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12732963 No.12732963 [Reply] [Original]

Holy... I want more!

>> No.12732975

Why are there so many Chapocels here? I wouldn't mind if they didn't shit the place up so much

>> No.12732979
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>> No.12732982


>> No.12732996

i don't get what Chapos actually believe in, they just sound like normie liberals mockingly larping as commies, but they are supposed to actually believe in communism? i don't get the joke

>> No.12732997
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Pawns of the liberal hegemony that think they're leftists. Based and ideologicallysubsumedbyliberalsimpilled

>> No.12733007

i think chapos are the left wing version of maga zoomers memeing about Pinochet. It's sort of a joke, but also sort of not a joke

>> No.12733012

Chapo Cuck Shack fans will not make it through DOTR

>> No.12733016

Chapos seem to be older late millennials than zoomers desu.

>> No.12733022

yep, but maga zoomers seem to be part of the loser class, chapos seem to be part of the managerial class, which means they are part and cause of everything they are complaining about

>> No.12733032

i think this is correct, most zoomer leftists are just cutting their own cocks off and taking estrogen by this point, which is something i would never expect to be saying a few years ago, but somehow we live in the current year now

>> No.12733037

Yeah they're varying degrees of communist, sometimes they can be pretty funny but you get tired of "40% of cops beat their wives xd" jokes after a while

>> No.12733041

Just seem like socdems

>> No.12733043 [DELETED] 

aren't all of them ugly as fuck lmao who the fuck would listen to these fags

>> No.12733047

chapos are cringe lmao. last time marxism was relevant or counter culture was a century ago lmaaaaao. you guys are simply cringe. the right is unironically the new counter culture

>> No.12733049


>> No.12733054


>> No.12733063

dude, being a leftist is the standard of today's youth... you wanna see an example, just say the truths about race and iq and how blacks are 85 iq and a drain to the economy and see everyone go like "woah dude not cool... like that was racist af lol". this is just like 100 years ago when if you were a young atheist people would simply ostracize you.

>> No.12733065

surely everybody involved in both 'scenes' is a retarded 20 year old? Im not counting their eceleb figures, but the actual kids who follow that stuff

>> No.12733072

>truths about race and iq
Chapo and poltards raus

>> No.12733077

iq is simply real and hereditary. the science is settled on this

>> No.12733094

all members of the managerial class start as retarded 20 year olds, i don't mean they'll be successful members of the managerial class, but Chapos obviously form part of it and you wouldn't be surprised seeing people in that group at some point working for the NYT, Buzzfeed, for some Clinton foundation or similar, or ending up as lower government officials, working on some art gallery or being teachers, they may also fail and amount to nothing, there are always failures in all classes. they are the raw material from which those positions will be filled.

but maga zoomers are obviously not part of this managerial class and will never end up on those positions

>> No.12733109

A significant amount of CTH's initial ingroup were posters from weird twitter and the remnants of somethingawful's LF. Most of the core group and their initial fans were all dudes in their 30s. Late 20s at minimum.

>> No.12733111


Chapo are neoliberal shits but the community is actually way more radical than they are which is pretty good.

t. anarchist

>> No.12733116 [DELETED] 

how old are you unironically LOL

>> No.12733122


Late twenties. Why?

>> No.12733125

>t. anarchist
>i don't have any clear opinions or policy positions but get to criticize everybody else
kek, this kind of shit doesn't fly anymore

>> No.12733129

I think their humor is crippled by their need to educate you.

>> No.12733133

You seem to be defining managerial class as inherently progressive. I mean there are conservative government agencies and media outlets

>> No.12733135 [DELETED] 

imagine unironically calling yourself an anarchist past the age of like 16 holy shit

>> No.12733138

read brainwash

>> No.12733163


Excellent criticism and arguments against anything at all.

>> No.12733174

>inherently progressive
de-facto progressive
>there are conservative government agencies and media outlets
which mainstream ones? i can agree with current economic policies being mostly right wing, but that's only because you can't dismantle the economy without feeling the consequences immediately, while you can dismantle other institutions like the family or higher education and only feel the real consequences after decades

>> No.12733181

How does a non-hierarchical society function when our means of organising society are necessarily constrained by language?

>> No.12733188


There are hierarchies in anarchism they're just not forced.

>> No.12733190 [DELETED] 

why would anyone waste time arguing with a literal retard like yourself

>> No.12733192

Well the Pentagon for one, though they're getting rekt by feminists in recent years. Conservatives suck at fighting progs in general, but they're especially garbage at dealing with feminism, because they still have obselete 'must take care of women' impulses.

and there are a number of conservative media outlets, after all there is a large group of them to pander to

>> No.12733202

Imagine listening to these kinds of podcasts—Chapo Trap House, cumtown, The Daily Shoah, commonfilth... At least when you subject yourself to mental sludge on 4chan you can shitpost. You can take the reigns, you can play the active role. The podcast listener is the passive partner in an erotic political discourse, having their brains FUCKED RAW by some greasy motherfuckers who will never care for their opinion and will ban them without a second thought if they dare question the hegemony of the Spoken Word.

>> No.12733203

>Left anarchists refer to philosophies which posit a future society in which private property is replaced by reciprocity and non-hierarchical society
You're not really an anarchist, then, aren't you?

>> No.12733204

The guys on Chapo are all in their late 20s early 30s and have professional ties to various media outlets. Amber writes for the Baffler and I know Felix Beiderman has published with the Washington Post before. They're relatively low level liberal media guys who got Twitter famous.

>> No.12733205

Who cares, the more they call themselves socialist the further they dive into actual socialism. It helps us regardless

>> No.12733210
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Bruh look at this dude

>> No.12733216

I've never been able to listen even to lectures at school. I liked going and talking to my profs about stuff one on one, but just hearing some guy drone at me and having no ability to interact with or control the content annoys the shit out of me.

>> No.12733223

Imagine being anything other than a centre left liberal

>> No.12733236

I'm not a socialist. And no, it doesn't help you. You're being used to secure the power of the liberal elite.

>> No.12733248

People into literature are generally Communists.

>> No.12733258
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>> No.12733262


They're not hierarchies like you think. They're voluntary deference to a chosen "higher authority." Like someone who is an engineer will be higher in the archy of someone who isn't when it comes to building a bridge.

How hard is that to get?

>> No.12733267

And people that produce it are generally reactionaries

>> No.12733268

Where's the lie? The left owns the arts in the Current Year, and literature is no exception.

>> No.12733273

I'm a full blown anarchist

>> No.12733282

I don't think this is true anymore. Which writers of note aren't at least some kind of moderate leftist?

>> No.12733284 [DELETED] 


>> No.12733290

I voluntarily defer authority to the absolute monarch, because the absolute monarch is fit to rule. Am I an anarchist now?

>> No.12733295

Are we in the correct decade? Haha holy shit

>> No.12733299

This, the thing they have in common are their ties to leftist and liberal media and support for Bernie Sanders. Other than that, they are different kinds of communists.

>> No.12733306

There aren't any writers of note anymore

>> No.12733314

Is this why its complete garbage now? At least other eras in history had some kind of mix.

>> No.12733315


No, you're a piece of shit.

>> No.12733319

There are, you just either don't like them or you don't pay attention.

>> No.12733324

No, it's bad because the American intelligence agencies are curating it and nothing good has ever come out of the US.

>> No.12733326

david Mamet, houellmeme

>> No.12733327

>Some kind of mix
Shakespeare literally had to suck up to the Tudors what are you talking about?

>> No.12733332 [DELETED] 

>art is left
>b-but it's bad because america

>> No.12733342

The trick is understanding that 2. implies 1.

>> No.12733346

No, im a good boy anarchist becuase I "voluntarily defer authority", just like you said

>> No.12733350 [DELETED] 

sure, whatever you say, autist

>> No.12733359

And your bar for "noteworthy" is set too low

>> No.12733361


Monarchy isn't voluntary.

>> No.12733372

Not him, but you're just arguing bad faith now. Social contract theory is also kind of a bad faith argument. I didn't agree to live in the country I was born in, and often think my main reason for not moving is just that immigration is difficult and it'd be a long arduous process to get citizenship anywhere else.

Anarchists voluntarily defer to authority on a case by case basis and according to private judgment. All of your contracts and deferrals of authority are with people in your community, not signed from birth to an appointed ruler.

