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12720820 No.12720820 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12720826
File: 46 KB, 288x358, moe_huh_really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice. Speak on what you know. Have a plan for how to explain certain concepts, use this as a guide when speaking off the cuff. Practice. Yes, practice to yourself alone in your room. Explain shit to yourself.

>> No.12720827

do it more

>> No.12720844

Speak slower and stop using filled pauses

>> No.12720848

because you haven't thought about what you should say and how to say it beforehand. you can't talk fluently about things that aren't articulated in your mind in advance.

>> No.12720854

Post a vocaroo of this so we can be the judge.
>Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation.

>> No.12720945

I personally think I have a speech problem, which can't be fixed. Not a legitimate one, which has a medical name for it, but simply a disconnect between mind and mouth. And it really sucks. To hear myself speaking, and to hear it sound nothing like what my thoughts do. Personally, I think there's nothing I can do to change it. Believe me, I've tried. And if it is true for me, it might be for you as well. Don't fret anonpai, your talents likely lie elsewhere. Everything will be okay. But it is kind of sad that we couldn't be conoissueors of speech. :( We just have to find a sweet girlfriend who speaks better than us, and understands our verbal difficulties. Even finding us cute for them. And personally I'm a more quiet type, so I have to find a girl who appreciates that. It's okay anon, we'll be fine <3

>> No.12720954

Practice. Read things aloud more often and talk to yourself. It'll take some time but you'll get it anon.

I believe in you

>> No.12721055

bump. Is it really a skill any can improve on, or are some people destined for dysfunction in this area?

>> No.12721111

Can anyone pls halp me? Is it possible some ppl have a real disconnect between mind and speech, which can never be fixed?

>> No.12721163

Lucid articulation is probably for more for eccentric personalities who spend more time in the public view like celebrities and the sort or those whose work requires a lot of verbal communication with clients. They probably spend a lot of time practicing.

Otherwise it would appear a lot of the rest of the proles are less adept and make less use of this, for lack of a need to, and thus perhaps one of the various reasons the world has been the way it has.

>> No.12721199

bump need halp pls

>> No.12721213

This first step to coherent communication is removing anime pics from your computer.

>> No.12721278

It also sounds somewhat like an exercise in aesthetics. It's looks relative to rote memorization. This is one reason why the outcome of public debates between people should possibly be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.12721374

1) record yourself reading aloud scenes from screenplays, speeches, etc and compare it to the original taking into account tonality, pauses, facial expressions, etc. Re-watch and note where you can improve.
2) record yourself answering interview style questions and re-watch, same as above.
2) slow down, think and read the room/situation before you talk. Different situations call for different styles of communication, formality, etc.
3) pay attention to the social queues, facial expressions, etc of the people around you and also your own.
4) most people don't really care what you have to say and want you to listen to them so if you're struggling find a topic they want to talk about and ask them questions then listen.
3) practice the above.

It's definitely a skill that can be learned and also very helpful in every aspect of life. I've encountered highly paid white-color professionals whose only skills seem to be the ability to communicate effectively and be charismatic.

>> No.12721868

>Tfw auditory processing disorder and vocal clutter
>Can't listen to audiobooks
>Can't follow a conversation with more than one person or background noise
>Sound like a total retard when speaking
I have just given up at this point.

>> No.12721998

>auditory processing disorder
Sounds like it could be used as an easy excuse for anybody who will simply doesn't want to pay attention to what you're saying. I wonder how many people could be discovered to have this supposed syndrome.

>> No.12722175

I have literal brain damage, my friend. Don't get serious concussions in early childhood. At least my writing is fine and I'm not too retarded, so I'm thankful that's all I ended up with.

>> No.12722182

<3 it'll be okay, fren

>> No.12722193

Watch movies and YouTube videos with people who speak well - you'll slowly find yourself imitating them. I swear I mostly learned the language from Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.

>> No.12722386


>> No.12722457

None of you anons are as bad as me. I have severe Selective Mutism that wasn’t diagnosed until it was too late. My teachers and parents never tried to treat it, instead they forced me into public speaking, which only exacerbated the problem. Now I’m a friendless, directionless, NEET in my 20s

>> No.12722467

No, running on a wood floor at full speed, sliding into a metal washing machine head first. Knockout
I was a little retarded to begin with evidently

>> No.12722540

>speak to myself in my head constantly
>sound eloquent, pronounce everything correctly, great tonal variation
>try to speak aloud
>sound like a 70 IQ demitard
>spit management is manual
>record yourself reading
Might try it.

>> No.12722579

How do you even get diagnosed with these things? I could write out a whole list of possible disorders I might have.
Some of which include:
•Schizoid Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder
•now Selective Mutism
Lul at some level is this a scam or something else like not having balls or Munchaussen Syndrome?

>> No.12722638

>tried a recording
How did I do, /lit/? Guess the writer/work.

>> No.12722647


>> No.12722653

>there are females on this board

>> No.12722722

S-sorry. You didn't guess the work, either, though. Do I sound okay?

