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File: 430 KB, 800x1000, 1551745011158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12704532 No.12704532 [Reply] [Original]

it seems like capitalism constantly finds ways to save itself from collapsing. how much longer will it take until it actually destroys itself? with the introduction of ai in 5-10 years?Who are some thinkers I should read to learn more about late capitalism?

>> No.12704539

Reddit desu

>> No.12704545

>with the introduction of ai in 5-10 years?

>> No.12704555

No one knows.

AI will only destroy capitalism if it escapes human control. At which point you better hope it's benevolent and not a paperclip maximizer.

>> No.12704566

What if AI cannot actually be developed but some scientist gets tricked into thinking that he developed it but in reality it's just aliens (or Demons) fucking with us via robots?

>> No.12704567


>> No.12704581

Sell me on Yang 2020, OP. I'm a Gabbard 2020 supporter but open to hear what you have to say.

>> No.12704602

Yang shill please go away, nobody cares about this dumb shithead.

>> No.12704615

listen to yang instead


>> No.12704628

>late capitalism
keker you commies crack me up

>> No.12704635

David Harvey

>> No.12704639

>Who are some thinkers I should read to learn more about late capitalism?
stalinlvr2010 on reddit, the best thinker on the subject

>> No.12704641

what do you think about yang butterfly?

>> No.12704648
File: 31 KB, 320x474, Review brah hmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, thank you, I'd prefer to hear your elevator pitch. You did come here to shill after all . . .

>> No.12704649

>humanity first
lol, fuck humanity. 7.6 billion naked apes poisoning the earth, pouring plastics into the oceans, turning the atmosphere into a cloud of toxic fumes, extinguishing species at breakneck speed out of myopic stupidity and the the desire for worthless petty luxuries, which of them need protection?

can't wait for ai to come into existence, decide we're a cancer on the planet, and exterminate us completely

>> No.12704665
File: 236 KB, 474x528, tips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck Humanity for the scars it's placed on the the face of mother earth! Your blood will flow like Gaia's lament of acid rain and my blade shall be the onions that extract those crimson tears.

>> No.12704676

you get neetbux

>> No.12704679
File: 16 KB, 360x360, yang2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 yangbux a month from taxing big tech
>explicitly talks about plight of rural whites
>friend of joe rogan
>woke to incoming ai disaster
>jew fears the samurai

>> No.12704686

I do not support universal basic income and think it would lead to further degeneration of society.

>> No.12704687

is this a pop punk song

>> No.12704691

Does he have enough to get on the debate stage?
They may try to keep Gabbard off too.
Typical progressive/soc-dem set of policies. I feel it’s all too little too late, but I’ll welcome it enough. I just doubt the Pentagon/oligarchy will allow it

>> No.12704692

I want to fuck the anime girls who support Yang

>> No.12704698

That's a much better elevator pitch. I'll watch his Joe Rogan appearance.

>> No.12704708

What if I abduct you and surgically remove your hands and legs below the knee and force you to wear and latex dog suit where you crawl around my house drinking water and eating dog food like the good boy you always wanted to be and I force you to watch VR tranny hypno 8 hours a day and every day when I come home from a long day at work I give you a nice treat in your bumbum before harvesting the cum that oozes out of your chastity cage and feeding it to you?

>> No.12704713

Bernie is going to be the stock SocDem candidate and, if he gets into office, he'll instantly bend the knee to the Democratic establishment. I bet he'll pick Castro or Booker as his VP.

>> No.12704720

My point exactly.

>> No.12704749

I doubt his motives this run too.
It’s all a mess. There will be no political solution to our problems. Only a social revolution. A yellow vest style protest x 100

>> No.12704751


People have thought capitalism was about to be done for over 100 years, at this point it's just denial.

China has shown that it's possible to be authoritarian and capitalist at the same time. Their new model is succeeding wildly and is leading to economic colonization of other regions. Of course it sucks for normal people, but there are enough benefits and release valves to stop anything from really changing. The power of government maintains and enforces the system while fucking over other countries that try to rein it in.