>> No.12733378

Art is left-wing because America is directing Art and America is left-wing. Only Americans can really call market liberals right-wing, this makes no sense outside of the postwar American political spectrum in which everyone is already let-wing by any historical standard.

>> No.12733381

Yours is set too high. "Noteworthy" doesn't even mean "good." Bob Woodward is a political gossip writer at this point and he's still noteworthy

>> No.12733408

Chapo is ASMR Sissification samizdat for whould be incel redditors who gave up the ideal of natural male behavior, and basic humman dignity and resigned themselves to some subprime sjw pussy ( low 5, high four, a disgusting hog of a wife, only sticks by you to have a straight honkie to berate) or a tranny(molested BPD faggot in a dress). But you will probably die an incel if you dont do something, even if that something is a revolutionary/satanic skinhead hacker collective and parkour gang. Read SIEGE by James Mason, read SIEGE faggot. The most revolutionary and uncompromising classic for gamers rising up against the technocapital discord tranny/bilderberg mil industrial zaibatsu nexus. Charles Manson is the one and true revolutionary spokesman of the turned on countelculture youth of america. By tunning on ro the Hate channel, the channel school shooters, incel skinheads and child molestors tune in too after a nice tedious day of shootin practice. you will be bathed in the inexistance of the ray of Green Light, Possessed by the greater will of your knightly calling to the immanence of the Hitler/ Kalki Black Sun. The call of the Blood. We are the kmights of agarta the pilgrims of the inexistent green ray. Most people are slaves of atlantis mindless NPC consumer drones. There are also ((those )) who come from opposite stars, the apelings and lesser races, the goblins, who control your leaders like the human size puppets in a vaudevilliangrand guignol spectacle. Even Defeat is glorious for it means victory on another world. Death is the way to eternity.09A. Church of the Process of the final judgement. Columbiners. Beta uprising. Avenge the maryrs of waco and ruby ridge. Its about overcoming judeochristian slave morality clearing through t0 4556 years of postvedic obfuscation to tap into the kalki power lifeline of the universe. I see runes everywhere. We are bringing down the fire of the gods stealing into highest oltympum. The power THEY dont want you tontap into. Joker (heatj ledger version), Manson, Sam Hyde, Bansksy, Guy Fawkes, bin laden. Sartan Crew. Game up Gamer. Skeet Skeet.

>> No.12733440

chapos are also part of the loser class, they call themselves failsons, because they are disapointments to their families and society in general

think stoners, college dropouts, NEETs, incels, people who burdened their families with college debt for a degree that had no market prospects

>> No.12733445

>Bad faith
The only truly bad faith argument occurs when this phrase is invoked.

>> No.12733448

Ive noticed that too lel

>> No.12733452

Dumb dumb dumb. You can't "voluntarily" defer authority when you've already involuntarily defered authority to language itself. That is, man in a state of nature is not "free"; he does not choose to enter sociality. Absolutism just cuts out the middle man.

>> No.12733472

CTH was good for one year, 2016.
Then they became beholden to Twitter and their shitass fascist subreddit.

The only good that ever came from CTH was them pointing their listeners in the direction of Cum Town.

>> No.12733473

"sounds like some guys i should listen to about national politics"

>> No.12733488

Yeah ctown are retarded lefties but least theyre self aware that theyre retards whose political opinions shouldnt be taken serious

>> No.12733495

You misunderstand the positions of people who engage in radical politics. Your typical left wing radical comes from a well off family but is themselves a failure. The typical right winged radical is the exact opposite. Consider that liberals are on average more educated and live in wealthier areas but have lower incomes than conservatives. This is even more pronounced in the radicals. The far right also acts a bit like a breeding cult at times, while the far left are more like extreme hedonists.

>> No.12733519

>chapos are also part of the loser class, they call themselves failsons
I wasn't even aware of this but is extreme validation of my point here >>12733495. "Failsons" adequately describes a substantial part of the radical left. Kids from wealthy and successful families who have failed to thrive like their parents have. Mean while on the right you have people who grew up in a meth'd out trailer park in the back woods of Alabama and got out through sheer will and entrepreneurship. I actually come from a trailer park myself and am quite the /pol/ack.

>> No.12733551

>Still Using fascist as a peyorative.

You have a long way to go young padawan. The incontoverteble truth is that the concept of 'Fascist' and the image of Hitler piss all the right people off. The furries, the chapos, new york jews, the trannies, every shrill female authority figure you have ever sufferd under and assorted sjw anti gamergate forces. To piss them off, we will call ourselves fascists and worship hitler.

>> No.12733558

They are just DSA socdems with an added pinch of puritanical virtue policing

>> No.12733658

Does anyone have a cogent theory as to why young American shitlibs so easily recast themselves as performative anarchists? Also why is like 50% of r/chapotraphouse trans

>> No.12733661

>Does anyone have a cogent theory as to why young American shitlibs so easily recast themselves as performative anarchists?
trump won

>> No.12733680

Leftism is by necessity a sissyfication religion. See the cult of cybelles in the late empire for a parallel. To ascend tge progressive stake hierarchy and stop being an incel gamer white dude chandala you can show your devotion to the lgbtqzog feminist god by chopping of the balls and the baseball bat as an offering to globohomo, Matt Christman and the tranny discord mods.

>> No.12733697
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I'm not talking about right fascism and hitler. Those guys were fags.
Leftist fascism speaks to prescriptive ethics and using group intimidation on social media to enforce them.
I'm speaking about a micropolitics of fascism.
You probaly won't, but you should read Guattari's essay Everybody Wants to be a Fascist.

>> No.12733715

>Leftism is by necessity a sissyfication religion

>ignores the reds and every other leftist action taken violently

i guess them maga hat wearing twats are the real warriors eh

>> No.12733733

They're preparing for a life of housebound slavery to alpha /pol/ bulls. If they make for a cute sissy they may be spared the rope.

>> No.12733742

"failsons" being a moniker for all displaced and disenfranchised men. Regardless of wealth background. Both parts of the left and right have their fair share amounts of failsons, whether its "communist furries" or LARPing naziboys, they all fall under the same umbrella

>> No.12733757

Everyone wants to be a fascist? Why could that be? Maybe the are right. Why does any philosophy that could be, even theoretically classified as fascist is instantly quarantined by the tech people, the ngo people, managerial shitlibs. What are they so afraid off? Why is Hitler the last taboo? 'Karl Marx' just means i have an expensive college, it will play along well to the crowd, the nyt crowd, subhuman new media brooklyn faggots crowd, the progressive judaism reform union, to make things short all the queers, jews, and queer jews that monnopolise the trannyvision zogaganda mainstream bugman fuckscape. Bring up hitler on the other hand a nd the same people who now accept you will recoil, help i ve been found out!

>> No.12733765

Furries love Hitler though

>> No.12733776

I want a cute slave bf! But all the commie dregs are prematurely aged grotesques..

>> No.12733784
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Id just like to say

fuck liberals
fuck neoliberals
fuck conservatives
fuck fascists
And fuck social democrats


and one more thing

fuck niggers

>> No.12733791

But anon, the deconstruction of gender whiteness colonialism and has to be violent, for it expresses a millenia of suffering of the marginalised, its suppose to be humilliating for you as a straighr white dude or a white identifying colonised subject to go through the 2019 decolonisation paradigm intersectional sex positive queer feminest consciousness shift. One year ago i indulgent in irresponsible jokes targeting marginalised folks, am now identifying as quuer and asking people to refer to me by they/them pronouns.

>> No.12733798

nice bro :P
lets go post on chapo2 about christcucks and liberals XD

>> No.12733812
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In the soviet union the chapo faggots would have been sent to the gulag for being social fascists

>> No.12733817 [DELETED] 

more so than the kind of faggot that listens to leftist podcasts lmao

>> No.12733837
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That's just the title.
Just read the fucking essay, or don't.
I don't care either way.
For example, the Stasi, the Gestapo, and your local police department use the tools of the fascists, despite their obviously different political aims.
Your entire longwinded post only justifies your hard on for Nazism and not much else.

>> No.12733844

Commie memes have something sickening about them. Malice and moralism combined... I don’t know why /pol/ doesn’t trigrrr me the same way, maybe I can’t take them seriously enough.

>> No.12733848

why do they hate white people so much?

>> No.12733849

Their aspirations are ultimately to be successful in an inherently feminine service economy.

>> No.12733857

They are trannies and or autists who cant tap into the mainline of indoeuropean civilization due to congenital faggotry, housepets for the managerial gynocracy. Always twee and ironic butt no me, my hate is real.

