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/lit/ - Literature

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12725468 No.12725468 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12725477
File: 316 KB, 460x447, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2019-01-22-20-45-14-114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12725485

It’s sad how unoriginal he is

>> No.12725489

It's spelled Dostojewski.

>> No.12726220


Now in Kermit speek


>> No.12726246
File: 417 KB, 1209x815, jordan-peterson-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Nietzsche was a Christian

>> No.12726254

hair transplant

>> No.12726269

the rise and fall of this man on the chinz is unfathomable

>> No.12726889

lol he pronounces it Dosteevskee

>> No.12726899

Nice try but he hated jews

>> No.12727212

>Raskolnikov killed his landlady
this is the man who hooked you on Dostoyevsky

>> No.12727222

Name a good writer who didn’t

>> No.12727503

Jordan B. Peterson

>> No.12727506

woah spoilers

>> No.12727526


>> No.12728578

He looks like Terry A. Davis there

>> No.12728587
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>> No.12729304

Schizos often tense their jaws like that. Perhaps Peterstein has another reason to chug all those antidepressants

>> No.12729317

Peter Booty Pissington

>> No.12729330

He also calls Ivan the youngest son, and combines him and Dmitry into one character by saying that Ivan is a hedonist

>> No.12729879
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Only one I can think of is James Joyce and he was a degenerate.

>> No.12731114

he doesn't have the look of slight confusion and empathy in his eyes that terry usually had

>> No.12731124

Wait, Peterson said that? Link?

>> No.12731309

Can't wait for when Zizek utterly destroys him

>> No.12731380
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>> No.12732832

How is Zizek gonna destroy him when he can't even fucking talk

>> No.12734319

That's why it is going to be destruction.
To be beaten by slav who cannot speak English.

>> No.12734327

can't wait for žižek to completely BTFO this stupid clown of a pseudo-right-wing ideologist

>> No.12734335


>> No.12734614


>> No.12735437

Wew. how the fuck did he merge Ivan and Dmitry? This is why you don’t skim through the book, kids.

>> No.12735446

I hate this person and I don't even really know what he stands for, but the fact that in his shit "ideology" he somehow managed to turn Nietzsche into his little wagon horse for his mongoloid neo Christian conservative liberalism that he makes 50 k a month off of from gullible fat neckbeards, is enough of a reason for me to despise this cunt.

>> No.12735485

Well Dimitri certainly was a man of passions but a is he really a hedonist? Even ignoring the fact that he mixes the brothers up.

>> No.12735582

>neo Christian
aka """culturally Christian""" or """"Christian atheist"""".

>> No.12735678

lmao. why is this deranged autist trying to force this meme? it's so weird. he made a shitty thread where he implied dostoyevsky is only popular here because of le based clean your room man, and then other anons pointed out how this is retarded since dostoyevsky is literally one of the most famous and influential writers in the world and has been discussed here regularly since /lit/'s inception (and probably on every other literature board that has ever existed as well). i guess now he's going to spam this every day to revenge himself on everyone for laughing at his cultural illiteracy.

btw, is jordan peterson even known for talking about dostoyevsky or is he just one of a handful of authors he recommends?

>> No.12735692

You're clueless.

>> No.12735705

Peterson is a faggot but the bigger faggots are the faggots who hadn't read the authors he name-drops before knowing of him.

>> No.12735706


>> No.12735756

>faggots who hadn't read the authors he name-drops before knowing of him.

but this is basically nobody, though. if you're on /lit/, you know who dostoyevsky is, the same way you know who shakespeare, tolstoy, etc. is, even if you haven't read them. no one has only heard of dostoyevsky because a radical centrist self-help guru mentioned him in an obscure youtube clip. if peterson were a big hermann ungar or junichiro tanizaki fan, and you suddenly saw a bunch of threads about them when they had never been discussed before, then you could make that connection, but it makes no sense to draw that conclusion when the author is one of the most acclaimed writers of all time and is required reading for many people in high school and college.

>> No.12735845

Gaystoevsky is reddit-tier trash, dude. Get over it.

>> No.12735871


You sound like you're 15, anon

>> No.12735922

No you’re right, he’s not a hedonist

>> No.12736175

Your post makes me physically ill.

>> No.12736988

Are they long lost brothers or something?

>> No.12738325

Still don't get all this hate directed to Peterson, I watched some of his stuff a few years back on psychology and it seemed fine. As far as I know, he isn't some guy like Ben Shapiro that lives on destroying leftists.So, can someone explain all this hate to me?

>> No.12739094

It's hard to say because many of these socialist types that go after him tend to doublespeak and take things out of context. I feel it's probably his popularity and ideological beliefs that play a role. Not to mention many of these people are repeatedly made fools out of themselves going after him which has probably left a bitter taste. I don't think they're going to stop until they "own" him.

>> No.12739106

his essentialism is completely antithetical to their world view
he also doesn't really have any original ideas, so he's easy to write off as a hack

>> No.12739700

He made dumbass statements and strawman about things he know nothing about.

>> No.12739802

Hes a perfect example of someone whos good at something (psychology) and bad at other stuff.

Suddenly everyones asking him about everything like hes aristotle. The dude can cite every psych study from the last 30 years but he doesn't really do much with it you know?

>> No.12741177

He pretends to have original ideas when in fact everything he says has been discussed and talked about before.
For a example his allegorical reading of the Bible.

