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12716031 No.12716031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I currently have left-libertarian views, will reading Marx challenge them or will it just Seinfeld me?
What's the Marx chart?
Muchos gracias.

>> No.12716045


maybe read history or obtain some common sense? how is your commune gonna defend itself from foreign threat? how will it deal with rape and other crimes if not through mob rule?

>> No.12716053

wow, you don't know what left libertarian means at all. google is your friend.

>> No.12716057

Here I did it for you.

>> No.12716068

If you read Marx correctly you will see he is also a left libertarian.

>> No.12716077

Maybe refrain from posting if you're completely ignorant on a given topic.

>> No.12716197

Muh commune in the jungle or wartorn Ukraine or Spain that survived for roughly thirty seconds proves its workable :)

>> No.12716222

Thomas Sowell's book is actually really good. He used to be a Marxist for a long time so he know what he's talking about. He makes a real effort to be as objective and even handed as he can until the end where he shares his criticisms. I ended up walking away with a genuine respect for Marx and less respect for Marxists.

>> No.12716426


Pick one.

>> No.12716445
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You've succeeded in annoying people.

>> No.12716576

Which one more precisely? That nigga has written a lot of books.

>> No.12716579
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The one called Marxism

>> No.12716640

If you’re looking for the real red pill treatment, the pill to end all pills, then I’ve got some books to suggest to you anon.
Read, in this order:
The Ramayana, William Buck
The Pelopenisian War, Thucydides
The Prince, Machiavelli
on War, Clausewitz
Violence and the Sacred, Rene Girard
The Accursed Share, Georges Bataille
The 18th Burmmier, Karl Marx
A World Restored, Henry Kissinger
The Ruin of Kasch, Roberto Calasso
The Leopard, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Democracy in America, Tocqueville
Studies in Pessimism, Studies in Pessimism

Avoid the Hegelian influences most people have in their observations of modern society OP. I guarantee that the above list will radically transform your perceptions of reality.

>> No.12716725

I've already read all of these, except for studies in pessimism and the Marx one, and I remain a generally happy person I think.
Thanks bro. And nice trips.

>> No.12716730

porque no los dos

>> No.12716750

In that case, the Marx one is a great book and a quick read and I highly recommend it.

>> No.12716764

on it. Thanks for the rec. Got any reading notes or should I cold approach it?

>> No.12716776

Just jump in, it’s a very engaging text and immensely quotable in proportion to its length. It sounds like you already have a good background on the French Revolution, and Marx is a great novelist when he wants to be, so there’s really nothing to worry about.

>> No.12716782

>tfw read some of these out of order
did i fuck up the redpill for myself?

>> No.12716793

Probably. Marx had Bakunin expelled from the Party for being too anarchistic.

>> No.12716840

can I get recs for left libertarian or similar people who HATE government and don't want to be involved in any of the statist leftists

>> No.12716854

retards are easier to exploit so it's actually better that way

>> No.12716874

I'm the OP and I can rec some old school libertarian and market anarchist stuff if that's what you're feeling.
Obviously read Hayek, there's a book called "The Origins of Left Libertarianism" which is about the heritage of jacking off to individual rights and hating statist bootlickers, you could read some Emma Goldman. Kropotkin's conquest of bread. Don't read Ayn Rand, her shit is weird and culty and unrelated to political theory despite her followers' best efforts. Read The Second Sex.
Tldr just read the anarchists while also being good at math and you will find yourself here again trying to figure out why people pay attention to marx

>> No.12716898

Does anyone think we can create a new society? Based around empathy for eachother? And sharing of resources? A selfless society, of love and beauty?

>> No.12716927

the best single one-volume anthology is still "No Gods, No Masters: A History of Anarchism." Plenty of primary sources, overviews, introductions to different ways of thinking about left-libertarianism. the anthologist's some french guy, I can't be fucked to remember his name atm.

>> No.12717036

Research into Noam Chomsky. There's a reason why the left revere's him as a god. He's brilliant.

