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12733847 No.12733847 [Reply] [Original]

Why are idealized women who love crazy loners with nothing attractive such a popular and old trope?

Sonya Marmeladov from Crime and Punishment was herself a quintessential manic pixie girl.

>> No.12733873

>manic pixie

Argument discarded. Take the rope faggoto

>> No.12733890

Because it attracts readers.

>> No.12733899
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She had 0 (zero) reasons to like Raskolnikov, as based as he was. Much less to follow him to Siberia.

>be prostitute who has to whore herself out to care for drunken father and dying mother
>have one friend who talks to you about the bible
>creep shows up saying he knew your father after he got stomped to death by horses / commited suicide, it's not clear if he did not want to die
>creep offers to help you with the dude's burial
>creep often makes you weird and uncomfortable pleas when you two are alone, like the whole Lazarus chapter
>creep's enemy shows up and shames you in public because of a beef that he has with the creep
>creep reveals he axed to death your only friend and her innocent sister and collapses all the time
>still love the dude and follows him to Siberia when he confesses
>visit creep as much as you can only to be treated with indifference while every other prisoner loves you

Fuck, I want a woman like this.

>> No.12733910
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>MPDGs are usually static characters who have eccentric personality quirks and are unabashedly girlish. They invariably serve as the romantic interest for a (most often brooding or depressed) male protagonist.

You mean incels?

>> No.12733913

Sonya considered herself as debased as raskolnikov, caring for him
was an act of penance

>> No.12733930

Incels read books, so yes, sometimes them too

>> No.12733947

If “the whore and the murderer” scene where she reads him the Bible didn’t get the point across you might want to stick to vidya chum.

>> No.12734301

>Manic Pixie Dream Girl (MPDG) is a stock character type in films. Film critic Nathan Rabin, who coined the term ...

>Rabin is Jewish.[16]

>> No.12734350

To me, MDPGs only really appeal to 'men' who haven't quite grown up yet. They don't desire a maternal and loving woman who (in theory) would make a good wife and mother for them, they're just looking for a quirky bit of fun who can help them stop feeling so sorry for themselves. In that respect, the MDPG's appeal is rather selfish and superficial.

>> No.12734368

>and are unabashedly girlish
now you're asking too much a girl, shitlord!

>> No.12734444

Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse is a big offender.

>> No.12734451

Jesus Christ literature and 4channel i want to have sex witha women you know fuck a woman. the old penis inside of her and caress her boob in my hand and shit all of that.

>> No.12734482

So did you stop reading halfway, or?

>> No.12734490
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antithesis of the writer, dialectics, yada yada yada
this should be obvious

>> No.12734536

I think you are reading a very specific kind of literature, anon.

>> No.12734835

Sounds like typical character contrast.

>> No.12735769

MDPGs would make perfect mothers, though.

>> No.12735817

they are not attracted to the outward perceived traits they are attracted to the therein perceived potential of the individual just as a woman might try to 'fix' an otherwise broken man
this board can act as smart as it wants, but boy oh boy are you a bunch of lacking virgins

>> No.12735946

They're just as dysfunctional as the incels who crave them.

Interestingly enough the gypsy lovecraft married in real life was a manic pixie girl.

>> No.12735964

>there are jewish people
big if true my dude

>> No.12735996 [DELETED] 

They're so lacking agency (either due to the author keeping them on rails or due to personality quirks making them whimsical) that they can't ever 'compete' with the male lead for control of the plot. They can only ever be a companion.

None of this is particularly out of the ordinary. Male love interests usually take back-seat in works with female leads. The main issue with the MPDG is that it's a shortcut for the author - instead of doing the hard work of writing an authentic female character who can play a supporting role, the author instead chooses the way out and writes a lobotomized caricature stripped of all responsibility or agency.

Or something. I dunno man.

>> No.12736000
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It all makes sense now

>> No.12736003

They're so lacking in agency (either due to the author keeping them on rails or due to personality quirks making them too whimsical to actualize themselves) that they can't ever 'compete' with the male lead for control of the plot. They can only ever be a companion.

None of this is particularly out of the ordinary. Male love interests usually take a back-seat in works with female leads. The main issue with the MPDG is that it's a shortcut for the author - instead of doing the hard work of writing an authentic female character who can play a supporting role, the author instead chooses the easy way out and writes a lobotomized caricature stripped of all responsibility or agency.

Or something. I dunno man.

