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12741388 No.12741388 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good anarcho-capitalist books?

>> No.12741450

lol, no.

>> No.12742231

None because it's retarded

>> No.12742237
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>> No.12742248

Boys for Sale: A Study of the Prostitution of Young Boys for Sexual Purposes

>> No.12742250

No such thing as a good Ayncap writer. They’re perpetually in denial of their liberalism

>> No.12742254

The Art of the Argument: Western Civilization's Last Stand

>> No.12742255
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Stick to the edgy youtubers with MSPaint avatars, OP. Books are for fags

>> No.12742433
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An ayncap ain't an anarch.
Capitalism is inherently hierarchical and anarchism is the lack of rulers, not the lack of rules.

>> No.12742438

is this what communist consider wit

>> No.12742442

Why are ancaps against the state anyway? Doesnt it protect private property?

>> No.12742451

The only book that is not absolute shit is Democracy the god that failed. The only reason that book is good is because his arguments in favor of monarchy.

>> No.12742457


>> No.12742466

>The Art of the Argument
>Western Civilization's Last Stand
Just wonder how these two group of words can coincide

>> No.12742479

They think a widespread system of private property doesn't require centralized force to maintain itself since "natural rights" apparently actually really exist if you jut believe hard enough.

>> No.12742506

This is the left wing conception of anarchy, having no rulers qualifies as an anarchy.
Horizontal hierarchies or voluntary vertical hierarchies are perfectly valid.

>> No.12742537
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>> No.12742590
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Here's the list OP
This is because Ancap evolved out of classical liberalism of the Adam Smith variety.
Ayn is not an Ancap, she's a small govt libertarian type aka minarchist.
Nozick isn't Ancap, Friedman rails against him in 'on liberty,' especially in the edition where Hoppe has the foreword.
Ancaps don't yet have a central 'dogma.'
Read two different Ancap authors and they will likely have a different take on something, prime example being intelectual rights.
A system of insurers and decentralised, privatised law is mostly the ideal, though the most optimistic outcome is honestly going to be some sort of regionalism with local parliaments giving representation on national levels.
>They think a widespread system of public property doesn't require centralised force to maintain itself since 'equality,' apparently actually really exist if you just believe hard enough.

>> No.12742591

That is simply chaos, anon.
Anarchism is when you challenge all unjustifiable hierarchies. There are some perfectly justifiable ones.

>> No.12742592

Capital can only exist in an authoritarian structure.
Someone has to divide it, lay claim to it, protect it.

>> No.12742596

That’s about all any “an cap” can manage though. Therefore I still call them Ayncap

>> No.12742619

>we're still gonna have laws lol, we're just not gonna enforce them

>> No.12742629

Realistically it would be the opposite, I think. That is, a lack of rules with a lot of rulers. How does anarcho-capitalism not end with corporate tribal gang warfare in the wasteland that used to be civilization?

>> No.12742648

Is this just not a case of assuming the worst? I mean every system seems to trend toward something like a cyberpunk dystopia. The coming neoliberal one in this timeline is angling toward social brownie points.

>> No.12742654

Maybe its assuming the worst but I don't see how this wouldn't happen right away. When I hear "anarcho-capitalism" I immediately picture Jeff Bezos, but with his own militia and private ownership of the entire West Coast.

>> No.12742694

Why do ancaps (and most libertarians in general) think that if we take away the state, corporatism will stop and everyone will abide by the free market? isn't saying corporations take advantage of the state an admission of the incentive at play, the state is only a tool in this line of argument so taking it away does not take their incentive to do so, they will simply find other ways

>> No.12742830

They argue against a state that prevents companies from doing whatever the fuck they want, on every other front they love the state because they have no real thought out stance (cause else they wouldn't be ancaps)

>> No.12742837

Based actually educated poster

>> No.12742844

Ancaps see corporatism as a secondary problem to govt. Since govt props up the largest corps with welfare, legislation and a monopoly on violence.
They're most strongly opposed to corporate welfare. Using the govt to steal money and give it to corps is an unforgivable violation of morality and meritocracy (Ancaps are utterly unrestrained Meritocrats). Get rid off corporate welfare -> most corps die off quickly or are forced to amend to fix budgets -> corps are forced (or are more easily swayed) by the whims of the people.
Further, Ancaps see corps ultimately as having formed from legitimate voluntary associations whereas the govt has formed from involuntary coerced action. Thus if they are to strike at either pillar it makes more sense from their perspective to strike at govt.
Ancaps don't expect perfect obedience to the 'the free market,' since human nature means people will always act unscrupulously. They just think that this is a fairer system overall than the one we currently have.
'Other ways,' might be legitimate since Ancaps conjecture that A) a true monopoly is impossible to acquire in the real world and B) that monoplies/duopolies might actually be a good thing for the consumer (see the monopoly on the anti-monopoly commission as an example).

>> No.12742910

By definition it steals it
Stop talking about things you don’t understand
Anarchism is the absence of government. Unless you think anarchism must abolish parenting? That does been like it would be a sustainable position for left anarchists I admit

>> No.12743258

>against state

pick one

>> No.12743261

Anything from Feudalist era Europe.

>> No.12743292

ancaps are basically Ebeneezer scrooge from a Christmas carol.
But also they appropriated anarchists aesthetics because they are immature morons.
also they dont realize that anarchism = a destruction of hierarchies and capitalism exploits workers.

I mean, is there an ideology as stupid as ancaps?

