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/lit/ - Literature

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12728344 No.12728344 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read books /lit/ ?

>> No.12728530

Because they are a medium that allow for some of the deepest ideas about the nature of things, without fluff from other genres that can make the meaning more esoteric. Also, while Kanye is a great artist in terms of aesthetics, I doubt that his art really delves into the universal flaws and values that the world potentially has. What does a diss-track reflect to everyone?

>> No.12728535

Because I'm not good enough and I'm hoping to read something to change that.

>> No.12728540

Because I’m so wordy

>> No.12728553

Can I just ask you a hypothetical question please?


>> No.12728564

Stimulation/pleasure, or learning, or spiritual meditation, or a combination thereof

>> No.12728576

finishing a book that shifts your thinking or where you learn something new or even just sheer pleasure is probably one of the goat feelings. what i personally gain from books is bar none to any other form of media

t. musician

>> No.12728633

It’s the cheapest medium to get entertainment.

>> No.12728649

I don't read

>> No.12728651

Kanye has far more to his ouevre than diss-tracks, anonpai...his corpus covers many themes.

>> No.12728662

It almost feels like something productive.

>> No.12728672

I'm looking for something, not sure what but *something*. I read to find that. Much like Neo, really. As stupid as that sounds.

>> No.12728673

To learn new ways and vocabulary that I can use to insult myself.

>> No.12728676

I also like to pretend I am in the Matrix.

>> No.12728682

I just meant that how Neo was searching in earnest for something I feel like that as well, but obviously it's not the matrix, more like some kind of belief or opinion or "way" that I'm trying to find. I didn't mean to imply the matrix. >.>

>> No.12728689

Are you me?

>> No.12728714

Probably, we sarcastic snowflakes actually believe we are somehow unique or at least rare when the true is that fucking half of the population doesn't the same shit.
They just aren't autistic enough to improve their self-hate game over time.

>> No.12728719

I'm tired, fuck my shitty self-hate level. I need to improve it

>> No.12728757

It makes me feel smarter

>> No.12728791

By the grace of existence the lack of guidance I received in my formative years didn't destroy me enough for me to have no other recourse than to look at scribbles and squiggles made by others to make sense of this world, only to find these people that have nothing more to offer than the illusion of meaning are just as clueless as I am.

Also Kanye gets mistaken for "good" when he is just "loud".

>> No.12728809 [DELETED] 

Nigger nigger nigger nigger. Nigger, nig nigger, nigger nigger nigger. Nigger nigger. Nigger! Nig, nigger? Nigger nigger nigger, nigger; nigger nigger. Nigger.

>> No.12728817 [DELETED] 

You misspelled "nigger" twice.

>> No.12729024


>> No.12729053

I exclusively read non-fiction books, and then only if I want to learn about something specific. Otherwise I agree with Kanye.

>> No.12729108

escapism and to explore ideas. I like seeing how other people view the world
also to make it easier for me to fantasize about being a 19th century russian or polish farm boy

>> No.12729111

a lot of information exists only in textual form, other than that, its nice to pretend humans worth talking to could come into being if only for a little while in a stilted fantasy

>> No.12729168

I like fiction and wanted to look down on non-readers who only consume TV, games, movies, comics and anime.

>> No.12729220

I started reading at age 26 for the first time. My gf got me into reading. I like reading because fiction tingles my imagination and non fiction broadens my mind. It also treats my short attention span and I'm more calm

>> No.12729256

Nonfiction has a story that's (supposed to be) interesting, characters that you can draw parallels with, relate to (or despise).

They're "fun" to read in the same way that a TV show or a movie is fun to watch.

Also they improve reading comprehension, grammar, spelling, vocabulary and all that shit.

>> No.12729704
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helps practice abstract and critical thought
allows me to gain new perspectives and insights
also what >>12728564 and >>12728633

>> No.12729794
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>"...people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-obsorbed."
>Meanwhile partakes in the most narcissistic music genre and more than half of his songs are all about himself just like most other rappers
Dont know why people praise him to be such a genius and part of some intellectual elite.

>> No.12729797
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>> No.12729807
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Real shame that actress killed herself.

>> No.12729826

Haven't seen the movie yet is it good? Last one I saw was Pickpocket

>> No.12729827

1. Every book is a list of sentences I can never use in writing or speech as my life is a constant war against cliche
2. Immersion is the ultimate goal of all media I consume and books happen to be the best at it

>> No.12729831

Extremely good.
By the way, that didn't happen in the film, but real life, several years after it was made.

>> No.12729852

It's mainly because he is a rich nigger who makes rap music and also because most people are fucking retards.

>> No.12730026

To be smarter than y'all
And to impress the ladys with my wisdom

>> No.12730039

It gives me something to do before I die

>> No.12730066

It's something that I enjoy to pass the time.

>> No.12730084

I find stuff in them I can't find on the internet.
Shitposting is easy, publishing a book is more tedious, and the information comes from a higher-quality source.

>> No.12730087

Books require a level of engagement that other forms of media don’t. I literally can’t watch a movie or a tv show without getting bored in less than 10 minutes.

>> No.12730440

She could never get over Bresson molesting her.

>> No.12731025

>Immersion is the ultimate goal of all media I consume and books happen to be the best at it
agreed and that that immersion can be achieved thru reading is even more incredible. Thru comprehending an abstract system we are able to create an inner world

am reading Amusing Ourselves to Death and I'm starting to agree more and more with Postman on this

>> No.12731037

A beautiful creature has graced this thread with its blissful idiocy and insurmountable depression.

Good luck m8

>> No.12731083

keeps me sharp, gives me a feeling of self-importance which is as close to self-esteem as i can get, and gives my mind something to chew on. every once in a while i'll run into something genuinely life changing.

also Kanye's mom had a PHD in English so there may be something contextual about his sentiment outside of this quote

>> No.12731311

>peoplewho write books are self-absorbed

the fucking irony this guy needs to stay on his meds

>> No.12731424

>also Kanye's mom had a PHD in English so there may be something contextual about his sentiment outside of this quote
Affirmative Actioned and EEOCpilled

>> No.12731498

Theyre entertaining. I dont like film or anime and I play vidya but its too expensive and good releases are few and far between

>> No.12731680

Sure, ask away

>> No.12732158

What is the big issue with media that is considered "self absorbed" what is wrong about that ?

>> No.12733310
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For the tingles

>> No.12733885

Kanye has a phD himself and therefore has more literary and intellectual merit than anyone on this board.