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12733001 No.12733001 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, you live in the best possible world.

>> No.12733023

What a bizarre statement

>> No.12733033

I know my dog does ^^

>> No.12733036
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>> No.12733038
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>Admit it, you live in the best possible world.

>> No.12733288

this is the only world we are aware of, so the point is moot

>> No.12733296

If I do, I don't wanna see the other ones

>> No.12733303

Pinker wouldn't claim that... but it's getting better nonetheless (highly questionable nonetheless)

>> No.12733339

How could I possibly know? Do we know any other worlds?

>> No.12733592

>be me
>grow up in little village in the third world
>everyone knows everyone else
>when we needed clothes we went to the tailor
>he had a little shop under a 200 year old tree
>the village children all met up there in the evenings
>people from the ages of 5-20 played together, sometimes the adults joined in too
>there was a traveling book merchant who’d come around every few weeks
>he was a 4’ dwarf who’d tell us ghost stories
>my neighbors visted every day and brought sweets
>they were really superstitious and often would banish the evil eye for me
>we had frequent power cuts so everyone kept a store of candles
>even though we were poor it was a very comfy and fulfilling life
>then in my teens we moved to the city, and soon emigrated to the US
>we assimilated, picked up the new accent, and became citizens
>would constantly be told how lucky and grateful I should be
>but I only became more and more depressed
>life in America is like American fast food - cheap, systemized, unfulfilling, and unhealthy
>as soon I saved up some money I decided to travel back home
>drove up to what used to be the village
>instead there were only huge ugly grey buildings
>most of the people had moved away
>all the old shops were gone
>the old tree had been cut down
>according to White science man this is progress

>> No.12733599

You know, it's hard to believe this when America exists.

>> No.12733605
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>gabidull zo bad id gud

>> No.12733632

You need to go back (in the empathetic sense).

>> No.12733633

steven pinker is jordan peterson for rich people

>> No.12733646

Pinker is a manifestation of that impulse which seeks stability over all else; accordingly, it and he must seek to justify the present order. Naturally, he comes off like an idiot, because the present order is terrible.

>> No.12733657


>> No.12733671

No, it's Nick Land for non-edgy capitalfags.

>> No.12733676
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steven pinker is a philosophical optimist, His ilk has been repeatedly dunked on since philosophy existed .

Voltaire blew pinker the fuck out centuries ago

>> No.12733714

pinker is bill gates' butt boy

>> No.12733722

ITT: No one has read Candide.

>> No.12733759

I think about this a lot. What is there else to compare this universe to?

>> No.12733781

ITP: no one has read the thread.

>> No.12733861
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Admit it. You live in the horrible times that were foretold, where even the caste of the family moves towards dissolution

>> No.12733869

Oh No! Why didn't you stay back in your homeland then, dear anon? You could've helped start a new revolution with the goal of achieving a well-established and very prosperous new and colored well-read hard working and pseudo-scientific ungrateful bastard incestual faggot dengue ridden foreign-returned immigrantopolis?

, insert it in your ass

>> No.12733876

Cry more, nationalist drone

>> No.12733880

guess who's crying

>> No.12733884 [DELETED] 

the neurotic jew lashes out

>> No.12733897
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As a WASP i feel you, but the only road back to bucolic simplicity for my race is through all-consuming fire.

>> No.12734356

we live in the only possible world retard

>> No.12734398

We live in the most selfish world, most inhumane period. refute this.

>> No.12734547


>> No.12734576
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You aren't an American. Go back. Leave. It's not Americanism that creates the hollow that you feel, it's multiculturalism. Multiculturalism kills all social cohesion. And you're bringing it with you. Old WASP America wasn't like that, it's a product of your kind coming and shitting things up. You have to go back. Not memeing at all, leave, and bring as many of your kin with you as possible.

>> No.12734586
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what the fuck does that even mean?
did he really say this?