>> No.12733871
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>> No.12733887

Tranny discord. They make each oother in mods drive out the opposition by crying mysoginist/racist/homophobe in the shrillest way possible and mandate total ideological connformity. IVE Noted they tend to be afraid of masculinity, white boys who wont just shut up .

>> No.12733911

Just come on and 'transition' already you crazy faggot, you are repressing your true self- a cute and smol transcommunist nb catgirl. Remember kids, Leftism is based on sexual submissiveness and a desire for humilliation. Feministsarthoes actually want a real man, an hypermasculine fash dudebro to fuck them and humilliate them. While leftists want to be the bitch in this scenario. Wasnt that what Hegel was on about with tge master slave dialectic.

>> No.12733918

leftism is about revolution. As in revolutionary violence.
As in, bashing you in the skull justifies the means if it furthers the revolution

>> No.12733924

Speak for yourself fag. My parents are the disappointments to me.

>> No.12733965

They look exactly how I imagined.

>> No.12733966

What is it with leftists and utterly unintimidating unrealistic threats of violence. I could defeat anybleftypol tranny through unarmed physical combat
> bashimg you in the skull
So whimpered the faggot, to autistic to understand the tribal nature of humanity and the question of the friend enemy distinction as tge ontological basis ofpolitics. You are too autistic to play the identity politics clout game but heh you can still stake out a neutral place

>> No.12733995

>through unarmed physical combat
lel its a good thing some of us aren't anti-gun.

>> No.12734004

>some of us

Kek the amount of actual pro gun leftists is so small you will get decimated my man.

>> No.12734017

/pol/ is a board of peace and humour. Autistic commies take their shit seriously.

>> No.12734040


those are just liberals and we don't really pay them any mind desu they're as much the enemy as fascists

>> No.12734060

Fascism is the true revolutionary ideology. Why arent you a Fascist yet? Are you afraid of something, not ready to pledge yourself to whiteness and heterosexual masculinity? You watched to much phineas and ferb inflation hentai and now feel attracted to trannies and maybe want to become a trannuy yourself?

>> No.12734062 [DELETED] 


>> No.12734063
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>> No.12734140


>fascism is already in vogue and in government
>the real revolutionary idea

whoa... i bet you think it's revolutionary to be jingoistic

really sticking it to the system whoa...

>> No.12734142 [DELETED] 

this nigga seriously retarded

>> No.12734486

good post

>> No.12734560

dumb post

>> No.12734594

What drives leftists to think they can be edgy? How do you repeat bourgeois, state-approved moral platitudes in an edgy way?

>> No.12734610

by prefixing it with PISS or CUM and using different sorts of impact font over a picture of gangster bugs bunny. its ironic GET IT

>> No.12734647
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>we emphatically agree with the status quo consensus on a greater need for equality and democracy and on the shortcomings of neoliberal free market policies, but we voice our agreement more LOUDLY and CRUDELY and SARCASTICALLY than other people, which means our views are somehow nonstandard

>> No.12734649

Why do ALL modern leftists look like this?

>> No.12734671


>> No.12734705

God, I really hope these pinkos organize and get violent. They really don't understand that every straight white male that wasn't born to overly educated parents who lived in apartments instead of homes have had wetdreams of purging an evil force from their homeland since childhood.

It gives us boners thinking of the chance to react in defense of our people. It gives us a boner of the thought of eradicating you.

>> No.12734720

the worst part is at least two of them have Israeli Mossad parents or something like that and they're all basically millionaires in their own right, as well as being trust fund kiddies. C*m t*wn is also part of that fucking incestuous weird New York "podcaster" set. Its really weird that the biggest acts are all within walking distance of each other considering the medium doesn't require proximity to anything. Not saying its a psyop but why the fuck anyone wants the hot takes of a NYC rich kids is beyond me. I saw cum town live and never thought about them again after that. Meet them in person and if you have even a drop of red blood in you you'll be physically disgusted by these mewling 5'6 pieces of shit. You can tell they're just psychic messes, absolute basketcases. Chapo fags would be a similar case im sure. All their money and they're still gonna kill themselves

>> No.12734728

Sounds like we're getting close to peak wiemar.

>> No.12734739

so you are just an edgy liberal?

>> No.12734748

you can be a loser and part of the managerial class, which Chapos obviously are, not all managers raise to the top

>> No.12734760

even if they are a failure, they have still been educated and prepared to be part of the managerial class, and been networked into it, which is why they all probably have some kind of direct network with "relevant people", be it academics, mainstream media types, government officials and things like that, which MAGA retards will never have because they have been raised in the actual loser class, not sinked to the lower tiers of the managerial class like chapos

>> No.12734770

victimhood is power, if you are a white guy you are at the bottom of the progressive stack, trans are at the top just below maybe blacks and muslims, and that's arguable

trans are certainly above women, which is why becoming trans is a way for incels to game the system

>> No.12734773

the loser class make up the military, police, and citizens who own guns
seems like that is going to provoke conflict at some point

>> No.12734788

they have sources of prestige and money, which is what you need when you have to keep bribing people into an unnatural coalition of pillaging and poundering.

will be fun when the sources of value and prestige are run to the ground, but we won't probably live to see it

>> No.12734791

That's pretty funny. I try to give lefty podcasts a chance.... I don't know why, I just do.

Chaop fucking sucks. Pure cringe, snarky nazily shits crooning into the microphone doing hot takes just barely above the quality of corporate media. I have no idea why they have any following at all.

Cum Town on the other hand, cracks me up. They're disgusting but undeniably hilarious

>> No.12734794

lesbian spaces have been taken over by trans guys, all mods in the reddit biggest women subreddit are men in dresses, same with gaming events, soon sport events, ...

it's kind of funny that women have memed themselves into being replaced by men in dresses in all their prestige hierarchies, we will see if they get wise to this or if they are too far the deep end to stop it now

>> No.12734810

but they can't efficiently organize and they have no international support, the higher tiers of the military and police have still been memed by the managerial class

>> No.12734900

the pentagon is promoting transgenderism

>> No.12735027

Lol this it’s conversation cucking, you’re just watching a bunch of guys have conversations you wish your friendless ass was having

>> No.12735096

>they have no international support
Nationalist parties are literally sweeping across the world. Brazil, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Estonia, and now Spain's far-right party has taken partial power.

The upcoming Euro elections are expecting more nationalist victories too. Neo-liberal globalism is on it's way out

>> No.12735156
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it remains to be seen how far nations as projects can really be taken, they are somewhat successful now as a reaction to globalism, but can nationalism really be strong enough as a coalition building that confronts globalism?

it has to be remembered that most nations were already pragmatic and modern projects that crushed traditions and languages to create homogeneous masses of citizens that could be mobilized efficiently in modern economy and warfare. in that sense nationalism can be seen as a previous step towards globalism

i can't see nationalism as a true consensus building block on the long term unless something else is added to it to make it truly anti-modern

also it can be argued that only true "independent" countries are the US and China, maybe Russia depending how much you stretch it, the rest of the """nations""" can be seen as just glorified colonies that have a very narrow field of decision before they clash with international forced that determine what they can and cannot do

>> No.12735179

matt and virgil look so goddamn weird

>> No.12735220

>Nations as projects
The nation state is thousands of years old. So far every large "empire" (which is what globalism truly is) has folded and failed, but the nation state endures.

The nation state is as old as recorded history. These "empires" always get too big and ungovernable, and then collapse. Every single time. That's what the EU is, and that's what all of these stupid "free trade" deals really are. They're global micromanagement to build an empire by proxy, and it's already failed.

I agree with you about most countries not having true sovereignty though. It's quite sad, but probably realistic. On a smaller scale than globalism, The US empire basically ruled the world in competition with a few other empires. There are many things coming up that will change the game, like crypto currency. That could seriously throw a wrench in the central banks, but now you've got the Italian government talking about seizing the central bank and opening a crypto government department.

Personally I predict the age of egalitarian liberalism is going to come to an end and we will enter the age of a sort of pre-technocratic Caesarism within nation states, but those nation states will be in coalition with others. You're already seeing it, Brazil/poland/italy/hungary are building an anti-EU or "post-globalism" Christian coalition. A fascinating development in 2019.

What may happen is a sort of Holy Roman Empire version 2 in the future, but with technocratic elites overseeing it. But who knows, idk. The Bible says "there is nothing new under the sun", and I believe that.