>> No.12722745
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you might wanna acting like a victim, seriously. theres a whole wave of people claiming to have disorders to just get attention they never truly deserved and its sickening. People are suffering from real fucking things and they have to wait in line with people like you. When you get hooked on medication that you truly don't need and it starts fucking with you, mentally, don't come crawling back preaching you've been miraculously cured.

jesus grow the fuck up seriously its too fucking late to blame your laziness and mistakes on a mental disorder whilst creating the attention you never received as a child

>> No.12722747


>> No.12722767
File: 5 KB, 205x246, FF879A61-C304-4064-BAF3-D89BC601A0C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m never taking the medication...
I’d rather live w the pain. I like it.

>> No.12722774

It’s a bit off but could be a lot worse. Sounds like you’re just mumbling through the words without stress. I have the same problem


>> No.12722806

I see. I wasn't attempting that at all. Is that necessary for a reading? I'm autistic and wouldn't know what to stress.

>> No.12722872

I’m not sure desu. I have my own speech problems so take what I say with a grain of salt

>> No.12722877

I have ADD. It really sucks. My whole life is upside down because of it. I can't relate to my peers because my mind is so different from theirs. I can't do what they do so effortlessly. I wish I had a neurotypical girlfriend who'd love me despite my flaws, and would help me compensate for them too. Until then my life is just a mess...

>> No.12722939

That's a tranny.

>> No.12722964

How are you able to imitate a female voice so well?

>> No.12722983

sounds like a tranny plz be my gf

>> No.12723065

Are you really a grill? UwU

>> No.12723069

Your voice is so soothing to listen to, sorry if that sounds creepy. You'd be great at ASMR desufampai.

>> No.12723457

>be girl
>go onto board full of anons who will never talk to a girl in their lives
>post recording
lonliness is tearing me apart and you do this

>> No.12723620

Like anything practice makes perfect. Use service industry people to make brief conversation with as a start. It's better than embarrassing yourself in front of peers, plus it's partly their job to speak to you anyway.

Even if you reach a point of verbal clarity, like in writing where your mind works seamlessly in real time, there will still be issues . People are gonna assume you're a high hat haughty pretentious cunt. I've learned to speak with what's in the mode which is a mixture of keeping it simple intertwined with slang, sometimes meme-y rhetoric. In reality anon, it's better to be a good listener than speaker since people prefer to hear their own prattling, let alone listen to yours.

>> No.12723628

cute voice

>> No.12723648

>We just have to find a sweet girlfriend who speaks better than us, and understands our verbal difficulties. Even finding us cute for them. And personally I'm a more quiet type, so I have to find a girl who appreciates that. It's okay anon, we'll be fine <3
You are male. It is your job to be strong and masculine. If you were a female you could find a mate no problem, but as an insecure male you have no chance.

>> No.12723711

You have a sweet voice, but you're mostly speaking while you're exhaling, this comes off as soft and meek. Try to "reserve" the air in your lungs and exhale only the amount needed to form the word you're about to say. Also, your intonation begins high and ends on a low note, it becomes very noticeable quite fast and can be distracting. I'd recommend practicing a more leveled delivery.
Try talking in a loud controlled angry tone in front of the mirror, really put your lungs to work, gaining confidence in your voice begins there.

>> No.12723745

Maybe you only write because you suck at talking lmao

>> No.12724303

Can I make money doing that?
t. poorfag
Thank you anon, that's helpful. I don't understand everything you said but I can google it probably. I never thought about controlling your air levels while speaking. Where did you learn about such things? I knew someone who went to acting school and he had a really great speaking voice, I asked him about it and he said, "Yeah, I'd better after spending all that money on school for it." So I think it can be learned.

>> No.12724320

>hear your voice
My voice is so pathetic.

>> No.12724483
File: 39 KB, 500x500, angry pepe 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's better than embarrassing yourself in front of peers,

not really, it´s the easiest way to be mocked and laughed at.

fuck off normie

>> No.12724667

...and that's a good thing!

>> No.12724691

Learning to sing from your diaphragm also helps w/r/t projection during speaking.
You dont have to be a good singer, just willing to belt out some rock anthems along with the car radio.

>> No.12724728

>not really, it´s the easiest way to be mocked and laughed at.
why the fuck would you care about what some random strangers think? I'd understand if you're afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of friends, superiors, and others who you would want to have a favorable impression of, but what kind of meek, boot-licking retard seeks approval from every person they encounter? there should be people who you would WANT to hate you because they would be the antithesis of everything you stand for, people who would confirm that you're doing things right. if you're bending over backwards to be liked by everyone, then you will be liked by nobody.

>> No.12725254

>Where did you learn about such things?
I did a bit of theater and singing when I was younger.
Controlling your air, being confident and having a good posture are key. If it helps, try to envision yourself speaking through the person, like the one you're addressing was behind someone. Also, like >>12724691 said, using your diaphragm as a source of control for your air flow is very beneficial.
If you haven't seen this, it might give a more clearer picture.

>> No.12725375

Read out loud.

>> No.12725384

b-but i can't be those things... :(

>> No.12727189

You fags wanna quit it?

>> No.12727195

Please be in London

>> No.12727211

Unironically awful. I can't understand you through my shitty laptop speakers.

>> No.12727246

Made me chuckle.

>> No.12727662

you probably could yes, but there's fierce competition at this point

>> No.12727719

This is an annoying Hot Take like oh WOW I've never heard THIS before I bet you're going to tell me about how ADHD is over diagnosed and how "PC Culture is ruining America" while you jack off on to your fucking Spencer's Gifts Cartman Funko Pop you fucking shithead fuck you