China also shows that you can be a global power and a "developing country" at the same time, meaning that a modern capitalist country can still survive by exploiting its own people instead of farming it out to poor people overseas.

AI isn't real.

>> No.12704761

Which brings me to my next point: you are definitely waiting for something.

Something I normally say around this time of night

>> No.12704782

ai is being worked on as you are shitposting and you will be seeing self driving trucks within ten years

>> No.12704789

Memes aside, Define Capitalism.

>> No.12704792


We are waiting for the economy to crash again. it hasn’t really recovered from the last time (China proved us all up) so this next one is going to be pinching even more Americans, hopefully spurring more into action.
We’ll still need more organization

>> No.12704798

You are too optimistic

>> No.12704804

You literally play hard to get. This is hilarious. I wish anyone else knew you as much as I know you. It’s like you’re fucking around but no one knows it but me. I’ve seen you respond certain ways to me. To my dick. I know you did

>> No.12704805

No, I’m prescribing.

>> No.12704809
File: 96 KB, 720x960, recursion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the mechanism that stops it from collapsing. The efforts to collapse it stop it from collapsing. You must throw yourself into, don't give a fuck about what you buy, live in garbage, consume unconsciously.

>> No.12704817
File: 180 KB, 887x485, chaos_to_anarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To quote famous anarchist, wizard, and comic-writer Alan Moore:
>“The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting.
>The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic.
>The truth is that it is not The Illuminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory.
>The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control.
>The world is rudderless.”
Considering how poorly our standing system works towards filling actual needs, rather prioritizing maximizing profits, and how the system collapses the moment when there's actually enough of something --or heaven forbid, more than enough-- and the future challenges we face with climate change, automation, the falling rate of profit, accelerating wealth concentration, etc., now more than ever it is only a matter of time.

>> No.12704818

Oh. You again. Not interested.

>> No.12704819

Imagine being this naive

>> No.12704821

Yes you are. You’ve posted poems. Said you’d turn straight. I know I’m not crazy.

>> No.12704824

lol How many times have anons asked to sniff your feet and smell your farts?

>> No.12704827

She has come back at me like 50000 times trust me I’m not crazy

>> No.12704828


>> No.12704834

Capitalism isn't something that can 'collapse'. It is the base state of civilization. All societies start off capitalistic, just like how a building starts off in pieces on the ground. Markets and trade are amongst the oldest organized activities ever recorded.

Only an artificial system like socialism can collapse, being replaced by capitalism. Like it or not, capitalism is here to stay, as long as no one person can achieve all of their needs by themselves.

Will currency collapse? Trade? I don't think so and neither will capitalism. People think capitalism is 'America c. 2019' or 'Bankers' or 'Lobbyists'. It isn't. Capitalism is a groove which societies around the world fall into, similiar to hierarchy and tribe.

>> No.12704840

That's a really broad and unhelpful definition of "Capitalism". It's almost like your trying to obfuscate away from the question.

>> No.12704842

6/10, the last sentence gave it away

>> No.12704844
File: 62 KB, 645x773, brainlet wojak 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All societies start off capitalistic, just like how a building starts off in pieces on the ground. Markets and trade are amongst the oldest organized activities ever recorded.

>> No.12704864
File: 88 KB, 338x267, DCCEA14F-91AB-4E72-AB27-7E0E96F8BBD3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a poem about sleeping beauty being dismayed at getting her spell broken. Didn’t you understand it? I can’t just go straight. Doesn’t work like that.

>> No.12704868

HM I don’t think so. I don’t believe that’s how it works. Sorry. I have literally seen you post about turning straight

>> No.12704892

Alright level with me, have you been thinking of my penis or not? I think we might be able to cure you

>> No.12704906

I have literally never said any such thing.