>> No.12734613


>> No.12734692

>it's a product of your kind coming and shitting things up.
desu philosemitic fetishism as a contributing factor is a deeply ingrained aspect as well

>> No.12734721

The West started going downhill before mass immigration, just read some Spengler or something

>> No.12734723

I’m White. Protestant Anglos “weren’t like that” until they engendered this hellscape and got devoured by their own creation. You refuse to accept responsibility and have a whole host of scapegoats from Jews to immigrants though

>> No.12734742

He literally tried to go back and couldn't because the world is cruel
You're also delusional if you think our hollow cultureless hellscape is a new feature that is everybody's fault but our own
It was broken before they got here, and it will remain broken if they leave

>> No.12734755

At least now you can have the satisfaction of watching white man's colonialism (that is actually capitalism in the Landian sense) consuming and remaking white countries themselves. In a way, Christian egalitarianism is realised through the capitalism since everyone get thrown into its jaws, no better way to be equal than to suffer equally.

>> No.12734778

Pinker is Oprah for the that unloved lot that professes to love "logic"

>> No.12734818

People have been complaining of society softening up for all of recorded history. Literally. You can go look up how in Rome they thought society was getting too soft when men could no longer execute their own children for disobeying them.
>muh scapegoats
Get better arguments, rat.
>You're also delusional if you think our hollow cultureless hellscape is a new feature that is everybody's fault but our own
I didn't say that. It is "our" fault for inviting them in.
>It was broken before they got here, and it will remain broken if they leave
Things went to shit after the 60s. The boomers were the inflection point. They were the peak of hundreds of years of continuous growth, generation by generation, and Gen Xers were the first in a long ass time to be poorer than the generation before them. And Millenials are the first to be poorer than our parents. And it's going to continue on this path until people get pissed off and tear everything down, but that won't even fix things. A shit storm is a brewin.

>> No.12734865


>> No.12734872
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>> No.12734876

the dreamverse

>> No.12734878


>> No.12734895
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>bitching about immigrants
You are a goblin race of mutts, and your shitty country was always a godless multi ethnic shithole

>> No.12734909
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>> No.12734918

Yeah, isn't that great how everyone else also can have no culture now, thanks to americans.

>> No.12734926

Not yet, but immigration has allowed me to spread islam to the most beautiful geographically lands on earth. Someday that athan will blast throughout the Swiss alps and we'll all walk to the mosques in harmony

>> No.12734942

>TV, pop music, video games and superhero movies are culture

>> No.12734950
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>too much serotonin for it to seem bad to me

>> No.12735001

It's the positivity jew again

>> No.12735008
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*destroys neo-liberal ideology*

>> No.12735292

modern capitalist hellholes are entirely Anglo creation

>> No.12735528
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You forgot McDonald’s

>> No.12735538

pinker and the other enlightenment cultists need to recognize the implications of the death of God.

>> No.12735632
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>> No.12735652

afaik I live in the only possible world

>> No.12735656


>> No.12735667

the only correct post itt

>> No.12736105

Which are?

>> No.12736127

better be shia and not sunni lol

>> No.12736198

ITT: No one has read Leibnitz.

>> No.12736202

Pinker needs to bite a curb.

>> No.12736215

Pinker already BTFO NEETchuh.

>> No.12736257

Fuck off, Pangloss

>> No.12736282


>> No.12736295

Reminds me of my own childhood.

>grew up dirt poor in mountain village in the 3rd world
>narrow cobblestone streets
>my ancestors had lived there for at least 10 generations
>would forage for food in the wild to supplement our meager diet
>some of my fondest memories are of going to harvest sapotes, pencas, and pitayas
>the huge variety of insects made me love nature. People protected it, for example millipedes were seen as sacred.
>a festival every week of the year
>hardly anyone had a phone but the one wealthy person per neighborhood would accept calls for everyone in the area. Same with cars etc.

Move to the usa then go back to visit
>everyone has a cell phone and depression is endemic among the youth
>curfew because of the high violent crime and rampant theft
>everyone has a car and the street are being replaced with concrete ones
>plastic trash everywhere
>the forests are silent with all the insects seemingly gone now. The only visible ones being american cockroaches everywhere in the streets.

