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File: 108 KB, 500x372, 1516503557556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12740352 No.12740352 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a priest /lit/? My parish priests are trying to push me in that direction. I would go to seminary if my grandparents didn't want grandkids.

Also, /lit/ professions thread.

>> No.12740373

Do you WANT to become a priest? Do you feel it's your calling? Serving God until you die is no laughing matter.

>> No.12740380

do what you want fuck geezers

>> No.12740398

I would be a priest but I'm not attracted to little kids.

>> No.12740414

I don't want anything desu.

>> No.12740633

Only if you're not roman catolic

>> No.12740646

Become a crossdresser instead

>> No.12740648

Imagine if you found out your priest posted on 4channel haha

>> No.12740659

My priest posts on Reddit, unfortunately.

>> No.12740678

Sometimes I wish I could become a trappist monk. They’re breddy /lit/ too

>> No.12740722

>My parish priests are trying to push me in that direction.
I wonder why...
>I would go to seminary if my grandparents didn't want grandkids.
Holy shit, in any case where the fuck is your drive, child?

>> No.12740756
File: 20 KB, 471x396, country_priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know and I know that the only redpilled option for the white man is to reproduce with a beautiful white woman have a large number of children whom you instruct in the Christian faith. Doing so will have a much greater impact on the souls of others than priesthood.

>> No.12740798


>> No.12740825

>the only option for whites is to take up a semite slave morality childish garbage religion

>> No.12740861

The West has been Christian for over a thousand years. Everything redpilled about the West is steeped in Christianity and not atheist materialism or pagan larping. Please grow up.

>> No.12740867

Christianity and literally every Pagan religion is stupid. Don't do it. Asians are higher evolved anyways.

>> No.12740888

Christianity is worthless and for the weak and stupid. It is slave morality.

>> No.12740996

Then you should become a priest because this is the most redpilled you can be in life.
People ask me what I am proud of on rare occasion. I will tell them I'm proud of nothing.

>> No.12741024

>wanting to be a slave

One can not exaggerate the level of cuckery this is.

>> No.12741032

Has anyone read The Bishop by Chekov?

It's an aesthetical lifestyle, but you have to be sure.

>> No.12741146

>I would go to seminary if my grandparents didn't want grandkids.
Become Orthodox. Then you can have a wife and children as a priest.

>> No.12741154
File: 791 KB, 1224x1632, fixedw_large_4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. Bless you, Anon
Leave this board, losers

>> No.12741157
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>is being a priest /lit/
Only for the true religion

>> No.12741160
File: 52 KB, 500x300, st_augustine_quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741168

People adhering to priestly beliefs are the result of not being /lit/erate, so I would rather argue that being a religious figurehead is the exact opposite of a /lit/ profession.

>> No.12741169

Priest has a freer life than most people.
No need to worry about finances or starving. No fretting over unemployment or being replaced by AI. No obligations to family. You get to focus purely on one thing and that in itself is liberating.

>> No.12741170

Look at that schnoz lmao. Elephant nigga on the right might be one of (((them))) lmao

>> No.12741181
File: 375 KB, 2617x1488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most promising Italian poets of the last century (Clemente Rebora) became a priest and his poetry kinda got worse. Still nice to read the poems he devoted to his little love, which he called "firefly".

>> No.12741203
File: 109 KB, 645x729, 1544233978753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 years of studying philosophy and 4-5 years of post graduate level seminary study 'are the result of not being /lit/erate'
Priests are some of the most literate people.
>so I would rather argue that being a religious figurehead is the exact opposite of a /lit/ profession.
The fact that you say this tells me you paint priest with such a broad brush stroke that they are equal to all 'religious figureheads' tells me you have no idea what a priest is, what their education level is, and what they do entails.

>> No.12741210

>Uhhhh actually YOU'RE the REAL slave
The absolute state of christcucks. Can you guys cope any harder?

>priests are freer....no need to worry about finances..
Only if you don't value freedom of self. Yeah you may be free from wagecucking but you are still a slave to dogma, and your mind is still a slave to your master. Pathetic.

>> No.12741218

A man has as many masters as he has vices.

>> No.12741227

>Priests are some of the most literate people.
t. third worlder

>Only if you don't value freedom of self. Yeah you may be free from wagecucking but you are still a slave to dogma, and your mind is still a slave to your master. Pathetic.
>He would rather be free of financial struggle than free of the passions

>> No.12741234

Who said anything about vices? Thats only a concept that you christcucks believe in because of your ressentiment.

