not let society discipline their bodies into certain genders if they don't want them

>> No.12751591

>So it probably isn't an inborn thing in their case.
>but at the same time I don't think they should be denied the right to do it
But would you be concerned if young people with autism were being convinced to seek hormone replacement and possibly receive surgery on the premise that that would help them find happiness?

>> No.12751609

Hate to say this anon but the tranny is technically right
>gender and mental disorders are social constructs
You can say gendered performances and roles emanate from essential sex characteristics but they are still variable and malleable to a degree.

>> No.12751625

You realize that the earlier statement leads to orderly, civil, virtuous societies while your implication leads to the deterioration of morality (as they are made by the individual, and can be shaped to fit their goals)?
When will you subjectivists learn that everything you fight for is nothing but meaningless, empty and unfulfilling pursuits, that your transgressions to the nature of reality have their consequences and that you can not blame others for the miseries you bring upon your own selves? When will you take responsibility for your happiness, for your life instead of push it to civil society?
Stop and think. You love to fool yourselves into thinking you were born in this way and nothing will change you, but never do you bother finding the TRUTH about what you really are, about what life is!
Transgender people are so very often full of righteousness that they blind and deafen themselves to everything else and live on in their tiny little echochambers, having their funny giggles and souless flirting through online platforms, neglecting themselves, their family and everything else that brightens mankind, sacrificing their very souls to meaningless, mindless hedonistic distractions.

>> No.12751629

if they want to delay puberty its fine but i don't think the autistic being pressured into hrt or surgery while underage is really happening

>> No.12751642

TRUTH doesn't exist and heterosexual cisgendered monogamy isn't the only possible way to live a fulfilling life
If i could sum up your post in two words it would be "not real"

>> No.12751644

I think it's possible that it has already been taking place on Tumblr and /r9k/, but attempts to talk about the Tumblr community in that regard is generally met with outrage by trans advocates. I guess that's understandable, to an extent, but I think it's worth doing more analyses there.

>> No.12751655

Tell that to the 40% my friend.

>> No.12751657

yeah there are lots of people on the internet saying all sorts of insane things and what happens on tumblr isn't reflective of actual trans healthcare

>> No.12751658

Not xer but perhaps their ‘subjectivism’ is a consequence of their fidelity to truth? Nothing they said was particularly offensive to reason. It is quite correct to say mental disorders are social constructs. They are representations of real mental phenomena, but they are still constructed schema subject to change. The same as gender. Our ideas about sex, and how sex ought to be expressed and differentiated, are not sex itself. The map is not the territory.

>> No.12751659
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pic related

>> No.12751661

>"not bigoted or hateful"
>uses slur
>further dehumanization

>> No.12751669
File: 84 KB, 1304x733, trans youth wellbeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell that to their parents

>> No.12751682

Where can I find about this study?

>> No.12751703

Gender as a term is poison, it only exists to be a fuzzily defined tool that can be conflated and disassociated with sex at will. Simultaneously meaningless and ephemeral and set in stone at birth.
What even is a woman? You can't say its biological and you can't say that a woman should have a certain personality or do certain jobs.

>> No.12751727
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idk where that chart is from but there are a lot of studies showing that parental and social support dramatically decreases the suicide risk, heres one


i wanted to post the link in the image but 4channel thinks its spam

>> No.12751832

Interesting study. I will consider it further tomorrow.

>> No.12752338

For me, its the penis

>> No.12752553
File: 74 KB, 960x826, 29101334_1456238181164941_2033987051486923141_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all going to make it bros

>> No.12752642

It’s all too charged and confusing of a topic right now. Wait like 15 years for the heat behind it to die.

>> No.12752656

reminder that none of you will ever be girls.

>> No.12752965


>> No.12754262

Vocally Opposing transgenders in particular and the lgbtsjwtf community in general makes me feel rebellious and cool. If transgenders are so good then why arent we allowed to criticise them?. Like voltaire said, if you want to see who rules you find out who you are not allowed to criticise.

>> No.12754284

hes asian though, they're so naturally effeminate they can pass

>> No.12754492

as anyone with a brain who hasnt succumbed to prog indoctrination will know, the whole concept of 'transgenderism' is nothing but a troyan horse for cultural subversion and leftist social engineering. sucks that your mental illness is being used as the tool of a cultural marxist agenda, but what can i do? I just want a future for my children and people that share my normal values.

>> No.12754748
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>> No.12754758

Because in accepting his truths they’ll have to come to terms with the full breadth of their shortcomings and misconceptions. They’d have to confront the lie in which they’ve been living.

>> No.12754777

The mainstream media paints a rosy image of the transgender lifestyle, but look closer and you will see pretty much all of them are autistics, child abuse victims with BPD, sexual fetishists, traumatized ex-military people, weebs/furries. I can't think of a transgenders that doesn't fit into one or more of the previous labels. Our culture of hedonistic self gratification is so obsessed with self expression, ''just being yourself'', identity politics, acceptance and outright idolization of all forms of deviance in the name of love and tolerance, etc. that we are quickly loosing sight of what it means to be human.

