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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 270 KB, 1150x1600, Rene Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12705451 No.12705451 [Reply] [Original]

Bonjour, mes amis. It is moi, Rene Guenon. My soul has wandered from the astral plane and has become trapped in your mediocre English language literature discussion board. For the time, it seems my fate is bound to yours, and to this cursed place. I shall make the best use of this time that I can. In this thread you may post passages from your favorite works of fiction and poetry and I will give you their esoteric interpretation, leur vraie interprétation, leur interprétation métaphysique!

>> No.12705452

Isn't he some alt right faggot?

>> No.12705458

seems like a nice fellow

>> No.12705463

What does this mean?:
The infinitude of time signifies nothing more than that every de-
terminate magnitude of time is only possible through limitations of a B 48
single time grounding it. The original representation time must there-
fore be given as unlimited. But where the parts themselves and every
magnitude of an object can be determinately represented only through
limitation, there the entire representation cannot be given through
concepts, « for they contain only partial representations» ,' but imme-
diate intuition must ground them.d

>> No.12705471

he's a big guy

>> No.12705472

Man is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self?
The self is a relation which relates itself to its own self, or it is that in
the relation that the relation relates itself to its
own self; the self is not the relation but consists in the fact that the
relation relates itself to its own self. Man is a synthesis of the infinite
and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and
necessity, in short it is a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between
two factors. So regarded, man is not yet a self.
In the relation between two, the relation is the third term as a negative
unity, and the two relate themselves to the relation, and in the relation
to the relation; such a relation is that between soul and body, when
man is regarded as soul. If on the contrary the relation relates itself to
its own self, the relation is then the positive third term, and this is the

>> No.12705493

Is this from Jordan Peterson or something?

>> No.12705497

I said works of fiction and poetry only, s'il vous plaît

>> No.12705499

Close, it's Jung

>> No.12705510

A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

>> No.12705526

How do traditionalists/occultists reconcile the aspect of the divine femenine and masculine with today's modern sexual interpretations of sex and gender? If at some level of understanding all dichotomies cease to be, is there a reason to "uphold" traditional gender roles? I ask this because I know a few freemasons that don't view gay people as "natural".

>> No.12705529

The surface meaning of this passage is fairly self-evident, namely, that a superficial knowledge which is incomplete will cause more harm than no knowledge at all, and if one is to begin the process of real knowledge, that is, knowledge which is metaphysically realized, and not mere book learning, one is obliged to see this process through to the end. This, by the way, is not unrelated to the Gospel passage "no man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God".

>> No.12705534

Why does this guy look like he's constantly doing a bad impression of a Japanese?

>> No.12705554

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out

>> No.12705570
File: 64 KB, 1024x577, joseph_smith_american_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based masons

>> No.12705586

This profound, albeit short, poem contains a variety of meanings, depending on the point of view one adopts in its interpretation, and, since, I can obviously not expound on all the aspects contained in this poem, I will limit my self to what is, possibly, its most salient and "metaphysically relevant" meanings. Firstly, and this will be most readily apparent to all, the escape from the cage represents the final liberation (moksha) from all worldly fetters and illusions occasioned by metaphysical realization, and, to emphasize the finality of this state, you will note, the poem does not merely speak of an escape, but tells us that the "cage" has positively been "destroyed". Secondly, you will note the double affirmation (Yes YES) preceding the remark that the "tiger is out". This represents none other than the double way of the lesser and greater mysteries which one must necessarily traverse to attain to final liberation, the lesser mysteries denoted by the first affirmation, and the greater by the second, which, also, are in all capital letters to indicate their preeminence over the lesser mysteries. Additionally, the imagery of a tiger is not unrelated to the eastern motif of "riding the tiger" which relates especially to any metaphysical realization attained in the last phase of this cycle of manifestation.

>> No.12705593


This is why I said not to start posting him here several years ago. I knew it would come to this.

>> No.12705596

On a long enough timeline, everything is reduced to memes.

>> No.12705605

They certainly have an unrelenting way of diminishing the seriousness of all things.

>> No.12705647

The dissolution of gender roles was predicted by Evola (and probably by Guenon) as relating to the dissolution of the monarchy.

Evola wrote that all hierarchies would dissolve over time following the french revolution. Starting with the Monarchy, all the way down to the family unit. According to them, this dissolvance will continue until doomsday when there is a reset and the next cycle comes when the hierarchies are rebuilt.