>> No.12741237

freedom from the passions and vices is greater than economic freedom or freedom from labour or freedom from bondage or freedom from oppression

>> No.12741246

That was the rest of the earlier Augustine quote you criticized. He was trying to illustrate entertaining every passing whim and inclination provides a false sense of liberation. In reality, this makes someone not free and subject to momentary changes in their lives and makes the mind undecided at all times as to what it is going to do. Conversely, subjecting one to rules, provides a false sense of burden, slavery even, where, but they keep a man anchored, focus, and resolute, and free from temporal distractions.
I don't believe in God but you're a total brainlet that's never read Kant (who likewise touches on similar viewpoints e.g. autonomy vs heteronomy) and merely dislikes religion because he wants to "be free" to indulge his lower passions.

>> No.12741247

>Freedom from the passions and vices is greater than
Man I know you christians are cucks, but geez, don't try to fit the stereotype to hard. Do you wear a peniscage when Jamal is fucking your wife to show how free you are from your passions? Absolutely pathetic.

Also you can keep repeating how freedom from the passions and vices is somehow better than freedom from bondage or opression, meanwhile i'll keep enjoying my passions while you enjoying licking the boot of your master.

>Just you wait! You'll get your punishment eventually!
yeah thats what your priests tell you retards so you don't rock the boat. Meanwhile they're enjoying their passions diddling kids or whatever fucked up shit they do.

>> No.12741249

Sometimes, the dialectic drawn from a post, is more damning than any counter to a post. In other words, give a fool enough rope, and he'll hang himself.

>> No.12741262

>Talking about why virtue is a greater freedom than decadence
>he brings up niggers
What's going on big guy? Why is the idea of Jamal fucking your wife living in your head rent-free? How about you address what I said instead of writing your cuckold fantasies huh?

>> No.12741264

>he was trying
yeah, keyword there is trying. He can make any claims he wants, doesn't make them true. I mean you can rattle off that how i'm not really free because i'm subject to momentary changes(and you arent?), but its equivocation on the word free.

>but they keep a man anchored, focus, and resolute, and free from temporal distractions
Who said I am not capable of doing those things? This is the whole point, I can be whatever I want, whereas you can only be what your master allows.

>> No.12741272

What are the quest paths to becoming a priest?

- There is the diocesan route, which is the easiest.
- Then, there is the Opus Dei route
- Then there are monks who can be ordained priests but still reside on their habitat?

What other options are there? Are there any books on this? I'm just curious as an outsider.

>> No.12741273

What's there to address? All the arguments stem from "being a slave to this is worse than being a slave to that!" with no justification given. What do you want me to reply? "no being a slave to THAT is worse than being a slave to this!"

>> No.12741301

>with no justification given.
Being a oppressed externally, from the state or financial system or whatever is preferable because you can remain dignified and honourable. Being oppressed internally from you own lack of self-control or your own weakness to pleasure affords no dignity or honour. You can never be a martyr for indulging in decadence. You don't seem to understand why anyone would want to live for something greater than themselves though, so I doubt you'd understand this.

>> No.12741313

If your idea of a better path isn't reproducing with a woman of your ethnicity then you are either a race traitor or a biological failure, juuuust sayin'.

>> No.12741332

very unbased and not /lit/
But you will please all the dumb christfags

>> No.12741448


>> No.12741480
File: 25 KB, 551x403, country priest scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741674

Mother Joan of The Angels by Iwaszkiewicz

>> No.12741706

>Asians are higher evolved anyways.
>t. never been to asia

>> No.12742280
File: 60 KB, 480x720, 1550304632991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have any real convictions in life, naysayers will claim you lead a slaves life. One who keeps to a strict fitness regime is "slave" to routine. So, by all means "free" yourself in hedonism, it will rot you to the core. I would rather continue to chase the path of righteousness.

>For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate, and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

>> No.12742632


>> No.12742640

Everything truly great about the West came from the Greeks, and Christianity stamped the beauties of their culture right out.

>> No.12742659
File: 115 KB, 537x356, heresy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha upvoted my good sir!

>> No.12742666

How do you guys find your perfectly fitting reaction images? How did you find this one, for example? Did you just remember this line from the film, then went and found a frame of it online? Did you watch the film and then skip through it until you found this image?

>> No.12742677

>everything spoken against Christianity is fedora
>even against practises which violate Christian conduct, practised by Christian institutions
c'mon bro...

>> No.12742686

While adopting the religion and customs of Fremden Juden? That is what he is saying.

>> No.12742717

The movie is is a masterpiece and I will on occasion, start it up, and like how Augustine skipped through the Bible to land upon a random page and verse, I do the same with the film. It often freezes at the perfect moment for a meme. I was not even considering adding something like this, I just wanted to see if the subtitles would render differently with another player. I skipped ahead and voilà, the perfect meme manifested itself.