>> No.12754779

Why is there someone behind the wall?

>> No.12754794

i don't think you know that many trans people

>> No.12754816

where are all the ''normal'' trannies that somehow aren't freaks hiding? I think thats just propaganda.

>> No.12754830
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>Not saying this as a tranny hater but god damn imagine seeing this person run at you at full speed in the middle of the night

>> No.12754841

>Death to Blanchard

Every fucking time.

OP, if you want to understand trans people, you can go down the rabbit hole and read up on Blanchard's typologies, with subsequent clarification from Anne Lawrence. Long story, most transexuals have a sexual orientation for the idea of themselves as women. The working theory is that gender dysphoria develops out of that, and drives the transition.

You can then spend weeks wallowing in utter disbelief that the scientific paradigm supported by 100% of the published studies has not penetrated the zeitgeist at all.

Common trans counterarguments include "I didn't transition for sex" (the theory does not claim this), and "Women experience arousal based on the idea of being women" (based on a study with 23 participants, contradicting what any woman you ask will tell you).

In fact, as for literature, you can read Michael Bailey's "The Man Who Would Be Queen" in which he outlines this, or historian Alice Dreger's "Galileo's Middle Finger," in which she catalogues the destruction trans people wrought on Bailey's life for daring to write about it.

Have fun.

>> No.12754852

I wonder how many people turning trans turned trans because they were incapable of attracting a girl so they turned into one

>> No.12754871

Catherine McGregor in Australia is a reasonable and articulate trans woman. She recently did a program with Jordan Peterson where she probably did a better job of representing his position than he did. Androphilic transexuals (men born attracted to men) also tend to be reasonable, though they blend in so well as women that most just identify that way and leave it alone.

"Meaning" is an intellectual construction, and can therefore only be experienced within a mind, ie, from a subjective perspective. The very notion of objective meaning is an ignorant absurdity.

Furthermore, I am afraid that there is near unanimous scientific consensus that gender dysphoria is a real phenomenon, often best treated with sex reassignment surgery. That seems like taking responsibility for your own happiness to me, but who knows, I'm p. ignorant.

Also fuck, I seriously hope you don't masturbate ever if you're gonna complain about hedonistic distractions.

>> No.12754885


Few. Hormone replacement therapy craters the sex drive, and there's often reduced pleasure from the organ generated by sex reassignment surgery. Many transexuals also report continued dysphoria after finding that the process isn't as good as they hoped it would be. Any breasts grown are typically small.

>> No.12754906

>Androphilic transexuals (men born attracted to men) also tend to be reasonable, though they blend in so well as women that most just identify that way and leave it alone.
>(((scientific consensus)))
prog activists have forced a consensus by shutting down anyone who disagrees as an heteronormative bigot neon nazi. make no mistake, this is a plot to subvert the foundations of society and prey sex on our children.

>> No.12754916


Oh, Anne Lawrence and Julia Serano are also two MtF transexual researchers who tend to be reasonable. I think Serano's central doctrine is wrong, but she argues her position deftly using evidence.

>> No.12754936

I mean... you can view it that way? Androphilic transexuals can be most easily described as "Gay men who are so gay it's just easier for them to be women." They look feminine, act feminine, and most of the time you can't even tell they used to be men. You can call it a "grotesque parody" or a "healthy parallel," you're describing the same phenomenon just with different levels of emotional charge.

As for shutting down... I mean, partly? Quillette's still publishing ROGD stuff on a weekly basis, and Debra Soh's on their pay roll and has quite a following. You CAN publish this stuff, but yeah, you will get absolutely savaged.

It's got nothing to do with subverting society, it's just a group of paraphiles trying desperately to hide the fact that they're paraphiles. In the process they're making sloppy assumptions and squashing science that should not be squashed.

Transgenderism is also entirely separate to pedophilia, so that's flat out wrong.

>> No.12754966

It's a jab at the Reiko Discord trans harem "scandal", as evidenced by the discord window on the top screen, the "kidnapped forced feminization gf" with self harm scars and the vintage computer hardware. There's probably a million other references, some specific to the people involved, some probably originating with 4chan's trans community in general.

>> No.12754980
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if transgenderism is totally unrelated to pedophila why are they so interested in targetting young children?
>We are building a movement of pro-Israel LGBTQ people and allies, with strong interest in and commitment to supporting Israel and its LGBTQ community.

>A Wider Bridge builds personal rather than political relationships with Israel and LGBTQ Israelis, providing leaders, organizations and communities, both in Israel and North America, with opportunities for engagement, advocacy, and philanthropy.

>We believe two kinds of outcomes will result from this bridge building: equality in Israel, and equality for Israel.

>Equality In Israel: With the support of North American LGBTQ people and allies, Israel’s LGBTQ community will be better positioned to advance social, political and cultural change. LGBTQ equality will strengthen Israel as a society where all people labeled “the other” are welcomed and celebrated throughout the country.

