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/lit/ - Literature

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12688452 No.12688452 [Reply] [Original]

So guys, what is truly the most morose piece of literature? pic related

>> No.12688461

But Stoner isn't demoralizing at all? It deals with a lot of melancholy but you get a somewhat happy ending, albeit not a perfect one. I felt satisfied by the end of the book.

>> No.12688465
File: 146 KB, 816x593, 70C4F37C-7B10-4FBD-B166-47B65E025CD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emily Brontë’s collected poems are fucking agony. The first ones are from her juvenilia and are playful and full of hope. Later they become preoccupied with nature and loneliness as she accepts she’ll never marry or leave home. Finally, the last handful evince fatalism and a desire for death. The very last, written as tuberculosis destroyed her, is a complete acceptance of the end. She was only 30.

>> No.12688467
File: 20 KB, 220x335, 220px-The_God_Delusion_UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book will remind you of the hopeless, narcissistic and "delusional" (no pun intended) religion of atheism.

>> No.12688614

Italian literature in general.

>> No.12688640

Yup. Read those and hoo boy were they rough. I thought I was in for something romantic or at least happy (at least when all was concluded) like Jane Eyre was (granted that was written by her sister but still!).
I found crime and punishment much more emotionally impactful than notes from the underground. I’m not sure why but when I finished reading that book I was hit with a sudden surge of emotion. Notes from the underground left me reflective and curious.

>> No.12688765


>> No.12688780
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After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre.

It was probably the closest thing to convincing me we live a new dark age. It was also incredibly insightful and feels like it was written in 2018 rather than in 1981. MacIntyre's theory of an emotivist culture is so dead on it's not even funny.

>> No.12688859

Things Fall Apart
Out of Mind, by Bernlef. It's a Dutch book about a person with Alzheimer's, and it's really heavy.
Conspiracy Against the Human Race? I haven't read it myself but I think it fits with hopeless nihilistic books

>> No.12688872

Any specific examples? I'm a newfag when it comes to Italian lit

>> No.12688890

All of them.
Leopardi, Verga, Pirandello, Pascoli, Pavese, Svevo, Buzzati, Bufalino, Pasolini, Tabucchi.

>> No.12689093

I've never read it, and although I might someday. I've been told by many that Dawkin's arguments against Theism and God, or at least from the perspective of the Abrahamic God is lack luster and misguided.

Right or wrong?

>> No.12689097

I've only seen people shitting on the head of dawkins and his works.
Apparently even atheists are too smart to think this book is good.

>> No.12689511


Neither of these books are particularly demoralising.

>> No.12689524
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Not the most famous one but depressing nonetheless

>> No.12689676
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Wind up bird chronicle is pretty depressing but I’m only half way through. Also the Magus. I’ve accorrntally picked two books in a row about women being backstabbing sociopaths

>> No.12689679


>> No.12689691

I'm just listed what I thought was sad or melancholy, its totally subjective thats not the point tho. I'm asking what do you think is sad?

>> No.12689727

You don't even know what atheism is.

>> No.12689740

American Psycho

>> No.12689765

Harari, especially if you consider the fact that he's on bestseller lists.

>> No.12689785

its one of my favorite books, i love it! Very disapointing - not to read but the story itself

>> No.12689860


>> No.12689980

Should I read his "short history of ethics" before this?

>> No.12689986


>> No.12689998
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Heart of Darkness and some Graham Greene stories that deal with religious and political persecution.

>> No.12690213
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Can you retards PLEASE read Aristotele's Poetic, and understnad that for example tragedies whole purpose is to evoke emotion of horror and sadness AND therefore Cleanse You From Them!
All these novels OP are not demoralizing, but the opposite! They will create vigor and strength!

>> No.12690218 [DELETED] 


>> No.12690310


>> No.12691024

Do you recommend a certain edition? Certainly not all are ordered chronologically.
It's a comfy decline. The man always has someone to hold on to and lives freely of his own volition.

>> No.12691037

What's your point?

>> No.12691207

For the Brontë poems I’d have to do so more research. The one I read was not strictly chronological but did give the dates when possible.

>> No.12691215

what if op is suggesting as such by saying demoralizing? It brings people to a closer co sensis and what you said already a subconcious given

>> No.12691253

God I love this book but I can never finish reading it I get so anxious

>> No.12691476

Ligotti's Conspiracy

>> No.12691507

hey, fuck you. I like emotivism.

>> No.12691800
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Probably appropriate to ask this here, im looking for some books or essays that target vanity, self-love, and self celebration.

>> No.12691909

sounds like you're getting a little....emotional

>> No.12691941

I felt pretty depressed and frustrated after reading this.