>> No.12742722

Have you read the novel? If so, how do you feel it compared?

>> No.12742735

In the past, I wanted to watch Euro art house films and become familiar with that world. I couldn't find any sources of English subtitled versions of them. Hence, Fellini, Godard, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Bresson and all the rest were out of reach to me. Can you please tell me where I can watch this Country Priest film, and the rest of Bresson, and Euro Art House in general? With English subtitles.

>> No.12742740

switch to greek-CATHOLIC rite. You can go through formation in seminary, find a qt fiancee, marry her after your studies concluded and week later be annointed as catholic priest.
Would you become a widower however, you cannot remarry as you are already a catholic priest

>> No.12743085

Some anon uploaded a film a while back. Search through warosu archives.

>> No.12743112

But isn't there an accessible source which people get these films from?

>> No.12743169
File: 2.25 MB, 2126x1102, E0F44264-6F7E-4B35-8DD5-801CEDCE32E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never be a priest because of the responsibility. How could I possibly hear someone’s confession and give them advice when I have so many of my own sins? What if my advice is bad and I send someone’s soul to hell because I said the wrong thing? The wife thing isn’t even an issue because I’m Orthodox but the risk in being a priest is just crazy to me. Imagine facing Christ at the Last Judgement and finding out you misused your authority and were responsible for someone else’s damnation.

>> No.12743214

Well, op, you are technically a grandchild to your grandparents already, so that problem is solved. You're welcome! :-)

>> No.12743224

I work in healthcare. There is nothing worthwhile to be created if you do not offer your own skin in the game.
Do not worry my friend

>> No.12743238

What the hell is this supposed to mean?

>> No.12743253

Not quite sure I follow you anon

>> No.12743494

Well this seems like the best place to ask:
I'd like to become a priest but I'm a monolingual peon. Also, I don't know much about Catholicism.
Is it futile? I know someone who can help me if I try to teach myself Latin, but I'm not sure how fluent I have to be in it to begin with.

>> No.12743519
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1527438056534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask the priest at the church you go to, or search online for your local dioceses and look for a discernment page.
It doesn't matter if you speak Latin now. They will teach it to you in seminary.

>> No.12743549

someone, anyone, please

>> No.12743588

Do you mean as a DVD or free somewhere online?

>> No.12743624

ideally the latter, but really any free source i could find them. in person works too. my library has very few such works

>> No.12743690
File: 592 KB, 1242x814, 1548139545742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries, you will have 7yrs in seminary to learn everything including latin. A willing heart is all you need!

>> No.12743702
File: 36 KB, 784x645, 1545612533069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like apu so much...is that okay? i just want to be so cute and play with birdy and other animals

>> No.12743726

This anon linked what I hope is the film, a couple months ago. I have not verified it to see if it really is the movie or if it is still alive.


>> No.12743749

That just means you're a happier person than the majority of the public. You take joy in the little things in life. You don't need other people to validate you. Society didn't break you down. Good for you, anon.

>> No.12743771

It being 7 years, depends if you went to college or not. If so, it's 4-5 years then, particularly if you studied philosophy.

>> No.12744077

This webpage is in Spanish, but films come with English subtitles. Enjoy

>> No.12744103

Forgot to mention you. This blog includes all of those:
Be quick, he said he will be closing it soon. It's all in zippyshare. Hoard

>> No.12744123

Lol same he is trad tho and revolts as much as he can against the novus ordo boomers

>> No.12744170

Man this is the most put together and purest display of the sliver of hope that lays in man.
God speed to all of you gentlemen

Please pray for me a sinner as I do my will onto you.

>> No.12744213

>Is molesting children /lit/?

>> No.12744222

My Grandad told me that boys that were pushed by their families to become priests were almost always homosexual.

>> No.12744364

Tell us more, Father.

>> No.12744375


>> No.12744627
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (7403).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have thousands, literally thousands, of screenshorts of various films i've watched in the last year or so. it started when i was watching chungking express and just started screenshotting scenes i though looked cool just for the sake of it and it soon developed into a habbit and now for every film i watch i end up having dozens of stills from it.
this means i essentially have an infinite supply of art house reaction images
i use skytorrents.lol

>> No.12745191

This was only true post Vatican II. Before and today, it's not the case. Sounds like your grandfather is young, like boomer tier.