>> No.12735222

I agree with you 100% but wasn't this guy all about reading gay stuff by himself? Doesn't really count.

>> No.12735236

depends what you mean by nations or nation states, the US and France were clearly homogenizing and modernizing projects, less than half of the frenchmen spoke french before the french revolution

italy and spain are also similar shitshows. maybe some other nations represent something more real, but not most of the big ones

>> No.12735249

Hold on, isn't the concept of a nation only about a 400 year-old thing? And nationalism, particularly, is a thing even younger than that.
Large-scale social and cultural interconnectivity is a relatively fresh thing, even though grand tracts of land, great masses, and many nations have been woven together under unified administrative systems before.

>> No.12735255

You know where to go back, migrant

>> No.12735266

They repackage social-democracy, sell it as edgy idiosyncratic dissidence and cover their historical and political illiteracy and lack of nuance with irony. All congealing into a product that is very palatable to angsty 16-25 year olds who are dissatisfied with their lot in life and feel like they could be so much more, but as long as they keep pointing to the Man, they won'd actually have to address their own shortcomings. The chapo people aren't doing this cynically by the way, on the contrary, they are forever bound by arrested development into that 16-25 year old.

>> No.12735268

>America is left wing
and I thought only maga boomers were this retarded

>> No.12735310

it is socially, name one right wing american institution that hasn't been moving to the left of completely coopted by the left

maybe not economically, but that's just because you cannot subvert the economy without feeling the consequences immediately, while you can subvert other institutions and only feel the results 50 years down the line

>> No.12735540

Nationalism was invented but organizing for self interest is add old as time.

Nation as in an ethnic group is also an old concept not synonymous with a statehood.

Modern states derive legitimacy or sovereignty by appeals to republicanism and justice when in reality they practice faith based governance I equal measure to monarchs they usurped.

What does it mean for the future, nationalist populist movements will have a hard time separating from the global hegemony simply through the same religious right (voting and the courts) that animates it.

>> No.12735636

>Your typical left wing radical comes from a well off family but is themselves a failure. The typical right winged radical is the exact opposite.
The inverse is true. Hell many outright MAGAers portray themselves that way.

>> No.12735639

Agreed with radical right wingers, you're in total lala land if you think radical left wingers are overwhelming successful though.

>> No.12735640

like pol

>> No.12735647

there are barely any remaining prestige spaces for right-wingers, the lefties have been through those left-wing institution even if they ended up as a failure in them, the right wingers didn't get through any institutions of their own, maybe their local church if it's not a progressive church, but that's not prestigious at all on the national level

>> No.12735655

Exactly, but not on the same side of the political spectrum.

>> No.12735666

>if you think radical left wingers are overwhelming successful though.
Of course not, they are usually 'better' than their parents

Why are you conflating success with prestige? And right wingers go through universities too.

>> No.12735673

pol actually seems pretty leftist lately, they just say nigger like che guevara

>> No.12735677

He had a podcast thing which eventually devolved into delirious rambling

>> No.12735684

/pol/ aren't the ones selling this shit to angsty 16 year olds, they are the angsty 16 year olds pretending to be the cool podcasters

>> No.12735846

>Why are you conflating success with prestige? And right wingers go through universities too.
i'm not conflating it, what do you mean by success? i mean there are """prestigious""" jobs like journalist jobs or assistant teacher that pay like shit, but they are still part of the managerial class and have a certain degree of prestige attached to them, at least within the managerial class even if that prestige is crumbling socially
>And right wingers go through universities too.
certainly not to study right wing ideas, and if they want any degree of success in the they'll have to bend the ideological knee

>> No.12735897

Behold, the saviors of the revolution. Working class martyrs. These people will achieve true equality between all races and peoples.

>> No.12736094 [DELETED] 

Fucking cringe. Trotskyites are the biggest goddamn losers on the planet.

>> No.12736312

chapo routinely dunks on trots tho

>> No.12736349

yall fuck with chapo and cumtown and shit, and then a few of you fags probably even tried recines podcast from the fb page.

but have you entered.... the terradome? i need a virgin cumboy vs a chad terranova
>shits on all 3
>wise guy eyetalian
>fast talking
>not some kiddie making fart jokes

>> No.12736479

Terranova is funny as hell and the sitdown is shit without him. Matt and Shane's secret podcast is also a superior choice to ctown

>> No.12736492 [DELETED] 

shut up discord tranny

>> No.12736568

Leftism is the standard.
Sanders is considered far left.
Only one of these statements can be true burger

>> No.12736576

Imagine unironically believing you're in a democracy while the place you work is privately owned and controlled.

>> No.12736679

Not him, but do you really think that young'un?

>> No.12736725

which one is that? and yea, terranova being the wild card and mike recine being the ball buster was the best pair

>> No.12736732

sorry, you meant literally the podcast is the matt and shane secret podcast. my bad im the dipshit

>> No.12736999

Yes the left has firm control over the government and the high end of institutions. It's rare to find a liberal actually come out and admit this other than when you want to gloat and poster. Note however that the left isn't just composed of the highly educated and the urban city networked elite. In fact among highly educated whites they only hold a marginal advantage. Where the left has a dominant stranglehold is among the bottom classes of society. Drug addicts, well fare bums, high school drop outs, single moms, criminals, all lean overwhelmingly left. You basically get slight over representation at the very top and heavy representation at the very bottom while the right holds the working class and again has an economic advantage despite being less privileged in terms of area and education. It's just factually wrong to call the right a "loser class". We make more money than you nerd.

>> No.12737012

>Holy... I want more!
Said every socialist ever waiting in a bread line lol

>> No.12737029

Why is cum town associated with politics, apart from a few jokes about it?

>> No.12737070

A couple things to note:
1) MAGAers aren't necessarily right-winged, there are a lot of confused people without a cogent system of belief out there who sort of just sway too and fro between political movements
2) People like Richard Spencer and some of the TDS crowd are legit left wingers. Don't confuse them for the right.
3) I'm speaking about averages, don't pull a "but I know one person who doesn't fit the mold" on me.
4) By successful I don't mean filthy rich, I mean they have a decent job and achieved some level of familial success. Think a job in the trades and a couple kids. The radical right is jam packed full of tradesmen, farmers, cops, vets, etc. You can scoff and call these people unsuccessful all you want, they are successful by the norms of society in that they compare favorably to the average.

>> No.12737078

Being bitch-level in teaching or journalism isn't a prestigious job at all you nut-wit. Only a liberal would think they are and yes those fields become more hated by the day.

>> No.12737082

They don't manage anything tho, many of them are barely employable, they would be lumpenproles except they aren't reactionaries.

>> No.12737096
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Try Nick Mullen President of the DSA's (formerly Clown Prince of the Alt Right) podcast

it's a little edgy, it's a little wild, this is not your grandma's political show. If you like Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect this might be the show for you.

>> No.12737100 [DELETED] 

uhh did you just have an autistic meltdown?

>> No.12737108
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>If you like Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect this might be the show for you.
Kill. Your. Self.

>> No.12737114

Nick Mullen is redpilled. I talked to him once and he knows and agree about the truth about race and IQ, and even agrees that the right is right on most of the issues but his social circles are too left wing and he doesn't care enough about politics to promote his true views.

>> No.12737119

You can still be a leftist even though you know the truth about race and IQ. That didn't stop any leftist a hundred years ago.

>> No.12737124

because the cumtown guys are friends with the chapo guys

>> No.12737151

Please explain to me how spending upwards of 8 hours a day in a privately controlled place where your autonomy is heavily gimped depending on the will of your employer is compatible with democracy.

>> No.12737156

Not a fan of Chapo Trap House, I'm more of a Chapo Dubstep House type of guy to be honest

>> No.12737157

You're right, the only true democracy is in a gulag or a shanty-town. Heil comrade!

>> No.12737163
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>There are only gulags and workplaces
The absolute ideology of this lad

>> No.12737170 [DELETED] 

>try to make a shitty joke
>doesn't even change the correct word

>> No.12737182

You're more of a Chapo Trap Tenement guy?

>> No.12737192 [DELETED] 

house and dubstep are similar genres of wobble wub horseshit for people on E retard

>> No.12737197

Yes people have to work for society to function and for us not to live in poverty. That's not ideology, it's simple logic and obvious to anyone with a basic level of knowledge of history.

