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File: 49 KB, 386x281, aadf3-raskolnikov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12703851 No.12703851 [Reply] [Original]

Did she deserve it?

>> No.12703881

Maybe. But it wasn't his place to decide

>> No.12703915


>> No.12703936

If it happened then she deserved it.
Everything that happens to you is what you deserve.

>> No.12703941

Why didn't Raskolnikov just rape her and her sister to get some of that sweet juicy rotting babushka pussy?

>> No.12703950

highly topical post

>> No.12703956

the real question is did he deserve it?

>> No.12703964

u r subhuman bro

>> No.12703969

rip keef flint

>> No.12703974

no u>>12703969

>> No.12703978

Uhhh hes holding it backwards

>> No.12703993

nice b8 faggot

>> No.12703997


I dont really see why she would, because she was rich

>> No.12704135

No, that really is backwards.

>> No.12704262

She took advantage of the dire situation of people. She offered people bad deals for their items at high interests because she knew they had no other choice.
She did not need the money, she was going to give it to a church so they would pray for her soul.
Not to mention she was cruel to her sister who actually was a kind person.

Her crime was not being rich.

>> No.12704386


but you can argue the same for rodion all he is doing is taking advantage of her and her sister and for what? so he can become rich, so orphans can feed of the backs of a dead old woman and her dead sister who died because she was in the wrong place in the wrong time? everyone in this story takes advantage of others in some why but when somoene is good at it they suddenly deserve to die?

sorry for the long spoiler text I assume youve read the story but others might not have

>> No.12704416
File: 23 KB, 200x261, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad for Raskolnikov, he was haunted by spooks he couldn't exorcise.

>> No.12704471

he didn't get any money from the old lady though, the money he spent on Sonya's family was sent by his mom

>> No.12704489


he didint but thats what he was looking for if the 2 guys didint interrupt him he wouldve probably found the 5000 roubles if he looked around enough

>> No.12704494

Exactly, that's the point of the book.

>> No.12704514
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oh yeah

>> No.12704518

Old people should just die rather than cling to life by sucking the blood of the young.

>> No.12704530

You guys ever notice how there are recurring themes in a country's literature and history? Like how in this case, Russians really like killing people who have money, but then they sperg out and never make anything of the result? Or how Germans always end up shoving people into ovens?

>> No.12704552

>Hansel and Gretel is a precursor to the holicaust
Interesting theory

>> No.12704575

Does man deserve to be able to inflict the justice of god on his own accord?

>> No.12704590
File: 545 KB, 505x500, 1474904672507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the point of the book is that no person can really take nietzsche's uberman and (probably) Stirner's philosophy that serious or atleast to the full extent.
Lebeziatnikov, on the other hand, is the exact oposite of Raskolnikov's mentality/philosophy, so he is a humanitarian extremist that tries so hard to escape the "preconceptions" and "stigmas" of the real world with his "comune" project claiming to be all about liberty, humanity and utilitarianism while failing at the same time to realise that his system has also its preconceptions and useless stimgas while not valuing the individual but the almost religous of "comune" or "Man".

>> No.12704591


>> No.12704599

Based determinist

>> No.12704600

If I was Raskolnikov I would have showed up on time, bashed her head in, gotten the money and forgotten her over a few drinks.

>> No.12704850

Just find some rich old bitch and do it irl

>> No.12704870
File: 168 KB, 535x530, 1547775361670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the witch represents the jew?

>> No.12704889

That's fatalism, not determinism. Check your jargon card

>> No.12704905

Unironically this

>> No.12705835

Alyona deserved it but Lizaveta didn't

>> No.12705885

wait holy shit im reading Notes right now; is liza in NfU the same as lizaveta in C&P???

>> No.12705903

Even if it happened we inevitably act on the contrary to preserve orderliness. It's good to posit fate in order to prevent other metaphysical dogma but how ought one proceed with the fact of the matter?

>> No.12706415

Arent those two completely different names?

>> No.12706433

Humanity wouldn't benefit from that.

Imagine Dostoevsky writing not only about raping girls, but also about raping grannies.

>> No.12707116
File: 186 KB, 608x900, 313AF818-CD88-437A-98DF-10F7BE8DB5AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, if it were backwards the blade would cut his fingers. He’s holding it by the shaft, which is correct.

