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File: 574 KB, 1120x584, emojis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12741041 No.12741041 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't know where else to ask, so here I am:
Are we (once again) headed towards a linguistic system based on images and symbols as opposed to words?

>> No.12741048


>> No.12741050

No, we're headed towards a linguistic system where the average person is functionally illiterate because they won't need to read.

>> No.12741053

You mean like most of human history?

>> No.12741056

Yes, but in reverse, due to technology rather than lack of it.

>> No.12741057

The image as symbol has never really gone away, so there is no “once again”.
And no, we will not slide back into hypoglycemics
Though, it would not be such a bad thing to convey our stories through our speech.
This may actually be the next-next big thing, once computers go screenless AI

>> No.12741059

No not at all and this meme needs to fuck off immediately

Why do cunts keep trying to wank themselves off over this bullshit, no, language and grammar is uniquely complex and useful and will never be replaced by pictographs which it has constantly existed alongside with for all of time

This is just one of those le wrong generation reddit fucking boondoggles people jump on to try and imagine a way they're better than normies

Emojis are fine and they're not changing anything. Get a job you useless faggot

>> No.12741061
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Make what jokes you want, but pic related is a clear example: an image of a donut with zero accompanying text is next.
Sounds about right.

>> No.12741068
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>> No.12741085


>> No.12741127

You're a fucking retard, this is the equivalent of looking at a drawn cross and saying YEP LOOKS LIKE WE GOING BACK TO HEIROGLYPHS, no people have understood symbols for all of time and always will

Jesus Christ please neck yourself today if you really truly believe this is anything more than an extension of the basic ability for a mind to associate shapes and colours with a predetermined meaning, it's the foundation of all writing and you are not any kind of smart for having noticed that it has a place in modern pop culture, you are not any kind of better for not engaging with it

God this is the most midwit fucking meme I have ever encountered and people just will not put it to bed

>> No.12741136
File: 42 KB, 410x224, idiocracy_buttfuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741161

Have you texted with a young person? Ever?

They replace a significant portion of their thoughts with shit like 4 crying emojis in a row.

Those emojis aren't add-ons. In many cases they are replacing more articulate expression.

>> No.12741172


>> No.12741173

Are you seriously so autistic that you can't figure out what that means or why it may be more appropriate than the prose you seem to be demanding you? Do you genuinely think you know better than that person what, in four presses of a button, would establish their thoughts and feelings better?

You are literally retarded. There is nothing wrong with emojis, you are the fucking idiot in this scenario

>> No.12742045

>There is nothing wrong with emojis
Zoomer detected. You have to be 18+ to be on 4channel, kys and come back in a few years.

>> No.12742050

They are texting and reading their facebook feed 8 hours per day.

>> No.12742056

Have you? Emojis contextualise a statement, they don’t replace the statement. If I say ‘oh god ’ then that means I’m sad, if I say ‘oh god ’ that means I’m happy. Emojis have become a tool to efficiently manifest emotional context in written words, you’re just a massive retard for not picking up on that.

That other anon calling everyone retards is absolutely correct. You’re the same people who thought txt sp34k would lead to the burning of dictionaries and the sky falling in on itself.

>> No.12742059

there were sad and laughing emojis after each of those ‘oh gods’, just imagine them

>> No.12742067
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typing like this while acusing others of being underaged

>> No.12742083

Actually they literally are add ons, they're supplementary
There's no coherent conversation that could be had over text that is entirely in emojis. Not to mention, texting/ social media posts are not the only form of written communication people regularly engage in.

>> No.12742093

this, based

>> No.12742095
File: 235 KB, 540x400, the_summoning_by_frank_walls-d9b94a42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are actually defending emojis.
Fucking reddit zoomer invasion.

>> No.12742100

Not an argument, pseud

>> No.12742101
File: 455 KB, 1660x1105, CapitalIsColumn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good reminder of the cause of emojiland.

>> No.12742103

>slide back into hypoglycemics
What do you mean? Failed diabetes metaphor or what?

>> No.12742104

How old are you?

>> No.12742105

Wow, you got me. I'll start using emojis now to undo my pseudness.

>> No.12742111

Very funny, r/lewronggeneration

>> No.12742116

You don’t have to use emojis, just don’t spout off about how they’re a symbol of the death of language or some other nonsense. You just make yourself look a fool.

>> No.12742173

Very funny, r/lerightgeneration

>> No.12742180
File: 119 KB, 1100x733, 1544886196354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're obviously a blooming of language.

