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12730074 No.12730074 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good novels written by low IQ people? I feel it would be easier for me to understand and relate to them.

>> No.12730096

Oh fuck who was that guy from the 1700s who was barely literate and wrote that crazy book? Like on the first page he just had a bunch of commas and periods because he said people complained he didn't put enough punctuation in his first book. I can't think of his name.

>> No.12730109

You’re thinking of Timothy “Lord” Dexter. He was unfathomably high IQ, actually.

>> No.12730149

Oh that's cool did he get in a time machine and take an IQ test?

>> No.12730161
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An illiterate peasant from Sicily wrote a 400 pages long autobiography which is just beautiful. This is a page of his typed manuscript. The poor guy couldn't even spell the vast majority of words but he managed to make a masterpiece nonotheless.

>> No.12730167


>> No.12730171

>He was unfathomably high IQ, actually.
Well I get the point though, just being illiterate doesn't necessarily mean low IQ

>> No.12730176

a good example of an actual low IQ author would be Rupi Kaur. I don't know if she's written a novel though. Probably not, since that would be a lot of work.

>> No.12730184

>unfathomably high
fathoms are measures of depth not height

>> No.12730185

>people keep pushing this meme
Fucking mind-blowing

>> No.12730193

depth is height upside down

>> No.12730194

Rupi is 100IQ. She may not be a good poet but she's definitely not sub 90IQ. I've worked with low IQ people, i know how they act, and how their mental process unfold, and the only "art" i can think is dominated by low IQs, is rap. They don't have the capacity to do any other art.

>> No.12730200

If you think people are numbers just fucking kill yourself right now, subhuman retard

>> No.12730202

IQ is simply real and hereditary. IQ Denialism is laughable.

>> No.12730217

t. mad because some peole are obviously cognitively inferior
Obviously people can't be reduced by numbers, but they can be described by it, and the numbers accurate predict that low IQ people are not capable of much in life. Doesn't mean they're subhuman, of course they're not, but it explains a lot of things. This is stuff is tiresome to debate, the science has been settled already, HBD is in the overton window and soon people will know the truth about hereditarianism.

>> No.12730219

I'd say rap would be harder to write than Rupi Kaur's poetry

but her ability to market herself and her sense of style mark her out as someone that isn't stupid

although I've never heard her speak

>> No.12730236

well its like 60% hereditary

>> No.12730240

IQ is not real, is an arbitrary construction. And when you take the test you're just letting others control you. If you're happy being a cuck, be a cuck.

I'm not mad, but you can just use terms such as "stupid" and "dumb", "intelligent" and "smart" as people have done for centuries. Believing a brain corresponds to a number is the most fucking retarded thing humanity has come up with.

>> No.12730249

This guy gets it.

>> No.12730251

Arbitrary constructions are real. No one is saying that a brain corresponds to a number, but that a number can be assigned to the brain which has a lot of predictive power.

>> No.12730260

kill yourself bugman

>> No.12730281

To me, a person who takes the test is automatically dumb, or low IQ if you prefer. You're submitting yourself to literally-who scientists who believe the mind can be quantified. Also, if the Chinese or the Indians or the Aborigines had their own IQ system you'd probably turn out to be stupid as fuck for them.

Thank you for ruining the thread with california-tier capitalist bullshit btw.

>> No.12730287

>The heritability of IQ for adults is between 57% and 73%[6] with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[7] and 86%.[8] Genome-wide association studies have identified inherited genome sequence differences that account for 20% of the 50% of the genetic variation that contributes to heritability.[9] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood. This phenomenon is known as the Wilson Effect.[10] Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores.

