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12701532 No.12701532 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Pitch your book.

>> No.12701538

Two teenage narrators, brother and sister. Both transgender. Brother meets an out trans girl and some cis lesbians. Sister is abused by the neighbors and is lured into a school shooting plot by an older boy. Older boy kills the abusive parents, and the sister narrator kills the boy before the school shooting takes place.

>> No.12701596

Living Nephilim High Priestess worshipped as living Godess wages war against all Kingdoms in her vicinity to force them to worship her idol.

>> No.12701600

Me, because i am God. Nothing you learned about history is correct. We had computers dating back to the stone age and the internet in Antiquity. Our forefathers made up the entire "history" of humanity to cover up the fact that we had harnessed technology for tens of thousands of years and have not been able to do anything of meaning. So instead of admitting that the human mind has a cap and that we are doomed and destined to mediocrity in the universe while other extra terrestrial civilizations rise to power they made up "history" in which we had all the medieval dark age rennaisance bullshit. everything up to ww1 is legitimately a load of shit that our ancestors made up because they couldn't deal with the fact they were absolute and utter failures in every sense of the word. Meanwhile, i mentioned other space civilizations. And they have been tampering and taunting us in this lifetime. An intergalactic space child molester organ harvesting group has a gateway to this dimension where they kidnap, tamper, rape, kill and otherwise interact with humans (mostly children, because their blood is the most potent). The only way we can defeat these intergalactic space demons is by seeking out the help of other, more....compassionate space civilizations. We can seek them out in many ways. Most of them involve ingesting near fatal doses of DMT and via the help of the gatekeeper elves we can start to communicate with incredibly powerful creatures from other dimensions that are willing to help us defend ourselves from the intergalactic abrahamic vampire pedophile death cults. But reaching those helpful Godlike beings is the hard part. You need incredibly vast knowledge of esoteric rituals (none of that /x/ bullshit) to commune and receive aid. I remain optimistic that one day humanity will be able to remove it's shackles and destroy this omnipresent threat lurking in the shadows. But we may only do this if we reject the lies of "history" and admit the phantom time.

>> No.12701603

What genre is this?

>> No.12701631

An underwater welder on Europa discovers a portal that takes him to Venus before the sun had finished heating up. As such there is a civilization there, but the sun is heating the planet to the point of killing the plants now, and driving the advanced society to the point of sun warship and sacrifices to the gods to make the pain stop. Main character has to find a way to get home and escape the doomed society

>> No.12701648

In pretty sure this was already done in the early 50s.

>> No.12701651

You've made no reference to the ethnicity or race of your characters

>> No.12701654

F-fantasy? Ive based it on Sumerian and Babylonian history and myths, including occasional use of their script. Also genesis, book of enoch, for the nephilim angle, and certainly neo-babylonian mystery cult activities (vatican, hollywood etc.)

>> No.12701661

Name of story?

>> No.12701662

Narrators are white. Cis lesbians are white and Korean. Out trans girl is black.

>> No.12701674

Older boy is white.

>> No.12701680

Ever read John Crowley?

>> No.12701713

I don't remember, it just sounds familiar from way back when I was a kid and I used to read my dad's collection of pulpy sci fi.

>> No.12701727

'Bucky' - A short story.
A young boy, Dwight, befriends a strange new kid from out of town, who is only known by the nickname "Bucky". Dwight's mother grows uncomfortable with the new friend as he keeps staring at her and telling about her moments in her life from long ago. Growing increasingly stressed, she tries to get him to tell her about himself: where he's from, his real name, etc - which he is strangely coy about. She cannot take it any longer and demands that Bucky tells her how he knows so much about her. He gets scared and runs away from her. Eventually, Dwight tells her that Bucky won't be coming around any more, and that he has given them a book as parting gift, which is full of pictures of groups of children, with Bucky being somewhere in the background of all of them, and in the last photo is a picture of the mother with her friends as a child, with Bucky in the background. She screams in fright demanding that her son to tell her about Bucky. Dwight is confused and explains that he was just an imaginary friend that he had and decided not to have any more, and that he found this old book in the basement. Bucky is never explained.

>> No.12701773


>> No.12701794
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No sir. But as I look him up it seems he does something semi-similar.
You got any recommendations?

>> No.12701803

I mean, have you heard of him before? Just go with Little, Big and Aegypt.

>> No.12701811

A neurotic, socially awkward college sophomore accidentally knocks his poor best friend's teeth out in a drunken boxing match. In order to help pay for the dental bills the student begins dealing drugs around campus. He must deal with the ensuing social implications of drug dealing clashing with his reserved personality, along with the very real threat of getting caught and thrown out of school.