>> No.12736307

>cultivate your garden
>clean your room
Holy shit

>> No.12736408

For an optimist his aura is immensely melancholy.

>> No.12736460

Based and protect-your-culture-from-neoliberal-capitalism pilled.

>> No.12736468

The explanation to your problem is provided by this anon:>>12733714

>> No.12736680
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>> No.12736747

still splayed within this universe

>> No.12736761


>> No.12736773
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>> No.12736785
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>> No.12736797
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>> No.12736808
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>> No.12736809

more people leads to more things being consumed, who would have thought!

>> No.12736817

Based and redpilled. More beaches and girls exposing asses for us. I don't know why faggots care about "climate change" so much. Just put on a jacket if it's cold, a short if it's hot. That's literally everything to it.

>> No.12736829

You're an absolute fucking SIMPLETON if you think that's the case. The graph doesn't show that the consumption of goods mirrored the boom in population, because the new people didn't consume as much as their forefathers, they consume a lot more. If we consumed as much as, say, a peasant in XIX century France, the world would still be fine.

>> No.12736836

That's actually not the case. The coastal areas will have such extreme weather that grills will have to go inland, therefore diminishing the ass-to-pants ratio.

>> No.12736840

more easily available goods leads to more of them being consumed, who would have thought!

>> No.12736846

Right, but this isn't exactly a fair comparison. You went from being relatively poor in a tightly knit rural community, to poor (even poorer in relation to other Americans) in a post-industrial world. You also look back on your childhood with rose tinted glasses, since childhood is essentially one giant meditative trance - you're content with being the vessel through which life passes and aren't distracted by worldly neuroticism. It's what sages seek all their lives and children do so effortlessly: "let us first consider the Breton cow: all year round she thinks of nothing but grazing, her glossy muzzle ascends and descends with impressive regularity, and no shudder of anguish comes to trouble the wistful gaze of her light-brown eyes. All that is as it ought to be, and even appears to indicate a profound existential oneness, a decidedly enviable identity between her being-in-the-world and her being-in-itself." Only children can be like cows and all gets lost for most adults.

I'm not saying the improvement of material conditions necessarily brings about a 'better world' than the one before, as generally things are connected so when you adjust one cog, others loosen, or tighten up - there are trade-offs with many seeming improvements. But what you presented isn't an argument for anything. It's just more resentful angst and narcissistic world-blaming.

>> No.12736847

Clearly not the likes of you, since Western quality of life is predicated on utilising the environment as a subsidy.

>> No.12736849

>I don't know why faggots care about "climate change" so much. Just put on a jacket if it's cold, a short if it's hot. That's literally everything to it.


>> No.12736854

your point being?

>> No.12736861


The best possible world out of all possible worlds? Seems unlikely

The best possible world we've seen thus far? Perhaps you could reason this but you could just as easily reason the opposite. There are trade offs to all things

>> No.12736870
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Unironically this.

>> No.12736941

Bluepilled as fuck. Abortion's been around for centuries before our current era. The Greeks did it, indigenous dudes in South America did, the Babylonians did it, the Aborigines did it, the chinks did it, etc etc and so on and so forth.

>> No.12737160 [DELETED] 

Utter hogwash. Just because some individuals murdered their children in those societies doesn't mean those societies tolerated or allowed child murder. Most of the civilized pre-modern societies had laws which prohibited and punished abortion (often with the death penalty.) Pro-child murder advocates like to disingenuously claim that if some individuals recorded their child murder, then that must mean that those societies tolerated barbarous child murder, which is nothing more than a pathetic Texas sharpshooter fallacy.

>> No.12737176
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No. We live in the worst possible world.