>Equality For Israel: Israel should be included and treated with fairness in our LGBTQ communities, by our local and national institutions, and within the community of nations. We believe our communities are strengthened when people move from demonizing and delegitimizing Israel to a place of understanding, empathy, and engagement.


>> No.12754989

dont let people tell you the discord tranny conspiracy isn't real. stay woke.

>> No.12755005

Because transgender people tend to have a more complete transition if they undergo the process young. Furthermore, a subset of trans people do desire to transition from birth, and that desire persists. It should be immediately obvious why any transgender organisation would be campaigning for these people.

Your blatant bigotry and antisemitism are infinitely less offensive to me than your lack of even the most basic logical thought.

>> No.12755008

<Pluralism and Diversity – We believe that societies are stronger when people of diverse gender and sexual identities, cultures, political
perspectives, and religious views are welcomed and valued. We believe the LGBTQ community plays an important and unique role in societies in that we are everywhere – cutting across demography, geography, and ideology.\
>Today, A Wider Bridge invests in building organizational leadership and activists, tailoring our local programming, Israel missions and conferences to empower LGBTQ leaders, Jewish and non-Jewish, to engage their communities with Israel and its LGBTQ people.

>> No.12755010

why is this thread still going

>> No.12755011

shut the fuck up

>> No.12755014

I can't help but notice the conspicuous absence of the words "young" and "children" in all of the text you've presented so far.

>> No.12755032

>often best treated with sex reassignment surgery
based on what?

>> No.12755051

That's one where I haven't read the papers. I base it purely on Ray Blanchard often stating it, for example:

"Trans rights activists do not dislike me because I failed to support hormonal or surgical treatment (I supported both with empirical research) but because I failed to perceive transsexuals exactly as they wanted to be perceived."

So it's admittedly an appeal to authority from me. At the same time, Blanchard has 40 years experience and, considering he is basically the Satan figure of the transgender community, has zero reason to say anything except what he actually thinks.

>> No.12755060

Whatever you think of trannies can we all agree Ray Blanchard is a hack who shouldn't be taken seriously?

>People who disagree with me are lying about their own experiences

this isn't science it's dogma

>> No.12755063


He gets a lot of backpats from radical feminists so will parrot their beliefs about trannies being porn addicts. Even though anyone with marginal experience with trannies knows it goes beyond ''wanting to have sex as a girl''

He's a weak approval-desperate loser

>> No.12755080

so any woman who is not ok with having creepy pornsick incel men invading their spaces now classifies as a 'radical feminist'

>> No.12755084

I mean, some of them do?

Not even Julia Serano disputes that MtFs experience frequently experience cross-gender arousal. Here is a helpful collection of such accounts: https://www.reddit.com/r/itsafetish/

What IS up for debate is whether a) cross-gender arousal exists in women as it does in MtFs (almost certainly not; literally one study of 23 people supports the notion, to which every woman who reads it responds "What the fuck."), and b) whether cross-gender arousal represents a paraphilia that underlies gender dysphoria.

Considering that "auto" versions of sexual arousal also exist in pedophiles, furries, amputee-fetishists, and weight gain fetishists - the latter two of which often make drastic body changes in pursuit of sexual pleasure - I'm willing to entertain Blanchard's theory.

>> No.12755086


It's funny how literal 4chan posters suddenly care about ''womans spaces'' when it comes to trannies.

>> No.12755097

No one who buys Blanchard's theories believes sexual pleasure is the primary motivator in all, or even most cases. Autogynephilia is a full blown sexual orientation. It's "Just a fetish" in the same way that falling in love, getting married and living that lifestyle is "Just a fetish."

>> No.12755100


You know instead of going off of what is essentially astrology you could listen to what the trans community says about why they are trans.

>> No.12755114

I do. There are literally trans people who identify as autogynephiles. I have also read dozens of accounts of people who say that their desire to transition declines rapidly upon orgasm after crossdressing. I have also read the question "I get hard when I wear women's clothes, am I trans?" responded to with an immediate "Yes" on multiple occasions. I have also read accounts of androphilic transexuals consistent with Blanchard's narrative.

So yes. I am listening.

>> No.12755127

In fact, speaking of astrology, please tell us about how getting hard when crossdressing is due to "Complex feelings," despite the lack of even a shred of evidence for that.

>> No.12755142


>Trannies aren't capable of complex feelings

>> No.12755152


not that anon but I seriously doubt wanting to grow boobs and get surgery to get a fake vagina isn't down to complex feelings

>> No.12755158

That's a bad faith rendition of my argument. What you should have written was

>Complex feelings result in an erection

I have categorically never experienced this when doing anything "Right" for my body, including eating healthy, getting fit, or even experiencing euphoria after besting depression. I have also never heard any man say differently.

What's more likely? That this represents a totally unique instance of happiness so profound it results in an erection - or that it's a sexual orientation, with all the baggage that comes with that?