>> No.12701820

Alright. It landed on the other side of the room. Now what?

>> No.12701829
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>> No.12701842

epic leftist drivel m'bro

>> No.12701855

Fucking kek

>> No.12701860

Bible 2

>> No.12701862

There's a familiarity to this story which I can't pinpoint.

>> No.12701864

Which means it will get published.

>> No.12701867

Already been done. Next!

>> No.12701869


>> No.12701873


>> No.12701879

Anon, i-is this perhaps an autobiography?

>> No.12701884

He said pitch it not throw it.

Go to a baseball diamond and try again.

>> No.12701892

Let's say it were - would that take away from the story?

>> No.12701894

A two thousand page philosophy tract on the aesthetics of reasoning marketed towards mega pseuds, here's some shit I just made up:
>If one attempts to spherise the conceptual celibate, the anomalous character separates outwards. Each emitting and imitant beam will form then luster its own microcosm. Every ray of subject macroexpression must perverse the idea's strength or liminal body. At such a state, one can only pine for one's self reflected; the unfolding as such is nothing but the blunting conative perambulation of mind's own boundary post.

>> No.12701914
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Ther is one god. Ther is q chosen people, they live in this land that they were promised. But it isn't actually that great, it's a bit arid. But they really like it.
And a messiah might be coming and God's like kind of a grumpy dad.

>> No.12701929

An interstellar colony ship discovers that the planet they're supposed to be traveling to is not going to intercept their current trajectory. The ship was over engineered and is likely to last over one hundred thousand years. However there is not enough fuel to course correct and slow down at the new Earth.

A skeleton crew has to decide the fate of the rest of the ship's population. The crew consists of people who were already not going to make it to the new planet. All the passengers are in a state of suspended animation which once broken cannot be restarted. What should the crew do?

The story is an allegory for living with a serious injury, one which would typically justify suicidal thoughts.

>> No.12701936

I got it. A book about baseball that can be used as a baseball.

>> No.12702171
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>> No.12702180

I think I could get it to go fifteen to twenty feet at most without building some kind of trebuchet for the launch. Otherwise it hurts my arm.

>> No.12702273

just shut the fuck up

>> No.12702838

Isn't that the plot of a sci fi classic?

>> No.12702883

A novel im working on follows a kid who gets suspended from school for standing up to a bully (tho it was an excuse to fight) and has to deal with his mothers heroin addiction and the urban decay that surrounds him. Protagonist is suburban white trash but with a good heart

>> No.12702930

So is it urban or suburban? Do you want it to be YA?

>> No.12702939

A man goes to visit his friends in another town and meets some colorful characters along the way.

>> No.12702945

hello Rockstar North

>> No.12702957

I want it to be for adults, i hate YA. And i should have clarified that he he lives a suburban life which is shitty anyways due to his home problems, and when he leaves his neighborhood periodically he goes downtown into the more impoverished regions. Both sides have their pros and cons. It takes place in my home state of California so theres a balance between the middle class areas and lowerclass/ghetto areas.

>> No.12702991


>> No.12703042

I'm writing about teenagers too, but I don't want to be YA.

>> No.12703063

Books about teenagers can be intended for adults. Catcher in the Rye was for adults not teenagers originally. YA these days is just cancer, i dont even like the label itself

>> No.12703071
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My idea is simply too good to share with you absolute cads.

>> No.12703084

Man is trying to kill himself in a woods but is saved by girl, they have character differences but end up liking each other and raising a family only for protag to remember that it is just a impossible movie dream. it ending with him kicking the chair below him and hearing that something is in the bushes.

>> No.12703091

Is that it?

>> No.12703099

Oof that sounds gud anon. I wrote a short story similiat to that where a man gets knocked out at a bar and lives his whole life while he was knocked out, having an awesome job and wife and kids only to find out it was all a long dream and he wakes up. He was only unconscious for 5 minutes. Such a thing could def drive a man to suicide

>> No.12703107

Hegel would be proud

>> No.12703122

A young boy who spends his entire teenage years skipping school and abusing drugs and alcohol, tearing down his relationship with his alcoholic but well meaning parents in the process, decidest to fix his life and get away from his circle of no-good friends because of the death of his mother, leaving him alone with his workaholic, alcoholic father, who he never really had a relationship with, basically a coming of age story about a young man who realizes he has to mature, and try to better himself, while also juggling between fits of nihilism and relapses, and short bursts of ambition.
While also trying to repair his relationship to his estranged father, the ending is that the boy basically fixes his life, or is at least on the right track, and his father dies from liver failiure, the end

>> No.12703126

is this autobiography?