>> No.12736056
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>tfw no lobotomized caricature stripped of all responsibility or agency

>> No.12736181

Woman is the nigger of the world

>> No.12736359

If that's how you define it, sure, but MDPGs are not known or valued for their capacity to be maternal.

>> No.12736387

because women lack depth so they might as well act quirky

>> No.12736397

because betas (writers) want a gf who loves them for who they are not their looks money or status.

>> No.12736534
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>I can't make a quirky girlish female character because some screenwriter called them bad

I see absolutely no problem with manic pixie dream girls and think they've got an undeserved bad reputation. They are valid because:

>they counter the character's negativity
>they reward their efforts

Not necessarily a manic pixie girl needs to be a poorly written character. Many times (including OP's example) they are reasonable characters with their own drama and justifications to why they would be attracted to the MC. Why must characters be bitter and cynical as real people are? Pixie dream girls are at least given reasons to why the MC is attracted to them, even if they are shallow.

A poorly written character (without personal drama, motivation, end game and visual / psychological traits of differentia) is a beast of their own. You can perfectly have a pixie girl who is well written.

People like OP just want a justification to shame boys who are not used to relationships.

Leave these writers alone.

>> No.12736741

based chieposter

>> No.12736775

La Maga from Hopscotch is the quintessential MPDG.

>> No.12736837
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it's the projected negation of the psyche of the writer, the montonous gravitas, suicidal being towards death. The negations of these thetic qualities bounce around in the unconscious, glomming the antitheses together into the pixie girl who is then cast out into the world so the writer can chase after her. In other words, what it means to be a male in any capacity.

>> No.12736852

If you look hard enough this backlash against manic pixie girls is usually from women who often see in these pixie girls, a level of cheerfulness and femininity they cannot fathom exists within them.
Much like how incels can't fathom being liked for anything other than their physicality.

>> No.12736900
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I loved this explanation and how the image summarizes it perfectly.

>> No.12737138

Wait. Is based the opposed of debased?

>> No.12737154

>She had 0 (zero) reasons to like Raskolnikov
1. Women are notoriously obsessed by criminals and murderers.
2. Dostoevsky explicitly says Raskolnikov was tall and good looking

>> No.12737263

>Dostoevsky explicitly says Raskolnikov was tall and good looking


All I got from him is that he was starving.

>> No.12737269

Somewhere near the beginning of the book. He mentions that he was noble looking and handsome or something, and that he was tall and slender.

>> No.12737293

Nice quints but no, not even close.

>> No.12737346

1/ read The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
2/ deconstruct that shit
3/ ????
4/ Profit!

>> No.12737374

Is there such a thing as a story featuring a Manic Pixie Dream Boy and a brooding female protagonist?
I think that's my fetish

>> No.12737387
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Is it a trend that white men are always the ones envisioning these idealized folcloric creatures?

Not many such cases in Eastern Media, even though I've watched and read my fair share of anime, corean drama books and chinese drama.

>> No.12737482

I think non-white men like their women more submissive. MPDG are somehow more independant and liberated.
Source: my ass.

>> No.12737514

It's an acceptable way to represent a sympathetic prostitute or sexually liberated woman. See: Breakfast at Tiffany.

>> No.12737704

This post makes me disgusted, as someone who's written a pixie girl.

>> No.12737863


>> No.12737888

Because they are ambiguous and independent, which gives the author the freedom to give her any personality he/she wants

>> No.12737913


>> No.12738204

M-My character is not a whore, you rude.

She just bangs men with ease, that's it!

>> No.12738217
File: 246 KB, 623x818, antis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a direct result of the author being insecure about a small or medium cock. If the author has a big cock, he's not afraid to fuck any women and doesn't need an unconditionally interest one.

>> No.12738274

This is what thousands of years of philosophy has come to, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.12738283

>1/ read The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

I think what most desperate pua guys don't get is that if a girl likes you she likes you regardless of that pick up shit. I was introverted as fuck and how girls talk to me and they too were introverts who were into vintage arts for some reason.

>> No.12738327


>> No.12738361

it's okay if she has a heart of gold, sister

>> No.12738376

this pic is truly over the top

>> No.12738392

>I was introverted as fuck and how girls talk to me and they too were introverts who were into vintage arts for some reason.
Fucking words, how do they work?

