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12681894 No.12681894 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, when I have a daughter, I'm 100% naming her Elena

Does this name have any special linguistic properties?

>> No.12681906

more like anal

>> No.12681921

I dont know but I also like it a lot. I like most names with l or r like alice or katerina

>> No.12681923

Eva is the best female name.

>> No.12681936

Anya and Alexandra are also god tier names. I've never seen an Anya that wasn't at least 8/10

>> No.12681945

I like Margaret.

>> No.12681949

Your son will be gay

>> No.12681950

Margaret is literally grandma name

>> No.12681954

Those are good tranny names

>> No.12681957

How do names acquire character? Is it merely in the sound and appearance, or something more to that? Shakespeare used the most beautiful names, for example. Is this due to the name-properties themselves, or partially because we associate them with such beautiful writing like Shakespeares? Can names change their essence over time? Could today's beautiful name become an ugly one tomorrow?

Why is Gertrude an "old" person name? Only because old people have it, or became associated with it? Or is it something intrinsic to the name itself?

I find this stuff really interesting. Help me, bros

>> No.12681961

A traditional Ukrainian name is a tranny name?

>> No.12681964

Serious poster here.
Elena means "the greek". Which is cool and /lit/ approved.
But you should call her "Anonine".

>> No.12681967

Tranny name now, kiddo

>> No.12681968



>> No.12681971

Yep, or a prostitute or a tranny prostitute

>> No.12681975

yeah maybe that way she wouldnt turn out to be dirty degenerate whore

>> No.12682103

For me, it's:

>> No.12682115

Knew an anya and she was ugly as fuck. She had a MASSIVE schnoz that made her voice nasallyo

>> No.12682122

Audrey and Daphne are best in thread so far

>> No.12682132


>> No.12682142

I prefer Estella

>> No.12682181


>> No.12682191

The Isle of Lesbos

>> No.12682206 [DELETED] 

sounds like the homoerotic green-hair NPC from some generic JRPG
terrible. anglo/hick tier.
sounds like a veneral disease
sounds like the slang word for dick in romance tongue
minimalist but without personality
sounds like your polish/german uncle's real name before being anglicized into Henry or something

>> No.12682212

sounds like the homoerotic green-haired NPC from some generic JRPG
terrible. anglo/hick tier.
sounds like a veneral disease
sounds like the slang word for dick in some romance tongue
minimalist but without personality
sounds like your polish/german uncle's real name before being anglicized into Henry or something

>> No.12682218

Just remember that when she gets to middle-school all the kids will start calling her Enema.

>> No.12682225

Ukrainians are all used hookers or trannies anyways

>> No.12682252
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>like the names elise and naomi
>both jew names

>> No.12682312

Ebba is my favorite female name

>> No.12682338

Kalliope is the muse of epic poetry
Arrietty I believe is made up. Nice Studio Ghibli film
Isa is minimalist for Isabel
Eunike is on earth of the Nereids. Greek mythology

>> No.12682343

On earth=one of

>> No.12682404

yeah that's their meaning alright, but I was merely describing my visceral reactions to them. nothing personnel kid

>> No.12682411

>teleports behind you
No offense taken

>> No.12682620

Kalliope and Eleuthera are terrible. Apply yourself.

>> No.12682630

I'm naming mine Penelope. Rolls off the tongue well, can call her Penny for short, or Sweet Pea for endearment. I like Persephone as well, beautiful name, and the mythical version brings life with her wherever she goes, which is a beautiful concept

>> No.12682639

She’ll get blacked before you know it

>> No.12682644

For me


>> No.12682646
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Forma me, Its Sophia

>> No.12682648
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Perhaps you're pronouncing it wrong.


They're beautiful names

>> No.12682651
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>obsessed with black dicks

you're gay, son

>> No.12682654
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>> No.12682668

Cassandra > Kassandra. As a rule, names with a C look better than Ks. Like Catherine.
Nope. Still ugly.

>> No.12682670
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>brings life
Is this irony?
Also lovey DCD song attached to it

>> No.12682678
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Oh but "C" is pronounced "ch"
Apply yourself

>> No.12682894

No, when she emerges in Spring, she brings the world back to life

>> No.12682902

Chloe is quite nice.
Danielle is great for being a less popular feminine version of a vastly more popular male name.