>> No.12755165

Neither do I. I do, however, doubt it of getting erections when crossdressing.

>> No.12755175


You're assuming that trannies getting hard when they wear womens clothes is universal and a given. Even though we both know that's not true. Otherwise they would be in a state of orgasmic ecstasy literally all the time.

Like you do know trannies go to work in womens clothes right? We're not talking about transvestic fetishists we're talking about people who literally live their whole lives like this.

>> No.12755189
File: 94 KB, 564x847, Splatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a trans person, hear me when I say that almost no one in this thread knows what they're talking about. It's easy to judge a large group of people based off a few specific examples but the fact of the matter is that every trans person is different and they all have their own meanings that led them to identify as trans.

If OP is serious, read Butler

>> No.12755193

I'm not assuming that at all. But even if I was: most men don't get hard every time they look at their wife, and most go shopping with their wives.

As well, again, most auto-weight gain fetishists have to live their whole lives at 300+ pounds. They're prepared to do that. While that's not a direct reflection on the trans community, if the question is "Will people undergo difficulty and discrimination in their everyday lifestyle to transform into what's most congruent to their sexual preferences" then the answer is yes.

I'm prepared to accept that there's a subset of MtFs who are not autogynephiles, but I really struggle to believe that there isn't a lot of denial.

>> No.12755196


Im a tranny too

>> No.12755203

>Judith Butler was born on February 24, 1956, inCleveland, Ohio,[2]to a family of Hungarian-Jewish and Russian-Jewish descent.[10]Most of her maternal grandmother's family perished in the Holocaust.[11]As a child and teenager, she attended bothHebrew schooland special classes onJewish ethics, where she received her "first training in philosophy"

>> No.12755211

And at least 50% of MtFs undergo crossgender arousal (And that's the lowest estimate). That's more than some. Again, it would be a remarkable coincidence if that just happened to coincide with whatever gives rise to gender dysphoria.

Again, not arguing that sexual pleasure is the primary driver. Or that this represents all trans people. But I am seriously struggling to accept that there is not a paraphilic element to many MtFs.

Also, anything particular by Butler you'd recommend?

>> No.12755222

Read about autogynophilia. They larp as the other sex for fetishistic reasons. (physical arousal is not needed)

I bet there's a lot of genuine cases too, like people misgendered at birth.

>> No.12755237

Nobody has posted an actual book yet

>> No.12755244

John Money infamously tried to raise a boy as a girl to test the "gender is socially constructed" paradigm and the experiment was an unmitigated disaster. The boy concerned behaved like a boy from day 1.

Intersex people are another story, and are separate from transgender people. Various other mixed gender phenotypes (Like non XX or XY chromosome patterns, SRY gene malfunction, or androgen insensitivity) lead to different outcomes.
As a point, I am fully planning to start spreading Blanchard's theories, with the intention of hijacking the transgender rights movement as a vehicle for general acceptance of paraphiles. As this will be catastrophic for trans people if Blanchard is wrong, I would appreciate being dissuaded here if I am in error.

>> No.12755247
File: 249 KB, 1000x763, persona-1966-004-liv-ullmann-bibi-andersson-head-shots-00m-fiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course sexuality plays a part. Almost everybody, cis or trans, lives with a sexual psyche because that's human nature. But it's really tiring to hear so many cis people saying it's a dark fetish when you want someone else to put their penis in your vagina. That's a thought that around ~50% of the population thinks, and it just so happens some people with that thought are AMAB.

and Undoing Gender by Butler

>> No.12755272

I'm not saying it's a dark fetish at all. I'm a paraphile myself; it would be rank hypocrisy and disgustingly unfair. Trans people go through hell, like many paraphiles do. You have my full sympathy, and support in transitioning.

And thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.12755293

Not convinced. I'm staying with the other Anon.

>> No.12755530
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Pretty upset Valhalla is implicated in this drawing

>> No.12755547
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Read suicide statistics.

>> No.12755555

It's a sexual fetish

>> No.12755565
File: 40 KB, 324x500, nevado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the only literature written about trannies by an actual trans person

>it took over 100 replies for someone to post an actual book

''Redefining Realness'' by Janet Mock is apparently the best for tranny memoirs

>> No.12755580

Yall wrong. It's not about fetishism. It's about comedy. Think about it, there's nothing more hilarious than a male being pregnant.

>> No.12755605
File: 334 KB, 337x453, 1522790613508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a transsexual and I love that man. Most "transgender" people these days are simply autogynephilic fetishists or unfortunate young women (and to a lesser extent men) duped by ideologies that seek to use them as disposable means to achieve certain goals.

>> No.12755614

Janet Mock may be an autogynephile. She certainly drinks the flavoraid.