>> No.12742191

Does language have to be ‘blooming’ to be valid? What’s your definition of language ‘blooming’?

>> No.12742196
File: 12 KB, 471x304, 1538266839306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s your definition

>> No.12742197

>blooming of language
Spook’d autist. Language can’t bloom. It only conforms to its usage. There’s no such as thing as progress. You would’ve been complaining about the same shit 600, or 400 or 200 years ago. Well, that’s if you had acess tl literature and were literate which statically you wouldn’t’ve.

>> No.12742201
File: 177 KB, 1366x768, Mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's continue this line of thought

>> No.12742209

>Neolanguage arrives from the syntax future
Jesus Christ, fucking zoomers.

>> No.12742214

Not arguments. I don’t disagree that emoji isn’t the most beautiful language, but I don’t understand what you mean by ‘blooming’. >>12742197 is right in that you’re invoking this fallacious ‘golden age’ idea of language as having been once great, but now degrading. For centuries, English itself was seen as rough and common, the language of the poor - would you rather we all started speaking French and Latin (are those languages ‘blooming’ enough for you?)?

>> No.12742216
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 2032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything's gonna be alright

>> No.12742220

Nice strawman, loser. Do you feel proud literally coming up with shit in order to reply.

>> No.12742222

Same >>12742216

>> No.12742227

Nice appeal to Same >>12742222

>> No.12742228

Ironic post, the video is mocking people like you

>> No.12742230

What’s going to be alright? Language? Why do you care what happens to language? It doesnt belong to you, it’s not yours. If people decided to speak in emojis, who cares? You don’t speak the same english as your ancestors.

>> No.12742238

I typed HEIROGLYPHS but it spellchecked to that

>> No.12742252

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.12742256

Being this new.

>> No.12742261

accurate and underrated.

>> No.12742283

>reddit calling others reddit
Why are zoomers like this?

>> No.12742290


>> No.12742295


>> No.12742296

Good. People with the intellectual capacity to read classical literature will be as gods to them

>> No.12742308

You realise that calling people zoomers isn’t an argument, yeah?

>> No.12742334

It obviously is, and a good one.

>> No.12742342

I think a better argument would be: you’re an faggot.

>> No.12742345

Imagine trying this hard to fit in.

>> No.12742357

Imagine trying this hard to fit in.

>> No.12742387

Stop considering language a "tool". Language is, partially what Burroughs claimed in his later writing, a virus. It is something in-itself working towards itself. It is an entity of its own. It cannot be controlled. This so-called "devolution" of language as it appears to us pseudy "men of letters" is actually its next developmental stage. I repeat: You do not own language, it is not a tool. It is an entity.
This development of language towards something we pseudy "men of letters" do not like is simply symptomatic of our current times. It represents the fact that we are starting to function based on buzzwords, slogans and logo recognition, i.e. we ourselves are moving towards our own next developmental stage, as degenerate as it may look like.
Instead of wailing over this degeneracy of language on the one hand, or its hypersimplisticfunctionality on the other hand, maybe we as humans should reconsider our relationship with language. Instead of insisting on this delusion that people are corrupting our tool or whatever, maybe focus on an independent future and evolution of mankind in which language actually starts to bend in the way we want it too in order for it to survive.

>> No.12742483
File: 485 KB, 1625x1106, CapitalIsNEETchuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742533

>nazbol boomer
go back to your facebook meme page

>> No.12742579

>guys, guys, some adhd zoomers who failed out of high school because they couldn't stop playing fortnight are totally going to define the future of linguistics
About so much as ebonics has replaced English and pidgin is a valid language.
How to Train your Zoomer:
>if they use an emoji, do not respond to their message for one day
>if they do not use an emoji, respond promptly
>do not tell them what you are doing
>they will not be consciously aware of the pattern nor that you are purposely training them like pavlov's dogs
>however, like the dog, it will learn to modify its behavior in order to receive the prize--attention
>repeat until your zoomer is no longer a homosexual
I train everyone I message with this way and they've all improved greatly. Most have gone from 50%+ emoji usage to less than 10%.

>> No.12742610

What a philanthropist.

>> No.12742764

It’s called fortnite old man

>> No.12742983


>> No.12743787


>> No.12743848
File: 1.19 MB, 1033x793, 1511663031210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12744214

did you mean full-on rapist

>> No.12744216

>letting gay plebs live rent free in your head
chill dude

>> No.12744334

Isn’t it more like a freeze-frame of a face you might make if you were excited?

>> No.12745068

I doubt that.