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12706283 No.12706283 [Reply] [Original]

Books about transcending being a flesh slave and feelings of envy?
>depressed over "wasted" life
>decided to distance myself from these thoughts and improve circumstances
>picked up reading and an instrument
>stopped watching porn
>started lifting and strictly eating healthy food
>do this for over 1.5years
>feels good famalam
>friend who plays in a band tells me how easily and frequently he gets laid
>whatever confidence I have built crumbles like a wet biscuit
I don't want to fall for the 'muh dick' and 'muh pleasure' memes but being an organism destined to fail it's only purpose is kinda painful desu

>> No.12706287

get out more, anon

>> No.12706297
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>> No.12706411

That will only make him more depressive

>> No.12706417

But that shit should be in other board

>> No.12706437

Not OP but can you greentext it for me?

>> No.12706445 [DELETED] 
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L o v e
Y o u r s e l f

Why aren’t you in a band? Or doing something else with your time that collects friends, male and female, showing you can lift more than just weights but y o u r s e l f. Grow your confidence and someday you will attract a woman

>> No.12706446

Why do you run away? Just go to a club, make out/have sex with some chubby girl and over with.

>> No.12706448

I wondered before why every post you made was so bad. Now I know that it is because you are a woman.

>> No.12706463

There is no transcending that. It is vital for human development to be loved especially at an early age. Read Houellebecq's Whatever.

>> No.12706469
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>only good post ITT
>ur post bad

>> No.12706501

Hey do you exercise?

>> No.12706536


>> No.12706554

Bicycle, physical labor at work. If time and money weren’t an issue I might frequent a gym

>> No.12706570

God your ass must be nice right?

Do you want to know how long my cock js

>> No.12706587

Dw I’m the same person. Always am. As a rule.

I think it’s just how the board is, or you’ve presented yourself

>> No.12706606

my cock is 5 inches btw

>> No.12706611

You’re not me

>> No.12706622

Why do you think not having sex makes you a failure?

>> No.12706630

>How do i transcend my feelings of inadequacy
>Oh anon, just be well above average and then maybe a girl will like you

>> No.12706639

this is the most important post itt

>> No.12706641
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>> No.12706644

>being an organism destined to fail it's only purpose is kinda painful desu

Reproduction is not your purpose anon. Stop believing the "must gene-spread" memeister, stop kowtowing to evolution like a little bitch.

Yes, passing your genes down to our children is how we've been formed by evolution, but remember, evolution is a blind, random, mindless process of state change under constraint.

While it is useful to understand how it works in terms of providing meaning to your life it's not a much better indicateur than a markov chain you can simulate on computer, and while would you hand over your precious meaning-making abilities to a dumb markov chain ? You're better than this anon.

Also keep in mind that whatever contribution you make to "the gene pool" (as pseudo-eugenist retards on the internet say) will either eventually vanishes to zero over a sufficiant number of generation or become fundamentally indistinguishable from the contribution made by your friend or almost anyone in the same ethnic group as yours. So chill the fuck out, you're not funding a dynasty anytime soon.

Just ask yourself what it is you deem valuable on the highest and deepest levels ? And yes it can be reproduction but it doesn't have to be (remember evolution doesn"t care if you marry your mate or even meet your own children, she's a bitch like that).

Try to be honest with yourself tho, don't just swallow the hostypill because you can"t think of anything better than Catholicism. Rather ask yourself if catholicism is what you want and why (sometimes you have to try it to answer that question). The world doesn't need more disingenuous Christian LARPers anymore than it needs depressive fucks on the internet.

>> No.12706650

What butters described here is simply working on yourself. Not easy but even an omega male can do it.

If OP has serious condition like anxiety disorders or sociopathic tendencies or whatever that's another issue and he should seek mental care first.

>> No.12706832
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I'm rarely in. I'm in the university most of the time or going out with friends or lifting or rock climbing. Whenever I'm home I read or learn to play the piano.
Loving yourself is tricky when you see no reason too. I think my problem is that I rely on outer sources for love just a little too much and honestly I'm not getting any. Also,
>some day you will attract a woman
I'm 24 for fucks sake, even my mom asked me if I'm gay.
But I have to. Otherwise I'll have a very sad life. Also thanks for the rec.
It doesn't necessarily make me a failure, it sure does make me feel like one. And the lizard brain is acting up because 'uuhhhh muh dick'

I understand what you are saying but thinking like and applying your advice is kind of transcending the issue. At the end of the day I am a simple man with simple thoughts so I will succumb to lust.