>> No.12682924

Chloe is awful. I've known like 15 chloes.

>> No.12682930

By making her momma happy

>> No.12682940

Both are good pornstar names

>> No.12682941

Anna and Katie for me.

>> No.12682946

I like Helen because my name is Helen, named after Helen of Troy that is.

>> No.12682966
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>> No.12682968

I have met a lot of Elenas and none of them I would call a nice person. I would name my daughter Tamara or Kateryna.

>> No.12682978

Sound like nigress names

>> No.12682983

These names are popular in Slavic countries.

>> No.12682998
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I'll make your momma happy

>> No.12683004

I know a Tamar and an Ekatarina

>> No.12683007

Muh elephantiasis

>> No.12683033

You mad jelly of these bigass balls, sonny? U mad brah? U irate? Yeah, you mad

>> No.12683053

The Armenia version of Harmony

>> No.12683060

>all these high price escort names

Just name your kid Tatyanna and let her be a mockery for life.

>> No.12683091

Astoria or Dolores.

>> No.12683122

Camille (not kuh-MEEL)

>> No.12683137

If I had a daughter I would name her Vivian.

>> No.12683138


>> No.12683150

Victoria is a stacy tier name

>> No.12683151

Every Victoria I've met has been a stuck-up bitch.

>> No.12683189


>> No.12683191


>murican naming traditions
So fucking trashy. Picking names from other cultures is bad. Picking names from popular culture is worse. But making names up is even worse.

>> No.12683193


>> No.12683195

Idk, but Forgetting Elena by Edmund White is an excellent a book and a favorite of Nabokov's

>> No.12683196

What do you expect from a half-Jewish/half-negro culture?

>> No.12683203


>> No.12683222


>> No.12683270

for me, it's Agatha

>> No.12683288
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Aggy rehabilitates it somewhat for me

>> No.12683293

Chloe is very nice, anon

>> No.12683304

pls lord no

I can understand this if you're Slavic or something, but to the rest of the world it looks trashy

>> No.12683306

All names are made up and influenced from other (popular) cultures...

>> No.12683320

For me, it's Shamela

>> No.12683324

It's Sophia

>> No.12683361

Anya, Eva, Sophia, Alice are special to me.

>> No.12683370

If you aren't naming your daughter Erika you aren't white

>> No.12683387

My favorite girl name is Boogloshovaska.

>> No.12683393

Problem is as a brit i feel like people will associate it with thatcher

>> No.12683401

What do you guys think of the name Elias?

>> No.12683405

I find it interesting too but dont have anything to contribute sorry

>> No.12683421
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ah, man of culture

>> No.12683422

Light of my life, fire of my loins

>> No.12683427

What is it about Greek names, especially female, that makes them so good?
And my personal favourite:

>> No.12683428

don't test me or I will violently succumb

>> No.12683435


>> No.12683442

Who is this

>> No.12683455
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Am I basic for liking the name Mia?

>> No.12683464


>> No.12683467


all of these names are snowflake tier

>> No.12683470

Nothing short of Clitemnestra would do (Clitty, for daddy).

>> No.12683481

>losers on a hindu image board having children

>> No.12683542

Elena Koshka
she fucks black guys

>> No.12683545

What are some Anglo/Christian traditional names that are also uncommon or interesting?

>> No.12683549

u sound liek a fag

>> No.12683574

I wish I had a child so I could beat the shit out of it.

>> No.12683679

Georgina is CUTE

>> No.12683723

i'm naming my daughter sara

>> No.12683728

I have had a thing for Vasilisa since I was very little and saw Vasilisa The Beautiful, all I remember from it is the name, really stuck with me.

>> No.12683761

What is wrong with you people? Most of these names are trying si hard, such bad taste.

Today it's an uncommon name. And it's a beautiful and simple name.

Honourable mention to my dead grandmother named Gvozdenka/Гвoздeнкa, it's a Serbian name. A female version of the name Gvozden, derived from the word for iron, gvožđe/гвoжђe. My grandmothers name literally translated into English would be Ironwoman. It's very rare nowadays, such names were kind of frequent up to about one hundred years ago; giving your daughter such a tough name would ensure she survives the winter. It's a stereotypical grandma name.