>> No.12738400

MPDGs are fine. Don't fall for the feminist meme that they are bad or 'unrealistic'

>> No.12738413

Who knows but Amelie is a great movie

>> No.12738420

PUA shit is just for female psychology 101 and slight confidence boost
it's okay and makes a difference if you're not retarded
it's just the male equivalent of advice from a female fashion magazine

>> No.12738455

Can't be for real

>> No.12738712 [DELETED] 

more like the OP is yet another example of a jewish critic stirring up shit

>my dude

back to twitter, chapocel

>> No.12738727

If anything I felt like Sonya was more an extension of Dosto's worldview while Rodya was its antithesis because her whole shtick is that her life is fucking horrible and her deeply rooted faith in God is the only thing that keeps her going

>> No.12738746

Amélie is the crazy loner, anon. Did you even watch the film.

>> No.12738792

>visit creep as much as you can only to be treated with indifference while every other prisoner loves you
Do you not know any women? Women love the indifferent, brooding types as long as they’re handsome.

>> No.12738809
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thanks /r9k/, your insight has been noted

>> No.12738833

I meant *had. Typed it too fast.

>> No.12738836
File: 91 KB, 634x634, 1414014580720_wps_40_manic_pixie_dream_gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot of women say they're MPDG but then ask why they're still single.

>> No.12738840

no you havent

>> No.12738855
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>> No.12738870
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I think that's called being borderline and delusional

>> No.12738878

>being borderline and delusional

>> No.12738884

most straight men like women

>> No.12738894

99% of 4chan is

>> No.12738904
File: 7 KB, 170x226, manic pixie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an article (https://viva.media/what-it-s-like-to-be-the-manic-pixie-dream-girl)) where a woman says "I'm a manic pixie dream girl but guys don't like me unless I'm talking about rock music."
>finding a girl like me was kind of like hitting some sort of jackpot.
>It's taken me a long time to learn that I've just had bad luck with boys, and that there is nothing wrong with me that would make me un-dateable.

>> No.12739161

The problem seems to be that she was only interesting on a surface level. She looked interesting, but everything else was boring. The girl had absolutely nothing to add besides the Beatles, thus the guys quickly realize she's just one more roastie.

>> No.12739282

Manic Pixie Girls are to guys what Cool Bad Boys are to gals: the ideal person.

>> No.12739378

I just instantly think of Midori from Norwegian Wood. God that's a dumb fucking book.

>> No.12739445

>Norwegian Wood
Total pixie girl.

>> No.12739469

i like large handsome teutonic women with long hair and large hips

>> No.12739513

That's too big, desu.

>> No.12739871

not when your 6'4'' master race

>> No.12740008


Artsy girls tend to be smaller.

>> No.12740158

I only found out about this term from your thread, and now i've realized that my idea of an ideal girl is based on a centuries-old, unrealistic trope


>> No.12740427
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some of them exist in irl

but they take massive drugs and will bang black men

>> No.12740446

thanks for reminding me why i dont browse this board

>> No.12741235

>Why do Writers love Manic Pixie Girls?

The drama of normal life has faded as technology has made it more predictable. Manic girl is one means of re-introducing a seductive uncertainty into life, religion is another but people don't believe anymore.

>> No.12741248

nigga what boards do you browse then lmao

>> No.12741297

>Why are idealized women who love crazy loners with nothing attractive such a popular and old trope?

I don't know, but Der Steppenwolf was the first time I found that "trope"

>> No.12741326

Because when I see one my dick wants to destroy it

>> No.12741340

it was explicitly stated that raskolnikov was a chad (albeit a sickly and starving chad but still a chad nonetheless) so she would have had no issue telling herself "theres just something about him"
you projected the rest

>> No.12741727

The basic character is relatively common, but they are trash irl.
The unrealistic part lies in the unusual situations they are being placed in the novels (and movies, etc) that emphasize their potentially good parts. They only vaguely touch the inherent mental illness that go with it, not even mentioning >>12740427

>> No.12741878

rask sealed that sonya pussy when he blew petrovich the fuck out

>> No.12742186

Damn.. you've uncovered the Zionist deep state globalist conspiracy to point out tropes in films

>> No.12742258
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>She had 0 (zero) reasons to like Raskolnikov
Did you even read the book, you absolute moron? He's handsome, inteligent, noble, pays for her dad's funeral and saves her from Looshin. Sonia is not a "manic pixie dream girl", stop trying to fit everything into your close-minded tvtropes internet age popculture interpretation guide. Instead she is obviously a holy figure, a paramount of forgiveness and her character grows with Raskolnikov, turning from a scared and helpless poor woman into the mother of all siberian prisoners.
Honestly if you can only interpret a book through shitty pop culture movie references you should never make a thread again.