I don't think you really understand IQ tests.
>I'm not mad, but you can just use terms such as "stupid" and "dumb", "intelligent" and "smart" as people have done for centuries.
A long reocurring theme in humanity but apparently it isn't real because anon doesn't want to.
>Believing a brain corresponds to a number is the most fucking retarded thing humanity has come up with.
No one believes that. I suggest you read the literature on the subject. IQ is simply a matter of testing a person's ability to deal with novel and complex problems. The number is just a way of saying "this person doesn't know how to handle problems very well", and if you stop to think about for a second, if a person can't deal or understand novel concepts, then they are simply not capable of learning, because learning is exactly that: seeing new problems > learning to solve them(this process occurs on your own, of course a teacher facilitates but the process of learning can only be done by yourself, you can't imprint knowledge on someone) solving it > memorizing. And this is why IQ tests were first designed to help children with learning disabilities, and only later we saw the actual power of the test.

>> No.12730300

>Also, if the Chinese or the Indians or the Aborigines had their own IQ system you'd probably turn out to be stupid as fuck for them.
And if the Chinese were to take western IQ tests they would turn out to be stupid as fuck then, right? Well, no. They turned out to be smarter than westerners. That happens of course, because there was a long process of figuring out how to completely remove the cultural aspect of the test. And that was achieved. And the score between populations didn't change. Again, you don't understand IQ. I suggest you read on the literature because race, IQ and heritability will be the topics for the next decade or so.

>> No.12730307

> I suggest you read the literature on the subject
I laughed

>> No.12730310

Haruki 'IQ84' Murakami

>> No.12730323

>I suggest you read on the literature because race, IQ and heritability will be the topics for the next decade or so.
OK, i'm just other guy, but I think you should give the explicit list of books instead of nilly hilly definition.

>> No.12730325
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, doubtit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rupi is 100IQ
I doubt that

>> No.12730326

>help children with learning disabilities
People have been doing this successfully for two centuries and it's still working without your cuck-tier science.

Anyone who believes IQ is serious is automatically a dumb brainlet.

>> No.12730338

There are no books, IQ is an American invention meant to subjugate people to the machine further and further. Just let them sink in their shitty rationalist culture.

>> No.12730353

>New person
I would add then the opposite apply, as 'you' don't understand IQ or it 'failed' your personnal pov.
You think no one is 'smarter' than you, or no one is dumber than your actions.

>> No.12730360

Arthur Jensen - The G Factor
Arthur Jensen - Bias in mental testing
Cochran - The 10,000 year explosion
Charles Murray - Human Accomplishment
Charles Murray - The Bell Curve
These are a nice introduction to the subject, and their data still holds true. But if you want an easier introduction, i'd say search for "Jayman's HBD fundamentals" on google and you'll find a nice page with some blog posts. You can also go on Turkheimer and James Flynn blogs for the enviromentalist view on the subject, and you can find good refutations of them on Emil Kirkegaard, Cochran, Gwern etc.

>> No.12730400

Finnegans wake by James Joyce.

>> No.12730412

Kys dude

>> No.12730451

My Croobly-Doobly World, by the guy who runs around the block shooting at everyone from his wee-wee.

>> No.12730494

I think its called "A Pickle for Knowing Ones"

>> No.12730766

That's the one lol

>> No.12730814

>I suggest you read on the literature because race, IQ and heritability will be the topics for the next decade or so.
I believe IQ is useful to some extent, it is mostly hereditary and varies between different ethnicities. But if you really think IQ and race will be the most important topics for the next decade I'm quite certain you will be proven wrong.

>> No.12730840

It changes everything on immigration and welfare policies. It acknowledges and prove hereditarianism and biological determinism. This has implications for everything.

>> No.12730846

>t. low iq

>> No.12730856

How could IQ be real it's literally making a person a number which isn't possible. Go back.

>> No.12730872

IQ... completely BTFO.... it's OVER... for IQlets...

>> No.12730881

>no human is illegal

>> No.12730884

problem is, IQ isnt real m80

>> No.12730894


IQ tests are culturally biased and nonsensical. Being able to distinguish patterns doesn't make you smart.