>> No.12745739
File: 136 KB, 583x960, 1539378952438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who LARP here as radical catholic traditionalists, provided they're decent people who actually hold affinity toward their statements, should enter seminary. All the fun of shit posting on /lit/ but in real life. I say better to have someone lacking in faith that wants to restore the Church to her historical glory, better to have megalomaniacal aspirations for the papacy than be some tepid lukewarm catholic pressured into this position by family or degenerate sexual inclinations. Make no mistake, we'll make the Vatican great again. Stop at nothing. Bring the inquisition back. Resolutely denounce Protestantism as damnable heresy once and for all. Latin Mass only. Expand the Papal State to her former territorial glory. The possibilities are limitless. Now's the time to join, heads are rolling in scandal and promotions will be in order in another decade or less.

>> No.12745787

The public will never trust you or your group ever again. Sorry. The RCC is the most corrupt institution of the past 2000 years. And finally have you now lost your positive grip on the masses. It's over, friend. Sorry. No more enslaving the world. It's time for you and your cosmic car salesman to find another profession to peddle the people lies through.

>> No.12745947

Wow, thank you so much <3 I just wondered if it was okay, or a symptom of psychological dysfunction and lack of ordinary mental development...

>> No.12745956

Thank you so much

>> No.12745999

All my family ("non-denominational" protestants) are vehemently opposed to me entering the Catholic clergy. They're fine with me becoming an Orthodox priest; they even encouraged me to join the Episcopalian church. But they are all adamantly against me entering Catholic seminary.

My grandfather and uncle have both told me that the Roman Catholic Church is one of the most evil institutions in existence, and if I joined I'd basically be seen as a potential pedophile or at the very least a pedophile sympathizer in their eyes. My immediate family feels similarly.

Things could get pretty messy if I decide to go.

>> No.12746027
File: 125 KB, 801x496, keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy trips. 9 is a holy number, because it's 3x3. Dante uses the number 9 frequently in the Comedy. And three 9s is very holy indeed.

Anon, do you believe that Peter is the Rock upon which the Church was founded? Do you believe that Peter was the first Pope, and that all popes after him have a share in his authority? Do you believe that the Catholic Church is the One True Church, the one Church which has stood, steadfast, for 2000 years, as all the other Churches have faltered and been crippled and been weakened? Do you believe in the Seven Sacraments, and the power of the Holy Spirit?

If you do believe these things, and you feel called to the priesthood, don't hesitate to enter it. Your family may dislike you for it, but you will be a servant of the Truth. Pray for discernment, pray that St. Peter will pray for you and guide you towards the right decision, but in the end, Christ will triumph.

>> No.12746106
File: 107 KB, 639x503, temptation of christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And as a man's enemies shall be they of his own household.
>He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not up his cross, and followeth me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for me, shall find it.

>> No.12746188

Don't. You'll end up being lonely and missing a wife and kids....Your grandparents are right!

>> No.12746223
File: 484 KB, 762x1280, 70611071ac6993b576578c09058e878c4de43e816a111bb9ed637d84d1dc8a48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bad priests. Corruptio optimi pessima, as it is said. If you are dedicated, being a priest is an extremely /lit/ profession. It is the combination of psychology, religion, and philosophy. But if you are just a boomer priest that isn't committed to everything the faith represents, you are not only bringing shame upon yourself, but so too upon the reputation of all the great saints that came before you. That is a burden that I'm not sure if I could bare.

>> No.12746267

This was the case for about one generation (the Boomers and to a lesser extent their kids, ofc) and look at where it's gotten the Church.

>> No.12746281

I understand the sentiment but I don't think you're right anon. At most we can become the fathers of great men. And yes, I mean literally.

>The RCC is the most corrupt institution of the past 2000 years.
This is simply untrue, even aside from the fact that calling an organization that long-lived "the most corrupt thing ever" barely even makes sense.

>> No.12746292
File: 275 KB, 986x674, 845832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And even Francis has cracked down on the traditional doctrine on it now. Regardless if you accept your homosexuality and were born a Catholic, chances are you aren't even going to be considering the priesthood anyways. Times have changed, for better or worse I suppose.

>> No.12746314

Yeah. Aside from the fact that sodomites are OUT AND PROUD (and thus unlikely to become priests) now, the whole debacle has at least demonstrated the correctness of the Church's teaching on homosexuality for anybody with a clue. Apparently most religious orders won't accept someone who confesses to same-sex desire because of recent history, I don't know if seminaries have started doing that. But they should.

>> No.12746358

That’s how you know Catholicism is the real deal. Don’t let your family’s wimpy opinions cuck you.

