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/lit/ - Literature

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12685658 No.12685658 [Reply] [Original]

I'll green text this shit to make my point quickly

>Be me, just turned 30
>Started reading obsessively from 23
>Read entire library of Jung, Nietzsche and many more.
>Written my own work on: 'introduction of moral objectivity in modern relationships' aka ''how to place 10T of dynamite under all your existing relationships'
>Give it to a friend and a family member to read
>Both say they do not have the time to read it (both tell me months later about all the hours of netflix crap they watched)

>Days, weeks and months go by where no one texts me
>Keep reading and learning obsessively more and more
>Become complete misanthrope

>Come to the realisation that extremely few can keep up with me at this point even if they tried their utmost best.

>Mind shaped by new ideas cannot regain its former shape.
>I cannot have a meaningful conversation with anyone except my Jungian analist(whom i payed to a lot to do so).

Have i fucked myself over completely? Have i entered mountain-passes so narrow no one can be truly by my side ever again?
Have i become the bringer of light doomed to illuminate no one? Is there a route i can take to somewhat reintegrate with normies?

I see and feel things intensely and i want nothing more then to share those feels, i am so alone.

>> No.12685677

You've been alone from the start, you just finally noticed. Welcome to the club.

>> No.12685699

Nietzsche is pleb shit. You're family know this, which is why they didn't read it. They probably mock you behind your back
>I really hoped anon would grow out of his Nietzsche phase, but he's 30 now
>I know! I worry his pleb tastes could reflect badly on us as a family. We need to make sure nobody finds out

>> No.12685704

I did the same around 23 I'm 28 now. What I've found is people aren't trying to keep up. They don't care and don't want to listen or deal with it. Life is easier on Netflix they've opted for baseless distraction against self improvement. The cornerstone of good communication however comes from being able to relate to people regardless of where they're at.

>> No.12685712

man what the actual fuck?? We're clones

>> No.12685727


These dubs of truth...
>They burst me asunder

>> No.12685732

I read a post that you can sort of "format" your mind if you do meditation and abstain from dopamine hits (reading, watching crap, phone time) for about a week. During that time you'd have to live like a monk though. Then you build yourself back up from scratch. You still have memories but what motivates you will change.

>> No.12685735

You're a retard who doesn't realize he's a retard; abject despair results from the expectation that your presumed intelligence should be recognized and your actual lived experience. Get a clue numbnuts

>> No.12685766

"abject despair results from the expectation that your presumed intelligence should be recognized"

>only reformulating my question
Also no dubs, f*k you.

>> No.12685842

The truth of the matter is that there is a problem with YOU. If everywhere you travel everything and everyone is uninteresting and/or unable to have a "meaningful" conversation it isn't them its YOU.

>> No.12685863

Oo massa you gon make me cringe

>> No.12685874

I'm very well aware. I am not lamenting at the people around me for being dumb. That would be like being a zookeeper going home to his wive and saying: "Man, these monkeys..keep cleaning up their shit but i can't even get a decent conversation".
I know i can't get a decent conversation from them, because...their monkeys.

But what steps to take? Force myself to be nicer and more kind? Meditatie more? Read/write even more?

I feel like a medicine man without a tribe

>> No.12685877

Retard. My point is that the dissent between expectation and reality should clue you in to the fact that the problem is YOU.

>> No.12685881

this is why i can't get a girlfriend
your only choice is to keep writing OP

>> No.12685892

> You are right! as i said..
Can you give some advice since we agree on that?

>> No.12685900

recognize that you're not as smart as you think you are and adjust accordingly

>> No.12685906

>Jungian analist

does the Jungian anal-ist also make Freduian slips?

>> No.12685913

I will not be falsely modest. I am very smart.
There is a test all children take in my country called CITO i was in the top 1000. Also been tested later, I am very gifted.

>> No.12685949

I'm gay seriously gay af and think about butt-sex sometimes.
Fight me

>Also lift (homegym) and 6"6...i'll win

>> No.12685963

What's your meditation practice look like?

>> No.12685974

If that were true you wouldn't be here telling us this

>> No.12685990

I used to be heavy into opioids for relaxation...But not in a completely degenerate way. I would lift, read, eat 3-4k kcal of clean food and only after that get totally plastered.

I still lift 3-4 times a week, always shower cold, learn Japanese in my car, have bonsais, read at least an hour a day.

I still do benzo's on occasion to 'turn off'

Any other things i can do?

>> No.12685997

The f*k you know about me?