>> No.12717041

>Research into Noam Chomsky. There's a reason why the left revere's him as a god. He's brilliant.

>> No.12717055

I like Thomas Sowell as a person, but his arguments are so basic bitch.

>> No.12717079

not an argument

>> No.12717090

I'm not reading a guy who claimed to be anti American impressionism his whole life and then did a 360 and criticizes Trump for pulling out of Syria. He really exposed himself as a kike shill.

>> No.12717102

>He used to be a Marxist for a long time so he know what he's talking about

>this is what Americans really think

protip: americans and anything to do with communism or socialism or anything of that nature do not mix

ironically, the only people close to what is "left" in america are the people referred to as "antifa" who are doing great work. too bad americans are giant capitalist cuck pussies who vilify them. they should hang rich people btw.

>> No.12717117

imagine being poor in a market economy lmao

>> No.12717124

This is how I feel except for the right wing. Even the rightiest of the wingers love jews and fags.

>> No.12717129


imagine being american


oh i'm sorry if you can't read but that means i'm laughing at you

>> No.12717142

Nice missing the context. I can tell you only heard the one soundbite and drew your entire conclusion from that. To say that the US SHOULD do x(help the kurds) isn't to say that if the US stays that we would do x. Which is part of the point Chomsky is making which of course was lost on you. But I didn't expect a brainlet who mixes up imperialism and impressionism to get that.

>> No.12717144

the leisure time afforded to me by my excess wealth has given me plenty of time to learn to read thanks

(even if it didn’t I could pay someone from your shithole country to do it for me lol)

>> No.12717185

fuck the kurds. you could expand that argument to apply to literally everything america has done. everything is prefaced with "were going to defend x" or "we're bringing democracy to y".

>> No.12717200

The problem isn't helping x. The problem is we don't actually want to help x or care about bringing democracy to y. If you actually based your judgement off something larger than a soundbite or headline you'd also hear that chomsky had his reservations about even if we do stay would we really help.

>Fuck the kurds
yeah I can tell you're a completely rational and moral actor.

>> No.12717214

I don't want money spent on helping or killing some desert shitskins. If they can't take care of themselves, they deserve to die.

>> No.12717256

There it is. Started off talking about not an argument, someone tried to rationally talk to him, he reverted to his infantile /pol/ memes.
This is why you dont bother. They off themselves with pills and McDs anyway. Lifting and ignoring cardio as the foamy macrophages build up in the aortic intima. Or they ignore the free and cheap narcan and take too many oxys in the trailer.
Buddy. You literally cannot take care of yourself. The fact that you're a trump fan means you're not an individualist. You lick boots in exchange for massive welfare and only get offended when you realize black and brown people might get some too. Your political philosophy is gay bdsm.

>> No.12717280

Wow we better go off and save all the brown people now

>> No.12717283

Lmao whatever retard. Stop replying

>> No.12717318

Labor theory of value is retarded

>> No.12717343

true. I think you could fix every marxist by putting them in charge of a company for a week.

>> No.12717385

Society isn't a real thing. There only exists individuals

>> No.12717401

individuals aren't a real thing. There only exists cells.

>> No.12717408

cells don't exist. there only exists incels.

>> No.12717425

>dumb Americans posting
Libertarians are actually socialists

So how did his brain melt? Why does he think capitalism will someday be good for people. Or is he deluding himself into believing it is a good system?

>> No.12717430
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read quotations from mao zedong. unironically. I used to be an ancom until I read quotations. now i’m maoist

>> No.12717439

Why though?

And wha about Dengism?

>> No.12717440

it's irrelevant whether or not it's "good" for the people. the important thing is that it works.

>> No.12717459
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So the atomic bomb is great. We should keep making them and dropping them on cities because they work perfectly.

>> No.12717468

imagine thinking this is a good argument

>> No.12717470

this but unironically

>> No.12717474

I wish I could drop atom bombs on 95% of the people on earth.