>> No.12746374

I'm sure the RCC has been playing with youngsters since their founding, it's only now that they no longer have hegemony over the Western masses that they can be scrutinized for their actions and even legally charged for them. Who would've been able to do so in previous centuries, when they themselves were the state and authorities of law? What we see from them today is merely their modern excuses, an disingenuine public notice used to salvage whatever respect they have left, but none of it has ultimate meaning to itself. These are and have for the past 2000 years been the most corrupt individuals known to any society.

>> No.12746382

>their seemingly endless cases of pedophilia and global institutionwide corruption makes them the real deal, bro

>> No.12746428

Not what he said, moron.

>> No.12746589

Am I allowed to go to seminary if I've had a lot of premarital sex already or is that frowned upon

>> No.12746591

You don't need Hell to punish you, you're already suffering in this life

>> No.12746613

What's fedora about that post is that he's implying that literally every priest is a pedophile

>> No.12746631

You have weird hang-ups mate. As the antisemite poster above noticed, you have to make up your mind between your racist conceptions, your natalists conceptions and your Christian conceptions. You can have two of them, but not three, so choose wisely.

>> No.12746640

But holding priestly office isn't incompatible with unbelieving, you can be an atheistic priest that deceive everyone including his parish. I mean it has happened with bishop and cardinals.

>> No.12746652

Am I allowed to go to seminary if I've had a lot of premarital sex already or is that frowned upon

>> No.12746668

I'm a philosophy major, would that help going into seminary if I decide to become a priest?

>> No.12746672

Only if they were young boys

>> No.12746988

Most definitely. I think most seminarians do philosophy as an undergrad.

>> No.12746997
File: 120 KB, 716x900, 8-soren-kierkegaard-1813-1855-granger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity supplanted the Greek worldview, for it was insufficient and mostly temporal.

>> No.12747549

st.augustine was a whoremonger in his heretic youth, before he accepted christ
I would rather follow someone who knows what it is to fail, than someone who never did

>> No.12747554

hmmm really? I just felt a new career path open up for me

>> No.12747560

become a Buddhist monk instead, cunt

>> No.12747706

Only real weirdos want to become priests nowadays. Go see for yourself. There's always something very strange about seminarians...

>> No.12747724

If you think this way you don't know what being a priest really will involve and will find it too hard then leave.

>> No.12747727

OP here, and I have met a couple of young seminarians. One is very traditional but advocates killing liberals, and the other is a very nice Welsh guy who enjoys theatre. Tbh, I'm an orthodox Catholic but I find that the traditionalist priests I meet are usually uncharitable and pander too much to aristocrats, even if they're masons (for example).

>> No.12747737

Look at this christcuck imagining wanting to be a martyr. While he posts on a site filled with tranny hentai.

>> No.12747742

>Look at Jesus being the messiah. While he eats with tax collectors and sinners.

>> No.12747743

Ah, there may still be hope for humanity I see

>> No.12747747

>117 replies
>not a single mention of Portrait of the artist or Stephen
The absolute state of lit

>> No.12747799

This is what Muslims say to converts who have similar family problems regarding their conversion.

"Islam must be true because the whole world hates it."

Don't be fooled

>> No.12747807

You aren't a Messiah. You are just a fat deluded larper who 10 years ago would have been an atheist

>> No.12747812
File: 26 KB, 720x621, 1533017872699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I said I was a messiah
Cringe. 10 years ago I was attending an Anglican church. Try harder.

>> No.12748144

What can it be that has brought the souls to forget thefather, God, and, though members of the Divine and entirely of that world,to ignore at once themselves and It?

The evil that has overtaken them has its source in self-will, inthe entry into the sphere of process, and in the primal differentiationwith the desire for self-ownership. They conceived a pleasure in this freedomand largely indulged their own motion; thus they were hurried down thewrong path, and in the end, drifting further and further, they came tolose even the thought of their origin in the Divine. A child wrenched youngfrom home and brought up during many years at a distance will fail in knowledgeof its father and of itself: the souls, in the same way, no longer discerneither the divinity or their own nature; ignorance of their rank bringsself-depreciation; they misplace their respect, honouring everything morethan themselves; all their awe and admiration is for the alien, and, clingingto this, they have broken apart, as far as a soul may, and they make lightof what they have deserted; their regard for the mundane and their disregardof themselves bring about their utter ignoring of thedivine.

Admiring pursuit of the external is a confession of inferiority;and nothing thus holding itself inferior to things that rise and perish,nothing counting itself less honourable and less enduring than all elseit admires could ever form any notion of either the nature or the powerof God.

>> No.12749167

>Altruistic moral code is Slavery

How is it hag atheism is the most Intellectually dévoid ideology yet it’s adherents amconsider themselves to be the smartest faggots alive?