I had sex once with a chubby chick. She made it feel like she is doing me a favor. It was disgusting. I think the idea of someone wanting me gets me off more than sex itself.

>> No.12706843

> I think my problem is that I rely on outer sources for love just a little too much and honestly I'm not getting any

This is very important, if you wait for rock-solid outer confirmation of worth you'll probably be disappointed, dependent and miserable. Meditate to understand that your existence is present to you at all time and that you have serious strength of your own. You can rely on yourself anon.

>> No.12706849

> I think the idea of someone wanting me gets me off more than sex itself.

It's very common particularly among men. Try to get into venues where you can meet girls (bars, concerts, etc). Speak to them, and to men too, speak with strangers while just trying to have fun and learn about other people. You' ll quickly enough notice when a girl likes you, and you'll become more confident and outspoken as well, which girls often like.

>> No.12706932
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How do I do it anon? How do I find love for myself in myself? How do I become strong enough to do this?
I have no problem chatting random people up but I never do because I have nothing interesting to say. I'm bad at small talk because my life is not very exciting and I don't know if people want to listen to my mundane shit even though I have no issue listening to theirs. Also if there is someone more attractive than me around I discard myself as 'persona non grata' because people would rather spend more time with them than with me. It's a loop with no exit condition. No one likes me -> I have no self esteem -> no one like insecure fags and so on and so forth ad infimum

>> No.12706933

Plotinus' Enneads

>> No.12706959

>How do I do it anon? How do I find love for myself in myself? How do I become strong enough to do this?

I struggle with it to, but practicing meditation and remembering that:
1. you don't have to value things the same way people do
2. you don't have to place other people's opinion above yours, particularly their opinion of you
3. you are your own person, with your own thought and actions, when nobody else is there you have to count on yourself
4. you're a fucking human, aka the top predator on the planet, and unless major disability your body and mind have actually an incredible potential
5. you can set aside all the preconceptions that plague you and look clear-eyed at that potential and ask yourself "what can I do and do I want to do ?"
6. FDR became a president of the US despite being seriously disabled, some people have survived weeks a sea alone in a basically a shitty plastic boat. you are related to these people, even if you think you're retarded you're actually pretty capable, but if, and only if, you push yourself to be

can help a lot.

>> No.12707032

> I have nothing interesting to say

Read book and articles, then look up their sources, influences, the people they mention, and read them too. Takes notes on every read, what did you get from it ? What puzzled you ? What do you wish to investigate further ? Are there things they didn"t consider, flaws that in their reasoning that you think you can patch ? Do you have criticism of them ? If you assume they're right and you're wrong, how much does your picture of the world changes ?

Repeat that a hundred times. Focus on the issues that interest you and the kind of writing you enjoy. It's not forced labor, it's a labor of love, a hobby that feels pretty damn good when you're into it. Develop your reading habits that way until that reading and writing becomes an answer to Talleyrand's question "Do you know any pleasure, other than dinner, that lasts one hour and comes back every day ?". Not only will it feel pretty good and lift you up when you're sad, it will develop your thinking and allow you to be a much more interesting speaker. Once you meet people feel free to talk about what your read, though do not lecture them, ask them if they've read so and so, what they read, what do they think of this idea, etc.

It's not so easy particularly when you're depressed, but it's a good habit, no harder and just as rewarding as going to the gym.

>I'm bad at small talk because my life is not very exciting and I don't know if people want to listen to my mundane shit even though I have no issue listening to theirs

You have to look beyond the confines of your small life anon. You're a part of this incredible universe. You're the endpoint of myriads of genetical lineage, billions of livings beings that lived and died and you're one of the testimony they left in the world. Did you know there are more genealogical lines in your genealogical tree than there have been humans since the birth of humanity ? Connect to the world you belong to. Reading is a nice way to do it. Talking to strangers is another. Thinking, writing, making crazy painting about the cute girls you're imagining in your head (beware with that one, don't turn into a creep) are yet other ways. You're not so alone anon, and not so limited as you think.