>> No.12737183

Utter hogwash. Just because some historical child murderers murdered their children in historical societies doesn't mean those societies tolerated or allowed child murder. Most of the civilized pre-modern societies had laws which prohibited and punished abortion (often with the death penalty.) Pro-child murder advocates like to disingenuously claim that if some historical child murderers recorded their child murder, then that must mean that those societies tolerated barbarous child murder, which is nothing more than a pathetic Texas sharpshooter fallacy.

>> No.12737223

I don't watch movies or television, I only listen to classical music on occasion, and the last videogames I played (haven't owned a console in about ten years) were Japanese

>> No.12737684

I wonder about the rose-tinted glasses thing too, but I’ve concluded it has an evil twin - let’s call it Murica-vision. When my father and his brothers moved here a couple of decades ago they struggled immensely, and lived together in cramped cockroach ridden apartments. Despite the lower quality of life they were able to look past the squalor. With Murica-vision glasses they believed they lived in the most prosperous and happy nation to have ever existed (in immigrant neighborhoods this coping mechanism is very common). I know people who emigrated away from clean houses and good food to eating chef boyardees in the Bronx, but instead of confronting this reality they will tell you “I can afford an ultra HD TV though”. You point to the swarms of roaches and rats, they will reply “well at least I have more processing power in my pocket than all of NASA in the 80s”.

My family is doing relatively well these days, making well above the median income. Ironically it’s only now that I hear them bashing the American lifestyle. After a long game of delayed gratification they’re starting to realize we sacrificed all the things that really mattered

>> No.12738272


>> No.12738299

You can just look at the data about people in the middle-east, and indigenous tribes doing that even today. Actually, some of these tribes go so far as killing newborns if they have defects and whatnot.

>> No.12738335 [DELETED] 

>people in the middle-east, and indigenous tribes doing that even today
better indication that we should reject it

>> No.12738364

Came here to post this

>> No.12738519
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>Lie about the past to justify the present status quo
Wow, just like my dystopian novels!

>> No.12738588

>I do not understand anything at all beyond the simplest possible consequence of any action

>> No.12738832


Imagine thinking material comforts have anything to do with happiness.

>> No.12739657

reminder that multiculturalism is just a branch from the tree of capitalism

>> No.12739664

didn't he write a whole book claiming it tho?

>> No.12739679

>it's getting better

>> No.12739693
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ITT: retards who have literally never even read Leibniz.

GOD why is this board so fucking dumb... hurr durr this is the worst possible world duuuurrr I used to live in a village this is relevant to this conversation because BIG GREY BUILDINGS fuck multiculturalism yeah haha BASED! BASED! duuur who’s Leibniz Steven Pinker = Jordan Peterson (???) POST pepes! WHY DO NONE OF YOU ACTUALLY KNOW FUCKING ANYTHING BEYOND YOUR TINY INTERNET-ADDLED FAST FOOD FED TINY FUCKING SPHERES, ALL OF YOU NEED TO FUCK OFF AND READ A BOOK INSTEAD OF SHITTING ALL OVER ANY SEMBLANCE OF REAL DISCUSSION AAAAAAAA FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF

>> No.12739695

...No? Did you even read the wiki summary?

>> No.12739721

Nice chimp out, loser.

>> No.12739736

Pinker's 'best of all possible worlds' is not the same as Leibniz's.

>> No.12739752

I don’t give a Fuc
suck my cock faggot

>> No.12739754

>t. urbanite who’s never even seen a village

>> No.12739784

Nope Pangloss, the fuck nope

>> No.12739787

No, I didn't. Just heard briefly about it from a mate.

>> No.12739801

I actually was born and raised in a village, I’m just not a faggot that moans about it on completely irrelevant threads

>> No.12739837

Greenwich village is not a real village m8

>> No.12739852


>> No.12739860

I’m from a northern rural UK village with a population of 1000 people you metrosexual paki

>> No.12739867
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I remember they cut down an entire forest just to get better sunlight or some shit when I grew up. Capitalism is so strange.