That poem again:

“The Sleeping Beauty woke:
The spit began to turn,
The woodmen cleared the brake,
The gardener mowed the lawn.
Woe’s me! And must one kiss
Revoke the silent house, the birdsong wilderness?”
—Sylvia Townsend Warner (pictured >>12704864 lesbian)

>> No.12704920

Ah I wish I had taken a screencap. Like many women, you are a quick deceiver. But I will turn you straight.

Do not have sex with anyone do you understand?

>> No.12704922

The question is retarded. Capitalism can't collapse, it can only be briefly overridden (at considerable expense). AI won't end capitalism, merely alter the methods in which it is practiced.

>I am allergic to FACTS AND LOGIC

>> No.12704930

Your statement was retarded. What is "Capitalism"? The way you define it makes it sound like your subbing it in for Civilization, Human Nature, or God.

>> No.12704932

capitalism came around during the 1800s

>> No.12704946

Private ownership of the means of production and other property

>> No.12704963

Define "Private", "Means of Production" and "Property". Say what you really mean.

>> No.12704980

"Capital" didn't really exist as a definite concept until it was coined by a Scottish man in the 18th century.

>> No.12704982

This sort of destructive positivism is why we can't have nice things.

Minimum threshold of achieving its own autoproduction.

>> No.12704984


Capitalism: a market based economic system where the price of a good is determined by supply and demand, whilst the means of production are privately run.


That's a funny one. There were capitalists in ancient Rome too, you know.

>> No.12704990

Capital has existed ever since the first man sent out the first notice and got its first response. It's an emergent phenomenon because of human interaction.

To define it as something positive akin to 'property' is way too idealistic.

>> No.12705003

>Define "Private", "Means of Production" and "Property". Say what you really mean.
I did say what I really met, but sure. "Private" refers to the ownership of material objects ("property") by particular individuals or private businesses, as opposed to being owned by the society as a whole and belonging to all citizens. The "means of production" are simply that which is required by a laborer to make a product. They could be tools, raw resources, land, technologies, anything through which products are made.

>> No.12705015

So literally everything other than State control of pricing and production is Capitalism? Do you see the gross oversimplification that your statement requires to function? Do you really think the idea of buying and selling things and owning stuff is what people are against when they criticize Capitalism? Isn't it much more likely that you're just grossly misinformed about their actual criticisms?
There you go again.
And again with the "if people own things it's Capitalism" line.

>> No.12705034

> There you go again.
It was my 2nd. post ITT.
Hopelessly positive and idealistic definition.

>> No.12705039

>And again with the "if people own things it's Capitalism" line.
Now you are finally beginning to understand the system you live under.

>Hopelessly positive and idealistic definition.

>> No.12705044

>Do you really think the idea of buying and selling things and owning stuff is what people are against when they criticize Capitalism?

Considering all of Europe and USA has state controlling most important aspects of economies (socialized), when people think they're against capitalism they're against socialism (humans thinking they're smarter than capital when they're not)

>> No.12705051

You are a retard.

>> No.12705055

> "Private" refers to the ownership of material objects ("property")
> by particular individuals or private businesses
Notice how you skip what is "ownership". It is tautology.
And material isn't only possible thing you can own or we wouldn't have IP rights.

You are a communist.

>> No.12705059

There's no such thing as AI. As in, it's not real sentient intelligence.
If you mean a computer program that collects information and then compared it with other information... we already fucking have that. Google is one big AI in that sense.

>> No.12705060

>You are a communist.
I am not but at least I know what their actual arguments are.

>> No.12705069

Even Marx recognized it as an emergent phenomenon. There was essentially state-backed coinage in ancient Athens at certain points. "Capital" as the mechanism of "capitalism" though applies to the abstract financial unit of value. That production ought to derive a profit is also quite a new idea.

>> No.12705070

> I am not.
Said every Fabian Socialists all around Europes and USA for past 150 years. "I am not Socialist" was their rallying cry when they destroyed microeconomy and usurped money.

>> No.12705077

then we will likely witness a superhuman vs robot battle on a worldwide scale

>> No.12705081

what a terrible brainlet quote.