>> No.12755644


No she's only attracted to men, that would make her HSTS by Blanchard's typology

>> No.12755672

Why did God make gay people (and animals) and transexuals? If God didn't make them, but they're designed to be that way, it seems there can be designs without designers? And I guess anything else which is designed, needs no designer for it either.

you can't just use that every time

>> No.12755703
File: 49 KB, 330x330, tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God made trans people to show us the power of self-change. When you see a tranny, you're seeing someone who has changed themselves and their lives beyond recognition. They are made to remind us that we can change almost everything about ourselves if we want

>> No.12755704

HSTS, AGP are what psychiatrist refer to as 'word salad'- meaningless terms spouted by the mentally ill.

>> No.12755715

you're mentally ill and propped up by the pharmaceudical industry and those who wish to subvert traditional societal expectations


>> No.12755730
File: 35 KB, 640x659, slutto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HSTS and AGP are terms used by radfems to categorise trannies who they don't like. Most actual trans people reject the terms.

>> No.12755743

not quite sure what this post aimed at. humor, mockery, commentary?

>> No.12755763

We should listen to scientolohgists about all the great things scientology has done for their lives

>> No.12756167

My book, really.

>> No.12756205

You're disgusting, I can't wait until society readjusts and porn-watchers carries the same stigma as racism. Indulging this self-destructive, anti-social fetish is a grave social injustice, towards the individual and their community.

>> No.12756228

That quote is miss-attributed. Voltaire never said that.

>> No.12756238

this book will help http://www.theabsolute.net/ottow/schareng.pdf
Uncle Otto was a genius.

>> No.12756276

No responses?

>> No.12756804

Evola: Metaphysics of Sex

>> No.12756832

The original point is moot because you implied predestination, which only retarded Christians actually believe in. Trannies exist because parents make the choice to raise their children in a certain way and the children act upon it. The direct hand of God does not need to necessarily touch every life just for someone to have a certain personality.

>> No.12757132

>You realize that the earlier statement leads to orderly, civil, virtuous societies while your implication leads to the deterioration of morality (as they are made by the individual, and can be shaped to fit their goals)?
Could you explain why the societies that follow the earlier statement are on average much more uncivilized and dysfunctional than the latter? East Europe, the muslim world, Africa, etc.?

>> No.12757160

Most people Blanchard designated "HSTS" dislike the "homosexual" part, as they're straight post-op. I think that's fair enough. The term "Androphilic" has basically replaced it. Again, Anne Lawrence's later work is basically an update of Blanchard's original stuff.

The people Blanchad designated AGP don't like AGP, but that's for other reasons.

Choke on your chode, cunt. I don't even watch porn, which I'll happily bet is less than you.

Completely contradicted by the data. Please present the evidence (you won't, because it doesn't exist). In addition, either God is ultimately responsible for everyone's genetic code, or he is not. If the former, then he wrote homosexuality, gender dysphoria, and pedophilia into the human race. If not, then he ignored that his designs would give rise to them.

Alternatively we can just remove god from the equation, and the question becomes moot.

>> No.12757263

Blanchard's typology was partly BS though. It's clear to anybody who looks at the population that there are AGPs who are attracted to men, for instance. Autogynephilia should be referred to separately from Blanchard's typology because even though he was wrong, it clearly exists (sissy fetishists, crossdressers, futa obsessed weirdos...). Autoandrophilia exists too (see supposed "trans men" who are clearly just fujoshits) even though Blanchard said he only included it to deflect sexism accusations and didn't actually believe it really existed.
"Radfem" and "TERF" are terms commonly misused by transtrenders and fetishists to deflect legitimate criticisms. Actual diagnosed transsexuals with gender dysphoria as defined in the DSM typically hate autogynephiles' guts because they are the ones who typically put on a degenerate show for the rest of the world.

>> No.12757272

You didn't answer my question. Why does the possibility of being gay exist, and not merely the possibility, but the expression of it found universally and consistently across time, even among the animal kingdom? It was either designed this way or was not, and this means that God is either not omnipresent and therefore limited in scope in the case of it not being designed, or that God has designed it to be this way. Unless, of course, you claim it designed but without a designer behind it, in which case we concede to there being designs-without-designers, which then applies to anything else of the universe.

>> No.12757317

>just cut this six year olds dick in half and pump them full of female hormones because its trendy lmao what are you an antisemite what could go wrong
redditer tourist faggot

>> No.12757352

Kill yourself, disgusting tranny.

>> No.12757377

ye best start believin in discord tranny raids miss turner
yer in one

>> No.12757403
File: 204 KB, 2844x1880, 1552501046529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(semantics) The condition of a sign which has an empty, absent, non-existent, paradoxical, hypothetical, supernatural, or undefined referent, such as nothing, null, vacuum, or void.

>> No.12757468

Is this lady abducting men into her sewer bunker or something like that? I'm confused

>> No.12757551

What is this picture? Why are condoms hanging by these keys? What do they open, if anything? And what about the caves and docks, where do they lead to? And why is the end of this tunnel the promise of comfort, and why does it end in a closed door, or a tunnel to hell?