>> No.12730902

>It changes everything on immigration and welfare policies
It really doesn't. When the welfare state in my country was being built in the post-war years it was a direct result of political forces and the conditions of the time, it wasn't at all the result of some stupid idea that "everyone is equally gifted" which was superimposed upon the government institutions. The ideas around IQ are not the most important factor when it comes to the development of society, by any means.
Similarly both the support and rejection of immigration is mostly affected by how it alters peoples social reality (both economically and otherwise), not how they think intelligence emerges.

>> No.12730919

>Pattern recognition isnt important and predictive


>> No.12730946

I have a learning disability and IQ testing was fantastic for me. People like to talk about the tests but they don't know what actually goes into them. My test allowed me to see a breakdown of my strengths and weaknesses so they can be addressed more precisely. Stop talking out of your ass.

Elaborate on culturally biased.

>> No.12730950

>It really doesn't. When the welfare state in my country was being built in the post-war years it was a direct result of political forces and the conditions of the time, it wasn't at all the result of some stupid idea that "everyone is equally gifted" which was superimposed upon the government institutions
This has nothing to do with i'm talking about though. Welfare and the ridiculous expending will crash, and people will understand that the system isn't sustainable exactly because some people are trapped in some social circunstances forever because of their genes. Social mobility is a myth, and heavily correlates with your ancestry going back to the middle ages. So yeah, IQ will definitely be a factor when the system crashs down. There will be no need to sustain people who don't and won't contribute to the economy.
>The ideas around IQ are not the most important factor when it comes to the development of society, by any means.
They will become.
>Similarly both the support and rejection of immigration is mostly affected by how it alters peoples social reality (both economically and otherwise), not how they think intelligence emerges.
IQ shapes social reality. And most of the immigrants will never succeed or integrate in western society exactly because of their IQ. This will become apparent.

>> No.12730953

>What are some posts written by low IQ people?
Try these OP:


>> No.12730959

At least half of those are satire.

>> No.12730964

title? If you don't give any info helping to find the book, your post is pretty much useless

>> No.12730971

here's one more for you OP

>> No.12730983
File: 87 KB, 640x480, bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for you fight here OP >>12730971

>> No.12731015

How could height be real it's literally making a person a number which isn't possible. Go back.

How could weight be real it's literally making a person a number which isn't possible. Go back.

How could age be real it's literally making a person a number which isn't possible. Go back.

How could biometrics be real it's literally making a person a number which isn't possible. Go back.

How could psychometrics be real it's literally making a person a number which isn't possible. Go back.

>Being able to distinguish patterns
Thus you recognize that IQ does measure SOMETHING.
Whether that thing is whatever you call "being smart" or not is irrelevant. It is a simple question of definitions, ie conventions.

>> No.12731027

Jazz = gud :DDD

>> No.12731047
File: 235 KB, 610x1526, hamasdidnothingwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are equating height and it's magnitude to intellegence and it's measuremeant. It becomes very apparent how stupid this is when you think about how height is literally defined by measurement of distance whereas intelligence is relatively divorced from measurement. Perhaps my simple language baited brainlets into thinking they were worthy of conversation.

>> No.12731054

I never claimed that IQ measures intelligence. IQ measures something, that is a purely objective fact. Measuring different characteristics of a being is in no way impossible, and whether such characteristics are physical or psychological in nature is irrelevant.

>> No.12731059

>admits to baiting

>> No.12731060

You've already forgotten the comment you originally replied to. Stop replying to me, brainlet.

>> No.12731066

I didn't forget anything of the comment I originally replied to. My first post in this thread was >>12731015

>> No.12731077

Come on dude. You replied to >>12730856 which supposed certain things which in your rejection of my post you in turn accepted.

>> No.12731088


An example: majority-black schools in the US are often public schools and often underfunded, while private schools and majority-white schools tend to be more well-funded. If a student from the majority-black school and a student from the majority-white school took the same IQ test and the white student scored higher, it isn't because white people are inherently smarter. It's because the quality of education they received was better due to the ways our schools are still funded along prevailing racial, social, and cultural structures.