>> No.12717571

Socialism has required big government every time it’s been implemented. Libertarianism is about small government. Small government leads to people naturally creating businesses and by extension a capitalist society. Ergo, “socialist libertarian” is an oxymoron.

But by all means, give me a practical solution as to how you’d abolish capitalism without government.

>> No.12717605
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dengism, really? revisionist state capitalism with suicide net characteristics. And what do you mean why? I realized that the only practical application of socialism is through a scientific approach in the material conditions of each country. Maoism is thé development just behind third worldism. Anarcho communism is utopian socialism. I’ll ask this rhetorically butterfly. Have you ever read marx? lenin? even quotations? you should, because marxism is the single most successful application of socialism in human history. Anarchism, robespierre-ists, kropotkin and proudhon supporters are all simply utopian.

>> No.12717657

This is why there has to be bloodshed in order for humanity to live on
Sad broken people, just kys first, or let us live how we want.

>socialism is when the government does stuff
>small government
Libertarian-socialism is anarchism. That is no government at all. No capitalism. No unjustifiable hierarchies left standing.

Anything I ever read is not convincing. Especially that weak dismissal “utopian”. Direct socialist revolutions have been crushed, murdered, in the name of this cold scientific socialism, and all that it’s gotten us is Chinese Dengism.
I heard Harvey say something about the Chinese plan for 2050. It’s all getting a little late for us all, but at least they plan for the future.

>> No.12717668

>This is why there has to be bloodshed in order for humanity to live on
that's what we said dumb tranny

>> No.12717671

>Hi, I’m suicidal. Kys
You first

>> No.12717675

Market anarchism inevitably has hierarchies but they're temporary and declawed.
Governments sustain monopolies, monopolies expand government to sustain monopolies. It's bad all along.
Will check out dengism. Muchos gracias butterfly. I still owe you a beer.

>> No.12717676

And how do we destroy those hierarchies?
Also, more importantly, how do we stop them from sprouting up again a few years down the line

>> No.12717680

>Hi, I have suicide on the brain
not uncommon for your kind

>> No.12717682

>will reading Marx challenge them
yes, read marx

>> No.12717687

>the only people close to what is "left" in america are the people referred to as "antifa" who are doing great work
keep taking your meds tranny, i'm sure you'll become a real girl soon

>> No.12717689

in what order

>> No.12717699

start with wage, labor and capital, then das capital

>> No.12717703

Didn’t answer my question. How would you abolish capitalism without government? Because, you know, without government people naturally sort themselves out into hierarchies. What if I wanted to start a business, and other people by their own free will decide to work for me? That violates left-libertarianism right off the bat. Yet who’s gonna stop us if not the government?

On a side note, socialism is only anarchy in your imagination. In the real world every time it’s been tried it required extreme government force. What’s your response to that? “Not real socialism,” is that it? If your dumbshit ideology keeps failing and killing tens of millions of people, after a while you ought to wisen up and stop believing in it.

>> No.12717719

I’m not advocating Dengism, I’m just wondering about the directing of the ascending nation of China

Democracy in the workplace. Overthrowing the Pentagon. Only made easier in a collapsed Economy. I’m not sure we will organize the replacement well enough or in time...

You’re out of your league Donny.

Switching from the use of money to the use of labor vouchers (a non-accumulative system) make all businesses democratic. They ought to sort themselves out into justifiable hierarchies this way. Without debt, banks, and a parasitic class the world would go a lot more smoothly.

>muh tens of millions
Capitalism at this stage is in the big business of permanent war. It’s why humanity, and all earthy creatures are put through such misery.

>> No.12717734

>implying marx is authoritarian
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12717764

And how would you get rid of money without government? Again, what would stop right-libertarianism from taking shape? People run businesses.