>> No.12737198

Well I'm not an EDM man so I'll take your word for it

>> No.12737212 [DELETED] 

>t. 16 year old who read the communist manifesto and zizek's wikipedia page

>> No.12737244
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>Explain why working for a living in a modern technologically advanced economy is compatible with democracy
>sometimes my boss is a dickhead and like dude we have so much technology like can't machines just fix everything? >socialism would fix this

No, because now the work place is subject to all the weaknesses of democracy so anytime there is a bout of hysteria or some major cultural backlash that divides the populace of an area, this is amplified in the work force. Democracy is flawed m8, the closest you faggots have gotten to your egalitarian paradise have been billion dollar co-ops like Mondragon in Spain, except they still have a strict hierarchy and an ideologically driven workforce. Making the workplace public vs private does nothing to solve inherent - yes inherent - issues in human behavior. As for reducing hours - you're a moron. At anytime you are competing with borderline slave labor in a modern globalized economy - something which can't be magically fixed with a wave of fairy godmother's magic wand. The world is not perfect, so you *work* to make it better you lazy fag. Maybe take a few econ courses and study the history of different companies for a bit

>> No.12737253

>he stopped at basic history
>He doesn't realise communal ownership of the means of production is even a possibility
>He thinks the communist manifesto is the be all, end all for Marxist theory

>> No.12737257

>He believes neo-classical economics is a valid way to examine real world economic phenomena
>He fell for the human nature meme
>He thinks co-ops are a solution to capitalistic status quo

>> No.12737259 [DELETED] 

So what you're saying is we need to kill all of the asians, indians and africans so we can have 4 hour days? How do we get this message to the masses?

>> No.12737262
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God damnit it feels bad knowing there are people this retarded, and knowing these people hold positions of power in society. I'm guessing you're a troll but who knows with all the retarded commies out there.

>> No.12737270

Nah, we just need to stop giving those countries gibs like food and medicine and actually give them the financial means to actualise themselves without the manipulation of first world imperialists who decide for them what to do with their means.

>> No.12737273

Radical constructionism is disproven by our best scientific understanding of psychology. Why do libtards worship science and mock the right for scientific illiteracy when it suits them, but shift to the hardest kind of science denial when it doesn't?

>> No.12737275

>He is unable to imagine non-capitalist modes of being.
RIP dude, you're basically completely neutered.

>> No.12737282

>He fell for the "human nature doesn't exist lol historical materialism" meme
>trying to dismiss anyone else for any reason whatsoever
Yes, there are entire fields of research dedicated to flaws in human behavior and communication which won't suddenly be fixed if you abolish private property, in fact, doing so would make many of those flaws worse. Democracy is an imperfect system, and we are not perfect beings.

>> No.12737283 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking retard and I'm really happy you're going to have to live to see your delusional brainwashing bashed out of your dumb head by your pets

>> No.12737285 [DELETED] 

literally 90 iq

>> No.12737287

>Argues with a communist
>Calls him a libtard
The absolute state of the burger right wing.
Not to even mention the fact that you're literally arguing as if psychological egoism is a biological reality

>> No.12737288

>He fell for Marx's outdated 19ty century anthropology that claims ancient socieites were communistic
Oh god

>> No.12737290


>> No.12737294 [DELETED] 

you'll never be white lol

>> No.12737295

I can imagine it like I can imagine a flying purple unicorn that breathes fire.

>> No.12737297

Genetics are real. IQ is real and hereditary. Behaviors like agressiveness, openness, solidarity, competitiveness, and so on are hard wired into your brain. Human nature is simply the truth and denying it is laughable.

>> No.12737298

Aight bb's I had fun, gl when the entire liberal economy collapses and you're all gonna pay up for it.

>> No.12737299 [DELETED] 


>> No.12737300

>90% of modern socialists
>Not just liberals LARP'ing as leftists
Anon plz.
>Psychological egoism
Way to put words in his mouth

>> No.12737303 [DELETED] 

You're gonna have to accept lead

>> No.12737304

Lol, go back to /pol/ kid, the fact that genetics make us predisposed to certain behaviours does not mean that therefore race exists.

>> No.12737310

Pretending race doesn't exist is just deeply embarrassing at this point

>> No.12737313

holy fuck i hope this is real

>> No.12737320

>the fact that red and green come from different wavelengths of light doesn't mean colour as a concept exists

>> No.12737321

No, but the fact that populations were isolated by more than hundreds of thousands of years, in vastly different enviroments, and show obvious, measured differences, mean that race exists.
>b-but race isn't taxonomically real or whatever
Call "race" whatever you want. There is a fact that's uncontestable, different genetic clusters correlate with ancestry. If you'll call that genetic cluster "race" or not, it doesn't matter. Reminder that a human need only to spit at a bottle for geneticists to unveil his whole lineage back a 1000 years.

>> No.12737322
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He never mentioned race in his post you obsessed Tumblr newfag.

>> No.12737513

colour/race as concept =/= colour/race as property of physical reality

>> No.12737533

Pull any word salad out of your ass that you want but human race is as legitimate a concept as colour.

>> No.12737578

Reminder that geneticists are not even able to distinguish native dna from Eastern Asian DNA.

>> No.12737587

You probably believe the ontological argument has any value too.

>> No.12737605

They can, I don't know what the fuck you're smoking. Native Americans and East Asians are very closely related though. Injuns came to America from Asia sooner in the past than people seem to think. It's not like they've been here forever.

>> No.12737636

Geneticists confirm themselves that tracking lineage through genetic material is half science half personal interpretation.
Why do you think you get different results if you send in DNA samples to different companies?

>> No.12737637

What are you talking about? Of course they can, look for 23andme videos from Latinos on youtube. There used to be a problem in distinguishing Central Native Americans to South Native Americans but now they can distinguish that easily too.

>> No.12737664

The margin of error is less than 10%. Reminder that a white person will NEVER see his score as substantially Sub Saharan African, and vice versa, though, there are some problems in variation between races, say a Portugese and a Spanish. But even then it's mild. Race is real.

>> No.12737725

It is as legitimate as it is useful.

Colour, as a scientific construct, can be much more rigorous though. By social convention, the peerage of experts can set a certain wavelenght value as the upper or lower bound for a wavelenght interval that is then labeled a specific colour. Race has never achieved that level of specificity because it isn't unifactorial - the differences between races aren't a single thing like skin colour, nose shape, IQ, lip size, skull angle, jaw angle, etc. So there is a much bigger degree of arbitrariety. Not to mention that the spectrum of colour does not change, while the destribution of characteristic of each race across populations varies in both degree and intensity over time, because a) mutation b) genedrift and c) hybridization.

I'm not at all opposed to using race in common parlay or even in social studies and genetics, but it should be clear that the concept lacks the level of objectivity that factor g or haplogroups have.

>> No.12737735 [DELETED] 

black people are still dumb buddy take a breath

>> No.12737758

The only person who won't get the wall in this entire thread.

>> No.12737846

The race categories are completely arbitrary and based on slight genetic drift, not on any biological reality. you yourself pointed this out with your comment on Portugese and Spanish people.

>> No.12737853 [DELETED] 

>completely arbitrary as you pointed out with two european ethnic groups who border each other
blacks are dumb and no one else on earth including other blacks likes them

>> No.12737893

Not matter how much little difference there are, they are still meaningful. Again, you simply handwave the fact that a 100% European will NEVER see substantial Sub Saharan African on his genetic make up, because the differences are meanigful. I just highlighted that populations that are really close, like Spanish and Portuguese, can make false positives, but this doesn't apply to say, Spanish and Finnish, or Europeans and Africans.
It doesn't matter the semantics that you want to apply to the word "race". There are meaningful biological differences between populations. You see this everyday and for some reason delude yourself to not pay attention to it.

>> No.12737940

If the borders of a category are fuzzy, they are thereby also arbitrary, and the category does not exist. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.12737947

>officer the boundaries are in fact fuzzy, there is no real difference between red and green light

>> No.12737958

>dude the borders between my house and the street are totally arbitrary! that means they are not meaningful and useless!

>> No.12737959

But Europeans have substantial amounts of sub saharan DNA, your argument rests on the fact that genetecists are able to predict your ancestry on the totality of your DNA, this does not change the fact that there's 1. About as much genetic difference between individuals in a certain group as in two people from different groups and 2. That this does not change the arbitrary nature of race.
Maybe you should consider following the actual experts on this topic on this subject instead of Molyneux?