>> No.12739895

Don’t like it? Go live in a commie state you nigger

>> No.12740036

>be me, eternal nigger
>come to play on wheel of fortune
>very much delude myself, how bad life has become, but want to win at wheel of fortune
>finally win, now that we can enjoy the riches won by the wheel of fortune, we can finally criticize the wheel of fortune for what a crooked system it is
>being a nigger I can always blame others for my problems, I hope I can stay a nigger forever <3

>> No.12740047

Hahahaha the incel cope oozing from this picture is too good

>> No.12740069

what site do you think you're on?
dumb discord tranny

>> No.12740085

Let's compromise and say I live in the only possible world

>> No.12740110

of all the billions of things they could have chosen to measure, they cherry-picked those 24 "pressing issues"
really activates the old almonds

>> No.12740127

there are no forms of mainstream socialism that address the demographics issue at all, M-L as it was historically grounded in crypto-nationalist sentiments in Eastern Europe isn't applicable here. You are lying through your teeth willfully overlooking a much deeper biological conflict.

>> No.12740131

He would not pontificate the way that he does if Jews weren't over represented in billionaires and influence. He and his kind are too cowardly to honestly seek objective reality. Jews gunna jew.

>> No.12740139

Yes cheap chink shit is peak humaity. Fucken Jew

>> No.12740147
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>> No.12740479

>some of these tribes go so far as killing newborns if they have defects
That's hardly the same as the approval of abortion on demand.

>> No.12740497

How will Amerilards recover? Unironically.

>> No.12740517

Oh look it’s the only person in this entire thread who reads books

>> No.12740520
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Where is this from?

>> No.12740528
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>> No.12740539
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>> No.12740553


>> No.12740562

Does he have a new book about the white man's burden or something, why are the shills out in full force lately?

>> No.12740570

Your complaint isn't against America, it's against excessive individualism, of which America is in perhaps the most progressive state. Excessive individualism gives you:
>voluntary interactions (good)
>variety of choice (good)
>relative comfort and ease of living (good in the beginning)
>laziness (bad)
>incessant and excessive convenience-seeking features (bad)
>apathy (bad)
>no underlying social structure, values, traditions, or expectations (bad)

You have to pick your battles. You can find a third world village not unlike your own, and it may be much like the one you left. If you truly valued it, you would find it. The fact is, you want the wholesome traditional upbringing (at least as you remember it) AS WELL AS the convenience, comfort, prosperity, culture, technology, etc. I have come to believe that they are mutually exclusive.

>> No.12740677
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>> No.12740795

Pure ideology.

>> No.12741008

I want to die

>> No.12741320

America has essentially defined the culture of the first world. Japan probably has the most unique spin on it

>> No.12741486

soja rage

>> No.12741523

I know where I am you fucking worm, watching people far below me squirm makes me laugh

>> No.12742613

you cannot start adressing the problem until you eliminate the root cause of it, which is market expansion and economic imperatives,
true, the shitty left of today (which is only socialist in name) is not concerned about these issues, but it's the only camp with the potential tools to do so. right-wingers live in a fantasy.

>> No.12742668

Being discontented with how the working class was sold out to international finance for higher profit margins on plastic garbage made by Chinese slave labor is being an incel now? I wasn't aware that being upset because the Uber rich decided to in-source from the third world on top of outsourcing to reduce their labor costs is something that only incels do. I guess Chad is too busy fucking random thots and not caring about his quality of life being sold down the river for next to nothing to notice.

>> No.12742671
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You people are fucking pathetic. I make this thread at least once per week and it never fails to rustle your jimmies and fathom your feathers. You're predictable and I hate you for it.

>> No.12742702

>consuming american """culture"""
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12742708
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>best possible world
>I share oxygen with that ugly j*w

>> No.12742769

based and (cringepilled)?

>> No.12742795

>products of the culture industry
>actual culture


>> No.12742833

Yet you incite the behavior you claim to hate.

>> No.12742868

The Babylonian forces are revealing them selves.