>> No.12705748

Mes amis, by all means post passages both from high literature and popular literature. They all contain esoteric dimensions, and are susceptible of a transposition into metaphysical mode. L'universalité des symboles....I will not begrudge the writing of common novelists.

>> No.12705870

this actually sounds like a fairly plausible interpretation

>> No.12705884

Asking a traditionalist to interpret a tiger poem is like asking Babe Ruth to play tee-ball

>> No.12706163
File: 22 KB, 363x501, 1401059511547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal european women lusting after the african male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to community.

What did Evola mean by this?

>> No.12706175

>google the quote
>results = /lit/, /lit/, steam community forums, /lit/, /lit/ ...

>> No.12706185

Your posts need more semicolons, like way more semicolons.


>> No.12706245

This is a recurring spam created by Crowleyfag, who is a butthurt /x/-poster who periodically shows up in traditionalist threads to shill Crowley, for whatever reason he decided to create a fake copypasta about Evola and spam it relentlessly. You can see him here shilling for Crowley >>12702231

In the same thread he posts a passage from a Crowley book talking about the symbolism of 'blood libel' aka Jewish ritual murder, here in this post >>12703074

The line about "negroid sperm which cannot be baulked" in the copypasta is evidently taken from the sentence by Crowley he quotes in the same post "among the Jews are certain instructed Initiates of their Qabalah who hold, as We understand, the view that in the Zraa or Semen itself lies a creative force inherent which cannot be baulked."

The same person who created the Evola copypasta and who has been spamming it relentlessly for several months is literally a butthurt Crowleyfag with an interracial-cuckold fixation.

>> No.12706276

Not a surprise to learn that the individual responsible was a retard. Though anyone with a passing interest in Evola would know that it was fake.

>> No.12706333


>> No.12706400
File: 542 KB, 450x1256, 98C260BB-FDE8-4BB0-8959-8FB9283C32BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based Guenon

>> No.12707740

Asleep on his watch
up there is the old knight;
above move rainshowers,
and the wood rustles through the grill.

Beard and hair grown into one,
chest and ruff have turned to stone;
he sits for many hundreds of years
above in his silent den.

Outside it is quiet and peaceful:
all have taken to the valley;
woodbirds sing alone
in the empty arching windows.

A wedding passes by below
on the Rhine, in the sunlight:
musicians play gaily
and the fair bride - she weeps.

>> No.12707759

horrible, horrible interpretation. not metaphysical in the slightest. guénon would have you sent to an anglo country for your wrongdoings.

>> No.12707783

no its not you idiot its dawkins

>> No.12707810
File: 190 KB, 1286x914, College.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun thread, thanks OP.
Nolan doesn't move. He watches the two ducks pecking at each other, and keeps his right arm still with his left. His feet start to twitch and flail uncontrollably. He struggles to uncross them, his head jerking back and forth.
His face screens blur and blacken.
"What's wrong?" says Jenny, as she heaves herself up onto her knees, "What is it? Tell me!"
Light and clarity return to his face and his body becomes still. He sits, legs stretched out in front of him, his head up facing the sky, both arms out behind him supporting his weight.
"It's nothing...no...thing...every..."
"Come on, let's walk." She stands up and reaches her hand out to him.
"Leave!" screams Nolan as he scrambles to his feet, "Leave!"
He pushes her in the direction of the gated archway that leads back onto the street.
Jenny staggers backwards, refusing to take her eyes off him.
Nolan grabs at his head with both hands and starts pulling at the screens that make up his face.
"Stop it!" Jenny screams, still retreating slowly toward the exit.
Nolan tries to speak, but so do all the rest.
In the end, none of them speak: Nolan's voice box cannot translate the various thoughts of his many violators. The noise that escapes his head is less a voice, less a conglomerate of voices, and more the hissing roar of a punctured tyre.
Feeling them closing in on his motor skills, Nolan unclips his gun and throws it into the pond: his last fully lucid act that afternoon.
On the one previous occasion, when the gun had remained on his person for the duration of the seizure, twenty-three people had died. Luckily for Nolan this occurred in a district in which, seizure or no seizure, he would rarely have many qualms about committing a series of random assassinations. but the second time was different: Jenny was present, and in the seconds it took to rid himself of the weapon he offered up thanks to anyone that'd take it for the massacre that had happened through him a little under a year earlier.
He didn't hear the screams or the solicitations ruptured by their own disbelief; he didn't see those eyes blink their last and open blind to the sky, or the softened faces spread across the plastic grass. His body did the work, but he remained absent for most of it, returning only in evanescent glimpses, any mnemonic entrails being readily appropriated by the legion alien selves to which he played host one hour out of that late summer afternoon.
Jenny called Grice, and he arrived with a van and three other men from the squad.
Grice cleared up the mess, just as he had done the time before. On this occasion there were only four bodies. However, this could not be confirmed till much later, when all the widely bestrewn parts had been logged and identified.