>> No.12703205

You vipers aren't getting a single line out of me. I know you all and none of you have any integrity, no not even one of you.

>> No.12703230

A man goes to hell and finds himself in an endless spiral of buerocracy

>> No.12703234

that's just regular bank

>> No.12704198
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delet this

>> No.12704231


>> No.12704248

It's a bunch of poems I wrote...originally unrelated to each other, but organized to reflect both the grieving process and a quest for enlightenment.

>> No.12704292

13 "benevolent" female mercenaries must team up to defeat other "evil" mercenaries.

>> No.12704294

i'd like to remind you that no idea is good until it's executed well. don quixote is about a shitty knight, ulysses is an tugjob fanfic, gravity's rainbow is a ww2 novel, etc.

>> No.12704693

Magical-realism, man vs. reality, biographic, fictional account of how I moved out of my parents house after graduation, employed by a contracting firm who specializes in getting new computer science grads real jobs. We're modern day slaves. I'm not kidding. If we break the contract, it's a $20k penalty. Our bodies, education, mind belong to them for 2 years. I moved from Texas to Seattle to DC. This has been my life the past 2 years. It has been very lonely. It has taken a psychological toll on me. All the while my programming experience has improved drastically. The character begins to believe he is in some sort of dream-simulation. I have written accounts of interesting people I've met throughout this journey, the multi-million dollar software projects I've worked on, the unbelievably mismanaged systems our entire country runs on, and personal reflections where I sort of went off the deep end from all the stress. The plot twist is the character discovers irrefutable proof he is in a dream-simulation, and is actually asleep in his parent's house. He never moved out. Does he commit suicide to go back to his normal life and forget the past two years, or does he continue living the high-middle class life he built for himself in the simulation?

>> No.12704784
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Don Quixote is a great concept. Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow are not great because of their premises, hell Gravity's Rainbow isn't even great AT ALL.

>> No.12704802

Redneck lesbian witch commune in the Ozark backwoods

>> No.12704825

A man wanders around a city having deep thoughts

>> No.12704873

Epic story about le epic dude who has le epic adventures.
The twist: It's actually a look into the mind of the mentally ill

>> No.12704895

Fantasy and science fiction. Follows the lives of various beings from their perspectives. The first nine perspectives cover the present in a dark, bloody and cataclysmic world. But, the tenth one starts out thousands of years into the past and spans all the way into the present. The eleventh one is hundreds of millions of years into the past, but it only spans a few decades.

First MC is a seasoned lieutenant accused of treason and gone fugitive, he holds the clues to a cryptic treasure that could change the fate of his nation's elites in the war.

Second MC is a village girl madly in love with a handsome military ranger who is tasked in helping to hunt down a renegade angel. Wandering out to look for him, she is lost in a blizzard and believed to be dead. Barely surviving the end of winter, she returns to discover her lover and his company are gone, recalled back to the capital. She sets out for him.

Third MC is a foreign king that recalls his upbringing as a dead merchant's son. His reign is then usurped by his half-nephew who is manipulated by a member of an occult league of ensorcelled warriors during a demonic siege.

Fourth MC is a feral woman trying to survive in a dilapidated landscape which serves as the battlegrounds of a war between opposing human nations, angels and an overwhelming horde of demons. In her struggles she leads a band of refugees and comes to find and worship a goddess she hopes is a guiding light to sanctuary.

Fifth MC is a farmer who loses his homestead, family and life to debt, slavery and the tip of a spear. Being resuscitated by an obscure spirit that makes a deal with him, he sets out under its guidance to deliver a message to the ruling gods in exchange for the rescue of his family.

Sixth MC is an ensorcelled warrior who, after barely surviving the slaughter of his entire brigade to a band of demons, decides that starting an underground school teaching his country's occult martial arts is a better choice than reporting to his governing king and letting him decide what other pointless dance with death he should dance in. That is, until his true identity is discovered and he flees to uncharted lands where mystical knowledge lies.

Seventh MC is a huntsman living in a clandestine nation and assigned to hunt down a deserter who would later lure him into an amnesiac's journey to the more chaotic regions of the world, where civilizations struggle with the crisis of subterranean demons.

Eighth MC is the member of one of many disposable 'harem' warbands fighting in the name of their goddess to vanquish demons and 'giants' alike.

Ninth MC is a "man" that was never meant to be; a broken freak of nature bred and confined to decades of torture in vain attempts of removing the human element of pain, before being sent to the surface to fight for "his" hive. His role in the war, like others, will be key.