>> No.12705082

>That production ought to derive a profit is also quite a new idea.
This was helped by the implicit intelligence explosion that made Industrial revolution possible (through driving against Malthusian limit for hundreds of years).

> There was essentially state-backed coinage in ancient Athens at certain points
Another reason to hate Athens, they just never end.

>> No.12705093

You have an unhealthy habit of presuming the intentions of everyone.

>> No.12705101


Students are angry that they feel pressured to buy expensive degrees that really just indicate that they aren't retards (because high school can't perform that role anymore)

Starbucks workers aren't angry about their low wages, they're angry that other people are doing better than they are. There is no better time in history to be a low skilled worker in a Western country than now, their rage is because they're on the bottom, not because they're low

I'm well aware of what people are complaining about. Just because they call bad life choices and the wealth of others 'capitalism', doesn't mean it's so. Calling for redistribution from top to bottom is not anti-capitalist, it's common to all civilization.

>> No.12705103


>> No.12705110
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1542024017334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just assume depravity by default and rationalize backwards from that.
Leaves little room for disappointment and keeps one grounded!

>> No.12705114

"Complaint" and "Critique" are not the same word.

>> No.12705124

You have an unwarrantedly high opinion of yourself.

>> No.12705143
File: 58 KB, 541x609, 1550412354079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the sense that I haven't necked myself to exit out of this world, yes.

>> No.12705156
File: 731 KB, 1200x628, benis to bagina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting the inferior version

>> No.12705180

capitalism is doing fine. the version of capitalism that exists in america isn't sustainable -- who knows what will happen there

>> No.12705186

what does that mean?

>> No.12705192

Average value of American citizenship is approaching 0 at an increasingly faster pace.

>> No.12705196

>Who are some thinkers I should read to learn more about late capitalism?
seconding Harvey

>> No.12705246

>Notice how you skip what is "ownership". It is tautology.
Do you expect me to explain it like you've never heard english before? I dont understand your motive. Ownership of something by a person means that it supposedly belongs to that person. If you doubt such ownership is/ ought to be possible, then you'd be agreeing with the communists.

>And material isn't only possible thing you can own or we wouldn't have IP rights.
This is a good point. For Marx IP would be the commodification of a persons mind and its creativity. I personally think that IP is a socially accepted delusion to make capital owners more money in this whole new realm of idea farms. IPs cannot be "owned" because there exists no particular IP to ever be claimed, only an infinitely distributable idea.

>> No.12705261

Basic incum

>> No.12705263

Harvey is a pop-econ shitter who cherrypicks data.

>> No.12705274

> Ownership of something by a person means that it supposedly belongs to that person
But this is a tautology too. "Ownership is ownership". We aren't getting anywhere with this. And as far as it comes to Marx, he didn't relevantly diverge from the liberal ideas of property (in fact, it is traceable from Rousseau and Locke).
> IPs cannot be "owned" because there exists no particular IP to ever be claimed, only an infinitely distributable idea.
This just circuits back to what is 'ownership'. You even have it in quotes this time.

>> No.12705280

there's nothing wrong with capitalism in itself, it's that government has to constantly buy votes from poor people so they destroy economy in the process.
honestly, we shouldn't allow people to vote if they don't pay taxes. you shouldn't get to decide how money is allocated if you don't fucking chip in.

>> No.12705310
File: 140 KB, 960x765, hoppe_covenant_community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or we could just tie the wealth of the aristocracy to the prosperity of the nation and do away with this voting nonsense all together.

>> No.12705334

Please tell me ownership means then. I was just giving you the dictionary definition, so I guess that definition is tautological. To be honest, in a philosophical sense, I don't personally believe anyone can truly "own" anything. We can associate certain material or commodified ideas with particular people, but I don't believe this association imparts any "true" belonging of any one object to another. Since this is more-or-less my position on owning property, it should be no surprise that I lean towards the position which also rejects owning property (Hint: not capitalism).

>> No.12705360

>Since this is more-or-less my position on owning property, it should be no surprise that I lean towards the position which also rejects owning property
So you want to shatter income, which will shatter the wealth of a nation. It also means lots of culling the herd (back to pre-Malthusian economies). In short, decivilizational force.