>> No.12731095

i.e., as you're evidently too slow to follow, by attempting to ridicule my post by simile you accepted the basic premise.

>> No.12731096

>culturally biased
The fact that Asians outscore Caucasians, who actually made those tests, disproves you.

>> No.12731098


Well technically astrological star charts measure something but that doesn't give them any degree of veracity.

>> No.12731104

Isnt iq not actually intelligence but your susceptibility to learning new things? Why is it so controversial?

>> No.12731108


Why would you assume that "culturally biased" automatically defers to white culture? Asian culture places a lot of pressure on academic success, so of course Asian students will score higher on an IQ test.

>> No.12731113

What do you think susceptibility means?

>> No.12731120

Except that adoption studies (blacks adopted into rich white familes like the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study), educational studies (people paying for blacks to study in good schools), and other studies shows that blacks simply don't improve in better enviroments. There's also a swedish study, in which they adopted homeless Korean children. Guess what. The Korean children scored higher than the white children. There are even more complicated stuff like the fact that the Flynn Effect doesn't show gains on G and that parenting has no difference in IQ and that IQ gets even more heritable in adulthood (Wilson effect).

>> No.12731131

So how can it be culturally biased if it was made by one culture yet other cultures score just as high, if not higher?

>> No.12731138

You need to actually read up. Literally everyone impoves a very substantial amount in better enviroments e.g. when moving from poverty to plenty. What you may have meant is that studies show that they still have a lower IQ than certain other populations e.g. white europeans

>> No.12731143

Yeah I meant ability Im drunk and low iq

>> No.12731145
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>> No.12731149

>Asian culture places a lot of pressure on academic success, so of course Asian students will score higher on an IQ test.
This is simply a issue of causality. They place such importance on study because of behavioral genetics, that is, it's their genetics that are pushing them into becoming obssessed about studying rather than the contrary.
You both should read Bias In Mental Test by Arthur Jensen.

>> No.12731155

>Dexter decided to buy a huge house in Newburyport from Nathaniel Tracy, a local socialite, and tried to emulate them.[1] His relationships with his wife, daughter, and son also suffered. This became evident when he started telling visitors that his wife had died (despite the fact that she was still alive) and that the woman who frequented the building was simply her ghost.

>> No.12731159

>In one notable episode, Dexter faked his own death to see how people would react. About 3,000 people attended Dexter's mock wake. Dexter did not see his wife cry, and after he revealed the hoax, he caned her for not grieving his death sufficiently.
Also based

>> No.12731161


Races and cultures are two different things

>> No.12731166

I think it's what he's getting at.
Obviously proper education and nurture is important, but ultimately it can only help you reach your ultimate potential, not surpass it, much like height.

>> No.12731173

Why do you feel the need to point this out? Nobody's talking about races in our post chain.

>> No.12731175

Wrong. See the data by yourself
>Adopted, with two black biological parents: Age 7: 91 IQ, Age 17: 83.7 IQ.
This is the Wilson Effect right here. Because in early childhoold, intelligence varies a lot by enviromental pressures (like nutrition, education etc), you can see that their IQ goes up, but as soon as heritability kicks in, their IQ go back towards the mean. There's also another issue, the fact that other genetic behaviors also control IQ, like agressiveness, Conscientiousness, openness etc are also correlated with IQ.

>> No.12731263

link the data

>> No.12731294


>> No.12731314

this guy is almost up there with D'Annunzio and Ben Franklin as competing for the title of most BASED man