>They ought to sort themselves out into justifiable hierarchies this way. Without debt, banks, and a parasitic class the world would go a lot more smoothly.
This is pure conjecture. Based on what evidence are you saying all of this? And again, how would you get rid of banks and classes without government? You’re not thinking any of this through. The only way for this to work is if everyone was on board, which will never happen.

>Capitalism at this stage is in the big business of permanent war. It’s why humanity, and all earthy creatures are put through such misery.
Billions of people lifted out of abject poverty, massive food production, technological innovations in everyday luxuries like phones and air conditioning, decreasing violence, etc. Things are better than ever. What propaganda have you been reading?

>> No.12717771

In the event of an actual societal collapse don’t you think lesbians would literally be the first ones to be killed? Have you even thought about it? You’re a woman so ofcourse you’re so disconnected from reality you don’t appreciate the safety men provide for you, even if that safety is from other men.

>> No.12717776
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>> No.12717783
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You sound scared. Are you with the NSA or CIA or something?

Now you’re trying to scare me.

I must’ve hit a cord.

>> No.12717785

That was my first time posting ITT. Also it’s “chord” you fuckin retard.

>> No.12717786

>the fact that you think the LTV has anything to do with microeconomics or business managing at all
holy fucking shit my sides

>> No.12717795

>I-I-I’m a unique anonymous... and you spelled something wrong

Well, you learn something new everyday. Thanks.

>> No.12717800

What’s it like to smell your own socks every night?

>> No.12717816

One day wear then I toss ‘em in the bin. Don’t seem to smell anything at’ll

>> No.12718543

Seinfeld me? jewspiracy much?

man, most of 4chan is not > /pol

(PS. most of the real world is not pol either)

>> No.12718569

>no greeks in the background philosophy/literature section
already now this chart belongs in the trash

>> No.12718572
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>dabs on leftards even before they existed

>> No.12718730

cOmMoN sEnSe

>> No.12718977

As I thought, you don’t know anything.

>> No.12719123

his algebra is fucked but analysis of workplace dynamics, compositions of capital, technological feedback--all solid work

>> No.12719697

t. Doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.12719731
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It would be cool if the moderate and far left were more concerned in pushing their economy solutions and policies instead of always pushing some of the most absurd tier "feminist" and "anti-racist" propaganda that pisses everyone off.
The thing that keeps me off of their politics is because their idea the "left" is promoting (atleast in my country) is that absurd extremist humanitarian bullshit that everyone should be a cuck and switching partners all the time and should openly discuss their sexual fetishes in their work enviroment while consuming drugs.
Its ironic to me, how they say to be agaisnt capitalism while their "humanitarian" and "utilitarian" wet dreams seem to be all about maxing consuption and low key individualism.
Every single political party seems to be retarded in some way, why even bother to vote.

>> No.12719756

I'll be honest with you bro, "everyone should be a cuck and switching partners all the time and should openly discuss their sexual fetishes in their work enviroment while consuming drugs" sounds like a bit of an exaggeration.
But yes, I agree. The mainstream should take leftwing market anarchism seriously. I don't like to vote on social policies but I find myself compelled to by the current right wing in my country, who seems bent on arbitrarily policing the actions of private citizens while spending a shit ton of my money on corporate welfare and foreign adventurism.

>> No.12719761

common sense is pure petit-bourgeois shit

>> No.12719770
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Left liberals, CAPITALISTS, push IDpol as a distraction. To keep people from thinking about the tanking economy.
And don't think for a minute they're alone. The right has their IDpol as well.

>Sex issues
No. How about you just not judge people for their sex lives? That's all that is.

>> No.12719896

>If it doesnt affect you directly then you have no right to complain. People doing their stuff doesnt affect you.
I could use this kind of logic to literally justify everything. Closing your eyes and thinking you are a singularity isolated from everyone is literally lying to yourself.