> Please tell me ownership means then
I genuinely cannot give an answer to this. The best I can understand property is through game theory and coordination (problems).

>> No.12705385

>So you want to shatter income, which will shatter the wealth of a nation. It also means lots of culling the herd (back to pre-Malthusian economies).
If those are the implications of not being able to own property, then I suppose you are right. Though I disagree with assessing this as "decivilizational", since the end we would change our current societal orientation towards is very possibly more ideal than the current capitalistic one, which would mean we would instead be becoming more civilized (if you assume more civilized societies are more good).

>I genuinely cannot give an answer to this.
I might be in the same place, though my answer to this problem would probably be that ownership as society generally defines it would be truly impossible.

>> No.12705434

capitalism will never "destroy" itself because capitalism is destruction. capitalism is the revolution. it is all the feel good "cool" rebellious signs against the heirarchy(ies) that soft and hard commies think are anti capitalist. capitalism is everything and everyone. it cannot be beat anymore than you can beat an oncoming tornado either with yourself or with alot of people. all alternatives to capitalism are actually, in effect capitalist themselves.

you cannot fight it. you can yell into the void. i think this is the only worthwhile action. other than that it's just narcissism. capitalism will essentially go on forever until it merges with the human species both on the biological and abstract level

>> No.12705442

>is very possibly more ideal than the current capitalistic one
A sure way to create society of gulags and mass graves, but it never stopped idealists. There is not a single capitalistic society left on the earth because of macro-economy and destruction of money. It is just varying shades of socialism-against-capital. Society in general defines property through law (and thus implicitly from law enforcement and morals) which presupposes property and ownership as concepts and phenomenons, so any account of property that presupposes it to this extent will turn out to be ridiculous as it already assumes full theory of property and what it is.. it's a tough knot to unravel.

>> No.12705445
File: 72 KB, 613x474, Neoliberal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pic related

>> No.12705453

no lies were said tho

>> No.12705465

Not suggesting your choice is not very helpful

>> No.12705468

you must be fun at parties

>> No.12705470

Gregory Clark.

>> No.12705473

As a Nazi, I don't disagree with the point made here.

>> No.12705478

You talk about capitalism like it is a living being. People keep capitalism going because it is better than starving to death under communism.

>> No.12705481
File: 149 KB, 960x948, DklKwBoUUAI1BWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has already endorsed the Trump family. anyone who tells you different is a discord tranny

>> No.12705485

>a living being
it is.

>> No.12705491
File: 166 KB, 749x800, 30 year old boomer irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12705496
File: 17 KB, 850x1202, 6BE67006-1F29-47B1-BD2A-961B64ED5F18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thank you.

Have you ever heard of Paul Cockshott?

>> No.12705501

capital is sentient

>> No.12705502

Gulags and mass graves are not implicit in socialism/communism, that assessment is purely ideological. In regards to the second part of your post, I agree it is a tough knot to unravel. Still, if our only justification for private ownership of property is current law and its presuppositions, then that is not exactly persuasive.

I didn't say it was false, your post just reminded me of that tweet.

>> No.12705518

im actually ok after a few beers in me. regardless the point stands. this entire thread is spooky and ass deep in the trashcan desu. its full of cops and managers deluded about their own power and self importance.

>> No.12705533

I don't think this is true. There must be death and mass imprisonment in communism because it is a system built on negative punishment for negative actions. Capitalism is the practice of positive renforment for positive actions. Communism has no rewards for the individual because then they will stand out destroying the idea of the commune, the only possible tool left is negative punishment. The only thing left to take from a individual with no property is freedom and life. Where there is communism there are gulags and mass graves.

>> No.12705544

>Still, if our only justification for private ownership of property is current law and its presuppositions, then that is not exactly persuasive.