>> No.12731363

My diary desu

>> No.12731373


>> No.12731443

>and people will understand that the system isn't sustainable exactly because some people are trapped in some social circunstances forever because of their genes
I don't see exactly what point you are making. It is apparent that social security nets rely on a situation where the wast majority contributes more in form of taxes than they receive in form of benefits. Where does IQ come in? High intelligence is NOT the main condition which determines whether or not you contribute to society, there are tons of jobs that require little intelligence. IMO the retarded notion that everyone should pursue a higher education is more damaging than welfare.
Dumb people can contribute to society, and smart people can be a drain on society, economically speaking.
>There will be no need to sustain people who don't and won't contribute to the economy.
True. This will become apparent at some point in the future. "Those who will not work, neither shall eat" is the harsh reality of times in need (for the working classes that is).
>IQ shapes social reality
I feel like we are talking about different things here.
>And most of the immigrants will never succeed or integrate in western society exactly because of their IQ. This will become apparent.
The fact that some groups of immigrants will for various reasons not integrate into the society they live in will have serious political implications, but for one, academic debates around the reason for this are quite uninteresting from a political perspective. And I do believe there are lots of things that are more important than IQ in this regard, to give a few examples: the governments permissiveness towards the creation and maintenance of parallel societies, the unwillingness to take the necessary measures to assimilate people, the denial of the limits when it comes to how many immigrants can be integrated successfully each year and the economic costs of this, certain immigrant groups tendency to import wives from their homeland, or their parents homeland, instead of marrying locally, and so on.

>> No.12731483

>So how can it be culturally biased if it was made by one culture yet other cultures score just as high, if not higher?
Not saying IQ is culturally biased, but are you retarded (or perhaps I should say, is your IQ below the melting point of butter?).
Just because some culturally biased test was made by individuals from one culture, doesn't mean it cannot be biased towards a different culture than the one of those who made the test.
Again, I am not saying that this applies to IQ tests, I just cannot phantom how you are unable to grasp this concept.

>> No.12731489

You should read Flowers for Algernon. It's written from the perspective of Charlie, a man with an IQ of 68, who undergoes an experimental surgical technique to increase his intelligence

>> No.12731513

Suck a dick, incel.

>> No.12731610

Novel, or short story?

>> No.12731724


>> No.12731769
File: 153 KB, 878x1366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sorry anon, I thought the info was already in the filename but I forgot I'm posting from my iPhone so there's no filename.

The book is Terra Matta ("Crazy Land") by Vincenzo Rabito. There's no English version. Though it's pretty hard even if you learned Italian, because the language is an odd mixture of Sicilian vernacular and standard Italian.

>> No.12732271

>itt:angry brainlets

>> No.12732501

100 isn’t that high, man.

t. 125 “supposedly”

>> No.12732538
File: 106 KB, 1296x1341, 1542368844874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tricking retarded art hoes into mass buying your books
>siding withe huge liberal bias in the media to make a fortune
>putting the absolute minimal effort into writing whilst making the maximum profit

She may be a horrible writer and a hack but that woman is anything but stupid.

>> No.12732543

chads win again, fucking LANKLETS

>> No.12732696


So his IQ went beyond mere mortal's perceptions of what an IQ could even constitute by including a third dimension

>> No.12732724

>a bunch of americunts talking about real iq is
This thread is shit.

>> No.12733017
File: 33 KB, 343x529, Lord Timothy Dexter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12733031

>>tricking retarded art hoes into mass buying your books
her publisher did that, not her

>> No.12733428

>What is a presedent answer A king bonne partey the grate has as much power as A king and ort to have & it is a massey he has for the good of mankind he has as much power as Any king for grat ways back there must be A head sum whare or the peopel is Lost Lik wild gees when thay Lous the gander two Leged want A head if fore Leged both & 2 Leged fouls the Name of presedent is to pleas the peopel at Large the sound souts best Now in the south give way to the North the North give way to the south or by & by you will brake what falers be wise on keep the Links to gether and if you cant A gree Consoalated to A kingly power for you must keep together at the wost hear it Labers ye les see there is so many men wants be the all offesers & Now sogers poor king Every day wants A bone sum more then others the king cant Live without the feald wee have had our turne grat good father Addoms [9] turne & turne About Rest Easey you all will be pleased with the present king give time all did I say Now but the magor part fore fifths at least.

Engaging as fuck