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12720474 No.12720474 [Reply] [Original]

>want to fuck a woman tomorrow
>jack off
>don't want to fuck her anymore
which one is the truth? how can I make an objective decision about whether this is a good idea or not if my entire value system shifts every time I cum? Any books that deal with objectivity vs libido?

>> No.12720499
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>want to eat a medium rare filet mignon
>go to McDonalds
>don't want a steak anymore
which one is the truth? how can I make an objective decision about whether this is a good idea or not if my entire value system shifts every time I eat? Any books that deal with objectivity vs hunger?

>> No.12720523

the important difference is that in your example the satisfaction of the same desire is immediate. Notice the word "tomorrow" in my original post. You did read the post you replied to, right?
if I eat a shitty mcmeal I'll still be able to look forward to a good meal the next day. but once I jack off I no longer look forward to fucking a woman at some later point, instead I think about how much of her bullshit I'll have to put up with or the possibility for things to go wrong. I'm asking, am I making a more reliable judgement when in /nofap/ mode, or after "clearing my head" with a quick wank?

>> No.12720525
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You don't experience any of the psychological and neurological effects of intimate sex when you masturbate you just get a small shot of dopamine and become lethargic
Meaning the truth would be that which meshes better with the values relating to your tangible goals

>> No.12720542

You're going to get horny again just as you will get hungry again. You're over-thinking this, dumb virgin.

>> No.12720561

Yes, but is this hunger good or bad? Is pursuing this hunger good or bad?

>> No.12720573

Your desires are not true or false. You are capable of cultivating desires which promote your larger conscious goals. If you wanted a heightened experience with this woman tomorrow you would cultivate that by not jerking it today. If you want to forget about the woman and go do something else, then you made the right decision.

>> No.12720586

You dumbass you jack off at like noon if getting laid is a prospect for that night

>> No.12720598

It's a bodily need. You can fulfill it with options of varying degrees of quality which bear on the value you're concerned about. Ask yourself, "Which options to fulfill this need will better my life?"

>> No.12720639

That's not actually an argument. If I eat meat now, I also get out of the mood to eat something nice tomorrow. Wanting to eat and wanting to fuck is very similar.

My answer would be that if you like the girl, meet her and fuck her. For this sake, don't fap.
If you don't really care about her but just want to get off, fap instead. But don't fap too ofter either.
And don't fuck too often either, tbqh.

>> No.12720705

Fapping is superior anyway

>> No.12720716


>> No.12721349

pornography/fantasy is hyperreal

>> No.12721393

If you Jack off and you think to yourself “it could be fun” you do it. If you Jack off and think “that would be retarded” you don’t do it. Just find the will to ask the broad out without being massively horny. Easy peasy.

>> No.12721418

All sexual activity is bad

>> No.12721755

You are craving love and masking it, as all society does, with sexual impulse. If you had fucked a woman you would feel exactly the same as if you had masturbated, and the cycle would start anew.
Protip: The best sex you will ever have will be with a woman you genuinely care about.

>> No.12721789

It seems logical that love would make sex better, but I've never had sex with a woman that I love. Is this the truth or simply another distraction tactic? Can you speak from experience here?

>> No.12721831

I am not the anon you were originally talking to,

but yes anon, sex with a person you love is the best sex you will ever have in your entire life. and, because of this, you should realize that what you actually want is love, and not sex. don't be looking for someone who is a good fuck. look for someone who you can be comfortable sharing your innermost self with honestly, who is trustworthy, and is capable of having values at all in the first place

>> No.12721842

Whoops, I extirpated my ability to hold values so I wouldn't see myself as worthless. So much for that.

>> No.12721934

There is a lot of discussion over something as trivial as this, but here are my thoughts.

The desire to copulate is based on an appetite which you found means to satisfy by easier means. If you have reasons to believe there is something actually inferior in what your originally desired, that is a separate issue. If you follow your immediate whims instead of projecting a series of values methods to achieve them that are less subject to your emotions, that is your first mistake unless you assume the premise that your appetites must be rational, which is fallacious.

Analyzing such clearly irrational desires is and expecting to find rationality is needless, except to discern where your appetites conflict with your values. In this case, while the value was copulation, the appetite was sexual gratification, which was satisfied enough by masturbation.

If you want a more rational approach to fulfilling your appetites, perhaps you should value less sexual intercourse, and if you think there is something more inherently valuable to sexual intercourse that is not sufficiently appreciated in the fulfillment of your appetite, consider estimating the value of sexual intercourse. If you find this appetite to be contrary to a more rational pursuit of values, consider suppressing it, or attempt to strongly conceive of the benefits of rationality over appetites so contrary to reason, hoping that your sensibilities and impulses will obey this new direction you have set out for yourself.

>> No.12722067

>I'm asking, am I making a more reliable judgement when in /nofap/ mode, or after "clearing my head" with a quick wank?

I've been coming back to this question throughout my entire 20s, and still have no definitive stance on it. I've had periods of beating off multiple times per day to weird shit, periods of not doing it for months on end, getting laid regularly, many-month long dry spells, feeling completely asexual, obsessed with sex, attempting to harness sexual energy for some creative project, trying to find solace in the ambiguity of it all - and none of these has ever settled in my mind as the "best" or "worst" or more honest state to be in. Nowadays I wish I could just be at peace in any one mode - either seeing masturbation as a harmless & pleasurable pastime, or seeing it as this detrimental thing to be avoided at all costs, or to see sexual desire itself as a confusing mess to be transmuted into some kind of spiritual development program. But whatever mode I'm currently in, the others are always there, nagging for attention.

>> No.12722092

>The best sex you will ever have will be with a woman you genuinely care about.