A hint: people don't want to talk about their boring life, they do it because it's a low effort habit that quickstart conversation without provoking unwanted controversy. If you've learned to engage with the world in a curious and personal way you'll actually sound more interesting than most people.

> I have no issue listening to theirs

Being a good listener is important and rare, make that a strength. Try to synthetize and analyze other's discourse while you listen to them, then mirror it back at then "so you're saying that x ? and do you feel that y could help ? have you thought of z ? your friend here told me earlier that he used t, maybe that will help";

>> No.12707044

So don't be just a passive listener, engage with what they say. You learn a lot from listening alone.

>Also if there is someone more attractive than me around I discard myself as 'persona non grata' because people would rather spend more time with them than with me.

Dead wrong. People are not talking on basis of attractiveness, they talk to people that make it feel good and interesting, being attractive is only the most visible way of achieving that. Also you don't need anyone's permission to exist and be where you are or do what you want to do, fuck that.

If you're in someone's house and they don't want you they'll tell you. If people notice you but nobody kicks you out assume you're accepted, and assume people actually want to hear from you. That's not always true, but it is the assumption self-centered un-self-aware people work with and it serves them well. Difference between you and them is you question yourself and the world via reading and thinking, and you listen to other peoples. So don't self-censor, if you blunder external backlash will come soon enough and you'll learn what you have done wrong.

If you become the fun confident smart guy with an kind demeanor and crazy awesome theories you can quickly become the center of almost any conversation provided you're suple enough and not merely ranting all the time. This is achieved through reading, practice, talking to all kind of people, including couples, olderr people, etc. You'll see people way more fucked than you who can still smile. You'll see guys with no looks and education amaze you because of their perspective on life and their unique way to phrase things. How do you develop an unique way to phrase things ? By developing your own outlook, and that you do through thinking, reading, discussing, debating, always questioning, being at once restless in your search for understanding and rigorous in what answers you accept.

This may sound like a lot, but it really boils down to developing that habit of reading, writing, meditating, talking with friends and strangers (who might become friends). Going to different places, seeking unexpected circumstances, exploring is also fun. You might still be depressed, but in that case you'll be a fascinating depressed man, the closest you can get to a good writer without actually mastering writing.

So try a lot, and fail a lot, get rejected a lot. The first ten times hurt like a bitch, the thirty next still a lot, but the hundredth times you won"t care and that's pretty much enough to be a chad. But don't make it just about picking girls or succeeding/failing, really it is an exploration.

I stress again that should not be a pain but an enjoyment. It requires discipline but not mortification. A musician who practices music 6h a day still enjoy it on most days, or he's doing things wrong. Don't beat yourself over nothing, life will take care of that for you. There's nobody who is as well placed to help you than yourself, so start with that.

>> No.12707049

I add that if OP still wants to go celibate it's of course a possibility. But don't write off yourself just because you don't get laid, celibacy is only good if you embrace it wholeheartedly. Else you'll start resenting yourself like crazy.

The TL;DR of my posts above could be: there is more to life than attraction and fucking, and by learning about all that more you will also be more attractive and get laid more, and most likely you'll also feel less the need to fuck

>> No.12707112

You have two problems:
- you still believe in the "sex is the greatest good" meme we are exposed so often in television. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel envy for the other guy. When someone tells me he has tons of sex with easy girls, I usually feel bad for him (if I like him) or feel disdain for him (if I don't).

- You feel your quality as a person comes from the valuation of others. This guy >>12706959 has made the best post in this thread

>> No.12707140
File: 7 KB, 250x200, love_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You definitely managed to lift my spirits at a shitty time and I screencapd this in case the thread 404s to read it a few more times. Absolute bro and a good lad. Thank you.

>> No.12707150


you've just taken a lot of surface level blue pills but like many people who follow the same life trajectory you still have yet to even begin living

>> No.12707168

Glad I could help. Fwiw I think about killing myself everyday, but if I could help you I'll have lived for something.

Also even suicidal thoughts become bearable and usual over time.

>> No.12707187

The god memerondum or the greatest miracle in the world

Take counsel.

I hear your cry.

It passes through the darkness, filters through the clouds, mingles with starlight, and finds its way to my heart on the path of a sunbeam.