I mean like, even neocons arent that stupid

>> No.12743338

Corporations are pure legal entities, without a state to charter them they wouldn't exist. Instead of a real alternative to the extremely economically efficient form of organizations that are limited liability corporations ancraps believe in archaic forms of organization like partnerships.

Yes it's a form of moralism where everyone would bear full legal liability and it would be next to impossible to organize anything on a large scale. Nuts like Murray Rothbard in fact believe basic institutions underpinning modern economies, like factual reserve banking, would be "illegal" and credit would be limited by hard assets like physical gold. Quo bono?

>> No.12743347

* fractional reserve banking

>> No.12743366
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I must preface this by saying that I think anarcho-capitalism is a retarded ideology that if implemented, would inherently lead to an authoritarian system dictated by the heads of business. I also think anarcho-capitalism is an incoherent term, because it stands for everything historical anarchism opposed. I'm fine with you being a fiscal conservative, but ancap makes no fucking sense. While I'm not quite an anarchist, I am sympathetic to green anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism.

With that out of the way, Neal Stephenson. One of the best modern science fiction writers, and his books actually turned a lot of people onto anarcho-capitalism (for better or worse... probably worse).

>> No.12743369

Any documentation about African Warlords will do

It's the worst of all options

>> No.12743425

Did you know that regulations create monopolies? The more you know.

>> No.12743429

based good faith poster

>> No.12743483

are there any people on the left who prefer austrian economics with their own ideas / ideas of the left added to it?

>> No.12743488
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The great minds of Ancapism strike again

>> No.12743491

Someone told me that anarchism doesn't mean no hierarchies just no unjust hierarchies

>> No.12743533

No because the further left you go, the more that they want government regulating shit, especially the economy. Left by definition means government regulation

>> No.12743568

I don't see how you can be on the "left" and see any form of "rent" as a valid economic category since that would be to accept the logic of absentee ownership. "Profit" can be rationalized but Austrianisms understanding is flawed, Robert Anton Wilson points this out:
>Land-rent, or ground-rent, is the most illegitimate aspect of the rent con, of course, and the main target of Tucker’s criticisms. The whole concept of any rent, however, appears somewhat dubious to me, since it seems to presuppose “the accumulation of property in a few aristocratic heaps, at the expense of a great deal of democratic bare ground in between,” as Ezra Heywood said. (Heywood’s writings on this subject, and other aspects of libertarianism, are at least as important as Tucker’s and Spooner’s.) People rent, chiefly, when they cannot afford to purchase outright — when ground-rent, interest and other inequalities haver already created a master-class of aristocrat-owners and a servile class of peasants or proles. I would expect to see rent wither away as the democratization of credit abolishes poverty.
>This may sound polemic, but it is literally true. The Henry George Schools have a book, Land Title Origins: A Tale of Force and Fraud, in which you can look up, wherever you live in the United States, exactly the acts of force and fraud (murder and robbery) by which land “ownership” was transferred from the Indian tribes to the current receivers of the stolen property. Now, the third alternative, contract, has never been tried, to the best of my knowledge. The only land contracts which I, or any other Tuckerites or Sternerites, would sign in freedom, without force being used against us, would be to our own interest, not to the interest of the landlords. In other words, we simply would not sign a contract giving up ownership of this planet, or any other, to a small group of the Elite who claim they have some better title to ownership than the rest of us have. If you would sign such a contract, I can only hint gently that you are more easily defrauded than we are.
>Of course, since Austrian ideas exist as factors in human behavior, I will admit that some people, hoodwinked by those ideas, will continue to pay rent even in freedom, for a while at least. But I think that, after a time, observing that their Tuckerite neighbors are not submitting to this imposture, they would come to their senses and cease paying tribute to the self-elected “owners” of limitless space, on this and other planets, and in interplanetary communities.

>> No.12743616

>what is anarcho-communism
>what are workers' councils

>> No.12743640
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The Ancap Manifesto

>> No.12744959

>He is an actual ancap
>He is not even memeing
>I thought they only existed in legends or ayn rand's head
>He thinks anarchism is just lol no state and everything alright

Neck yourself nigger

>> No.12744971

Unironically a great short comedy.

>> No.12745446


>> No.12745463

Nonexistance of a state is a defining feature of communism, so...

>> No.12745505

not all forms of communism tho, but yeah most communist forms don't have any state

>> No.12745506

Damn, bitcoin is up 45x since when that story was posted ($90 back then, to $4000 now). And 1.5 years ago it was actually up 220.
Seems like the libs and ancaps are always right in the end.

>> No.12745522

Can't see the ponzi scheme for the blockchain.

>> No.12745531

I'm pretty sure you're mixing up the "left" and the liberals
liberalism wants a state, left doesn't (except for authoritarian left ofc)

>> No.12745540

Don’t need state protect when I’ve got a private milita.

>> No.12745548

is this biz? They are clearly funnier than this board

>> No.12745578


Read: A shotgun blast to your forehead
By: You and a shotgun of your choosing

You're welcome

>> No.12745651

/lit/ just hates freedom

>> No.12745681

The extreme left is no government (anarchy), slightly to the right of that is single-tiered government made of the entire population which I guess is some kind of hivemind, I don't know. I think the reason you see it that way is because the process of moving to the left further unifies the people with the government, with classical liberalism being appropriately near-left.

>> No.12746508

>Stop talking about things you don’t understand
Oh the ironing