>No. How about you just not judge people for their sex lives? That's all that is.
Expect that is exaclty the oposite of what they want lol. Promoting swings as if they are objectively better or ""natural"" isnt really doing that. Especially planting a stigma as if they are a holy source of good and all those slurs of "progressiveness" that come with it.
In fact, i would argue that those things wouldnt even be that frequent if they werent so exposed from certain industries, but whatever.
Tbh one of the last "policies" the left block in my country tried to pass was to forbid people to say old expressions that had animal names involved (e.g "Killing two birds with one stone").

>> No.12719937

OP here.
Sorry anon, personal feelings of disgust and fear are not enough to prompt actual political action. In fact, actions taken from these specific emotions tend to be really stupid and costly.
I have no problem with you voicing your hatred but don't be shocked when people don't like you, don't want to hire you, etc. The "killing two birds with one stone" thing is PETA bullshit, if this stuff actually bothers you you're spending too much time in echo chambers. Go outside and hang out with people, you'll find that most are very reasonable.

>> No.12719966

>democracy in the workplace
Y tho

>> No.12720061
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>Sorry anon, personal feelings of disgust and fear are not enough to prompt actual political action. In fact, actions taken from these specific emotions tend to be really stupid and costly.
Yeah, sorry. Only the personal feelings of the other minority of people truly matter. Right. If i was to pass a law on removing age of consent and allowing 30 year olds to adopt and marry sub 10 year old girls then it would also be completly fine. If we took that advice more early then perhaps slavery would still be around then.

>I have no problem with you voicing your hatred but don't be shocked when people don't like you, don't want to hire you, etc.
You might be thinking im some anti-gay and uber "tradicional" person, but im really not. If people were to stop hiring me because of my views then i would probably not even want to work for this world and contribute for it anyway.
> if this stuff actually bothers you you're spending too much time in echo chambers.
Lol, if you think that paying a ticket for saying that out loud shouldnt be reason to protest and question what the people in charge are trying to do then so be it.
> Go outside and hang out with people, you'll find that most are very reasonable.
Do you think those PETA policy laws are made and suggested from robots running algorithms?

>> No.12720131

so much ree, so little substance.
You're ricocheting man.
>If I want to pass a law removing age of consent
I have no idea what you're talking about. Probably more content aggregator echoes, right? Saw a screenshot of a headline or something?
>If people were to stop hiring me because of my views I would probably not even want to work
OK cool, so there's no issue
>Paying for a ticket for saying that out loud
if people are ticketing you for saying shit you live in an authoritarian country, I don't know what to tell you. God your writing is so fucking weird. I've literally gotta get my face closer to the screen and squint to try to understand your sentences.
>Do you think those PETA policy laws are made and suggested from robots running algorithms?
Nope, they're made by PETA people. What is your issue here? You know there's fringe people in the world. You kind of are one.

>> No.12720134

wealth of nations is clearly in favour of free market and against government intervention
also in his analysis of feudalism it clearly mentions the importance of private property for development, since without property of his own the individual has no incentive to work hard and improve it

>> No.12720306

>I have no idea what you're talking about. Probably more content aggregator echoes, right? Saw a screenshot of a headline or something?
Was just giving a example i made up if you didnt notice. Using your same kind of logic.
Dont know whats your deal with calling everything "echo".
>Nope, they're made by PETA people. What is your issue here? You know there's fringe people in the world. You kind of are one.
What? For not being in favour of encouraging everyone to go into those "utopian" open relationships to create some Brave New World kind of sceme? That was what i was inicially talking about when i refered to the far left. And saying that it doesnt really matter what those people do when they themselves try to low key impose and create stigmas around it is just hypocrisy. Just as you are for labeling me as a "fringe person" for not fully agreeing with your bullshit.

>> No.12720350
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>How about you just not judge people for their sex lives? That's all that is.
>You can judge people from their religion, tastes, phisical qualities, habits and ideologies, but if you dare try to place their sex lives into their character then everything's wrong.
What a big fucking lie. People's sex lifes can tell you just as much about them as any other quality. Saying "it doesnt matter, its private matters it doesnt say anything about the person" is simply pulling some hollow scavanged conservative fundament view to hide the rest. What a COPE.