>> No.12757565

Trannies aren't even human beings
they are sub-human freaks, they already have life too easy

>> No.12757574

>Ray Blanchard
is right about everything as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.12757602
File: 308 KB, 793x1000, alchemy_tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes are the rosacrucian prints and alchemical allegories of the 21st century. The question is not what does it mean, but what does it do? what is the substance being transmuted?

>> No.12757839

Something by Judith Butler

>> No.12757858

the basis of our freedom is that all things are permitted

>> No.12757910

Animals don't have free will, though. Why are they, too, gay?

>> No.12758279

If animals don't have free will why do dogs go to heaven?

>> No.12758568

Please share further any understanding.

>> No.12758665

because doggo is a cute

>> No.12758712

Gender accelerationism makes m*n tremble

>> No.12758754

Neovagina arrives from the future

>> No.12758964

>we can change almost everything about ourselves if we want
for this tranny, meant >>12755743
*as (change) for good or (change) for bad if you choose

>> No.12758997
File: 176 KB, 960x1280, DdLoC1kV4AEfgFe.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your genitals

>> No.12759005

I have a strong desire to drop myself on her and break the table beneath and possibly her ribs.
Not in a sexual sense.

>> No.12759007

This one post should be enough to understand what it's all about
>Actually, another suspicion I’ve often had is that much of that massively-promoted total nonsense like transexualism and Gay Marriage is meant to flush out and expose potential troublemakers potentially lurking within ranks of the elite before they can rise high enough to become a serious problem.
>the reason the King walks down the street naked in his imaginary suit is to draw out and catch those people unwilling to say they see what isn’t there.

Read rest of it and its related posts.


>> No.12759008

fucking blind

>> No.12759015

Oh, ew. I thought it was one of those folding tables. Nvrm.

>> No.12759018

Read what the Lakota say about winkte

>> No.12759025

It's consciousness being born, being brought fully to term

>> No.12759038

Ew, where did all these tranny freaks come from.

>> No.12759045
File: 925 KB, 2363x2560, 1515396390911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12759086

Two options: high quality bait or trans themselves.

>> No.12759092

that guy's account is so bad

>> No.12759095

The anger advice is actually pretty legit.

>> No.12759418

their whole conception of the world is derived from porn and anime, they arent capable of complex feelings beyond sexual fetishism and perversion.

>> No.12759621

Stories anon. They sound like a matured contaminated version of FromBasementWithLove neetcel poivoits.

>> No.12759901

Do right by yourself and reflect on the choices in your life. I say that not with spite or anger but as a fellow believer. Stay safe.

>> No.12759921

here's my theory desu, they get so lonely they try to be their own gf

>> No.12759981

what's the deal with the facemasks?
just weeb shit?

>> No.12760193

Decadent times. Americans in the past played with gender identity (see: Glam Rock), now there are subcultures seriously committed to traversing the plain of gender. The culture is decaying and losing its underlying self-understanding, so under the shock of change certain groups are forcing the old ways back, but they fundamentally misunderstand the old ways, because of the evershifting ways of time.

>> No.12760525

>i can't even fathom how this painting was made
Equal parts observation and projection. Abyss-gazing is a recreational activity on /r9k/.

>> No.12760546

>a bloo bloo bloo people with my specific flavor of chronic mental illness have a monopoly on chronic mental illness you bigot

>> No.12760622

I've just hated being a guy or even just the thought of being one, and everything about it, since the beginning of puberty
I just want to be happy and no matter what I do this is the one thing that makes me feel like shit every single day

>> No.12760630

Nothing's going to bring you lasting happiness, chasing it will only bring you disappointment. Happy people are happy by their nature, and you're not one of them. Find peace.

>> No.12761079
File: 31 KB, 330x480, turtle-neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree. as far as I'm concerned, there's only one way to show everyone our condition is perfectly normal. that's to cut our cocks off.

the more of us who cut our cocks off, the better. we need to be loud about it. there's nothing more liberating than the cutting off of one's own cock. the more who know how normal and healthy the practice of cock-cutting is, the better we'll be as a society.

in these dark ages, maybe the only thing that can save is cock cutting. day after day, thousands of cocks being cut off in a kind of cock-cutting carnival. blood everywhere. how joyous and healthy and NORMAL this is.

so yes, i agree. we're just like anyone else. born in the wrong body. a true tragedy only remedied, as noted earlier, by the cutting off our cocks

>> No.12761098
File: 582 KB, 972x780, lesbian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12761108

go to bed , kantbot

>> No.12761114

>changed themselves and their lives beyond recognition

yes, agreed! by cutting our cocks off

>> No.12761124

I see nothing wrong with having your penis removed

>> No.12761153

Explain why.

>> No.12761161

and stuffing it inside out, don't forget.

>> No.12761163

I just remembered how horrifying Marvy's castration was in Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12761173

transition does bring happiness related to gender dysphoria, just because it doesn't fix every problem doesn't mean its not a massive improvement
before I started one therapist tried to tell me that I was just depressive by nature and would just be sad all the time but as it turns out he was wrong

>> No.12761177

isn't the retro hardware supposed to be lord foxworth's thing?