>> No.12704934


Tenth MC is an aspiring scholar of a 'leadership' academy, naïve diplomat who joins a corporation specializing in bio-engineering, ecology-engineering and astronautics that colonizes a planet in hopes of escaping a cosmic-apocalyptic event. Becomes an ambassador-type negociator between his people and disgruntled beings, but also the pivotal point between prosperity and genocide, and more...


>> No.12704947

I don't think this has ever been done. Genius, really. Is he going to be on the brink of homelessness? Also does he have some mental derangement making him unqualified to perform any job but also not official enough to receive welfare or he is otherwise too proud to accept his position as a ward of the state? Bonus points if he is a failed "painter" :^)

>> No.12704967

Plot twist there is no man and there is no city it's really about a dog watching a movie

>> No.12704978

oh shit forgot #11

Eleventh MC is a sorcerer summoned to a colony whose people are being ravaged by a native subterranean species. He is tasked with sealing them under an impeccable layer of alchemically crystallized rock, but things don't go exactly as planned.

(real end)

>> No.12705011

a young boy in college is invited to secret sex/drugs/rock and roll club and becomes addicted in an attempt to escape his mundane life. He falls in love with a girl he meets there and the creepy lady who runs the club falls in love with him. He then realizes this club has some dark cult shit going on.

>> No.12705029

After six years of fear of the city, an alcoholic loner gets tangled with a 16 year old girl and her investigation of the kidnapping of her best friend, only to have parental instincts for the girl

>> No.12705168
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I have ideas but I never know if what I’m doing has been done before by someone else. I know nothing is ever truly original but I could at least try to avoid repeating the content of better authors. Maybe you guys could tell me if I have a chance or point me in the direction of books in the same vein which could help me flesh things out and make my ideas not so half baked.

One is a novella with the working title “Correspondence From the Rabbit Wars” where a journalist is hiking through the mountains and stumbles upon a group of rabbits trying to establish a kingdom around a newly formed lake. He observes their battles and struggles, interviews some rabbits and eventually when hostilities have ceased he is brought into the fold of the culture and granted audience with the Rabbit King. He realizes that the lake is ephemeral being created only by a particularly wet winter and that it will dry out by mid summer. Yet the rabbits know this as well and have chosen to build a kingdom that will only last the spring after which the kingdom will collapse and any survivors will revert back to their natural feral state. They will spend a lot of the book trying to pick each others brain trying to understand each others rationale for this and other things that will come up. He then eventually goes home though revisits the site after summer has passed finding nothing but a small stone shrine and a single normal rabbit.

I want it to be a meditation on what we actually hope to accomplish when we struggle for a country and why we give a shit about things when time will wipe it away, maybe a bit of environmentalism. The rise and fall of a culture in miniature. I also wanted to include allegorical comparisons between the Rabbit Kingdom and human civilization.

>> No.12705213
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thanks for giving me all your ideas chumps

>> No.12705224

I'm gay

>> No.12705230

Have fun with leftist drivel from me.

>> No.12705239

If I had the resources I would unironically publish alex jones

>> No.12705265

no probs. Who knows, if someone accuses me of plagiarism and points me to your book I'll remember this day. And if you're a better writer than me atleast I can be happy knowing my scripts were worthy of publication.

>> No.12705331

Go forth with your rabbit dreams anon, I would buy it (regardless of the fact it sounds a bit like watership down) but that shouldnt stop you.

>> No.12705341

Self-insert protagonist becomes paralyzed. Art hoe kidnaps him and forces him to be her pussy slave. Novel ends in a surreal dreamscape which is ambiguously "real" in which the protagonist gets so horny he regains control of his body and fucks the art hoe to death. The final two pages are like a waterpark advertisement, but with blood and semen.

>> No.12705354

Good luck with agents.

>> No.12705368
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Kek, you forgot to add "fuck jannies" at the end.

>> No.12705372

I'm already in talks with a lawyer about the prospect of pursuing action against agents for being ableist.

>> No.12705862

Blacks killing whites, looking at how our society is doing, it's going to be a massive success.

>> No.12705880

It's 2037. In ten days the biggest company on the planet is going to collapse because the CEO is going to have a nervous breakdown. There are 4 employees we follow besides the CEO and none of them know that in ten days they'll be damn near homeless.

>> No.12706429

Angry man only gets angrier until he realizes he was too angry but the damage was already done

>> No.12706468

i'm just messing with you guys and i hope every single one of you are successful

>> No.12707222

Aww, you didn't have to apologise.