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12718488 No.12718488 [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you guys to finish this?
I started about two weeks ago and it feels like I'll be reading it for the next 4-5 months.
I'm also taking notes in case I forget things, but there's so much detail that it feels like a impossible task.

>> No.12718502

No need to take much notes. Just read. I don't remember hos long it took me to read it but probably not more than 2 months. 20 to 40 pages a day I think

>> No.12718526

Try to read a minimum of 50 pages a day and it will be much livelier for you.

>> No.12718531

About two months. Just set yourself a goal of 20 pages a day, I read the whole of In Search of Lost Time using that method and it was an enjoyable experience.

>> No.12718585
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So no notes and a constant 20-40 pages per day. I'll try it.

>> No.12718591

Notes shouldn't be necessary if you have a character list at the beginning of the book (I think most modern editions have this).

>> No.12718592

>count the amount of pages
>if the book is more than around 500, divide by 14
>if not, divide by 7
>enjoying reading a book a week, or a doorstopper every two weeks

>> No.12718708
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Mine has, but many characters are missing or are listed with different (full) names wich makes them hard to find.

What if the book has about 1700 like this one? I'd love the read 100 pages per day, but being the wage cuck I am, that's not feasible.

>> No.12718753

Dude, do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to take notes, then take notes. I did when I was trying to remember everyone's name. I made a family tree and everything. Helped out a lot.

>> No.12720394

Well, I do, just don't wan't daddy Tolsoy monopolizing my reading list.

>> No.12721128

neat hack, thanks

>> No.12721136

I read it in two weeks. It's an incredible book, one of my favorites.

>> No.12721666

20 days. Great book. I'm still pissed about it. Fuck Tolstoy for fucking /ourguy/.

>> No.12721678

I read it in a day, I am hyperlexic and a competitive speed reader.

>> No.12721699

Did a hundred pages a day over a fortnight but I was also on holiday at the time so had little else to do

>> No.12721815

Same case here, I read it two summers ago, went with the hundred pages a day pace too.
Nice dubs, by the way.

>> No.12722201

After 50 pages in one sitting I kind of stop paying attention and become really irritated.

>> No.12722350

I'm not trying to disrespect you guy, but is this a joke or an honest comment?
In my country there is a joke about 50 pages a day, so I don't know if it exists in other places.

>> No.12722478

I read it over the uni break over 2 and a half months. In total I spent around 80 hours reading, I made it a rule that a minimum of 50 pages a day and did this for stretches but occasionally would go several days with reading. Don't rush, just set a daily quota you're comfortable with

>> No.12723007

It took me 4 months but only because I had fatigue around the Natasha/Kuragin part. I think you can do it in two months if you stick to a decent pace.

>> No.12723934
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Damn, wish I had the free time to read in this pace. I'm setting a 30 page/day goal to fisnish it in about one month and a half.
>t. wagecuck

Can you tell the joke? I'm curious

>> No.12723962

A month, it's not that hard.

>> No.12723968

im scared to crack this book open. i don't like starting (or reading too far into a book) without the intent of finishing.

>> No.12723972

one week but that's because I spend a lot of time reading

>> No.12724016

You definitely can squeeze in 50 pages a day, Anon.
I wish I could squeeze in more, but I have a permanent earworm so I can't concentrate and read fast enough.

>> No.12724052

Read it in about 10 days this Christmas, although I had to use three different translations which nearly made me kill myself.