>> No.12708313

Due to time constraints, we must limit ourselves to the interpretation of one paragraph only of your posted passages, but far from an insignificant one. We will first of all note, with respect to the paragraph beginning "Oh, grassy glades", the juxtaposition of the "two waters", which naturally correspond to the two waters of Genesis, the "dead drought", that is, the earthly waters which bring death, and the "dew of the life immortal", that is, the upper, heavenly waters. Secondly, we also find that these latter heavenly waters are to be found "in the soul", that is, in the center of the Being (which the Hindu tradition calls the "guha", and the Islamic the Ayn al-Qalb). The "blessed calms" refer to none other than the Sakina, of Islamic esoterism, the Great Peace that is found in union with the center, the Primordial State of man, and the narrator's lamentation that they do no last refers to an experience of a mere mystical state in which no final metaphysical realization is attained and no identification with the state in question can be had, but instead one descends back into one's ordinary conditioned state of existence due to lack of initiatic qualification. The "threads of life" with their "warp and woof" involve a symbolism too intricate for us to delve into them here, but as we have already done so in a number of our works, such as "The Symbolism of the Cross", and "Symbols of Sacred Science", we would turn your attention there. After this passage there follows a description of the cyclical progress of all cosmic processes, which return upon themselves, and yet never quite repeat themselves twice, hence tracing out the shape of a spiral, a spiral which necessarily must about a central axis. This central axis bears a dual symbolism which is referred to in the passages that follow. The "foundling's father" refers to the higher states of the being which can only be communicated from the "center", that is, the point where one departs from the spiral and meets the axis, that father being found through an ascent up the axis. And the dead mother (mother = matter = potentiality = prakriti) is represented by the initial union with the center which eviscerates all that is chaotic or merely potential in us. We will note that the "secret of our paternity" can only be gleaned by thus discovering the "dead mother".

>> No.12708388

The symbolism in the verses is not unrelated to the parable of the bridesmaids found in Gospel of Matthew, only now the places of the bridegroom and the bride are reversed, with the knight asleep on his watch (playing the role of the bridesmaids who did not bring enough oil for their lamps) as the bride passes him by and weeps (playing the role of the groom in the Gospel parable but here taking on a more tragic and feminine aspect). The essential meaning of these two passages are exactly identical, except that they adopt two different perspectives related to the type of initiation involved; the Gospel parable adopting a feminine perspective in which the bridesmaids serve as the symbol of the initiate, and hence indicating a devotional attitude (bhakti marga), and this poem indicating the heroic perspective of the "vira" (albeit, one who has failed in his task) as can be found in certain branches of Shaktism or Tantra, as well as in the Chivalric literature of the Middle Ages.

>> No.12708478

The surprised Akira seemed to really worry about me unexpectedly. Normally, if one heard about leaking, it will be laughed off. She is the caring(meddlesome)oneechan type after all.
「Onii-san, Nana will wipe you so please stay stillーー」
The moment Nana-chan tried to touch my zipper, Akira-chan who was too lively forced her way through.
「It’s no good, onii-chan! If you leaked, you must take of your underwear, wipe it completely and wear it back!Hora, I will wipe for you!」
Akira-chan who disregards my opinion loosen my belt and pulls my pants. And then, with the same force, she pulled my underwear and began to wipe my exposed thing using a massive amount of toilet papers.
「Uwaa! A, Akira-chan, can you stop doing this! Because I didn’t leak!」
「It’s fine onii-chan, no one will say so don’t be shy」
Akira-chan who ignores my words completely earnestly wipes my thing. Akira-chan crouches down, her eye line is now the same height as my thing. The chest part of the lightly dressed clothes loosens, the cute nipples which appear and disappear frequently(*chirachira*)plunge into my eyes. It’s impossible to take my eyes off. Why!? Am I……really a lolicon?
Moreover, because she crouches down with both legs opened, even her pantsu is*chirachira*! Whenever the lightly pink crotch appears and disappears, a strange excitement grows in me……combined with the stimulus of Akira-chan who crawled about my thing, its hardness rapidly increased.
「a! Onii-chan, why does your penis become stiff? Was it swollen?」
「aaa!!! W, wrong! This, this isーー」

At that time, recalling a certain 「fear」 at once, I turn my face asideーーthen,
Standing there petrified is the one who originally should do that, the “become bored” Nana-chan whose hand hardened midair.
Those eyes, which are sharp beyond comparison to the eyes when the pregnancy suspicion was raised, were filled with darkness making my backbone freeze.

