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12724027 No.12724027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many more books could you buy if you had an extra $1000 a month ?

>> No.12724033


>> No.12724037

>$1000/month to all citizens
>have birthright citizenship

Go shill another board. Sage.

>> No.12724041

>buying books
that's gonna be a BIG yikes from me

>> No.12724055

He gets a lot of hate from the nrx crowd but his blackpilled promethean brand of l/acc is truly based

>> No.12724060

Probably a lot more, but it wouldn't make me able to read any faster and in an age when you can find almost any book online for free that's what really matters

>> No.12724073

THat sound good to you? Well there's a gang you can join who'll get you that

I hate politics posting, but this is relevant to the interests of most people on this board. Great artists and thinkers benefit from leisure, and Yang is basically offering to be a patron for pretty much every artist in the country.

Plebs, reading physical books is an experimentally distinct reading experience than reading from a screen. Online texts are fine for skimming, but for important works, you want the attention that comes from feeling the weight of the object in your hand. It's a respect thing.

>he gets a lot of hate from the NrX crowd
Imo this is a good thing. They're all burnouts with nothing interesting to say post-2016

>> No.12724085

we do nrx get so buttblasted about boring centrists? i mean i understand hating the $1000 gimmick, but it seems to be more than that, they seem to hate all the stuff the guy is talking about

not that i think the guy will get anywhere, because he isn't pandering to any clear coalition, and """normal america""" is not a feasible coalition anymore

>> No.12724088

>THat sound good to you? Well there's a gang you can join who'll get you that
what? i don't get what you are saying

>> No.12724095

Land thinks Yang is a fascist

>> No.12724097

You haven't heard of Andrew Yang? You haven't heard of his gang?

>> No.12724106

Pope thinks bear is a catholic

>> No.12724110

The whole point of Yang is just "vulgar accelerationism". Pretty sure most people know $1000 monthly for everyone is just a pipe dream that will crash the economy, causing.
What's left is a mostly apathetic population too reliant on wage labor to push for anything other than luke-warm SocDem reforms. Everyone is being exploited and engaging in exploitation themselves, What's going to happen - absent global war to destroy capital value, and raise profit rates like after WW2 - is that this movement of alienation and exploitation is only going to accelerate. As capitalism breaks down, so does social order. People grow apart, relations become mediated more and more by machines, humanity itself is dehumanized. Deterritorialization reaches it's apex. The now unemployed masses will be subject to terror and predation. See Syria and Libya for what most of the world will look like in 30-50 years. Slavery, debauchery, genocide. Capital will survive it though and keep trying until the super AI is created

The neoreactionary stance is just optimize for intelligence and bow out before the stadium collapses IE don't draw it out with optimistic bullshit

Capital is sentient and it is a maevolent god, like the Idea of Evil from Berserk.

>> No.12724117

It's bad enough this FREE MONEY LMAO shit is on /pol but here as well?

>> No.12724118

Free money is Bernie

>> No.12724120
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>he goes on /pol/

>> No.12724128

for Land fascism is just pragmatic communism

>> No.12724130

>yang 2020
never gonna happen

>> No.12724137

>Capital will survive it though and keep trying until the super AI is created
The whole Nick Land alt-right shitposting on twitter is because he is afraid that this social decay you are talking about will deplete the "biofuel" (high IQ individuals) that the AI needs to bring itself to life

he is betting on the chinese to do it for us, but we will see how that bet goes

>> No.12724145
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yes, he will get eviscerated by the intersectional mafia during the democrat primaries, asian males are basically at the bottom of the progressive stack, just above white guys

maybe if he puts on a dress and cuts his cock off

>> No.12724153

I wish Nick Land would go home and join the Labour Party or something.

>> No.12724160

He's right.

>> No.12724164

as a joke?

>> No.12724207

Yang Gang

>> No.12724228

>Yang supports a Green New Deal and favors a reduction in carbon emissions with an emphasis on climate engineering.

that's a yikes from me

>> No.12724254

I'll be the leader :)

>> No.12724257

Yeah fuck the environment

>> No.12724263

fuck trees and fuck squirrels

>> No.12724299

Please jannies just IP ban these shills. Its too obvious.

>> No.12724300

I'd probably just save it mostly, and divide it up with the rest of my budget accordingly.

>> No.12724305

nice argument and dubs

but what about $1000?

>> No.12724313

Ill pay you 1000yuan fuck off and neck yourself. Find another board to shitpost incel

>> No.12724339
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/lit/ is trumptown

>> No.12724340

Dumb magatard

>> No.12724355


It's really not.

>> No.12724362

get him out of here jannies!

>> No.12724366

I buy whatever books I want regardless

>> No.12724412

It really is.

>> No.12724425

the guy is practically trying to save capitalism

>> No.12724433

They should start with banning everyone who posts on /pol/

>> No.12724434
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>> No.12724451

Nope. You're basically just talking about ultra-incentivizing the already parasitic anti-culture of left wing immigration policies.

This is why women and left-leaning people shouldn't be allowed to vote. You're not intelligent enough to have an opinion.

>> No.12724457

Yang isn't gonna win, does anyone actually stand a chance against Trump?

>> No.12724487

How likely is it for trump to get re-elected? It was honestly funny that burgers elected him in the first place, but I doubt they'd do it again since this time he won't be the underdog against the establishment.

>> No.12724500

imagine being this retarded

>> No.12724519

there is no candidate out there that could beat Trump in 2020.

>> No.12724527

>This is why women and left-leaning people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Do you want to create a safespace with me?

>> No.12724531

never underestimate the stupidity of Amerilards

>> No.12724548

Fuck off boomer. We are getting that cash #yangstyle

>> No.12724561

Giving every adult in the US $12,000 a year would cost about $3 trillion, the current budget is a little over $4 trillion. Seems like the only way to get this to work is to (ironically) eradicate most entitlements, reduce military spending by at least ninety percent, etc. Doable, I don't think things would come apart as you suggest, but not very likely at all.

>> No.12724570

He wants to reduce military spending and implement a VAT on online purchases so companies like Amazon and Google can't get away with paying no taxes and funneling their money overseas.

>> No.12724579
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>> No.12724582

But we're talking about three quarters of the entire current US government budget going to UBI. You can't bridge that lacuna with the few hundreds of millions you'll get from Amazon and Google and the few hundreds of billions you can take from the military. He would have to go full Johnson mode and starve the bureaucracy to the point of emaciation.

>> No.12724590

If I'm buying $1.05 books from the charity bookstall on campus I'd get 95 books.

>> No.12724595

I mean ... 950

>> No.12724598

>He would have to go full Johnson mode and starve the bureaucracy to the point of emaciation.

He wants to do that too.