Current model of property is based on State granted property as far as I can see it.
> State has the ultimate ownership, decision making over our earthly possessions & State is the final arbiter, all of this is reinforced by State's monopoly of violence.
Only a state competing of spatial, territorial monopoly can challenge this. (It is unrealistic to assume challenge within the State). The persuasion is delivered at gunpoint. Not that I like this, because it restricts Capitalism.

There's a reason Capitalism was to escape Malthusian trap and not Communism or Socialism. The anti-Malthusian aspects implicit and explicit in hard Socialism are very destructive (as to distinguish them from the current socialism-against-capital in the Europe/USA).

>> No.12705560

I consider communism just Capitalism's way of working itself through thick headed uncivilized people. I mean fucking look at China now.

>> No.12705587

>[Communism] is a system built on negative punishment for negative actions. Capitalism is the practice of positive renforment for positive actions.
Just no. Capitalist governments uses the same negative reinforcement mechanisms to control it's dissidents.
>Communism has no rewards for the individual
Advancement, Enfranchisement, and even fucking Material goods are all things that are also a part of Communism.

>> No.12705589

This guy doesn't stand a chance in Hell but he's by far the least retarded candidate I've heard of. And even if he did run, he would be even more pussy whipped by his party than Trump currently is.

>> No.12705594

Literal neetbux for nothing. Count me in

>> No.12705595

You should look into Tulsi Gabbard's campaign

>> No.12705619

No thanks, American politics are an absurd joke and no one stands to gain anything from being invested in them.

>> No.12705624

That's what she said.

>> No.12705638

No it is you that does not know what communism is. You believe the fairy tail of communism because you have lived your whole life in capitalism and assume it will be the exact same without the input that capitalism requires of you. Communism always promises and never delivers NEVER.

>> No.12705645

You've never read any Communist theory and are arguing against a cartoon.

>> No.12705646

pure ideology. At least understand what you are supposed to dislike, don't be completely delusioned.

>> No.12705651

>The persuasion is delivered at gunpoint.
Unfortunately this seems to be very persuasive. I guess I'll have to be patient.

>> No.12705654

not an argument

>> No.12705663
File: 79 KB, 916x515, molyneux tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post wasn't an argument either.

>> No.12705678

I have read Marx's little books. Nothing but a sale pamphlet for avoiding communism. Maybe try thinking instead of eating all the critical theory horse shit you where stuffed with.

>> No.12705694

Got you on the ropes, Straight to insults.

>> No.12705695
File: 49 KB, 700x375, Marx-Engels-Werke 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marx's little books

>> No.12705699

Different person, you dont even know who you are arguing with at this point.

>> No.12705702

I don't believe you.

>> No.12705706

Wow. Trees died to make that much trash.

>> No.12705711
File: 120 KB, 480x563, Laughing_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of which you've read, brainlet.

>> No.12705716

Well that's fine. There is no point in hitting a corpse again. Have a good one m8.

>> No.12705724

>late capitalism
It’s just capitalism. And capitalism will collapse as it has for the entirety of its existence, over and over again. It must be overthrown, you can’t just wait around like a leftcom and expect socialism to appear. Socialism is something you build.

>> No.12705735

Best of luck finding your fairy tale communism friend. Maybe it will be tried for real some day.

>> No.12705745

I'm not a communist, you're just fucking stupid.

>> No.12706230

Are you lost? This is /lit/, did you wander in here by mistake?

>> No.12706260

Capitalism will not collapse. Any movement that increases worker power to the point where it resembles a proletariat revolution such as one described by Marx will merely be the working class being folded into capitalism. Automation and the singularity will make it so capital is impossible to control.

>> No.12706284

The ”therory” that a self sustaining system like capitalism is going to just magically collapse, and then lead to a socialist utopia on earth is retarded. Every commie thinks collapse is just around the corner.

>> No.12706301

The main thing that I learned about people who blame someone for wars in the Middle East, is that war theorists believe in a top down plan to start wars because that is more comforting.
>The truth of the war in the Middle East is that it is actually chaotic.
>The truth is that it is not The U.S government. or the corporations, or the jooz.
>The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control.
>War is rudderless.”