>> No.12743145

His numbers and methods of quantifying improvement is very flawed. Also, the improvement that he is talking about is based on a global view that he calculates the declining quality of life in the West in a purely mathematical way. A billion slum dwellers increasing their pay from 50 cents to $1 outweighs loss of wages in America.

This article on his book even illustrates that view of his

> He even says that Westerners, “as citizens of the world,” should be prepared to make sacrifices in their own interests for the sake of a wider humanity outside their homelands. He admits that “the world’s poor have gotten richer in part at the expense of the American lower middle class,” and he is aware that this class of rural whites has lost against the importation of cheap immigrant laborers, and that this group has the highest drug addiction rates. But he does not seem to have much empathy for these whites. Instead, he says that sacrificing rural whites should be seen as an enlightened “trade-off” by those who are reasonable, urbane, and truthful: “As citizens of the world considering humanity as a whole, we have to say that the trade-off [getting the world’s poor and immigrants richer] is worth it” (p. 113).

>> No.12743403

>Instead, he says that sacrificing rural whites should be seen as an enlightened “trade-off” by those who are reasonable, urbane, and truthful
Based and redpilled.

>> No.12744300

Mother of g*d, the end of times is truly upon us...

>> No.12744827

not really sure what luggage lad has to do with this

>> No.12745874

>pinker constantly says he's not panglossian
>his dumb critics who don't read him say he's a panglossian

>> No.12745934

I haven't read him but some guy I know showed a bunch of us his retarded Ted Talk where he said there are "less wars" than 100 years ago and claimed this as evidence we were living in the best time in history
I really wish I could've raised my hand and asked him how quickly the number of wars declined from 1800 to 1943

>> No.12746649

Did he really say "less wars"? If so, he's even dumber than I thought, since it should be "fewer wars." Unless you're just misreporting him and it's you who doesn't know the difference, in which case carry on.

>> No.12746704

Nobody likes you, Pangloss

>> No.12747488
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>> No.12749126

This is unironically true. Child Free people tend to be extremely happy.

>> No.12749153

>life in America is like American fast food - cheap, systemized, unfulfilling, and unhealthy
The truth hurts, but it's the truth nonetheless. Sorry, man

>> No.12749170

>Child Free people tend to be extremely happy.
imagine thinking this lmao

>> No.12749210

I don't watch tv and movies and all the music i listen to is german industrial and some classical, all the books i 've been reading recently are german .
I'm also a fucking weeb so all the games i play are jap

>> No.12750470


>> No.12750495

i cry evrytiem

>> No.12750504
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Oh shit i thought i was still banned for child porn. Well i think its the greatest timeline because my parents met and the exact egg and sperm that formed me would not have happened in most others

>> No.12750646

I refuse to believe that the best possible world is one that includes me.

>> No.12751468

Pinker is unironically probably the most liked academic in the world.

>> No.12751539

this is a really nice story. you should write a book. I would read it.

>> No.12751565
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>you live in the best possible world.

>> No.12751584

Didnt Liebniz prove this like 400 years ago? Lol at atheists, at least 400 years behind Christianity.

>> No.12751598


>> No.12751716

>No your honour, it wasn't rape because she farted on me
thots btfo

>> No.12752414

Nope, the world would be better without you

>> No.12753254

>A European (at best) or a mutt (at worst) is mad that a Mexican (one of the native races at best) or a mestizo (at worst) immigrant is shitting on the land of the native Americans that his ancestors converted into a Walmart, asking him to leave because America was better back in the day when it was just a bunch of Europeans and Jews with their shared Semitic religion - with African and Irish slaves - living on native American soil.

>> No.12753382
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>life in America is like American fast food - cheap, systemized, unfulfilling, and unhealthy
holy fucking shit dude. poetic.

>> No.12753394

if only you knew how fucking dumb you sound. you are not as clever or woke as you think you are.

>> No.12753409
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>> No.12753512

Things were shit before the 60's, dumbass.

>> No.12753539

Life is a joke.