>> No.12707139

Quite the opposite. As a great man he had surpassed the spook of ‘morality’ and seen fit to take what was rightfully his.

>> No.12707268
File: 26 KB, 500x325, dna-strand_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a nice and elegant proof that romanticism is a project that not everyone is capable to take part in.
thank you.

>> No.12708032

Yes, because he is special.

>> No.12708066

Nobody was forced to take loans for the interest she requested. What she was doing was acting as a modern payday loan company and the reason they charge high interest is because they're meant to be short term loans. Combine that with the riskiness of loaning money to the sort of people who need such loans and it's clear the high interest is necessary. Would you rather those people have no access to the service being provided, that they have no recourse for when they absolutely need money?

>> No.12708233

people have done worse with no pathetic mental breakdown
dostoevsky was just naive

>> No.12708236

jew detected, usury is a sin and inexcusable

>> No.12708534

Like mentioned earlier she took advantage of people. They ware not forced to do business with her but that does not mean predatory lending is ethical.

>> No.12708546

Was she a jew?

>> No.12708559

Explain to me how these loans are wrong after I've just given you two reasons to believe the high interest is justified. Without being able to charge high interest for these types of loans, it wouldn't be profitable to give them out and there would be one less source of emergency funds for the poor.

>> No.12708572

Yeah, and then he succumbs to moralfaggotry. Did you finish reading the book?

>> No.12708582


>> No.12708611
File: 2.76 MB, 992x720, 1538054612808.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering about this just the other day. How come similar accounts from murderers are so rare irl? Do we have some studies about crippling guilt like Raskolnikov's and where did Dost even get this idea from?

>> No.12708636

because murderers dont feel bad about taking a life. they had good reason to commit it.

>> No.12708638
File: 8 KB, 2000x1333, Flag_of_Afghanistan_(1880–1901).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who will go as far as murdering someone else have either done it because of strong moral justification (war, per example) or sociopathy, both situations meaning they have little to no reason to regret their actions. The first case, where the murderer actually has the capacity of regret, will often be defended by law enforces and the populace as an action of self-defense. In many cases the murder will likely be celebrated for their actions.

As somebody who has already murdered another human being, I can testify that it is a horrific situation.

>> No.12708646

>As somebody who has already murdered another human being

Story time...?

>> No.12708680
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, this-is-not-for-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afghanistan, 2009. Engaged in a firefight with the Taliban, they were firing at us from a nearby hill while we searched a village.

Some of our guys (me included) managed to sneak outside the village and twenty minutes later, we found our way up the hill and started firing at them.

One of them escaped, five died. The one I shot got hit in the throat and took hours to die. We actually tried to save his life.

I was told I should not think about it, but I can't help to try and fill in the gaps, wondering what was that guy's lifestory and how he ended up where he ended up.

I feel guilty. I just wanted a job and had to kill a man because of it.

>> No.12708693

Did your emotional state change much after it?

>> No.12708740

You can call me a pussy if you want, but yes.

Looking at a man drowning in his own blood because of you is an eerie sight. That was the moment I knew I was not suit for fighting. It's been ten years, yet I still feel odd.

I was a huge football fan back in the day. I haven't enjoyed a game ever since I came back to the US. I have this bad taste in my mouth when I'm having any sort of fun, as if a part of me ringed a reminder that I am a piece of shit and that I don't deserve to feel any joy.

>> No.12708745

>took hours to die
>you tried to save him
This is what caused your issue. If you had killed him cleanly, you wouldn't have spent hours with him close by.
You only try to undoe bad things.

>> No.12708762

Did he haunt your dreams?

>> No.12708823

Raskolnikov did nothing wrong
Petersburg is a bitch
I am Axe Man
289825982645928 Dead Pawnbrokers

>> No.12708843

Is Petersburg that much of a shithole?

>> No.12708888
File: 394 KB, 602x644, Born to confess petersburg is a fuck kill them all 1866 I am axe-man dead pawnbrokers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12708897

Lebeziatnikov is the landlord of Sonya, only important for the stolen money incident when Luzhin tried to frame her. Do you mean Svidrigailov?