>> No.12742378

This is a good point.

They're always seductive and mysterious.

>> No.12742544

Pyetrovich only came after her because Raskolnikov pissed him off.

>> No.12743011

>idealized folkloric creatures
>not found in anime
Have you watched a single anime

>> No.12743235

MPDG are just the beta fantasy of a girl who doesn't require them to play the gender role at which they're inadequate (dominant, assertive) while still fulfilling her gender role (cute, feminine) + some other tomboyish characteristics to make up for their absent masculinity (playfulness, spontaneity as surrogate assertiveness, the beta just wants to be whisked along by her bubbly whimsy in the way that a woman just wants to be whisked along by dominant, self-assured Chad)

>> No.12743349
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The manic pixie (dream) girl is a cheap trick used to attract self involved teenagers.


>> No.12744758


>> No.12744926
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Because they're symbolic of childhood expectations and ideals that are routinely stepped on by reality. The MPDG is the author's missing piece, and the author the MPDG's. They're a single identity fractured in two by the trauma of living. Kind of like an externalized shadow self made of repressed inner child urges, or a soul dissociated from a mind and then embodied for the mind to watch and interact with. The protagonist has a relationship with this person (who is actually them) because they desire to reunite with this forcibly estranged aspect of themselves through sex. It's the opposite gender in spite of being a part of the self because if it weren't that would be gay and that's icky (gross!).

What I mean to say is that it's because crazy loners with nothing attractive ARE manic pixie dream girls, just emotionally dying or repressed ones.

>> No.12745239
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I just wanted to say that this is the first lit thread i have ever entered in my years of 4chan and after reading your reply i think i need to see a psychologist. I'm serious, i don't know how you just easily cut into me but you did and i think I'm going to get drunk tonight and smoke. Two things i haven't done in months. Fucking hell

>> No.12745401

The recurring theme of the type of female character which you described is a stereotypical wish fufilment by a sterotypical type of writer who self-inserts into their story because nearly all fiction is wish fulfilment by a narrow stereotype of people who want to become writers who then plagiarise off each other due to a lack of imaginative creativity and capacity for original thought and at the end of the day it is also what sells because there also exists a narrow stereotype of people which the publisher understands to be the writer's target audience.

>> No.12745706


>> No.12745732
File: 625 KB, 750x873, 9F32BC82-A2FE-4B83-A3D8-72F57B74A330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what are you basing these claims on Jung? I’m not saying they’re not correct, however what drives one to estrange themselves from their MPDG side? What is a MPDG side; what is it comprised of? Why does one feel the need to reunite with their other side?

>> No.12745760
File: 539 KB, 610x480, B2A6F32A-EF72-4712-9C2C-99B77F51E717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, if these are answered sufficiently one could say the the MPDG is the antithesis of the writer. And as such, with a thesis and an antithesis, what would be the synthesis between these two beings?

>> No.12745812

This, though in a world where everyone is lacking and everyone has these wish-fulfillment desires, it doesn't really feel all that bad, I think.

>> No.12746380
File: 34 KB, 396x396, chie3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this thread has just become interesting and I'm tempted to believe you two are correct with the Jungian explanation.

>> No.12748026

cheers /pol/ once again you have made it obvious that it's futile to even consider anything you have to say. Your argument lays entirely upon the assumption that everyone else must agree with your "ideology" regarding betas and cucks and thots and chads or what have you.
Well, guess what, just because you crawl your way through the internet, following Antifa Facebook groups and nigger Twitter accounts, doesn't mean that everyone else cares about this shit.

>> No.12748031

But what if I don't believe your childhood theory? This chlichée does appeal to a certain population group, it's usually not just men though, women love films like Amelie.

>> No.12748037 [DELETED] 

I don't know. In theory I find them repulsive, but the girl I'm most attracted to is the quintessential MPDG. I should despise her, though instead I'm desperately in love with her for no reason. She's not even that pretty. I wish I could forget her.

>> No.12748382

Stop it.

He's /r9k/, not /pol/.

>> No.12748431


>> No.12749627
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is there a difference?

>> No.12750352

It's overrated, frankly.

>> No.12751585


>> No.12753299

lol at this thread