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12725624 No.12725624 [Reply] [Original]

then Einstein's theory of general relativity, that required more brain power or intelligence

>> No.12725625

Randian egoism

>> No.12725635

>believing relativity theory is real

>> No.12725638
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>> No.12725640

theres alot

Neitzsche's theory of eternal return


Myth of the Given

etc. etc.

>> No.12725650

There's nothing new after the Greeks.

>> No.12725651

Whether something is groundbreaking is relative.

>> No.12725654


>> No.12725658

sure, sweaty.

>> No.12725664

Transcendental philosophy

>> No.12725667

what inherently makes general relativity a greater achievement than intersectionality?

>> No.12725691

one is proven science, the other is bullshit

>> No.12725694

Ackshyually nietzsche invented relativity
I mean ackshyually Aristotle did
I mean ackshyually Heraclitus did
dude Greeks lmao

>> No.12725698

The Multiple States of the Being

>> No.12725700

I'm just a random anon dropping in to the middle of this, but I'd love to hear why intersectionality is a greater achievement than the theory of general relativity.

At least that is what I think you are implying/trolling.

>> No.12725703


relativism is more intuitive to me than string theory or whatever quantum physics is doing now

maybe because einsteins' images are so compelling, like his "being inside a moving closet" scenario

newtonian physics must've been pretty wild too, since it is intuitive, though wrong, that weight is a property of substances and determines how fast and deep something "falls"

>> No.12725707


>> No.12725710

Uhm sociology is a science sweetie

>> No.12725714

The Theory of the Forms BTFOs anything that was ever conceived by a physicist. This is why physics will always be metaphysics' nerdy little brother.

>> No.12725727

>dude what if there was like, a perfect tree and all other trees are just shitty versions of it
behold, metaphysics

>> No.12725728

Sociology is to science what walking is to exercise.

Technically true if you do it the right way, but no one is going to respect you for it.

>> No.12725729

>Actually it is a very difficult thing to even define a Jew. The closest that I can come to describing it is to ask you to visualize a snail. A snail that you see at the ocean consists of the body that is snuggled inside of the house which it always carries around with it. But let's picture what would happen if we lifted the shell off of the snail. Would we not still describe the unprotected body as a snail? In just the same way, a Jew who sheds his faith along the way, or who even picks up a different one, is still a Jew.

>> No.12725736

Where you been brother, thread is 21 posts deep already.

>> No.12725737

Walking can be useful to burn calories, it's fun and simple. Same thing with sociology, it triggers all the right people (pun intended).

>> No.12725743

>(pun intended)
but leftists are far more triggered by actual social science research (IQ)?

>> No.12725745

Plato was discoursing on his theory of ideas and, pointing to the cups on the table before him, said while there are many cups in the world, there is only one 'idea' of a cup, and this cupness precedes the existence of all particular cups. "I can see the cups on the table," said Diogenes, "but I can't see the 'cupness'".

"That's because you have the eyes to see the cup," said Plato, "but", tapping his head with his forefinger, "you don't have the intellect with which to comprehend 'cupness'."

Diogenes walked up to the table, examined a cup and, looking inside, asked, "Is it empty?" Plato nodded. "Where is the 'emptiness' which precedes this empty cup?" asked Diogenes. Plato allowed himself a few moments to collect his thoughts, but Diogenes reached over and, tapping Plato's head with his finger, said "I think you will find here is the 'emptiness'".

>> No.12725848
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>> No.12725858


>> No.12725869
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Diogenes repping the clown world before it was fashionable.

>> No.12726640

yikes, do better

>> No.12726684

What a fucking pointless question. And you do realize that Einstein is arguably the most philosophically inclined of major modern physicists?

>> No.12726692


>> No.12726708

Kant's Copernican Revolution
Land's reversed causality and autopoetic concept of means of production
Kierkegaard's Knight of Faith
Hegel's logic and his resolution of subject/object
Heidegger's existential analysis of Being
Adorno's Negative Dialectics
Bergson's elan vital and duration
Deleuze's concept of difference

>> No.12726724


imagine believing any of this

>> No.12726783

McTaggart's proof of the unreality of time
Zeno's proof of the impossiblility of change and movement

>> No.12726791

okay these two were pretty funny you got me

>> No.12726808

Wait, is this the intersectionality that proves absolute oppression? Or is there some philosophy of intersectionality?

>> No.12726827
File: 17 KB, 171x266, GABIDULL IZ ZENDIEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Land's reversed causality and autopoetic concept of means of production
Fucking gaggle of butterflyfags.

>> No.12726837


Retrocausality is actually a permitted and fun consideration in the framework of quantum mechanics. This has nothing to do with Land's claim of course, I'm just pointing out his is stupid for other reasons, not just because it's retrocausal.

>> No.12726848
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swallow the Aionpill cringeazoid

>> No.12727074

>in the framework of quantum mechanics
just stop doing this

>> No.12727122
File: 268 KB, 389x300, israeli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Retrocausality is a long standing proposal to come to terms with the reality of quantum states, to maintain the time symmetry of states (a condition to conservation of energy which is a pretty damn fundamental assumption to us), and their distinctive properties as per John Bell's and other no-go theorems. It's a pretty hot topic considering the subject matter (e.g https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.07871.pdf).).

This shit looks esoteric and has all kinds of cringe induced terms because John Bell and all of his peers were actively engaging in counterculture bullshit at the time. They purposely wanted to shake up the field, and there's a mildly infuriating (if you actually have a physics background) but hilarious book about precisely this (https://www.amazon.com/How-Hippies-Saved-Physics-Counterculture/dp/0393076369).).

I am not being esoteric though. The framework of quantum mechanics is that of entities that can only exist in discrete levels of energies. This is the one fundamental difference and pretty simple to state, but has profound consequences (such as the possibility of introducing retrocausality). We're always speaking of "mundane" linear algebra in spaces of infinite dimension. I shall therefore and absolutely not stop doing this.

>> No.12727164

not based at all

>> No.12727876

don't quote arxiv at me you pseud