>> No.12737960

>dunks on

>> No.12737968

Nobody is denying that racial borders exist, just that they only have sociological reality, not any biological reality.

>> No.12737976

you can literally map them genetically you absolute pleb

>> No.12737984
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Reminder that a rule-of-thumb in taxonomy is that if you can recognize members from different populations of the same species at least 75% of the time, then they belong to different subspecies. Now imagine if you applied this equally among all species, including homo sapiens.

>> No.12737986

this, same for sexes. ask a sexist to point to an actual biological difference between male and female, and watch them squirm

>> No.12738011

If anything, blacks are superior to middle class american whites and i am arguiing from a far right perspective. Nigger criminals are the only ones living like Odysseus or Achilles in our feminized bureaucratic hellscape society. IQ is designed to measure psychological jewishness, calculation. White Nationalists who fall back on IQ are appealing to jewish power, see? According to your own scientific measures, we honkies are smarter than the niggers, (which isnt saying much)we make for better slaves, so please please dont replace us mr goldstein...

>> No.12738038

>But Europeans have substantial amounts of sub saharan DNA
Wrong. At best, 1-2%.
>About as much genetic difference between individuals in a certain group as in two people from different groups and
There's a reason this is called Lewontin's Fallacy. Read the Edwards paper.
>2. That this does not change the arbitrary nature of race
>Nobody is denying that racial borders exist, just that they only have sociological reality, not any biological reality.
Races genetically differ in skin color, hair, behavior, cognitive abilities, testosterone, height, voice tone, even wax (asians have dry ear wax) etc etc, and you even need a same race person for organ donation but no dude, race is totally arbitrary!

>> No.12738039

Dont replace us mr. Goldstein, on average we are more prepared to perform mid level administrative work and maybe even program computers. The chinese may bevcongenitally better equipped for the task, but whites are relaible workers, cheerful and obedient

>> No.12738054

Post hog lol we're so funny

>> No.12738063

Reminder that race realism is a modern day heresy because it contradicts the secular protestant doctrine of inner light and that this dogmatic faith is all that maintains the anti-realist position

>> No.12738073

yeah. You have to admit it's extremely awkward though, as a subject, for a society with multiple races living in it.

>> No.12738075

Listen chud, neither you or me are actually qualified on this subject so how about you simply just consider what actual experts have to say on this subject instead of Stefan Molyneux and see that the experts do not consider race a viable biological category.

>> No.12738078

It's a sign of the times when society can't handle truth.

>> No.12738085

>Anti-realism is bad because it means you deny objective reality.
>>12738054 Unironically

>> No.12738090

Evolution is real but doesn't apply to humans for some reason.

>> No.12738092

What is ethical consumption anyway?

>> No.12738097

>ow about you simply just consider what actual experts have to say on this subject instead of Stefan Molyneux and see that the experts do not consider race a viable biological category.
This is what i already do. But if you want to, you should listen to a liberal jew geneticist on the topic, search for David's Reich article on race. He is basically calling out liberals on the fact, that there are meaningful race differences.

>> No.12738107
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>> No.12738108

>don't think, just believe what they say
Absolutely lmao

>> No.12738124

Lol @the faggots who vote for joe Biden

>> No.12738142

They did a poll on r/chapotraphouse and the core user base is middle to late 20s males

>> No.12738143

The reason why there's no subspecies within homo sapiens is because we interbreed A LOT.

>> No.12738150

As a conservative he's the only one I actually fear, luckily Democrats are too stupid and anti-white to nominate the only guy with a chance at winning.

>> No.12738159

If you don't think there's speciation in human beings you're a fucking retard.

>> No.12738160

“What the genetics shows is that mixture and displacement have happened again and again and that our pictures of past ‘racial structures’ are almost always wrong,” says David Reich, a Harvard University paleogeneticist whose new book on the subject is called Who We Are and How We Got Here. There are no fixed traits associated with specific geographic locations, Reich says, because as often as isolation has created differences among populations, migration and mixing have blurred or erased them.
From an article on David Reich's work.
Jezus fucking Christ if you're gonna cite someone who agrees with you at least make sure they actually agree with you.

>> No.12738163

From a leftist I actually agree, guy has raped tons of women and possibly kids for sure. Just look at the limey bastard.

>> No.12738164

That quote doesn't mean that any given populations at some point in time don't have average differences

>> No.12738166

>So how should we handle the eventuality that for a few traits, average differences among populations arising from genetics will be discovered? I do not think that the right approach is to pretend that scientific research has shown there can be no meaningful average genetic differences among human populations, because that message is contradicted by scientific facts.
He is subtle about the whole thing, dummy. I know people who had classes with him and he's pretty much crypto HBD.

>> No.12738167

There are differences between groups of people by definition, but those diferences are entirely defined by how you choose what constitutes a different group. Do you even statistics?

>> No.12738171

Oh, you KNOW people and he's just hiding his power level. Jezus fucking Christ mate, literaly neck yourself.

>> No.12738174

Those differences are defined by the actual qualities of the members of the groups. The groups themselves are not arbitrary, they are nested classifications of genetic distance with some mixing at the edges.

>> No.12738180

I'll leave you 'race realist' inbreeding fetishists with this.

>> No.12738182

Literally read the quote in the post you replied to my hysterical friend
>why doesn't he come out and say the thing that will ruin his entire life if he says it
Truly a mystery

>> No.12738187

>anthropologists' views

>> No.12738190

Race realism? Don't make me talk to my Discord academics.

>> No.12738212

>he doesn't ignore the claims of experts to deny them the vastly disproportionate amount of power their institutions have when it comes to structuring society
You're nothing more that an apologist for the elites.

>> No.12738216

>can be much more rigorous though
Can be I guess but isn't necessarily.
> By social convention, the peerage of experts can set a certain wavelenght value as the upper or lower bound for a wavelenght interval that is then labeled a specific colour.
>Race has never achieved that level of specificity because it isn't unifactorial - the differences between races aren't a single thing like skin colour, nose shape, IQ, lip size, skull angle, jaw angle, etc.
Wrong. Race isn't based on IQ or jawline or anything like that. You'll never have your race tested by getting an IQ test. Similarly an Albino negro from Africa is not a white man because he has pale skin. Race is determined solely by genetic clustering and lines of descent.
>So there is a much bigger degree of arbitrariety.
It's not more arbitrary, rather it's more complex. There's a big difference between the two.
>Not to mention that the spectrum of colour does not change, while the destribution of characteristic of each race across populations varies in both degree and intensity over time, because a) mutation b) genedrift and c) hybridization.
You're mixing the conceptualization of race with the real world representation of race. Mutation, genedrift and hybridization don't disqualify the theory of race any more than the fact that you can mix orange and yellow together to get an orangey-yellowish colour disqualifies colour. Well some people might mistake it for orange or others call it yellow, therefore there's no clear category of yellow or orange right? And it's therefore arbitrary? No. Obviously that's wrong and when that same logic is applied to race it's still wrong.

>> No.12738226
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>> No.12738269

Isnt race basically ethnicity? Is ethnicity controversial now?

>> No.12738270
File: 40 KB, 600x485, derppost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen chud, neither you or me are actually qualified on this subject so how about you simply just consider what actual priests have to say on this subject instead of looking into things yourself and see that the priests do not support this nonsense that you are saying.

>> No.12738447

Are there any good books written by schizophrenics?

>> No.12738448
File: 164 KB, 1090x888, Genetic-clusters great britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrong. Race isn't based on IQ or jawline or anything like that. You'll never have your race tested by getting an IQ test. Similarly an Albino negro from Africa is not a white man because he has pale skin.
I consider those arguments in favour of my case. The genes that explain variance across those dimensions can be present or not present in any person of a given race, there being no non-arbitrary cut-off point.

>genetic clustering and lines of descent.
Finding genetic clusters requires multifactorial analysis. Like I said above there isn't a set of genes that is present in everyone that belongs to a race nor a set of genes that, if present, disqualify someone from being of a certain race. Rather, racial categories are usually derived ad-hoc from phenotype observations which are subsequently correlated to genomes, and the former factor injects much subjectivity into the categorization. If actually started from the factor of genetic variation alone, you could run a multifactorial analysis and derive any number of groupings between 1 (all of humanity) and 7 billion+ (one for every human being minus twins and clones) because the gradient of genetic variation can be spread for all loci - or whichever loci you choose.