>> No.12761310

well you should start by not hanging on in threads filled with people getting into a frothing rage over trans people because they want to larp as le epic fascist standing against le degeneracy.

>> No.12761315

The "people" browsing this board are no artists, just crab-minded idiots seething eternally and circlejerking.

>> No.12761389

The appeal of women in men's clothing is one two things: a signal that she has masculine interests, so you can have fun with her while still enjoying her softness and curves. Or, in the case of "wearing your dress shirt", it makes the difference in size obvious and highlights her delicate and fragile nature (as well as simply being a loose-fitting, light garment that suggests nothing underneath).

>> No.12761427

>I'm overstimulating my brain by pumping it full of chemicals in quantities it wasn't meant to handle and now my depression is gone! Fuck science!

>> No.12761457

Yeah they are so extremely specific that i have no idea what they're referencing but i enjoy them nonetheless

>> No.12761465

Blanchard categorised that as"pseudobisexuality," arguing that they were not sexually attracted to the man, but the idea of being fucked by a man as a woman. I suspect there's some truth to the notion, but I'm not convinced it explains all cases.

That's a crass and retarded misrepresentation of my position. I'm not advocating for gender changes for children, because currently 80% of gender non-conforming children eventually grow out of it. I'm merely highlighting that the 20% who do maintain the desire to transition exist. Until we have a certain way to separate the two, I'm not prepared to take it any further.

Again, the anti-semitism, while crude, is less irritating than your gross overconfidence coupled with a total ignorance of the actual data. But please, continue to pretend you're only trolling and joking, and not actually possessed of a two digit IQ.

>> No.12761473

That's legitimately the result. Reporting otherwise would be the opposite of science.

But kay.

>> No.12761484

yes yes your strawman will certainly rid the world of these privileged cis people and you'll be left to live in a utopia of mentally ill faggots

>> No.12761494

I don't get the "mentally ill" fixation. You could just as fairly argue that MtFs are physically ill, and that a perfect transition would cure the condition.

>> No.12761508

>it's perfectly normal that i don't align with the sex i was born as on the basis of my mind's perception
this is quite literally an illness of the mind
there is no such thing as a perfect transition either, the only way one could be 'cured' physically is to swap bodies with a biological female and transplant your mind

>> No.12761523

It's not really rational, it's just that I've never liked or associated with traditionally masculine values, and I feel much, much more at ease with the traditionally feminine ones.
I also hated the way my body was changing during puberty, and was highly jealous of the way girls looked and dressed.
I don't even know if I want to transition (I know I don't want surgery if I do, though), I just want to like myself one way or another. Be it as a guy or a girl, I want not to hate myself. If there's ways I can find peace as a guy I'll take it, if I can transition and become the little girl I'll take it, if a south african druid can fix my shit I'll take it. I just want to stop being miserable. I sleep well, eat well, play well, I'm studying something I love, I have a loving family who doesn't give a shit as long as I'm happy, good friends and I'm not particularly looking for a relationship, yet I'm still miserable because of the body I have not syncing up with what I feel like I am.
I'm 20, 21 in June, it started around the age of 10-11, at the beginning of puberty. As time went on I thought I was just gay, then I just wanted to crossdress as a fetish, to try to cope with it, kinda. To convince myself I didn't hate myself and it was just something else.

>> No.12761532


exactly. he was a benighted bigot who didn't understand the happiness that comes when we cut our cocks off

>> No.12761542

Normal in what sense? It's uncommon and atypical, but it's apparent that for every million human births, natural variation means that some will be trans.

The definition of mental illness shifts around a bit, but the current DSM-5 demands that the person be suffering distress over their condition. As such, yes, gender dysphoria does seem to come under the umbrella of a mental illness. However, I'm proposing a thought experiment in which that can easily be turned around. If distress arises because the mind and body don't match, then you can solve it by fixing either the body or the mind. There's no objective reason why we cannot view gender dysphoria as a physical illness.

As for your last point, There's no such thing as a cure for gender dysphoria, either, so they're stuck between a cock and a HRT place. There's no perfect solution until the science improves.

>> No.12761549


absolutely correct. there's nothing psychologically wrong with a man who wants to cut his cock off. just the opposite: it's a normal and healthy impulse, just as nature intended

>> No.12761563

>It's uncommon and atypical
this may very well be used as a descriptor of any mental illness
>natural variation means that some will be trans
this may also mean some will be schizophrenic or bipolar, not really sure what this is supposed to say
>If distress arises because the mind and body don't match, then you can solve it by fixing either the body or the mind
this was never really a matter of contention but one must surely consider the likelihood of the approach taken, whereby, a physical remedy is unlikely
>There's no objective reason why we cannot view gender dysphoria as a physical illness
it seems as though it must be viewed as a mental illness independent of body OR a mental illness which influences the body, but not physical alone

>> No.12761571

You should probably speak to an actual professional, or at least not seek advice only here.