>> No.12720366

The fact that you have such an apocalyptic worldview suggests something radical in your beliefs. Anyway, you are actually weird and rude as fuck.

>> No.12720385

a problem for you, then:
marx begins capital by accepting all the premises of the classical economists, and follows the implications to their ultimate conclusion.

>> No.12720400

>left libertarian
you're either an actual anarchist or a fucking retard, i don't know which

>> No.12720416

Actually I am both. And more. I contain multitudes.

>> No.12720421

It's the typical Zoomer ideology. They recognize the Democrats are economic retards but they want to smoke weed and suck tranny cock.

>> No.12720435

>The fact that you have such an apocalyptic worldview suggests something radical in your beliefs
We were talking about far and radical left and how they pushed their stigmas so i dont know what your point is about.
I would suggest you do read my first post again.

>Anyway, you are actually weird and rude as fuck.
Well, you were the one who fist openly tried to insult here while trying to search for those "extremist" to fit me into some pigeon whole. I simply stated that what you were accusing me was bullshit ,imo.

>> No.12720448

I'm not the guy you were talking to earlier. I didn't see your first post, but the past couple have had this rambling doomsaying quality to them that couldn't help but come across as unhinged and you just kept shouting at people.

>> No.12720539

You prefer the medieval model?
Why? Your boss, manager, the ceo, the owners are not your superiors in anything but money and class

Implying I said any such thing. When your religion is intolerant, there’s a problem. And it’s yours.
You need to cope. Look the word up.

>> No.12720612
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>Implying I said any such thing
You literally sayed it.
>When your religion is intolerant, there’s a problem. And it’s yours.
Tolerant? Not tolerating the intolerant also makes you an intolerant, lmao.
Dont know why you political mongols like to stick so much to the spookiness of the word "tolerant" when you literally dont do it. Just admit you are not tolerant of certain things of your personal taste dingus.
>You need to cope. Look the word up.
A person rambling those things about not judging people from their sex lifes but everything else shows they have something that they are ashamed of and dont want people to go around judging them.
Like the 25 year old teen that cringes and regrets the tattoos he did when he was 16. But this is just speculation, ofc. So in the end, they are literally just trying to cope with the fact they did dumb shit.

>> No.12720636

learning anything on the structure of capitalism will challenge a libertarian's views.

>> No.12721259

>common sense
lol @you babby

>> No.12721525

genuinely the fact that when americans think "left" they exclusively think "race and sexual orientation" is a ringing endorsement of how effective the corporate ruling class has been at neutering the american public consciousness

>> No.12721567

Blaming all of that into the rulling class isnt really the whole picture.
The "left" as shot itself in the foot a lot of times aswell and even in itself finds a lot of in fighting. Not saying the right doesnt have their own and often similar problems.

>> No.12721578

you are just repeating as fact the propaganda you've acquired

>> No.12721595

The progressives are not an arm of capital, they are at least as powerful and probably more powerful than the capitalists.

Americans don't think of Marxists when they hear Left because they have correctly identified the seat of power within the Progressive camp, not the fringe Marxist camp.

>> No.12721596

>the propaganda you've acquired
What are you denying that left wing parties dont ever say stupid shit? And everything is a jew conspiracy?
There is stuff that passes the news that cant be made up since its directly sayed by the same people that represent the "left" and know their ideology well.

>> No.12721614

To me this feels like you're underestimating the extent to which "left" messaging in the popular/mainstream is directed by corporate interests, as well as the extent of the effect that control over that messaging has.

And I am saying that that is the product of a purposeful campaign. I'm saying that there's a reason that the "seat of power" ended up there. That there's been a purposeful centering of "left" power in the progressive camp for the very reason that it is not inherently threatening to capital. Moving the mainstream needle "left" or "right" in America has almost zero effect on capital, and I think that pretending that it ended up that way by accident or by some inherent natural alignment is missing a whole lot of the picture.