Interestingly, the analysis that seek to link genetic variance to geographic positions of different populations, are similarly bound by the analysts' arbitrary choice of scale. You could divy up humanity in 5 groups like Rosenberg, or over a thousand if you were as precise as this map here for the whole world.

>Well some people might mistake it for orange or others call it yellow, therefore there's no clear category of yellow or orange right? And it's therefore arbitrary? No. Obviously that's wrong and when that same logic is applied to race it's still wrong.
But that isn't how colour classification works. Firstly, the labeling we do is indeed arbitrary unless you consider our cultural conventions on what colours are different colours and what colours are shades of the same colours. Secondly, the scientific classification of colours is quite precise. Wether something is orange or not is simply a matter of checking if the wavelenght interval falls between 590nm 625nm. Anyway, the spectrum of colour is the same from the begining of time until the end of it, while the specie is perpetually changing (as are the subspecies that we chose to consider), so even if you can be as precise at defining race as you can be with colour (which is a pretty high bar to set, and unfair IMO, but I wasn't the one to bring it into conversation), it would have to be open to constant revision like a dictionary.

>> No.12738464
File: 45 KB, 450x265, stock-photo-diversity-race-ethnicity-and-people-concept-international-group-of-happy-smiling-men-and-women-564117616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapo is my favorite liberal podcast.

>> No.12738492

anti-realism isn't a position. When you are a something-realist with respect to some hypothesis you believe that thing exists, or is "real", it doesn't mean you have a more realistic outlook or anything. Claiming as such is just conceited.
So saying something isn't real obviously could be more in line with objective reality and vice versa, and denying such reality isn't why it's bad.

>> No.12738506 [DELETED] 

Imagine typing all of this out and nobody even reads it and black people are still a pack of idiots

>> No.12738509

Good Goy, have some feedstock.

>> No.12738548

You are making a continuum fallacy. The interval of orange is arbitrarily decided, just as the specifics of race arguably are. However the variation still exists within our species just as it does in the color spectrum, and this variation is race which is real.
What differs in human variation is that we are not a perfect rainbow. Disparate tribes and populations have been separated geographically, and though genetic drift spreads from place to place each geographic area can be characterized by the way the population genetically diverged from the others. The Aboriginals for example have been remarkably isolated for a long period of time.
Furthermore be careful in considering this issue purely by comparing genotypes. A phenotype is only relevant insofar as it contributes to a phenotype. We can objectively measure countless traits that are not evenly distributed across all sub-populations, and each sub-population can be characterized by the unique prevalence of those traits.

>> No.12738611

Your arguments of scale is irrelevant.
Races changing over time doesn't mean we have to change our definition of those races, it means we acknowledge the changes and make new racial classifications overr time. Eg; Mexican. We don't refer to them as Spanish native hybrids but rather generally refer to them as a racial group of their own, unless they're particularly white or native passing in which case they may identify as those.

>> No.12738627

>Not Pod Save America
You wouldn't last a day on the onions plantation.

>> No.12738718

>the boundaries are fuzzy, I couldn't tell whether or not it was consensual or rape

>> No.12738719

>The interval of orange is arbitrarily decided, just as the specifics of race arguably are.
But I agree with this.
>However the variation still exists within our species just as it does in the color spectrum, and this variation is race which is real.
Variation does not necessitate race; there is variation down to the family level. My point on the comparison with colour (which has for some reason received more focus than my inputs on genetics and data analysis) is that there isn't a scientifically-agreed-upon standard for deciding how much variation between groups is required for these to be considered different races, while the definition for each colour is airtight. Obviously, I still see black and white people and these categorizations carry some expectations and, like I wrote already, I'm fine with using labels such as these in social sciences and genetics.
>Furthermore be careful in considering this issue purely by comparing genotypes. A phenotype is only relevant insofar as it contributes to a phenotype.
I agree, but I was arguing with >>12738216 who posited that "Race is determined solely by genetic clustering and lines of descent." I am against this position and, I gather, you are too. When I'm admnistering an IQ test, I don't take blood samples, I just write down what I can see for myself and what the person can tell me about herself. Actually conducting a study pairing entire genomes with IQ values would be exorbitantly expensive and would be quoted everywhere if it existed. Most studies on race and IQ just use basic common sense to categorize people.

I restate >>12737725 in it's entirety.

>> No.12738762

Priests are not experts on philosophy on religion.
Anthropologists however ARE experts on anthropology.

>> No.12738767 [DELETED] 

Daily Reminder blacks are retards and no other race has ever liked them and that nothing you type will actually change that

>> No.12738771

>LMAO dude, anthropology is like not relevant when it comes to anthropological analysis
The fucking super science friends are at it again.

>> No.12738797

I don't see how scale is irrelevant, it is a practical concern. If you put many things in one group that group-membership is predictive for many things but has low-predictivity for the specific things in that group. If you put few things in several groups, each of these groups will have relatively higher predictive power for the things in those groups, but each group will only be predictive for a few things. So when you are categorizing people what makes up a useful category depends on what you want to know. For instance, the study that map was from had a lot of depht, but trying to apply that level of precision to the whole world, rather than Britain*, would make a model so unwieldy it wouldn't be useful.

*which was it's focus, and it was a fine study for it

>> No.12738799
File: 198 KB, 909x1390, red-army-infantry-1960-GDTPAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual Communists.

>> No.12738807

Anthropologists know fuck all about genetics, and are self-avowed rabid antiracists. May as well ask a catholic priest about protestantism

>> No.12738828

You have dementia

>> No.12738923

If you only knew how much you needed to be shot. Did you actually ever talk to people in the real world on this topic or do you just live on /pol/?

>> No.12738942

How do people listen to this shit?

At least listen to Red Scare, they're the only decent leftist podcast.

>> No.12738946

Well, evidently we agree on more than I thought. That's what I get for jumping in mid way.
However I'm not entirely against claiming "Race is determined solely by genetic clustering". Though you can look at any number of clusters with multi-factorial analysis is doesn't seem clear to me that each number of clusters is equal. The number of the clusters is purely practical, as talking about countries is more practical than counties.
However it seems that some groups would be more meaningful if their subgroups were grouped more discretely than continuously. That might get into Lewontin's fallacy territory but I was under the impression that such genetic gaps do exist and give racial categories a bit more weight than ethnic ones, as geographic factors had limited the amount of genetic drift between these populations.
In real terms, the Sahara desert has prevented many if any ethnicity approximate to mulattoes existing, Australia's isolation has prevented half-aboriginal populations exist and so on, though Eurasia varies more continuously from Caucasian to Oriental (Am I allowed to use that word?) with the two extremes still being rather distinct genetically

>> No.12738947

T. Slave of Atlantis. READ SIEGE

>> No.12738949 [DELETED] 

imagining the sort of disgusting bugman that listens to 'podcasts' makes my skin crawl

>> No.12738965

Citations Needed is also decent, but their bias can sometimes be a bit too much.

>> No.12738968

Really relate to this feel.

>> No.12739010

Pure Africans look so grotesque

>> No.12739038

They can help the time go by if you're doing a menial job, especially after you get sick of music

>> No.12739066

There are definitely genetic differences, the dilemma is in whether there is any validity over e.g. 5 racial groups, 500 or just 1. Anthropological consensus is pretty much that, excluding some pacific islanders, there is no reason for any racial distinction, especially considering the average genetic differences between groups aren't even big enough to speak about sub-groups, let stand races.

>> No.12739079

Except that rule is worthless when considering any biological reality. This rule could be used to validate gingers as a different race so it's of little value in modern science.

>> No.12739096

Lol red scare can be entertaining but half the time it’s just reflexive contrarianism rather than anything well thought out (e.g. their pro-PETA stance). Still, there’s value in being provocative.

Aufhebunga Bunga is better for actual left wing politics. What’s Left is new but seems promising so far.

>> No.12739110

>dwarves, albinos, fat people etc

>> No.12739310
File: 105 KB, 1235x623, heterozygocity_vs_supspeciese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the difference between 5 groups and 1000 is that the differences are greater in absolute terms. Combined with the fact that geography has prevented genes from being as granularly distributed as they could be, wouldn't it be the case that racial categories are more significant?
If the question is whether the races are different enough to be considered, can't you determine that by the traits in which they differ? I hear racial medicine occasionally brought up for this point.
To my pic, to my knowledge heterozygocity is not the only way to measure how much genetic variation exists within a population, but it seems that if certain animals can conclusively be said to have subspecies with less heterozygocity than it would seem that an impartial observer would not hesitate to describe subspecies of humanity, which in effect would be races, right?
Those categories don't really form populations though, as fat people can give birth to straight people and vice versa. I'm not sure how that would work with dwarves and albinos though. Maybe you could make a self-sufficient population of albino dwarves and call it a subspeciese by his logic haha that would be horrifying

>> No.12739421

>That's what I get for jumping in mid way.
Happens to me all the time.