>> No.12683775

>Today it's an uncommon name
There are 6 Marys in the building I work at, about 100 people in the building, my neighbor is a Mary, I have regular contact with at least 3 other Marys, how is that an uncommon name?

Ok, to be fair a few of them are Maryannes, but they all go by Mary.

>> No.12683783


>> No.12683787

So your made up story proves nobody is named Mary - GENIUS

>> No.12683788

Never understood anglos. Why would a female name end with a consonant?

>> No.12683790

^brainlet post

>> No.12683801

Your meme arrow looks broken.

>> No.12683807

Not at all made up, Mary is a very common name in these parts.

>> No.12683821

Any name that starts with an E and has 3 syllables is beautiful for a woman. But this might be because I'm still in love with an Emily

>> No.12683927
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>> No.12684051
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What about names for males?

>> No.12684060

Damn, what a sad boy.


I also like:

But people tell me it's megalomaniac, and it kind of is. I like it though.

>> No.12684110


Vos vieux prénoms font pas le poids

>> No.12684118


>> No.12684139

Layla is such a gorgeous name, it falls off the tongue so easily. Why'd it have to be Arabic?

>> No.12684179

Aoife is a nice name

>> No.12684197

Best in thread
I like Lydia and Lauren also

>> No.12684203

Helena is better.
I personally like Acácia
I prefer short names like Olga, Eva, Ilha, Isla, Abe, Maria, Maitê
But i also like Paraguaçú(u), Orlando, Gabriel(a)

I also like names that comes with diacritics (they're present in my mother thong)

>> No.12684207

We named our daughter Cellardoor. It's the most beautiful word, so it's the most beautiful name.

>> No.12684213

also Francisco, Jesuíta, Eloá, Arcádio
Biblical names are nice, not because they're biblical, just because they're classic in my country

>> No.12684236

also Juno, Júlia, Agnes, Clarice, Flor, Marcelo, Mariano, Teresa, Zélia
Heloísa is a great name (translation to my language)

>> No.12684249

Bum mill
Stupid hair

>> No.12684252

Men don't need pretty names, they need functional names that don't outcast him or make him look ridiculous.

>On a side note, names like "Brodie" are stupid and shortsighted. What kind of 85 y/o man is called "Brody"? He'd have to be called Broderick to save the shame of having a quintessentially childish name. Parents who name their children with 'kiddy' names should have serious reflections on whether that name would still be appropriate for their child once it is an old man/woman.

>> No.12684306


>> No.12684727

ancient greek names are american now retard?

>> No.12684764

More like Helena you nigger
I like Carmen, naming my daughter Carmen

>> No.12684773

If you aren't Russian this name literally means nothing for you.

>> No.12684790

Ragnhild and Siv are queen tier names.

>> No.12684791

yes, its greek

>> No.12684800

If I ever had a daughter I would name her Minea from Waltari’s the Egyptian. Kino character, kino book, kino name.

>> No.12684808

i believe he means its an american tradition to arbitrarily pick random names from (in this case) greek myths. ancient greek tradition would be to name the kid after some circumstance of her birth

>> No.12684813

*hits pipe*

>> No.12684852

Most names become popular for a certain amount of time. Beautifully-sounding or not these names become 'of an era': Gertrude, Aethelraed, Valerie etc. I think some names are just more future-proof than others. Oliver is always popular in England and still doesn't sound outdated.
A quick look at a generic "most popular baby names 2019" article will give you an insight into a lot of names that won't stand the test of time and will become "old-sounding" in 60 years.
Dax, Xavier, Axel, Briar, Campbell, Finley, Journey, Justice, Laken, Revel, Royal, and Story
a lot of these names sound stupid right now to me though.
Fucking Story? Jesus.
To wrap up my pointless and surface-level post, when it comes to names: VOWELS GOOD; GERTRUDE BAD

>> No.12684869

it's entirely cultural. my aunt had a baby gertrude and these days i see it as a little girl name.
& the american accent makes it sound a lot worse

>> No.12685382

Eva and Beaver doesn't even make sense desu ne wa ching chong

>> No.12685408

Nothing beats Biblical names. The theophory is especially cool.


>> No.12685466

These sound the most beautiful to me.

>> No.12686110

Anna, Maria, Teresa, Eleonora, Lucrezia, Artemisia

>> No.12686123


>> No.12686243

Not till the Brits give County Tyrone back.