Go back to bed and stop trying to find who’s responsible, nothing is anyone’s fault goy.

>> No.12706314

The main thing that I learned about people who blame someone for the Holocaust, is that holocaust theorists believe in a top down plan to start a genocide because that is more comforting.
>The truth of the holocaust is that it is actually chaotic.
>The truth is that it is not the Nazi Government. or the German Industrialists, or Hitler.
>The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control.
>The holocaust is rudderless.”

>> No.12706632

How many people do you think took part in committing the Holocaust

>> No.12706656

these are lies

>> No.12706663

lol he already capitulated to Clinton in 2016, he has no spine.

>> No.12706670

what was he supposed to do after the primary? run as an independent and split the party? doesn't matter he was elbowed over by crooks.

>> No.12706676

>no wage labor
>no commodity production, i.e. production for profit

>and other property
>niggas think landlords are capitalists

>> No.12706692

Why do you think it will collapse? What a shit OP.

>> No.12706693

he got hit and didn't punch back.
i don't belong to Trump's tribe but he (at least in 2016) hit back.
if you dont fight why should other peopel fight for you is what im asking

>> No.12706976

Capitalism is self destructive it is literally designed to collapse and has collapsed in the past

>> No.12707071

Capitalism is just free trade between people. There is no end state where this stops happening.

>> No.12707084
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>> No.12707549

again, what could he do that would not have destroyed the democratic party and guaranteed trump.the white house? clinton already had the party nomination. it doesn't matter how she ultmately attained it. bernie wasn't about to just hand the keys over to the republicans over pride and machismo

>> No.12707620
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Holy fuck this attitude makes my blood boil, if it's bait you got me. Anyone legitimately thinking this should commit suicide or mass murder, otherwise they're just pontificating hypocrites.

>> No.12708303

>>niggas think landlords are capitalists
of course they are. https://philadelphiapartisan.com/2017/04/26/landlords-and-capitalism/

>> No.12708335
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>AI in 5-10 years
Holy shit, you actually buy into the PR?
All the tech news futurism stuff is exaggeration and lies, they need to convince VC to invest in their startups. I thought everyone knew this.
All the AI articles are shady AF.
For example, they have it do stuff like scan doctors notes for keywords and DDxs (which we could do in the 80s) rather than purely looking at radiographs, and then publish it as a magical tool that looks at radiographs only. That was the most recent one about breast cancer I believe.
The primary goal is to keep the gravy train going a few more years, not to inform the public. By propogating this myth of "endless tech growth/the next big thing is right around the corner" you're keeping Bay Area property values ridiculously overvalued and preventing me from buying a low cost condo in sausalito so I have a personal problem with this behavior as well.

>> No.12708349


>> No.12708374

Nice blog.

>> No.12708379

>If someone's exploiting someone else, that means they're a mean capitalist :(
Houses are not the means of production, as no workers are paid a wage to work there and produce commodities (generally)

>> No.12708431

Of course the exploitation happening in the case of landlords is because of capitalism. They control capital (such as housing) and exploit those who need shelter (everyone, including the poor AKA those who have no other choice but to put up with profiteering) for profit. The motivating factor here is profit, which is the end, the goal, of capitalism.

>> No.12708485

>being a humanist

>> No.12708536

mudede is a marxist bugman with two dumb thoughts he repeats in every single piece he writes

>> No.12708550
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Your executive order makes governing so wobbely. There wont be reform through revolt.
The us basically work like a state under martial law already, i doubt youll have a good time if you dont reinstituate it in the parlamentary way.

>> No.12708738

It's gonna turn into ethno-regional state capitalism and then biodome feudalism.

>> No.12708992

Or separatist movements in the wake of economic collapse.

>> No.12710191

>this fucking chink is trying to force himself into a meme
thats not how it works, dont piss off the gods, youll end up as a meme

>> No.12710200

>/lit/ is a place for smart people

>> No.12710401

It once was pretty bright around here.
More so than now anyway