>> No.12708899

No, but one of the characters compared her wealth to that of a “zhid” (Russian form of “yid”).

>> No.12708906
File: 59 KB, 500x501, 11A8C3FA-0177-4B7B-B154-F211219A28B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based

>> No.12708910

Im pretty sure Lebeziatnikov was the one that had the "comune" humanitarian projects about everyone being a cuck n shit.

>> No.12708921

I’m really sorry about all that anon, but your sense of humanity gives me a great deal of hope.

>> No.12708922

>wake up
>lady asks for rent and spits in your breakfast
>that you father pays 3 rubla a day
>get pissed on by a horse when walking out your apartment building
>devochka sees you covered in piss and her general father laughs at you
>your own father gets run over buy a horse carriage in front of you
>have to take a loan at work to care for him
>landlady rises rent

>> No.12709000

change "confess" to something else and you've got a good meme

>> No.12709028

This is why you should be racist. He was a worthless subhuman and his life was no more important than that of a stray dog. End of story. Hope that made you feel better but then again, that's what you get for fighting for Israel

>> No.12709038

"Born to think"?
"Born to loiter"?
"Born to mooch"?

>> No.12709053

it's the first line, has to convey the tone of the whole meme

>> No.12709148

>Afghanistan, 2009
Ah, so you traveled to a country on the other side of the world to kill people who have done no harm to you, just to keep the industrial war machine going so that already rich people can profit even more from causing endless conflict in the world. You should indeed feel bad, because you are a bad person.
Unless, maybe, if you have realized the evil of your past actions, and have sought to make up for them by whatever means you possess.

>> No.12709338

liza could be a nickname for lizaveta (have read neither)

>> No.12709346

interesting webm

>> No.12709361

is best

>> No.12709388

They are pretty common in small villages in Eastern Europe.

>> No.12709406
File: 400 KB, 602x644, Born to confess petersburg is a fuck kill them all 1866 I am axe-man dead pawnbrokers 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like this

>> No.12709444

9/10 because the "punishment" typography implies it's he who gets punished, while it could be more ambiguous (for example the crime could be the punishment)
saved though

>> No.12709461

> where did Dost even get this idea from
From Poe's Tell-Tale Heart.

>> No.12709647

I just wrote the opening for something like that. protag sells a woman into organ trafficking to pay off their debt. was not thinking about C&P when I wrote it.
most people have never been desperate enough to even consider crime. they think murder and their mind npc blanks to "omg horrible, scary!" if you can sit there and think up ways to profit off killing someone you have to be fairly fucked up in the first place with a lifelong hangup on nitty gritty details of the business and operation of crime for profit. i've been collecting notes for years (all mental) anywhere I could find it.
most protags are moralfaggots, right? good people? it's hard to make a criminal relateable unless you yourself are a criminal or could become one. to write about something you need to be able to find the beauty in it.

>> No.12709696

>organ trafficking to pay off their debt.
outlandish and ridiculous plot points like that is why you don't get published

>> No.12709800

it's not what I usually write, for your information, negative-kun. and it's hardly outlandish. only way to pay off a large sum of debt anymore is to win the lottery or commit a crime.

>> No.12709815

>win the lottery or commit a crime.

yeah, it's exactly what people who have no idea what crimes people commit would write
perhaps if you were 12 I'd give you a pass and a pat on the head for being edgy for your age

>> No.12709832

Yeah but I don’t care I just wanted to disagree with you, blow it out your ass fagbot

>> No.12709861

>most people have never been desperate enough to even consider crime.
It's not like selling dope is a rare thing. I didn't even do it out of desperation, it was just easy, fun for awhile, and the extra pocket money was nice.

>> No.12709898

hoooo then tell me all about it since you're such an experienced guy

>> No.12709938

I don't know what you mean with 'haunting' my dreams, but I remember more than a handful occasions when I dreamed with this man.

>> No.12710181
File: 657 KB, 745x4388, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who got it from the newspapers

>> No.12710186

It's great that you at least admit to being a retard.

>> No.12710204

>most people have never been desperate enough to even consider crime
wrong, most people who even think about anyone hurting/raping their children or siblings probably feel like they could murder someone