I have anguished over the cry of a hare choked in the noose of a snare, a sparrow tumbled from the nest of its mother, a child thrashing helplessly in a pond, and a son shedding his blood on a cross.

Know that I hear you, also. Be at peace. Be calm.

I bring thee relief for your sorrow for I know its cause ... and its cure.

You weep for all your childhood dreams that have vanished with the years.

You weep for all your self-esteem that has been corrupted by failure.

You weep for all your potential that has been bartered for security.

You weep for all your talent that has been wasted through misuse.

You look upon yourself with disgrace and you turn in terror from the image you see in the pool. Who is this mockery of humanity staring back at you with bloodless eyes of shame?

>> No.12707202
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It’s a tranny and everybody here knows it.

>> No.12707246

>Glad I could help. Fwiw I think about killing myself everyday, but if I could help you I'll have lived for something.
this is a gay,modern romance in the mold of shakey

>> No.12707248

Nice way of putting it.

>> No.12707336
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Unironically my diary desu

>> No.12707384

Epicurus was a celibate man who would strongly encourage OP to not pursue girls.

>> No.12707422

Its not tricky at all.
You had better be the person you want to be so you have that reason.

Shut up

He must have known heartache and concluded it wasn't for him. He did however cultivate lots of friends. If OP can't have gf/wife for some reason, he will have collected a group of friends

>> No.12707454

Holy shit Butterfly fuck off
Nobody likes you
Nobody wants you here

>> No.12707455

"Don't pursue sex" comes logically from Epicurus' philosophy of "negative hedonism". An Epicurean would live a pretty ascetic life and wouldn't focus himself on attracting women to sticking his dick on them >>12706445

>> No.12707472

Want to know how I can work this out too

Immersing yourself in self improvement only to find someone can get all this validation without being a self improvement autist really kills confidence and eats away at you.
You'll always be alone
And reading obscure literature will only get you more isolated from the roasties you desire validation from

Is there a way out or should I just kms?

>> No.12707475

>Is there a way out
Be around people.

>> No.12707490

Note it doesn't say to not masturbate, like some perverted cults. I think I wrote plainly enough.
If it causes OP, or anyone, more pain to be celibate then don't do it, and vice-versa.

>> No.12707498

See >>12706959

>> No.12707502

Epicureanism was all about reducing your desires to reduce pain.

>> No.12707524

Find the top books on Buddhism -- like In the Words of Buddha.

>> No.12707532

The Tibetan book of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche

>> No.12707643
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Anon, what you have accomplished by instilling self-discipline into your life is very impressive.

But you need to reflect very deeply on why this brings you such great pain. Once you realize the root of the pain, you'll be able to face it and let it go.

You were having the same amount of sex before and after your friend revealed to you the details of his sex life. So the lack of sex is not the issue.

Your confidence is affected because you are in pain and pain makes you feel weak. You have to address the source of the pain head on, and realize that the anxieties you inflict upon yourself are most likely worse than the root fear.

What are you afraid of?

>> No.12707654


>> No.12707690

Wise words.

>> No.12707691

Curbing insatiable desires, not shutting them off.

>> No.12707713

Epicurus would tell someone to reduce unnecessary desires, which takes theory and practice, not to overindulge in them.

It is an insult to Epicurus to have someone like you who claim to be an Epicurean but who defends promiscuity.

>> No.12707743 [DELETED] 

Please help him in the link


>> No.12707774

what is this picture from

>> No.12707775

hilarious that people are still talking about the genepool when china just gene edited seven babies for super intelligence. the gene pool is over friends. It may take some decades, but whatever progeny you produce will either be edited for rulership or servitude, and the chances of it being the latter are just about 100%

>> No.12707815

OP here
I don't think I can pin point the root of my pain. I know the past is haunting me with regrets of wasted youth, the future is charging at me with the overwhelming realization that one day it will be too late and meanwhile in the present I'm completely paralyzed by insecurities and anxieties. I became a self improvement robot so I can somehow change my fate but I still find myself in the same spot, with all my work in vain. Reading made me realize life is too short to not try and taste everything it offers. At my age I would have wanted to at least experience love, intimacy or even the suffering of heartbreak. But I feel the lack of it rendered me a hollow person, seeking meaning in distractions. And I feel it hinders every step I make because I feel I'm doing it for nothing even when it's good for me.
Yeah I don't know it's just a rant, hope you can get something out of it.