「Onii-san, the cheating insect-san was making mischief rightーーthere will be a punishment after that, right?」

>> No.12708491

Published writing only, s'il vous plaît. Even I must have some limits as to what I will deign to comment upon.

>> No.12708503

I'm >>12707810, and it's definitely published. From Dreams of Amputation.

>> No.12708556

Very well, though the quality of the writing is atrocious, and I find the claim that is actually published quite incredible, I will venture to make a few comments, thus restricting myself for another reason also, namely, the patently counter-traditional character of the passages in question. The case of this "Nolan" (whose name itself bears the negation "No"), is clearly that of an individual (and there is clearly nothing here which transcends the domain of individuality) who being more or less permeable to lower influences of the psychic domain (here referred to as "violators") is certainly entirely unqualified for any initiatic affiliation whatsoever, even of the most indirect and distant sort. In the figure of Nolan, of course, one can also see a parallel to the possessed man of the Gospels whose "name is Legion".

>> No.12708568

fun, thanks OP!

>> No.12708620

Satan, vieil Androgyne ! en Toi je reconnais
Un Satyre d’antan que, bien sûr, je croyais
Défunt depuis longtemps. Hélas ! les morts vont vite !
Mais je vois mon erreur et, puisqu’on m’y invite,
J’avouerai qu’à mes yeux ce terrible Satan
D’une étrange façon rappelle le Dieu Pan.
Effroi des bonnes gens, terreur du Moyen Age !
Sans nul doute, le temps t’a changé quelque peu,
Et cependant tes yeux gardent le même feu.

>> No.12708631

Unfortunately, we only speak English on the astral plane, and I have forgotten most of my French. You will have to post an English translation.

>> No.12708668

I made a big entrance when I arrived in my flying DeLorean, which I'd obtained by completing a Back to the Future quest on the planet Zemeckis. The DeLorean came outfitted with a (nonfunctioning) flux capacitor, but I'd made several additions to its equipment and appearance. First, I'd installed an artificially intelligent onboard computer named KITT (purchased in an online auction) into the dashboard, along with a matching red Knight Rider scanner just above the DeLorean's grill. Then I'd outfitted the car with an oscillation overthruster, a device that allowed it to travel through solid matter. Finally, to complete my '80s super-vehicle theme, I'd slapped a Ghostbusters logo on each of the DeLorean's gullwing doors, then added personalized plates that read ECTO-88.

I'd had it only a few weeks now, but my time-traveling, Ghost Busting, Knight Riding, matter-penetrating DeLorean had already become my avatar's trademark.

>> No.12708743
File: 38 KB, 320x480, 320px-TeamTimeCar.com-BTTF_DeLorean_Time_Machine-OtoGodfrey.com-JMortonPhoto.com-flux_capacitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The purportedly "science-fiction" setting of these passages is in reality but an outward form intended to couch a quite precise description of the shamanistic journey and the means of perfecting the techniques of the shaman. The "flying DeLorean" is none other than the "spirit animal" that must be invoked as companion on the shaman's journey through the various degrees of existence. The "nonfunctioning" (that is, an initiatic capacity which is as yet contained only virtually) character of the "flux capacitor", which you will note in pic related from the canonical Back to the Future film series, is shaped like a "Y", which symbolically refers to the capacity for unifying the multiplicity of experience in it non-dual principle, the two branches of the Y unifying in its single stem. As for the significance of "time-travelling", this refers to one who has mastered the "third face of Janus", that is, the eternal present. Such a one is of necessity also a master of the other two faces, that is, the past and the future, which also correspond to the greater and lesser mysteries by a transposition into the initiatic domain. We have already dealt with the symbolism of Janus in another work, "Symbols of Sacred Science", to which we would refer any inquirers.

>> No.12709083

Keep the submissions coming, mes amis.