>> No.12686001

Reading Nietzsche in Dutch is the worst

>> No.12686010


there's something called emotional intelligence

autistic people tend to lack it

outside of the hard sciences, you sort of kind of need it to connect with other people

without it you're sort of just having a pissing contest with yourself into the void

sorry you were born with half a brain, desu

try again in the next life

>> No.12686014

You're not smart, you're clever. Not even extremely clever, just kinda clever. If you were smart you wouldn't be here shitposting on 4chan and would actually be surrounded by people at the same level as you perceive yourself to be at. But you're a fucking retard. There are people operating on a level far higher than you are yet they find meaningful conversations every day. You're nothing kiddo

>> No.12686022

Meditate man, it's not about relaxation. You read all this Jung, you should know better.

>> No.12686028

Upload your MS, I want to read it. Leave an email and I’ll give you notes.

>> No.12686044

Kiddo, Im benzo'd out of my mind right now. Ony reason i'm here.

I founded a company, read over 300 books and written my own book on moral objectivity, all before turning 30. That's 80-90 work-weeks for years straight(1 hour of reading each day i count as work as well)

Of course there are always bigger fish.

But read my questions again plz.

>> No.12686057

Are you Dutch? You wont understand much if you're not

>> No.12686071

that you're stupid

>> No.12686074

Je koopt alle boeken van Nietzsche in het Nederlands omdat je Engels te moeilijk vindt en hebt er waarschijnlijk niks van gelezen en gaat er vervolgens mee te koop lopen.. bovendien is een cito score van 550 niet stoer en speciaal. Kanker sukkel, geen wonder dat je je eenzaam voelt

>> No.12686093

550 is 99,9% percentile. If that's not special then what is special?

Read all that shit cover to cover. f*k you

>> No.12686131

read the answer again you druggie degenerate

>> No.12686140

The kingdom of god is within you OP

>> No.12686161

Why should anyone care about what you have to say? Are you capable of nonchalantly breaking down your incredibly intelligent insights about the human condition into amusing little stories and remarks that they average imbecile could chuckle at?

>> No.12686162

Translate it to English so you can get more feedback

>> No.12686165

kanker :3

>> No.12686271

Hey OP, I can relate to a certain extent. This is the a problem inherent to any pursuit of a niche interest. For me, it’s making music which in all fairness is something more palatable to your average Netflix addicted person.

Still, until I had anything to show for it, my mind was always on music theory, production techniques, design principles etc. word got back to me through the grapevine that all my social circles see me as the obsessed music guy. I understand the alienation, I feel like I can only really have discussions that interest me wth other musically obsessed people.

What I’m getting at, is that you need to find people who share your interests to have the conversations that stimulate you. I believe once you do, you will be able to appreciate the normies for what they are, because you won’t be bringing your resentment and alienation to the table when you’re interacting with them

>> No.12686382

post your writing here, bigshot

>> No.12686401


>> No.12686410


>> No.12686420


>> No.12686425


I ain't clicking that shit nigga

>> No.12686441

It's the manuscript. Just crossed out my name

>> No.12686469

You sound kind of shitty and pretentious but then again I only know you from an internet post. Maybe you should work on not coming off like that to every person you know and interact with.

>> No.12686476

holy shit, you delivered. nice dude.

>> No.12686480

This is genuinely good advice!
I know it to be true also. I am a complete asshole.

Yet i also do not feel the need to apologise nor explain myself to people. I will work on it.

>> No.12686492

*translating this on the fly so please excuse any awkwardness in phrasing*

51. Man, abiding infinitely in himself, reaches out only when searching for a fragment of himself he feels has been lost.

87. "We cannot understand him! He speaks of everything and yet says nothing!" Oh, so you deny that you see a thing and yet it surpasses you. Have you ever tried looking at---the sun?

187. A mountaintop means nothing to a moleman.

255. "Streaming"--how is it that such a concept has become the hobby of the masses? Only when the current has enveloped the whole of contemporary man's soul does he believe himself to be in control when in fact the river does all the moving. Give me something greater: Boating.

421. So they measure the value of man with his prowess in sexuality. Would not by this standard the greatest man exist today? What is Genghis Khan worth when in a single evening an adept user of online pornography websites can witness more female sexuality than he did in a lifetime?

from my book of aphorisms. let me know if I should translate more!

>> No.12686493

Did i just make /lit history?

