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12716984 No.12716984 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you chums read in the morning before going to work?

>> No.12716985

no, I usually read before bed

>> No.12716988


>> No.12716993

gay picture

>> No.12716994

>living on democrat handouts

>> No.12716998

Disgusting. I highly recommend you get your neetbux as soon as possible.

>> No.12717002

I have to wake up at 5 30 so I can leave at 6 so I can get to work at 7 am.

So no. No I do not.

>> No.12717004

>Not living on the backs of wagies

>> No.12717007
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>> No.12717010

>he doesn’t live in a city where he can walk to work in 10 minutes

>> No.12717011

yeah it's the only sober free time I have in my day, so it's prime reading time

>> No.12717015

>diagnosed with high functioning autism from posting on 4chan
>get a paycheck from the government for disability
>is proud of this and brags about it in the Internet

This hittin close to home for ya?

>> No.12717018

>he lives in a city

I’m sorry

>> No.12717019

>perpetuating the destruction of your own race because you’re too lazy to work

>> No.12717029
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>he lives in a place where there are little to no job prospects and since the cost of living is low, the pay is low as well


>> No.12717032

Actually yeah, it is.

>> No.12717033

Yeah, same. I usually read in the morning because those are the only hours of the day in which I’m sober. I get high throughout the remainder of the day. Sometimes you just have to find a balance of things.... it helps with the stress...I can quit whenever I want to...I just don’t feel like it right now...or haven’t felt that way ever over the past ten years...

>> No.12717034

>he thinks the cost of living where I am is low

Er, no

>> No.12717037

Your story is probably not so much different than the other NEETs on here. How many individuals did the government trick into thinking were disabled?

>> No.12717040


>going to work

lol fucking wagies

>> No.12717066

Fuck off. Sooner or later you’ll have to too, you wretched manchild. Enjoy sucking on the teats of welfare while you still can.

>> No.12717069
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>diagnosed with high functioning autism from posting on 4chan
this isn't possible, r-right bros?

>> No.12717073


>mad wagie

lol don't you have to go to work for a few hours today?

>> No.12717077

I believe most of the asperger diagnoses are behavioral-based because pharmaceutical drug makers want higher profits.

So. I think it is possible, in a way

>> No.12717080

Aren’t you diagnosed with terminal retardation?

>> No.12717085


not at all. you can tell this because i'm not a low iq wagie.

>> No.12717088

>believing in IQ
So you are retarded

>> No.12717092



just like you're in denial that you're a wagie slave, no?

>> No.12717098

I swallowed the wagepill. Bad idea, don't do it. It saps a man of his vigor and creativity. Found out I'm probably autistic though so hopefully I'll be living on Uncle Sam's buck soon enough.

>> No.12717101
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>> No.12717103

>Uncle Sam
wait, you can get neetbux in america? how? i thought you had to be poor and black for the government to give you money

>> No.12717104

I get to socialize and have a good time while being around others, which i incidentally get paid for.

You? You have no life. I like having a job. And I’m sure the original anon you replied to does as well

>> No.12717106

It's harder to get neetbux when you've worked before. Hope you have some damn good justification (real or not) for why you can no longer work. Thank god I never worked and so I got it quick n easy.

>> No.12717110
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Lmfao all day at the Amazon bullshit

>> No.12717111
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>this is the kind of person posting on 4chan in 2019

>> No.12717119

>why can’t everyone just be an autistic loser like me

>> No.12717122


this is pretty embarrassing to read. get some hobbies and realise that not everything revolves around being a wagie.


>> No.12717126
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>he says, on 4chan

>> No.12717128

You do have to be poor as you need to financially qualify for your neetbux in addition to being determined medically disabled. If you're under 22 this goes by household income, past that it's based on the individual and what you need to pay (rent, bills, food). I always tell people that in order to quickly get your bux, you need to be diagnosed as being on the spectrum and additionally have 1 or more diagnoses of a "debilitating mental illness". That's how I did it anyway.

>> No.12717134

could i convince my therapist to lie for me and say my social anxiety has become "debilitating?" he seems like a pretty cool guy

>> No.12717139

You like being miserable at work? WTH.

You should enjoy working man, make it a little fun every now and then

>> No.12717150

>You should enjoy working man

look at this cuck and laugh

>> No.12717181

I don't think there's a need. You just need to express your social anxiety is getting worse and worse. Talk about how leaving the house is becoming next to impossible and your fear of crowds and places. Maybe you'll get slapped with a diagnosis of agoraphobia like I did.

>> No.12717246
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i read before, during, and after
but mostly i just shitpost on /tv/

>> No.12717254

How the fuck do normalfags fucking just work and not care at their cubicle job. This shit is so mind numbingly dull and honestly useless. Is the idea of the weekend really enough to make them deal with it?

>> No.12717618

For many they live check to check, so if they don't work they're homeless. It's not a matter of whether or not it's fun or interesting, most fucking hate that they have to work, but they do so because there's no other option for them. Not everyone can leech off uncle sam.

>> No.12717634

I exercise, practice french for 30 minutes and read for an hour and a half all before 8am.

>> No.12717638


capitalism is a hell of a shit

>> No.12717660
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Sometimes i stay in bed, cuddle up with my waifu and read a little bit in the morning.

>> No.12717686

There is literally no excuse to not read for at least two and a half hours a day if you're a NEET faggot.

>> No.12717727

I read in the morning because I work a blue collar job in a small town and if I don't go to the pub after work my friends will call me a faggot

>> No.12717729

>you either work a 9-5 or live on the dole
I dont understand

>> No.12717739

Some people are doing other things while they work
Some people actually enjoy their job
Some people hate it but know money lets them do things they enjoy and otherwise wouldn't be able to

>> No.12717744

i know somebody that works a generic full-time open plan office job and apparently it's soul-sapping torture where you just live for after-work drinks with your fellow coworkers and the weekend

>> No.12717848

I used to get there early so that I could read a page or two, but not lately.
I will have to get back to that.

I used to feel a heavy wave of depression hit me in my 20s. Anxiety issues, tears too. I turned my whole outlook on life around and I don’t get like anymore. It’s weird. I’m no even deluding myself into thinking everything’s going to be alright

>> No.12717932

Based blue collar anon. Whatcha reading these days?

>> No.12717950

You've just gotten numb, like a tooth who's first infection hurts the most, then the nerve dies and it hurts less and less while the pus builds up deep between the roots.

>> No.12718033
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Oh, no. I’ve been numb before. No, that’s not it

>> No.12718092
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Niggas, niggas, you're both using Reddit spacing, you're BOTH plebs.

>> No.12718626

Lmao not him but boy they did a number on you, as if going to work helps your race, in this globalized multicultural wallmartian post-cultural hell-scape.

>> No.12718743

>being american

>> No.12718819

Early morning reading is some of the best reading you'll ever do, I try to get 20-50 pages done before breakfast.

>> No.12718848

I have to wake up at 5 30 so I can leave at 7 so I can get to work at 9 am.
So yes. Yes I do.

>> No.12718867

I time my journeys not in minutes or hours but in readings of Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. A train ride into the city is one reading, for instance, whereas I can read it twice and a half on the drive from my place to my mother's house. I read it fourty-eight times on a flight from Sydney to LA and let me tell you, that kind of intimacy with a text is genuinely hallucinogenic.

>> No.12718870

STFU you Lithuanian tranny

>> No.12718911

im a student with an hour commute one way so i always read on the bus

>> No.12719097

I study Latin before work and read in English after

>> No.12719732

>Shut up! I like being miserable!

Not everyone is you