>> No.12721645

I see it as an alliance made between progressives and capitalists. I don't like the Marxist tendency to reduce literally everything to the economic bedrock. Power doesn't have just one form or method, the way progressives have formed their coalition and taken over institutions like State Department and the press is not just a capitalist plot, it is people seeking and gaining power by whatever means they can.

Moreover I don't buy the argument in some instances- for example many of the decolonized countries in the 3rd world would have been(and were) immensely productive had the Western powers stayed in charge there. Neocolonialism exists, but the profits are often a fraction of what they might have been, the impetus for decolonization was progressive, not capitalist.

>> No.12722616

Honestly I'm not even gay but if some old rich dude told me not to suck tranny cock I might just give a blowjob to completion with the hands and all that, knuckle in the p-spot, just to spite his stupid old social policy authoritarian face.

>> No.12722625

it's pretty obvious that he was wrong wyen you look at History of the XX century

>> No.12722683

Can I get a rundown on mutualism vs democratic confederalism vs libertarian municipalism vs cellular democracy?
And how they'd function in practice in scale of say a town

>> No.12722687

As far as an alliance between progressives and capitalists, I don't think it's necessarily wrong to frame it that way. Re: power not having one form or method, I don't feel I disagree there—I don't believe in a "capitalist plot" guiding progressivism. But I do think that when capital controls much of the connective media that informs us as a collective, and as a result whenever there is popular unrest, capital has a direct and immediate interest in re-contextualizing that unrest along terms that do not pose a threat to it. It's a process that happens in real time and also extends retroactively.

Progressive movements as recent as 50 years ago had unambiguous roots/ties to true left politics. Until literally this election cycle (and even now only barely) that was very much no longer the case. Not only that, but when discussing those old movements, those foundational leftist principles are conveniently papered over. I think that the modern progressive movement isn't so much an ally of capital as it is birthed from capital as it restricted the ways we are able to have conversations about equality in the mainstream public sphere. Neoliberalism and corporate democrats kind of exemplify the toothless revolution that serves as an outlet for popular unrest while directing that energy away from the root causes for it.

>> No.12722764

who are these representatives? name them. what have they said?

>> No.12722768


>> No.12722782

not talking about history here, talking about theory. markets don't look like adam smith imagined they should either. beside the point.

>> No.12722789

how old are you?
name three things bill clinton did while in office, without looking it up.
lewinsky's a freebie

>> No.12722805

hate crime laws
ruby ridge

what do I win?

>> No.12722823

Three strikes laws (covertly investing in private prisons)
Welfare reforme, because you have five years to not be poor anymore

And repealed Glass-Steagall

>> No.12722846

sounds like a real progressive champion, huh?

>> No.12722852

all of my answers were progressive

>> No.12722863

>And repealed Glass-Steagall
I’m very happy you are an adorable tsundere but this was the worst thing that Bill Clinton did :3 it caused the financial collapse about a decade later

>> No.12722885

Just the “hate crime law”

I don’t highlight it to make the man look good. The Clintons and the whole DNC are shit

>> No.12722888

Killing right wingers is progressive.

>> No.12722889

Ah very good :3

penis penis penis

>> No.12722893

and take everything together. what's the total picture you're getting?

>> No.12722899

sorry were you expecting someone ostensibly on the left to defend bill clinton? the entire point of this discussion is that there is no "left" left in american politics

>> No.12722916

can you be more specific?

>> No.12722917

wasn't that the point of the exercise?
I'm genuinely confused by this bill clinton question, because he represents exactly the kind of empty "progressivism" that allies itself with capital. Austerity and otherwise right-wing policy dressed up as a supposed liberal

>> No.12722923

>will it just Seinfeld me
what do you mean by that

>> No.12722941

Indoctrinate him into a Jewish person’s paradigm

>> No.12722944

Who killed?