>> No.12707840

You need a passionate hobby.

>> No.12707850
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>I don't want to fall for the 'muh dick' and 'muh pleasure' memes but being an organism destined to fail it's only purpose is kinda painful desu
Anon your purpose is to love, chastely and wisely at first, then wholly after the sacrament of marriage.

You only fail as an organism when you fail to understand the love of God, the love you give to others, and if you are lucky the love you give and receive from your spouse and children.

Chastity is a necessary component of the internal life, which is the earthly beginning of the eternal life with God.

>> No.12707875
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>How do I do it anon? How do I find love for myself in myself? How do I become strong enough to do this?
Recognize the sacred. Account not only for its existence but also its real effect in your life. None of the blessings you enjoy were accidental. If you are so loved, surely there is a reason why. You have neglected to find this reason within yourself, to recognize or perhaps to utilize your gifts. Like other anon said, read Plotinus, then start with the Catholics.

>> No.12707956

How to cope with living meaningless life? Im afraid of life and death at the same time. I read books but nothing inspires me.

>> No.12707975
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>I know the past is haunting me with regrets of wasted youth, the future is charging at me with the overwhelming realization that one day it will be too late
Everyone has regrets anon. Yours are not frivolous at all: you really want to experience and share love with someone. While you meditate on philosophy that proves you are loved, talk to a counselor or other professional that will help you crack those personal inhibitions holding you back. None of your work has been in vain. It hasn't gotten you what you wanted, but believe me when I tell you that none of your suffering is in vain. You're gonna make it anon.

>> No.12708033

>I know the past is haunting me with regrets of wasted youth
>life is too short to not try and taste everything it offers
> But I feel the lack of it rendered me a hollow person, seeking meaning in distractions.

I'm not him.
I think your problem is that you think that some kind of life of adventures and experiences is the only life worth living. That the people that are partying, posting pictures on social media traveling around the world, dating many others are the ones living the good life while those that are not are missing out on it.

>> No.12708128

Just picture my super long cock (I know you remember how long it is) being sandwiched between your nice asscheeks

>> No.12708284

You have a moral duty to pursue what you find meaningful.

>> No.12708416

I am already dead

>> No.12708432
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rest in peace anon

>> No.12709093
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That perfectly sound advice again.

L o v e
Y o u r s e l f
You could be in a band too. Or doing something else with your time where you can collect friends, male and female. Show you can lift more than just weights but y o u r s e l f. Grow in confidence and someday you can attract a woman. If not, you’ll have all those friends and enough self respect for their absence not to matter as much.

>> No.12709109

>"someday you can attract a woman"
>lol just love urself
Women were a mistake. You forgot the tried and true "just snap out of it."

>> No.12709116

>Epicurus would tell someone to reduce unnecessary desires, which takes theory and practice, not to overindulge in them
This is what I said.
Epicurus was not a Christian or a “volcel” much less antinatal. You’re an insult.

>> No.12709135

No, it is not. You argue in favor of promiscuity and in this thread you said OP should try to seduce girls to "reduce his pain". Epicurus would not agree with either of that.
He was also literally a volcel. He was celibate out of his own choice.

People like you make Epicurus look bad. Apologize to Epicurus.

>> No.12709136

I do hope those three books are an ironic recommendation. Stirner is just a joke at philosophy, disguised as philosophy, not a single thing in that book is sincere. The remaining two, what the fuck.

>> No.12709168
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I can't love myself I just can't I have no reason to and I don't know how to make friends

>> No.12709191
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Don't worry it happens to me too. I know what it is is to be a chameleon, constantly in a passive and observant position, tolerated by all but loved by none. I had greatly reduced my habit of porn, but I've been jacking off like before this week since a girl who was into me and even iniated contact decided to completely ignore me the next day. It is what it is. Hope is mainly gone, but was it really there?

Really it's all about genuine action and expressing your will. We'd be surprised by how much people don't give a shit about what's not their own neurosis and their schizophrenic communication.

Also, after uni, if you fuck your relationships up and don't maintain them correctly. you're basically stranded. I know I am, it's like being a fucking vagabond.