>> No.12709146
File: 174 KB, 755x1006, Baudelaire_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Carcass

Remember, my love, the object we saw
That beautiful morning in June:
By a bend in the path a carcass reclined
On a bed sown with pebbles and stones;

Her legs were spread out like a lecherous whore,
Sweating out poisonous fumes,
Who opened in slick invitational style
Her stinking and festering womb.

The sun on this rottenness focused its rays
To cook the cadaver till done,
And render to Nature a hundredfold gift
Of all she'd united in one.

And the sky cast an eye on this marvellous meat
As over the flowers in bloom.
The stench was so wretched that there on the grass
You nearly collapsed in a swoon.

The flies buzzed and droned on these bowels of filth
Where an army of maggots arose,
Which flowed with a liquid and thickening stream
On the animate rags of her clothes.

And it rose and it fell, and pulsed like a wave,
Rushing and bubbling with health.
One could say that this carcass, blown with vague breath,
Lived in increasing itself.

And this whole teeming world made a musical sound
Like babbling brooks and the breeze,
Or the grain that a man with a winnowing-fan
Turns with a rhythmical ease.

The shapes wore away as if only a dream
Like a sketch that is left on the page
Which the artist forgot and can only complete
On the canvas, with memory's aid.

From back in the rocks, a pitiful bitch
Eyed us with angry distaste,
Awaiting the moment to snatch from the bones
The morsel she'd dropped in her haste.

And you, in your turn, will be rotten as this:
Horrible, filthy, undone,
O sun of my nature and star of my eyes,
My passion, my angel in one!

Yes, such will you be, o regent of grace,
After the rites have been read,
Under the weeds, under blossoming grass
As you moulder with bones of the dead.

Ah then, o my beauty, explain to the worms
Who cherish your body so tine,
That I am the keeper for corpses of love
Of the form, and the essence divine!

>> No.12709195

What does this mean?

>The opressed is nothing, he's got in himself only one speech, the one of his emancipation. The opressor is everything, his speech is rich, multifaceted, flexible, with all possible degrees of dignity: he has the exclusivity of meta-language. The oppressed makes the world, the oppressor preserves it: it is the myth ; the language of one aims to transform, the language of the other aims to eternalize.

>> No.12709291

In order to comprehend the intended message of this poem, of which we will only give some few indications, one must first understand that the narrator is here playing the role of Spirit, and the "woman" he is regaling with descriptions of a female corpse, is his own body. On the most obvious level, the narrator is simply reminding his own body of its more or less imminent mortality by pointing out an already rotting corpse, but there are other and deeper significations to the imagery than is readily apparent. The sun and its rays, which in another stanza is the "eye" of the sky, is none other than the cosmic "Purusha", the masculine and luminous pole of all manifestation, and it effects a transformation in the dead female corpse, a symbol of the corresponding feminine and dark pole of manifestation, Prakriti. Every transformation, every change of state, is from one standpoint a death, and from another a birth, and this is clearly indicated in the verse which the corpse is said to "render to Nature a hundredfold gift". This transformation can take place in two modes: "accidentally", as it were, and as simple consequence of exterior conditions, on the one hand, and actively, according to precise initiatic science, on the other, in which latter case the transformation indeed bears fruit "a hundredfold". That this poem is dealing with the latter kind is made obvious when the transformation of the rotting corpse is described in these words: "And it rose and it fell, and pulsed like a wave". This is none other than a description of the "science of rhythm", which every truly initiatic process makes use of in producing its concomitant results.

>> No.12709376

Fiction and poetry, mon ami.

>> No.12709619
File: 28 KB, 417x604, IMG_6773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye, that he does

>> No.12709635

he used to have a ring with the word AUM inscribed on it, and he would tell his Egyptian wife, he didn't know what that was, that it was the name of God. i find that to be a cute anecdote for some reason.

>> No.12710852

1.) Mulla Nasruddin was playing cards with his dog. A man looked, he was surprised -- the dog was really playing. So he said to Nasruddin, "Nasruddin, you really have a strange and wise dog."

Nasruddin said, "Not so -- he is not so wise as he appears, because whenever he gets a good hand he wags his tail. Not so wise as he looks!"

2.) Mulla Nasruddin's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary came, and he was going out of his house that day. His wife felt a little peeved, because she was expecting he would do something and he was just moving in a routine way. So she asked, "Nasruddin, have you forgotten what day it is?"

Nasruddin said, "I know."

Then she said, "Then do something unusual!"

Nasrudin thought and said, "How about two minutes of silence?"