Australian aborigenes were very insulate but even in Africa some significant exchanges have happened. For starters, European colonization goes back 5 centuries, the arab slave trade networks reached across the Sahara, and off the coast of East Africa sea trade was significant (and a major venue for the spread of Islam). Even if not intensive, there was extensive opportunity for exchange, and genetics have progressed to such a point we can even approximate how many generations ago there was crossover between relatively geographically-bound groups. Arab admixture tends to be older than European admixture in blacks, for instance. We can use this information to construct better models of past human migrations.

>> No.12739454

There's no scum lower than an academia apologist. The world would be a better place without people like you..

>> No.12739500

>the dilemma is in whether there is any validity over e.g. 5 racial groups, 500 or just 1
this is not a dilemma to anyone except disingenuous idealogues
>Anthropological consensus
case in point

>> No.12739505

>this rule that is used by modern science is worthless to modern science

>> No.12739536

Science doesn't use "Rule of thumb" lmao

>> No.12739579

>I’ve never studied taxonomy but I’m sure it can’t possibly work that way
bad news for you kiddo

>> No.12739730

>Not even spelling ideologues correctly
Suck on the teet of Jordan Peterson's good intentions harder kid.
Won't make your race realism any less of a /pol/ack fringe theory with no widespread scientific support.

>> No.12739779

>Has read a mid 20th century book on the subject once and is now an expert

>Why don't facts care about MY feelings :'(

>> No.12739848

>>Why don't facts care about MY feelings :'(
>implying I care about facts at all

>> No.12739897
File: 199 KB, 700x368, black-white-skin-twin-sisters-lucy-maria-aylmer-fb__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The fact that not all groups off people (however you would define a group) are highly homozygotic does not mean that those groups are not arbitrary at the end of the day, since the differences are mostly analog rather than digital like some would like to show based on their pseudo phrenological argument (sorry, I mean taxonomic rule-of-thumb). So, excluding some pacific islanders the genetic average differences between groups is not so much a neat divide with some mixing at the borders but rather human population groups are nothing but these borders where mixing occurs.
2. There are no genes exclusive to a certain group of people, there is way too much interbreeding for that to happen. The only exclusion is some neanderthal dna in Europeans which is, strictly speaking, not even human and statisticly useless since we are speaking of 2 percent at most.
3. There are differences where groups vary, but most of these differences are again rather arbitrary, just look at pic related for an extreme example.
4. The standards for different subspecies are indeed more complex than this but the table you show is really just a small picture of bigger research, research which concluded that the taxonomical divide proposed between humans by certain racists is a load of horseshit.
5. The reason why I said 5, 1 or 1000 groups was to show the absurdity of the divide when we could make loads of racial divides based on the standards racists use. I can with decent accuracy, for example, see the difference between Koreans, Japanese people and Chinese people. This does not validate the idea that they are therefore 'a different race'.
Race is primarily a political category first and a social category second, as exemplified by, for example, the fact that Obama is part of 'the black race' despite being 'half h'white'.

>> No.12739900

I appreciate you being intellectually honest for once.

>> No.12739931

>Intellectual honesty
>a real condition that can accurately be used to describe anything.
Can you do anything other than repeat lefty rhetoric designed to control discourse? Which phrase is next "bad faith:" or "empathy"?

>> No.12740391

It’s ok anon I had a giggle at your expense

>> No.12740399

Richard spencer is not a leftist. The dude is a nazi larper with a fresh haircut. That’s it

>> No.12740403

>still arguing over whether race/ethnicity exists and has a genetic basis or not in 2019
the absolute state of Communists, people knew this stuff in the 1930s before it became politically necessary to memory-hole it because 1. mustache man bad and 2. it would be a bad look for the US if we tried to cultivate the world as allies against Russia while calling them subhumans like we did with anyone south of Austria or east of Poland at that time.

>> No.12740456
File: 63 KB, 766x657, Political-Triangle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left and right dichotomy is a false one. The reason people disagree as to whether libertarians or Hitler or whatever are right is because unlike the left the so-called right wing diverges into two equally distinct wings, forming a political trichotomy

>> No.12740464


There was a chapo bit about him being so poor when he was in congress while still doing the bidding of the healthcare companies. Something something lizard brain

>> No.12740500

>has read 0 books on the subject and is still an expert anyway

>> No.12740504

tfw despite the the best efforts and arguments of the brave limpwristed white faggots ITT today, blacks are somehow still retarded. How can this be, reddit? We've proved they shouldn't he yet they are ;_;

>> No.12740547

Is this 5 o clock schizo Wojack?

>> No.12741347

>Only a liberal would think they are
yes that the point, the managerial class is liberal, i'm not trying to make a judgement about whether journalism is really prestigious or not, but it clearly is within the liberal ruling class

>> No.12741355

that's only true economically, and the only reason the left doesn't have their hands full on the economy yes, is because economical consequences are felt immediately, while they get to play their social engineering games on other areas and the decay only manifests itself after decades and then they get to blame someone else

>> No.12741366

>Where the left has a dominant stranglehold is among the bottom classes of society. Drug addicts, well fare bums, high school drop outs, single moms, criminals, all lean overwhelmingly left.
they vote left (if they vote) and they are the mass that the left uses for social engineering games, but they aren't the left or provide any ideas or input to the left

>> No.12741377

>communal ownership of the means of production
ownership doesn't mean anything under marxism, so you haven't explained anything about how actual power and disagreements will be solved, which is the whole point of a political theory

inb4 magical words like democracy or justice

>> No.12741386

literally all categories are like that retard

>> No.12741406
File: 163 KB, 600x300, event-image-david-reich (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this Chad geneticist, how will anthropologists and their ceramic pots ever recover?
>There is a new article in the New York Times Magazine (Is Ancient DNA Research Revealing New Truths — or Falling Into Old Traps?) , in which some pinhead repeats complaints about David Reich crushing his enemies [archaeologists] , driving them before him, and hearing the lamentations of their women. He doesn’t give them much respect.
>They don’t deserve respect. Sure, he has a far more powerful method. Sequencing DNA gives you billions of bits, orders of magnitude more than staring at potsherds. But it is fair to look at how archaeologists did with the tools they had: terrible, horrible, no good, very bad. They really, really wanted to create detailed stories of local social change, stories that didn’t sound like something by Robert E, Howard, full of thud and blunder. Not stories about barbarian conquest, population replacement, and mating with nonhuman races.
>But that’s what happened.

>> No.12741418


HH mein ariske bruder

>> No.12741444

>the right is unironically the new counter culture
This is true but not for the reasons that you think

>> No.12741532

He's a nationalist and nationalism is leftist.

>> No.12742860

>Heh, you can't even recite the entirety of Marxist theory on an anime imageboard.
Mate, actually read up on this shit. It's literally not my job to educate you, that's up to the re-education camp you're gonna get shoved in.

>> No.12742867

>Economic consequences happen directly
>What is market trends over time?
Anyway, the only ones doing the hardcore social engineering are capitalists, nobody actually needs soda and a sportscar, you do know that right?

>> No.12742878

Behold the power of my unsubstantiated fringe theory. The post.
Literally either kill yourself or read up on some actual political theory.

>> No.12742901

don't try to meme me, there is no communist theory beyond what it will NOT be and propaganda slogans like "ownership" or "democracy", it's an empty ideology

i'm not even against it, old communists tried something and bet everything on the revolution creating an opening that would produce what they couldn't define at this point

it failed and now all that is left is you liberals larping or intellectually lazy fucks that try to change the subject when pressured for theory

>> No.12742922

>nobody actually needs soda and a sportscar
nobody needs anything
>>What is market trends over time?
you know what i mean retard, the difference between having bread or not having it are pretty quick, the difference between having a family structure or just a lot of casual safe sex has no important immediate consequences but obviously changes a society on the long term
>the only ones doing the hardcore social engineering are capitalists
it's the same people