>> No.12686503

yep, you're amazing

the new nietzsche

>> No.12686550

Time to get fit and become an uber mensch, there is nothing more to learn from us

>> No.12686572

sorry doesn't look like these worked. figured i'd add on to >>12686492 even though no one asked for more yet since someone definitely will

FROM: Introduction of Moral Objectivity in Modern Relationships"

A crisis has struck them. The man, withdrawn into himself as usual, has aroused such anger in his woman that she demands him to explicate his character. "Tell me what's on your mind," she reels, trying to sound caring--but he knows the demand into his mindset is in fact an intrusion of the most unacceptable order. Why? Should not she be entitled to a piece of his mind, given all that she has granted to him in the relationship?

Yet the man knows what she asks of him. His morality, heretofore a real yet vague collection of unspeakable beliefs, is now demanded to be brought forward as a moral objectivity. It comes naturally to the woman that such a thing is possible: she is constantly iterating her own beliefs. Yet what a lacuna she lives in! Does she believe these things: that men and women are equal, that the world deserves happiness, that in love a man and woman share everything. No, her actions speak to none of this! Her beliefs are...beliefs on beliefs!

What are we to do with the second-order belief? We will do anything to objectify them. They are constantly born into the material realm: as magazines, enlightening online articles, billboard slogans. The modern man convinces himself that to see such a belief in the real world is sufficient to account for its existence. But nothing more of it exists than ink and pixels. The belief itself, being nothing but a belief of a belief, will never have the instantiation to prove its superior reality! Yet to understand this is a truth, and a truth, since it is a truth, is beyond modern man of his material realms. They them produce...But I will CREATE!

>> No.12686613

https://pastebin.com/TL6ZPQz4 This will expire in 1 day.

>> No.12686625

>The man, withdrawn into himself as usual, has aroused such anger in his woman that she demands him to explicate his character

Member Zarathroestra..."When you go to women, don't forget your whip..."

>> No.12687086

>get a shallow knowledge in normie interest like sports, hollywood movies, vidya. don't bother to develop a deep understanding of these, they won't have it either
>get slightly drunk before/during socalizing

Trust me, this will help.

>> No.12687093

Man. OP reminds me of that mentally ill guy "witty-moniker" who posts on /sci/ about his groundbreaking inventions: Biodes and Transratiometers.

Leave being a reclusive genius to actual geniuses. If you can't make it as a properly socialized genius in the first place, what makes you think you can make it as a reclusive one?

>> No.12687121
File: 12 KB, 220x158, D54D63D5-A3BE-4D2F-B3D4-7E25557AAB01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pleb shit

>> No.12687720

I'm going to become a monk in July. Don't tell me you're an atheist.

>> No.12687901

Warum hast du Engels und Nietzsche nicht auf Deutsch gelesen, obwohl Niederländisch sehr ähnlich aus wie Deutsch sieht?

>> No.12688864

You probably think nietzsche was a nihilist.

>> No.12688876

If you did all of that and didn’t retain the ability to have a normal conversation, then you completely misread all of it.

Start over with the Greeks. Also realize that nobody gives a shit, conversation is a different skill than autistically analyzing existence to get over your social ineptitude.

>> No.12688928

>tfw to smart to have friends.

>> No.12688947

I don’t think the people around you are as dumb as you think they are. In fact, your unconsidered expectation that they read your manifesto shows that you might just be the drunkest guy in the room.

Listen, though. If it’s really so lonely at the top, find someone else who’s as lonely as you are and read his manifesto. Isn’t that what you would want for yourself?

>> No.12688951

>read a canon whose principle aim is to overcome trivial humanity by/while loving suffering
>is surprised humans are trivial and suffering is harsh

You just embrace big N for a personal identity without internalizing him.

>> No.12688978
File: 7 KB, 190x266, download-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speak my mind to normies
>they think i am a pretentious asshole

>hold my tongue around normies
>they get to know me as having nothing to say
>i feel uncomfortable challenging this perception and play the fool
>they feel betrayed wherever i go off script

kill me

>> No.12689021


“De nobele ziel prijst zichzelf” stelde Nietzsche. Deze blik van mens is vrijwel nooit uitgebeeld in de geschiedenis van mens, en hedendaags lijkt deze visie compleet absent. En toch is het met deze visie hoe de meeste mensen hun leven beginnen in verschillende maten van verlangen, ergernis, verwarring en passie. Voor meeste het is het zelfs geen visie maar eerder een mistige ongedefinieerde wolk die ongrijpbaar lijkt. Het is het gevoel dat eens leven betekenis kan hebben en dat het beste nog voor je in de toekomst ligt.