>> No.12722946

As in ‘hey Fred I was at the deli and the Jewish meat maker seinfelded the fuck out of me. I went in there for a honeybaked ham and walked out with 50 kosher hot dogs’

>> No.12722956

My penis >:3

>> No.12722963

Communism is great and all but food is too important for me.

>> No.12722979

Antifa is doing horrible work

They spend most of their time bitching online and when they do fight, it's either environmental destruction that hurts the working class they claim to care for, or they get their asses kicked when their not swarming one guy on the ground

Also you have a retardedly prescriptive view of "left"

>> No.12723001
File: 39 KB, 641x482, DD34231B-3951-4B78-9F97-1850D6435133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:p so cute when you don’t respond.

Just be gentle to me when you do. So cute. This is my favorite picture of you. You really do have a girly aura about you. Very easily influenced.

>> No.12723011

If someone who has seen modern sitcoms were to watch seinfeld they'd be like "this is boring" even though seinfeld is funny as fuck, because seinfeld invented a lot of stuff that's been reiterated and modified since then. So when a zoomer watches seinfeld they find it boring and disappointing, because they've already seen most of the stuff from seinfeld.
Basically the originator of a trend is more boring despite and because of its importance.

>> No.12723016

lmao you know butterfly is like 15 different people right?
Some discord group pass

>> No.12723021

es the code around

>> No.12723183


>> No.12723200


>> No.12723292

Holy shit, you need to stop posting and lurk for a few more years.

>> No.12723402

Read this https://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/09/hans-hermann-hoppe/smack-down/ and think

>> No.12723516

since we're going this route

>> No.12723550
File: 105 KB, 500x613, 88b2d2670a29f46a1217f66eb77eb53448e9d50daef1e643aea738200680735c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12723590

>don't thread on me

>> No.12723765

Read Marx then read the gulag archipelago

>> No.12723899

Just cause you like pot doesn't mean you're left-libertarian burger.

>> No.12723903

Friend-enemy distinction cannot be bridged: the post

>> No.12723979

Yeah good idea. Get AIDS to own the Cons.

>> No.12723985

Try not holding views that are quantifiably out of line with reality first of all.

The amount of negative replies to this post are astounding. Are there /lit/ards out there who actually, unironically believe that the magic invisible hand will somehow result in a perfectly equitable state without exploitation of any kind? Do you have brain damage? Or do you just believe in “left libertarianism” that’s actually state communism/enforced anarchism that forbids the creation of organized corporate/state entities through the use of force (but totally isn’t a state bro)?

>> No.12723992

Hey fellas, here's an idea for you. Why not try reading political texts from the 21st century instead? Thinkers from before are of course important and influential but it's hard to find ones whose ideas area not largely outdated by now.

Take Marx for instance, one of the most important writers of all time, and by the time he was alive he made a compelling case. But later thinkers and perhaps more importantly empirical evidence have proven Marx wrong on many accounts.

So OP read something up to date instead, like Why Nations Fail.

>> No.12723994

What the fuck are you even asking?

>> No.12724105

>"antifa" who are doing great work
alcoholic sociopaths violently enforcing state morality is great work?

>> No.12724119

antifa are literally the biggest faggots on earth, pretending to be rebels under the direct sanction of the establishment. Complete fucking pussies

>> No.12724715
File: 9 KB, 276x183, BenShapiroOkThisIsEpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12724872

Anon stated “killing rightwingers is progressive”
I don’t know what he meant by it

>> No.12724904

>how is your commune gonna defend itself from foreign threat?
An anarchist with a gun is the same as anyone else with a gun m8

>> No.12724927

>US gov lists antifa as terrorists despite not killing anyone
>refuses to classify proud boys as terrorists even though they require an act of political violence to reach a certain rank in the organization and have been recorded as visiting anti-alt right people's houses to threaten them
>"the government supports antifa hurrr"

>> No.12724956

This. The anti-defamation league has even publicly denounced anti-fa.