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/lit/ - Literature

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12720252 No.12720252 [Reply] [Original]

Last one reached image limit

Post your bookshelf anons


>> No.12720301
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Another anon asked for more, so I'm going to repost the epics shelf first, then another three pictures.
1/4 - Epics

>> No.12720310
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2/4 - Japanese Shelf

>> No.12720317
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3/4 - Leftover Japanese books and the two Chinese shelves.

>> No.12720320

How long did it take you to collect all of this? You're the guy that posted like at least a dozen close-ups in the previous thread, right?

>> No.12720327
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4/4 - Slavic literature (From Polish to Russian)
The other shelves aren't as packed/organised/curated so I'm not really proud of them, but these once I like and read if I can.

>> No.12720340

he doesn't own them and stop encouraging this diseased retard he has been doing this for almost 36 hours straight and his last thread was deleted for spam. Hopefully these posts will be soon as well.

>> No.12720341

Tetszik az ízlésed.

>> No.12720343

Why dont you guys have like.. cool books?

>> No.12720349

That's not the guy you are thinking of, the anon who posted his four shelves in this thread is contributing properly. I saw the first shelf he posted in the last thread and he is not the guy you are thinking of.

>> No.12720351

I'm not the politics black magician.
Collecting the epics took maybe 7-8 months.
The Chinese and the Japanese shelves took considerably longer to assemble, around 2 or so years I'd say.

>> No.12720368


nice collection. what do you do for a living, anon? why you collect these books specifically?

mad respect.

>> No.12720379

>"japanese" shelf
>none of them is written in japanese

>> No.12720415


I'm a student. My fascination with the orient started when I was roughly 16 or so and when I was at the theatre I happened to buy a copy of the Dao de jing. That's how I fell down the rabbit hole.
Germanic epics, I don't remember. I really wanted to read the Nibelungenlied for whatever reason last year or so, and it was a slippery slope from there.

Author's nationality/subject. I usually (as in, if I have a lot of books around a given theme, then I group them together, like I did with the epics.) sort books based on nationality, unless they are non-fiction.

>> No.12720475


what do you study? eastern literature? are you american?

>> No.12720481

I'm a Hungarian HS student.
My intention is to study eastern languages and become a translator.

>> No.12720488


wtf man you're building a fantastic foundation there, congratulations, you're probably one of the few people on here who actually has a nice collection and is using it to a good end. you got any more shelves/pics?

>> No.12720546

My other shelves are really plain I'd say.
I have a philosophy one, a German literature one and one for English and Irish authors. (I liked Dubliners a lot when I first read it during a nice, warm spring, so I re-read it in English.)
Nothing the average /lit/ard doesn't own.
And of course I own a lot of Hungarian literature too, mainly Karinthy and Krasznahorkai.
Though if you want pictures of any of the shelves just say it.

The problem is that I don't arrange those too much, though I've been meaning to get into Shakespeare during the past two months, it's just that reading Dostoevsky and books on Dostoevsky is eating up my time. (Though at least they give me secondary literature at school if I ask for it, I heard some teachers take it as a form of distrust if you read books instead of listening to what they say, or at least they take it so that you don't pay attention to them and instead opt to read books on the subject, which is in itself a form of grave disrespect if you think about it.)

>> No.12720653
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>> No.12720658
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>> No.12720721
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have you read any of these

>> No.12720734
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>> No.12720736
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>> No.12720737
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I hope he has read the Conrad at least.

>> No.12720741
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>> No.12720744
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>> No.12720753
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>> No.12720758
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>> No.12720798
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>> No.12720807
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normie stack

>> No.12720843

Went a little nuts the other day.

>> No.12720906
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It’s a Japanese kind of month.

>> No.12720962

Recent purchases? based

>> No.12721966


>> No.12722720
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>> No.12722814

Did you Jake :) I went a little crazy too

>> No.12723418
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>> No.12723435
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>> No.12723446

Thanks man, yeah I'm on a staycation from work right now and went a little nuts.

>> No.12723932

Murakami is shit

>> No.12724146
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local second-hand bookstore had a sale

>> No.12724165

Don't push your books all the way to the back of the shelfs, it's bad for them.
Nice haul. I really disliked Thinking, Fast and Slow though.

>> No.12724168

>Don't push your books all the way to the back of the shelfs, it's bad for them.

>> No.12724178

Yeah, started reading it and so far feels like one idea stretched out into 300 pages..

>> No.12724181
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I read mostly from my phone

>> No.12724209
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Reading Donne, Herbert, and Dickinson rn

>> No.12724217

No Iliad?

>> No.12724260


I just finished reading it again! I read it while watching Ken Burns Civil War and reading Walt Whitman’s Drum Taps as an American Iliad- I have at least 2 copies in this image

>> No.12724265

Are all Loebs this small? In the other shelf thread, the Loebs appear much larger.

>> No.12724274

I only see the penguin and maybe one loeb volume
they're all small. they're designed by james loeb himself to fit in a gentleman's waistpocket

>> No.12724277

>they're designed by james loeb himself to fit in a gentleman's waistpocket
That's based. More books should be pocket sized.

>> No.12724930


based--great collection, mad jealous

what do you do, anon? why do you have the books you do?

>> No.12724963

it's bad
I-I push all my books back

>> No.12725049
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Don't really have a proper shelf yet but here's my small collection. Only started reading regularly this year.

>> No.12725124

well done anon

>> No.12725156

like your Minions coloring book?

>> No.12725206
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Made a more dedicated English shelf recently.
Lightly ordered by alphabet.

