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12730478 No.12730478 [Reply] [Original]

What does 'We must imagine Sisyphus happy' actually mean?

>> No.12730483

It means that if you disagree Camus will laugh at you and fuck your gf after his football match

>> No.12730495

The constant struggle against the inevitable rolling-back-of-the-rock is a symbol of Man's determination in the face of infinite. We imagine Sisyphus happy, for we must also imagine ourselves happy - we are born to live, and if life is pushing a rock up a hill, then in that we must find happiness (or else find ourselves purposeless and doomed).

>> No.12730502

Did he forget Sisyphus was a dirty criminal that got what he deserved?

>> No.12730508

How was Sisyphus a criminal? He tricked Hermes, cheated Thanatos and made a fool of Persephone. He was smarter than most of the Gods, and an absolute Chad.

>> No.12730561

That if you’re forced to work a boring and unfulfilling job your whole life that you can still lead a happy life if you try hard enough

>> No.12730579

Not really 'try hard enough', more along the lines of 'find happiness in the mundanity'.

>> No.12730634

It means we must, because the alternative is nihilism.

>> No.12730870

Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.
The elation of comedy is saying horray for life in its own terms, however incongruous and absurd.

>> No.12730875

nice post desu

>> No.12731591

It means that Camus sees the fundamental nature of the human experience as being like Sisyphus. That the pursuit of any goal is ultimately futile, and nothing ever is truly complete.
To say that Sisyphus is pushing the rock up the hill is a mistake. You will forever approach success only to find your efforts washed away. Eternal suffering.
Sisyphus is simply pushing the rock. In that way he can find happiness. Not through pushing it to the top, but just through pushing it. To push the rock is his nature, he must make peace with that.

>> No.12731701

He raped the innocent daughter of a guy who stole some of his animals. (Also he snitched on Zeus.)

>> No.12731709

bery nice

>> No.12731717

In this instance its also about asking difficult questions without necessarily having them answered. To make a "leap of faith" for religion, or to just declare yourself an atheist is to artificially place yourself at the top of the hill. Camus's absurdism involves living in the ambiguity of never completely answering the question, living without true closure, and being satisfied with it.

>> No.12731726

Sysiphus also used to kill traveling strangers and guests in his home in violation of xenia

>> No.12731734

its unironically the philosophical equivalent of “just bee yourself bro”

>> No.12731763

It means that if you don't imagine hard enough Camus will come back from the dead to kick your ass.

>> No.12731785

No it isn't retard.

>> No.12731872

Amen. God bless you.

>> No.12731876


>> No.12731880

Was unaware, wtf! Sisyphus is CANCELLED!

>> No.12733197

It means better to roll a rock uphill than have an eagle come down and eat your liver for all eternity.

>> No.12733540

arbeit macht frei

>> No.12733609

Just be yourself

>> No.12733706

his task is what sustains his existence

>> No.12733709

he knows what it is he has to do to keep existing

>> No.12733718

It means that if your gf goes to gangbang parties with french post-structuralists every friday you must simply accept it and try to be happy

>> No.12733730

Read the rest of the book and find out.

>> No.12733773

It means you should outgrow Camus by the age of 16

>> No.12733785


>> No.12734860

Imagine living your life like this

>> No.12734916


This is retarded. This comment is the boulder. You MUST be happy that you read it.

>> No.12736400

What are you trying to say here?

>> No.12736583

Well yes, but also the absurdity of the rock-toting is that it's meaningless, and meaninglessness leads to unhappiness, found in the arbitrary purposelessness of life.

>> No.12736640


>> No.12736663

>What does 'We must imagine Sisyphus happy' actually mean?
he push the rock

>> No.12737137

>have to push rock as a punishment
>just force myself to enjoy it
>gods are seething

>> No.12737734

>Find out how this Greek landowner BTFO the entire Hellenic pantheon with ONE simple trick!

>> No.12737746

I would unironically enjoy pushing a rock up a hill constantly, imagine how ripped you’d get

>> No.12737875

It means

"I am done rambling on about why I live in spite of the lack of rational arguments for why one should live when suicide is a possibility, a scenario considered witbout regard to the obvious fact that most people simply want to live, which proves the existence of a soul incidentally, and it is time to put a little bow on my manifesto and send it off to the publishers with a wink because honestly... I got nothing."

>> No.12738917

Saying horray for life is reductive, we despair at life in its own terms, because we despair at our own terms.

>> No.12739462

That if you're happy or willfully ignorant enough to not care about the fact that your life is nothing more than a series of failed attempts to achieve self-nullification through the appeasement of the deterministic electromagnetic interactions that comprise your mind you're bound to be alright with being alive.

>> No.12739471

Sisyphus was a masochist

>> No.12739521

Then you, unlike Sisyphus, can kill yourself because everything is meaningless and you won't ever be happy. That, or find meaning in the meaningless and inject a purpose in your life.

>> No.12739641

Product is the process, the ultimate optimism of spirit against inert nature, if life is nothing but a series of catastrophic (repetitive) mistakes then we must embrace this idea, even laugh at it like Cixous' Medusa.

>> No.12739649

if we accept that he is unhappy then he will descend into nihilism

>> No.12739674

A gay masochist xD

>> No.12739690
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>What does 'We must imagine Sisyphus happy' actually mean?

When given an endless, just think about all the friends you're going to make along the way!

>> No.12739726

He was taking a view of reality which is sometimes called "radical localism" - ie, "things" in being and "things" imagined (including metaphysical "things" such as emotional states) are contiguous. And thus the envisioning of a "merry Sisyphus" becomes coterminous with the reality of the situation. He has been conjured into being.

>> No.12739814

How does Camus rationalize being bored? Suppose I accept that Sisyphus is happy, is he not bored? Can one not be bored and happy at the same time? Suppose I'm happy but also dissatisfied with the uneventfulness of pushing my rock up the hill. Do I just kill myself? Are we only here to suffer?