>> No.12741188
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Proust was Jewish you dolt

>> No.12741196

jrr tolkien

>> No.12741216

I like how none of these target any of his arguments/words and they're just vague attacks

>> No.12741219

You guys saying he has no original ideas understand how fucking old and decrepit Bell Hooks and Judith Butler are right? Regardless of his ideas about postmodernism of Marxism it’s not like he’s going up against the cutting edge and the zeitgeist of intellect that is the progressive stack. If those faggots can repackage and repurpose naive hippie free-love ideas into the progressive stack why can’t he take Jung and biological determinism and repurpose it for a broader audience? Are you about to tell me Bill Nye isn’t dumbed down garbage that’s just a rehash of 90’s melodrama academics that couldn’t get their sandals on fast enough to tech this shit? At the end of the day the culture war comes down to amplification and he has a huge audience, people wan to shut him up and retain hegemony over the attention and minds of the proles. But now for every latte swilling hipster girl posting about how #woke she is for supporting Beyoncé there’s a Peterson bro with a beat up copy of Crime and Punishment and a political YouTube chann. This is the future all you fucking fucks deserve.

>> No.12741259

i read every word you wrote yet have no idea what you just said? progressive stack? "sandals on fast enough to tech this shit"?

>> No.12741270

You shouldn’t be posting here, better luck next time

>> No.12741710

>He pretends to have original ideas
He doesn't. He is always talking about the need to revisit our ancient traditions. When has he claimed to create anything?

>> No.12741726

Dostojewski was a fascist jewish shill

>> No.12741736



>> No.12741756

Peterson's clearly an atheist but cultural christian because he knows it keeps dumbasses in line.

>> No.12741766

never read any Joyce huh?

>> No.12741789

>He was talking about being an atheist in reference to the character of Raskolnikov, not Dostoevsky himself you moron, no need to go off on a tangent. If you aren't a Peterson fan why come here? I'd much rather listen to someone like Peterson's comments on Nietzsche and Dostoevsky than some pseudo intellectual like you in the comments....

>> No.12741814

Peterson seems to only talk about Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky and Solzhenitsyn from what I gather.

>> No.12741919

And Jung

>> No.12742005

>when in fact everything he says has been discussed and talked about before
certainly not in the modern era, and in regards to academic psychology, especially not in the context of refuting uncontested, crusading zeitgeist critical theories, founded upon blatantly politically motivated conjecture

what an awfully uninformed deconstruction you provided - woefully dismissal

>> No.12742031

He just knows the synopsis. Peterson skims, he just wants the whiff of acquaintance. The only shit he reads is fairy tales

>> No.12742036

>Peterson's clearly an atheist

>> No.12742042

Not our fault you're ignorant

>> No.12742053

>The Aryan understands Slav better than Slav

>> No.12742073

Except he somehow managed to totally turn Jung into some sort of individualist retard. Not realising that Jung provided a collective basis of race in psychological terms (and all the other amazing fruits that Jung bore to the world). Individualism will always lead to immorality because morals depend upon the collective identity and similarity. This is why Marxism is individualism at its core, it tears man from he's natural core, his family, his race, his people. And so he has no core apart from a flimsy ideology that can never fill the void and so this ideology will lead to immorality as it expects a string to connect with no middle, how can a mean connect to humanity without what connects him... his race and how can a man connect to his race without what connects him... his family.

Marxism destroys all and so destroys all morality that is if we were to ignore the already immoral beliefs of it. And the broken economic system will lead to failure and so will force immorality.

>> No.12742623

I respect JBP but Dostoevsky is a deranged gambling pedo desu.

>> No.12743062

>clean your room bucko
>man the fuck up
>but don't take pride in anything because that's anti-semitic

>> No.12743092

sounds more like polfaggotry is living in your head rent free bucko

>> No.12743102

>deranged gambling pedo desu.
so /our guy/?

>> No.12743152
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Sorry, too busy being guilty of the (((holocaust))) here.

>> No.12743179


you showed me

>> No.12743336

recently ordered notes from the underground
amazon recomeded 12 rules for life with it
made me not want to buy it

>> No.12743430

How did he fix his hairline?

>> No.12743434


>> No.12743470

I want to see him debate Ray Brassier

>> No.12743706

I don’t know about hate, but he’s pretty in-depth on them.

>> No.12743736

most jew writers, but lots of them self loathe

>> No.12743761

He killed the bald dragon

>> No.12743811

>Your nature and ideology depends on the race and nationality you're born into

Sounds pretty fatalistic, my dude. Are you trying to say Jung was retarded?

>> No.12743845

Peterson does that to every writer/thinker. He takes the original message and transforms it in 'self-help' advice that he can present in terms of Pinocchio and Lion King moments. I haven't heard Peterson say anything NOT related to the material world and the improvement of one's material/financial status.
His whole message is
>clean room
>clean penis
>rescue father
only so you can:
>sign up someone's legal slave
>get money
>get woman
>have children
>raise children
Jung: 'A career, producing of children, are all maya compared to that one thing, that your life is meaningful'.
Yet for Peterson, meaningful life = responsibility of family life (i.e. career, marrying and having children)

>> No.12743867

Your shit greentext has nothing to do with what you quoted or with Jung for that matter. Please leave the site immediately and come back after you finish your first book.

>> No.12743903

Cope harder.

>> No.12744016

man I sure do feel a lot better about myself after I blamed everything on the Jews!

>> No.12744392

same tbqh

>> No.12744404

>when you have no argument so you make a weak attack on the hidden motives you imagine your opponent to have
very Jewish post desu

>> No.12744431


>> No.12744436

lol seething

>> No.12745469

Did he? In House of the Dead he talks about how some of his best friends were jews. I think sometimes he just uses that as a stereotype, but even the jewish pianist from Demons that was a cunt, had a change in heart.

>> No.12745737

Ha, I know that meme