>> No.12725230


mad respect. you an english major? what's your profession? american?

>> No.12726298


>> No.12726313

decent collection

>> No.12726320

yes, i'm american by profession.

>> No.12726378
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my bookshelf sucks ass but that's what you get when you find it on the street

also: what should I read today

>> No.12726410
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based, excellent shelf, nice pomo collection.
>those dalkey archive books
>the tasteful thickness of it

>kimi raikkonen
>irvine welsh
based, really enjoyed skagboys

>> No.12726426

I picked up the following lately this week. Just got Butcher's Crossing today which was a pretty nice find.

A Brief History of Seven Killings-Marlon James
Gillespie-J Macdougall
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Foucalt's Pendulum-Eco
Rashomon and Seventeen Other Short Stories-Akutagawa
Butcher's Crossing-John Williams
The Rainbow Stories-William T Vollmann
The Lost Europeans-Emanuel Litvinoff
Insomnia-Stephen King
Divided Kingdom-Rupert Thomas
Turn of the Screw and Other Stories-Henry James
The Worm Ouroboros- Eric Rücker Eddison

I've never read Vollmann before so I have zero idea if The Rainbow Stories is a good place to start with him or not.

>> No.12726434
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mah niggah

>> No.12726467

No need to humble brag. Awesome bookshelf!

>> No.12726485
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>> No.12726492
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>> No.12726501
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>> No.12726516

Nice Vineland edition. I won't forgive you for buying Vintage however.

Which Infinite Jest pressing is that? I wanna get my hands on a good hardcover edition, but most of the ones I've found are that annoying white cover version

Thanks. I like my collection, but the actual shelf itself is awful, like one of those cheap wooden-plastic things you find, well, on the side of the street. It's always on the verge of falling over. The dream is to get something like >>12720653

>> No.12726567

Not pictured is the one I'm reading right now, intro to ring theory by Cohn, a light book under my level but a well deserved rest from AG. Atiyah MacDonald gets requested back every time since it's very popular, wish it didn't cost like £100 for a 120 page book. All of the books pictured and way more I have a digital copy of, I just prefer physical textbooks over reading on computer and Kindle wouldn't work well. Reading literature books I prefer kindle since it's free and same experience, except for books where I need notes to keep track or where I go back and forth. Just bought Watchmen and V since they were cheap and Kindle can't replicate that, haven't read yet.

>> No.12726580
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>> No.12726594

How many hours a day do you usually read for shelffriends? I try and go for two or three at the most.

>> No.12726816

Is that 33 1/3 on Kid A any good? I've read the ones for ITAOTS, Donuts and Spiderland and while they were all interesting, Spiderland >> Donuts >>>> ITAOTS

>> No.12726842


>> No.12726864

It's alright. Parts of it, iirc, give really great descriptions of what the album's doing, but I can't say I left feeling closer to it the way that the Donuts book did.

>> No.12726884

Depends if I'm working on anything interesting.
1 hour while I commute, another one in the library if I'm not studying anything.
Otherwise 4-5 hours during weekends.

>> No.12726937

no, I just like to read and N/W European.
Eternal 1st edition HC from L,B&C 9780316920049, comes with cloud dust cover.

>> No.12727036

Why the occult symbol tho?

>> No.12727587


>> No.12727683
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my diary desu

>> No.12727965


why journals and diaries?

>> No.12727988

Props for How to Bomb

>> No.12729156

There is nothing wrong with finding things on the street

>> No.12729206

why d fuck not.

Rigadoon is good. I wish those Cioran notebooks were available in English.

>> No.12729216
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>> No.12730889


More classics bro!

>> No.12731514

>Kimi Räikkönen
I'm gonna assume you're Finnish so let me ask this: where do you buy your books from that are in English? Do you just order them online?

>> No.12731529


I found Journey to the End of the Night on the street while walking around New York and it wound up being one of my favourite books.

>> No.12732666
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please forgive the mediocre digital camera

>> No.12732756
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It's a complete mess right now, but I don't really have the time to organize it

>> No.12732795

Campbell Biology was my first text book, I remember being naively horrified at the size of the thing.

>> No.12732809

>picking up things from the street in new york

>> No.12733656

I once picked up the Little Prince by St Exupery off the street in Boston once.

What is up with people throwing translated french literature away on the street? Maybe it's some disgruntled reader of French Literature trying to seed American streets with good things to read?

>> No.12734828


>> No.12735271

Appropriate digits. What did you think of Happy Days Were Here Again?

>> No.12735278

+1 for this epic. .

>> No.12735685

That copy of Moby Dick looks so thin. The print must be tiiiiiny

>> No.12735797


Good taste anon

>> No.12735813

how the fuck is that good taste

>> No.12735912


He reads good books, lots of history and great literature. He needs to read Emerson

>> No.12735918

Do your bookshelves only hold books you like? What about books you've bought that you hate?

>> No.12735956
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>> No.12735981

I hide those behind books that I like and forget about them.
Or I just simply put them up for "adoption"

>> No.12736255

physics major?

>> No.12736333


It's all individual excerpts of his thought through the mid 80s to the early 90s, so it's fun idle reading if you want to just flip to a page and enjoy a self contained article. I've always appreciated his style of writing, insight, and expression.


I suppose it is! It's over 560 pages including the fore and afterword, along with a section on the etymology of the phrase and references used in the book.


You're too kind, and I do have Emerson resting among some more books on another shelf.

>> No.12736375


>> No.12736384
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I might have too many books