This. I've never been there yet but I just read a tumblr (bear with me now) post from a friend of a former classmates twin sister and his posts quickly shifted from "I'm so horny and lonely" to "this girl is the best thing that ever happened to me" once he found the girl he loved. I felt so happy for him even though he's a liberal self identified male feminist who literally reposts Marxists. They look so happy together that I felt touched and couldn't help but smile.

>> No.12722476

Nice blog. The terminal state of /lit/.

>> No.12722731

>liberal self identified male feminist who literally reposts Marxists.
Well, then it might just be an NPC emotion, then.

>> No.12722864

ok, no joking this time, this is for real going into my cringe compilation.

>> No.12722918

The object of desire changing is not the same thing as the "entire system of value" changing.

Perhaps you should start by asking the question "when is it good to pursue my desire and when is it not?"

>> No.12723615
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>which one is the truth?
Your current desires are determined by what chemicals your body is currently releasing. Which is obviously influenced by the past of said body. But it's just a just an assessment of the moment, based on the marks precious assessments have left. If you're on your way to the bookstore but on your way get attacked by a lion, your value system immediately shifts completely towards survival. If you just got laid (your body doesn't know masturbation) your body just released all his good chemicals so you are content. Also you are not interested in getting laid anymore because why would you want to get laid right after getting laid? Your body doesn't plan for tomorrow. Just as with hunger, your body is just telling you its current needs and wants.

>> No.12723682

in the exact same boat here. I think all sides try to big up their own approach because either it truly did work for them or because through telling other people they feel more secure in their own practice. For me personally, all things in moderation. I have never been an overly sexual guy, sex whenever the opportunity presents itself and jerk off 2-3 times a week. Don’t get carried away becoming too fixated on the details. There are other questions about life and lifestyle that atleast I find more fruitful to explore and attempt to find the answers to.

>> No.12723696


>> No.12723925

>people are still discussing this
Not to be self-serving, but I do not see what much more can be said on the issue after >>12721934.

It's far more puzzling when a desire disappears without any apparent cause, which requires introspection of a far more penetrating sort.

>> No.12723938

Remaining attached to your desire to fucker her in the originality is pathetic. Read Jesus.

>> No.12723945

Without the religious angle, this. Sexual desire, when separated from the fulfillment of the appetite, and not commingled with the fondness one would have for a love interest, is really quite a revolting aspect.

I am reticent to condemn all sexual intercourse, (though I perhaps have a suspicion of it comparable to that of St. Augustine), but I cannot see any inherent merit in it outside of the context of a deep love.

>> No.12723954

I should also add that, from my perspective over struggling with my own (hetero) sexual desires, I can sympathize with the man whose desire is based purely on appetite, (similar to the motive eating food we know we should not), but for what possible reason sexual intercourse separate from a relationship should be valued is beyond my comprehension, and indicates a mind that has been vitiated by lechery.

>> No.12723970

now find the last

>> No.12723981

It occurs to me how incredibly pointless this innovation by Hegel was, and it is merely a repurposed version of Kant's antinomies, which represented a very small part of Kant's thought, and were used far more effectively and purposefully, while Hegel used equate as equally true various truths that were far less cogent Kant's antinomies, resulting in the absurdities of Hegel's conclusions.

>> No.12723987

The simple answer is that the op is a faggot. The complicated answer is that the society unfortunately pressures homosexuals to turn into heterosexual breeders for the benefit of the state.

>> No.12723997

Anon has it right here, although it's a misconception that the Bible does not celebrate or revere the sexual union of two lovers - the Song of Solomon is about precisely this, the marriage of desire commingled with the beauty of deep love for and commitment to another, the beloved one.

I felt similarly lost and disgusted until I found a woman whom I fell in love with, who fortunately loves me, also. Sex between us is a truly exquisite thing - love mediated through desire for one another, to impart and to incite pleasure in the other grows out of the love and care we feel for each other. We lie in each others' arms and say that we love one another.

You will not get this through wanking.

>> No.12723999

>>want to fuck a woman tomorrow
>>jack off
>>don't want to fuck her anymore
Literally me

>> No.12724056
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Sex is a red herring in life. I used to be the exact same but since quitting masturbation and porn I've stopped being obsessed over it. I don't think about it at all, I understand it as something important and natural and I know it has a specific use. But the way society treats and talks about sex is because most men are addicted to sex and masturbation. Most people are sick and their views morphed. Hence the contradiction you see. Don't buy into the "men think of sex every 10 seconds" meme. It's not natural, you only think it is because you've been told it is and inculcated into being that way.

>> No.12724058


>> No.12725134

>two people in love is cringe

>> No.12725227

>an objective decision about whether this is a good idea or not
Objective good and bad are illusions. They are subjective to the circumstance of the conscience considering the decission. No decission is in itself better than any other, but as Protagoras said, some are more convenient to the person. So use cold logic to determine if having relations with a girl will improve or worsen your life situation instead of letting your circumstantially unstable emotions drive the only life you have.

>> No.12726196

Why would either be either?

>> No.12726377

The question is how would I meet the right woman to marry and to copulate with for reasons of love and reproduction? Besides church I mean, I'm not a Christian.

>> No.12726415

>My answer would be that if you like the girl, meet her and fuck her. For this sake, don't fap.
>If you don't really care about her but just want to get off, fap instead. But don't fap too ofter either.
>And don't fuck too often either, tbqh.
Damn what a real "objective" truth right here pals.
OP's post is a dumb question. He is trying to get and objective truth in something that doesnt exist and is changing from time to time.
>Want to eat pizza
>Eat something else
>Wow, i no longer want to eat pizza, which was the objective truth here mates!?

>> No.12726456
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If your desires and likes for that girl fade after wanking then there its almost of no use to lust after that girl anyway.
Its simply not worth it to date a girl you are not interested in building a long term relationship with. Its obsolete.