It sounds like gender dysphoria, though (I'd hazard a guess it's born of autogynephilia, but frankly the science on that is a fucking mess, and it doesn't matter that much anyway).

Some people respond well to HRT and/or sex reassignment surgery, some people don't. I'd advise you do some serious research and thinking to solve it.

As a caveat, I am an amateur hack.

>> No.12761578

I'm going to to a lgbt association thingy that I've heard good things of tomorrow (or next month if I can't tomorrow) for their monthly transidentity reunion, maybe they'll know of a good psychologist or psychiatrist around where I live that I could go see. I sure do hope there's one in my city because I can't drive and driver licenses are expensive as shit and very long to obtain here.

>> No.12761588

>There's no objective reason why we cannot view gender dysphoria as a physical illness.

Except that these transitions never last long. A body cannot be denied its destiny. This is an observable truth. Regardless of how many well wishers promise 35+ year-old MTF trans that they look "glamorous" and "feminine," it's transparently false: as the aging process grinds on, they look increasingly monstrous.

With this obvious falsehood comes depression, anxiety, and all other mental ailments that are the scourge of aging transsexuals. Some can fake it when they're when young, but nature will always win out. When that wall is hit, the supposedly "cured" physical ailment reverts to what it always was: a mental disorder.

>> No.12761626

I mean, I literally said it fits the bill for a mental illness, and I'm not arguing that it's healthy, or normal in the sense of "common." I'm arguing that it's normal for a subset of a given human population to develop the urge.

>this may very well be used as a descriptor of any mental illness
>this may also mean some will be schizophrenic or bipolar, not really sure what this is supposed to say
"Normal" by one definition, not by another, as per my reply above.
>this was never really a matter of contention but one must surely consider the likelihood of the approach taken, whereby, a physical remedy is unlikely
Sex reassignment surgery is a physical remedy, which has positive outcomes for a subset of trans people. There is presently no perfect mental remedy for gender dysphoria. I was mostly proposing the mind/body thing for the sake of the thought experiment. Again, there is presently no perfect universal outcome to help trans people.
>it seems as though it must be viewed as a mental illness independent of body OR a mental illness which influences the body, but not physical alone
Why not? If we COULD perfectly transform trans people into hot girls, that would be the cure for gender dysphoria. In that case, we could class it as a physical ailment. At the same time yes, we can view it as a mental one.

>> No.12761631

Go see a licensed therapist

>> No.12761646

science agrees with me

this but unironically

>> No.12761648

Sounds neat. As a word of warning, I've seen some people say that they got strongly affirmed into transitioning by their shrink and other trans people, and they later regretted it. That said, I've also seen people say they got talked out of it and later regretted THAT.

I guess just make sure you're the one making the decision, and that you do your homework so you know what to expect. Good luck!

It's pretty well universally acknowledged that gender transitions aren't as good as people would like them to be. For all that, some MtFs accept that and would still prefer the body they get than the man's body they had.

Also, if the technology ever does improve, then a body bloody well could be denied it's "destiny," whatever that means.

Also, do you have actual data for this, or are you just throwing out assumptions?

>> No.12761656

before jumping into the trap of sex transition, see if there's a doctor who'll help you determine your testosterone levels. this sounds suspiciously like a lack of t, man. i've heard wonders about those who were given testosterone, coupled with therapy that encouraged ways to express masculine traits.

there's great joy in being a man. you won't need to be the strongest or the most aggressive to discover this. in the long run, it's a much healthier and happier option. drastic changes to the body are not.

>> No.12761684

>Also, do you have actual data for this, or are you just throwing out assumptions?

Do I have proof that aging transsexuals commit suicide at shocking rates? Sure. Google it. Then Google how many trans folks regret their reassignment surgery. (Psst: a lot of them do.)

As for the aging thing: why would we need data for something that's observably true? Show me a photo of a passable 45-year-old transsexual woman. The only conceivable way to achieve this would be through a lifetime of cosmetic surgery. A gruesome prospect.

>> No.12761696

I'm aware of the risks, and transitioning is just one of the solutions I'm considering. Thank you for the kind and polite words, anons.
In the end, all I'm doing is following the only piece of advice my dad gave me regarding this, "just find the right solution to the right problem"

>> No.12761730

I can find anecdotes easily, I'm asking whether you can point me towards an actual scientific study, particularly on depression rising with age.

As for the former - don't know if I'd go so far as monstrous, but yes, many do look quite masculine. In fairness to them, however, few women still look great past the age of 45.

>> No.12761739

you don't have to get srs to transition

>> No.12761836

Tranners that stay on HRT for decades do not masculinize as much as ciswomen do after menopause

>> No.12762962

All transgenders are either:
-rich people who went crazy (like wachowskis)
-weak men who were bullied in high school and are obsessed with anime and want to make anime (this perfect fantasy where you are desireable to others) their reality
they both die before 30