Your opening paragraph has approx. one grammar error per sentence. Also opening with a quote is cucked. It reads like you're a sandnigger with a superiority complex

>> No.12689049
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, 1551036359870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shall not speak to Normies.

>> No.12689057


>> No.12689146

Bronstijd-viespeuk stijl

>> No.12689149

Because most Dutch don't know German; they *think* they do, but they don't

>> No.12689546

The answer to the people thinking they are the kind of person you think you are will always be the same: If you can't gain new insights from discussions with normies you're lacking in wisdom. If you were wiser you could learn from everyone around you. If you were smarter you'd know what to talk about to extract said insights from them.

>> No.12689548

>he STILL hasnt learned how to adjust his manner of conveying his ideas to his audience
Hahahahahahaha oh wow

>> No.12689591

you have to search as wide as possible
spread the caviar at every internet and irl place
where you have the highest chance of finding similar people
and remember as this takes time and you will fail many many times,
your friends are everywhere around you
at your side, as we speak

>> No.12689612

I've written my own book, have read 290 books by 22, and have a very prestigious job. Please suck my dick humma hummana

>> No.12689631

Hey anon this is really really bad. To illustrate, the first paragraph is entirely meaningless and could be striken entirely, the second provides context that could be removed entirely to your third paragraph, and the third is well... wrong. A belief in a belief is the same as a belief. For example:
>I believe I believe I exist=I believe I exist
>I believe I believe I believe = I believe I believe = I believe
The belief of beliefs is already a secondaty operation, as we implicitly beliece our senses. This isn't a useful take and just adds unneeded complexity, also, I really think you're bad at being selfish. That woman secretly resents yoy

>> No.12689636


>> No.12689648
File: 28 KB, 765x472, petri ranta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emotional intelligence

>> No.12689821

Borderline illiterate
-dt fouten
At least bronze age retard is entertaining
At least N is original and well read and has beautiful prose

Haal je pik uit je anus en
Leer schrijven lul

Notice that this verse has more styllistic elements than your entire prose

>> No.12689918

You might understand the human condition, but you don't understand human connection at all.

People want to be understood and accepted. They want to share a little piece of their life and receive some empathy in return. Instead of giving them your understanding, you're demanding that they understand the manifesto that sprang forth from your decade of esoteric study.

Trust me, I get it. I wish more people would be willing to go deep into the questions of existence. But they're scared, and they're trying their best to cope and find someone to comfort them, not someone who is going to amplify their existential terror a thousand fold.

You said you feel like a medicine man without a tribe. Perhaps you can find meaning in trying to understand others and giving them insight based on your knowledge. You have to give before you can receive.

>> No.12689936

post your work

>> No.12689962

>because...their monkeys
is this a troll

>> No.12689963

You could just live your life, if you can't find a way to dispense your ideas then either there is no way of doing so or you have no idea how to go about it.

Nobody asked for your opinion, you have to work to make people care about your opinion.

>> No.12689979


>> No.12690005

You sound like a completely pussy. Working out 3-4 times a week is jack shit and doing benzos at all is completely degenerate low level faggot shit. Up your activity level. Workout at least 5 days a week. At least. Go run 10 miles. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.12690029

Have you read Montaigne's complete works? If not, your credibility is shattered

>> No.12690037

>this thread
Omggggg me 2 I was born in da wrong century pls like

>> No.12690068

You unironically sound like Stefan Molyneux if he hated women instead of his parents

>> No.12690089

>i founded a company, read over 300 books and written my own book on moral objectivity, all before turning 30. That's 80-90 work-weeks for years straight
please tell me this your pickup line lmao

>> No.12690407

yeah not so much. (I go into this in the third chapter). A belief of a belief makes the first belief (the original one) the subject while the second-order belief is the predicate. Imagine taking a picture of a picture (Wittgenstein talks about this). A picture of a picture has barely any metaphysical reality.

Are you a woman?

>> No.12691193


>> No.12691365

u must like thus spake zarathustra a lot

>> No.12691433

Other people simply do not care about the pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.12691482

>read over 300 books
wow. what a big boy!

>> No.12691576

Any valuable philosophy is inspired by Zarathustra. Nietzsche knew what he was talking about when he said Zarathustra marked a turning point in Western civilization. It would be an insult to write in the "old style"!

uhh that's more than 99% of people. sorry for making you insecure

>> No.12691869

Maybe it's because you're mixing up t for tons with T for Tesla you fucking idiot

>> No.12691875
File: 3 KB, 241x209, 62B05754-5EE3-46F8-BDFC-E5D8893230E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the wisest can see all ends or kys nigga