>> No.12709253

I said no such thing, you troll.

Another troll.
You have no right or reason to love anyone else till you respect and love yourself

I speak from experience, kids.

>> No.12709268

It all boils down to your axioms. If you believe the world is an irredeemable hellhole, you won't care about your own existence, and indulge in self-destructive behavior. As you should. If that fundamental belief about the world is true, then rejection and rebellion is the only honorable thing to do.

The only way out is through it's antithesis, a belief in transcendental goodness, affirming the value of life and the world. Essentially, this means you have to believe in God. This does not even mean that you have to be religious or spiritual in any way, just aim and believe in the "Kingdom of God", the ultimate value, from which all other derive from. Notice, how I didn't say what this value really is, nor define what is good, perhaps it's not even up to me to do that. The concept of such a thing existing at all is more important - all roads eventually lead to Rome.

>> No.12709302
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>Another troll.

oh, fuck off
your great advice is to say all outside values and systems are a spook, and to make up your own, because nothing matter until you decide it matters?
I always liked your posts merely because they make people mad, but if you're actually sincere yourself, it pains me to say it, but you're an embarrassing personification of the cool wine aunt meme

>> No.12709312

Come up with a cure that works; make enemies
Would you prefer the term “man up”?

>> No.12709370

>your great advice is to say all outside values and systems are a spook, and to make up your own, because nothing matter until you decide it matters?
Implying thats bad advice and the most pure reality lmao.

Hey butterfly, what was the name/author of that book with the title "Loneliness" that you sometimes posted? I've wanted see what it is about but i never saw you shitpost it again.

>> No.12709410

I've seen no cure that works, people just live out their fates. To follow your advice is a cope.

>> No.12709690
File: 62 KB, 600x592, goodjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work, anon. We need more folks like you

>> No.12709767
File: 499 KB, 882x758, 1517166526434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a fucking RETARD

>> No.12709795

life of a retard is easy, you carry a burden equal to your IQ
relax while people smarter than you solve all your problems, give you modern life, healthcare, food, entertainment

>> No.12710096

Are these the only books you've ever read?

>> No.12710233
File: 20 KB, 333x499, 769D3B7E-AA28-4861-B450-84D55E366397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go

It is literally to cope. To see the world as how it is. Is meaning is open to interpretation, so why not live to feel well, be happy. It’s not meaningless, that’s death.

No. They’re my meme trilogy/philosophy trilogy. I’ve read hundreds of books.

>> No.12710285

You were on the path to being chaste and breadpilled, OP. Sever ties with this "friend" and keep at it.
Carnal and bugpilled
Slave and fleshpilled
Scum and unascended
Remove thyself from my sight and this site.

>> No.12710295

This it /lit/, not /christ/. Gtfo

>> No.12710317

One need not be a Christian to espouse such beliefs. Carnal scum bugmen hate Christianity purely for its ascetic currents "restricting" their "sexual freedom". Thus anything anti sex to you is Christian and is a false dichotomy.

>> No.12710343

So you follow no book. In either case /lit/ is not the place for you

>> No.12710351



>> No.12710355

I am religious too butterfly. I am asking God for forgiveness for being sexual but holy fucking shit this is getting ridiculous.

You’re like posting about biking all the time and never having sex and when I make sexual comments you disappear for an anomalous period of time. It’s like you’re obviously straight but... a lesbian? I don’t get this

Whatever, I will convert you


>> No.12710360


lol jesus taught that you should accept people as the sinners that they are now, instead of pointlessly insulting them like you're doing now, you retarded shitposting faggot

>> No.12710408

You hypocrite. My observations leaf to correction. Your insults are insults of malice.
Christ said it would be better for people like you to have a great millstone tied around their necks and drowned in the sea.
You'll see.

>> No.12710470


>> No.12710479

Hell is real butterfly!

:3 I am trying to save youuuuu

>> No.12710487

You’ve finally hit bottom. KYS

>> No.12710493
File: 48 KB, 620x631, 6C307790-0779-4C5A-9A2E-7E2B2509A7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there is no hell or any kind of afterlife, it is I who am trying to save you

>> No.12710497

Thanks for clearing that up for us

>> No.12710546

How do you know?

>> No.12710548

You can’t hide from me :p