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/lit/ - Literature

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12680838 No.12680838 [Reply] [Original]

>live in a country that is an economic hell
>have to take STEM in uni to have enough money to live comfortably
>took computer science because of >muh big paycheck
>every lecture is painfully boring
>too much of a brainlet to even pass the introCS exam
books about living in an inescapable hell or about slaving away your whole life for a paycheck?

>> No.12680907

anything by franz kafka, namely the metamorphosis.

>> No.12680928

stop whining, write a bestselling book

>> No.12680962

>not going to trade school and learning a useful skill

>> No.12680986

>tfw frenchie
>live near the swiss border
>get payed 16.000 € a month to teach literature in Switzerland

Life is good

>> No.12681021
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>live in canada
>get neetbux, autismbux, and money from private charities, free healthcare
>live in comfy apartment
>have tablet to read ebooks on all day
why aren't you a neet yet anon?

>> No.12681478

You might as well be me 2 years ago, every single line you've written falls perfectly into place.
Would be hilarious if you were from argentina as well.

>> No.12681581

>every lecture is painfully boring

>Going to lectures
Top kek I went to like 20 lectures for my entire masters degree

t. MScEng

>> No.12681590

Are you still in CS? What are you doing now?

>> No.12681605
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>too much of a brainlet to even pass the introCS exam
holy shit lad, all you have to do is count to ten backwards. get off /lit/, read the fucking manual, and do your homework. discipline.

>> No.12681675

STEM is easy though

>> No.12681684

>get science degree
>offered a minuscule salary for postgraduate research that would cost several years of my finite youth
>get five times the money as an unskilled laborer instead

>> No.12681690

Are you still in STEM, fellow Argie?

>> No.12681726

I have a minor epiphany of sorts when I realized I liked programming only as a hobby, I had no aptitude for things that require a lot of practice / rinse and repeat.
Instead I focused on a field were my ability to bs and gaslight people would be put to use, so I settled for a career as an economics major. Then i proceed to ace a year and a half worth of classes in 6 months, and got a hard working gf in the mid time.

>> No.12681742

>last semester of STEM degree
>I realized that I'll be just a glorified wage slave trapped in some soul crushing job
>I suddenly lost all motivation, all classes are extremely boring now

I hate this, classmates are manchildren and teachers are fucking sociopaths.

>> No.12681849

yeah software engineering is pretty hard job. You dont code all day when u work tho but even 3-4hour a day is fucking rough.
I started hating coding too when it no longer is a hobby. At least I think I hate it but when I start doing it and something works it feels good so really dunno maybe just lazy asshole.
Also if you are struggling with intro and think it's boring CS is not for you. Lectures are actually damn interesting there. Theoretical CS fucking rules man.

>> No.12681851

Dayum, nice.

>> No.12681905

Whenever I enter Voxed or /argentina/ everyone's english is so broken and ugly that I feel like /lit/ is entirely devoid of Argies. Good to see I'm wrong.

Literally everything OP said applies to me as well. I'm currently starting my third year at UTN(ingenieria en sistemas) and everything is becoming exponentially more boring, exhausting and tiresome. I'm probably going to get a job and assist to half of the classes this year. I'm planning to save every single penny I get from wagecucking so that after graduating I can buy a small terrain somewhere in Patagonia and LARP as uncle Ted, atleast for a while. My only concern is becoming too fond of that lifestyle and becoming a hermit for the rest or my life.

>> No.12681907

I feel the same as you, except I'm doing a PhD and not in CS so I should really be doing thing others than coding, but my subject sucks so I don't.

>> No.12681917

btw here's my goodreads account in case any of you guys want to add me
This also applies to any other Argie in this thread

>> No.12681926

>My only concern is becoming too fond of that lifestyle and becoming a hermit for the rest or my life.
Unless you are super autistic you will get really lonely after a while. I spent a month in a cabin almost totally alone this summer with minimal human contact (driving to the store once a week) while it's very comfy it kinda fucks with your head.

>> No.12681962

Vermine de frontalier.

>> No.12683307

It's hard to get anywhere without interest. If you fail so early then you have no mathematical interest or aptitude and should aim for something that doesn't require it.

>> No.12683366
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everyone says that for some reasom, yet our exams consist of writing functions/recursive functions for complicated shit on paper. it's hard enough for me when I do it at home in front of a computer, but in 10 minutes on paper? nigga wtf I'm not that smart
I'm from Israel unfortunately. At what point did you switch majors? How's your economics degree going?

>> No.12683628


>> No.12683649

>economic hell
You can NEVER get enough of them shekels, can ya?

>> No.12683680

>everyone says that for some reasom, yet our exams consist of writing functions/recursive fun

Recursive functions can be pretty simple. Do you have an exemple of complicated stuff

>> No.12683714
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Jews are only rich outside of Israel. The cost of living is ridiculous and the wages are laughable.
>it's another episode of some dude who is brilliant at coding coming to humiliate a brainlet on an anonymous anime forum
no thanks amigo, I'm sure you know it's not always simple, especially not for everyone

>> No.12683731

I'm a brainlet myself don't worry. I just want to see what they do in modern Judea.

>> No.12683785

Alright I'll play.
A rather simple one - determine if a string is a substring of another string recursively.
A more complicated one - given a binary tree, print leaf nodes in <some kind of order>, recursively.
The simple one will take me about 2 hours to write with an IDE, or about 25 years on paper. And it's only 10/100 points from the exam.

>> No.12683794

16 000€ pour un prof de literature? Tu travailles en uni?

>> No.12683797

I thought the govt. gives you shekels if you move into the west bank to cuck palestinians from their land (subsidized housing, higher wages...etc)
Or is it too dangerous to live there?

>> No.12683808

Yeah, the string one sounds like simple logic. I think I can do it, but it would be a shitty solution.
For the tree, you should have had some kind of lessons on that, just read it bro ahahah.

>> No.12683838

The west bank is a a violent wasteland. I hate jews who move there and people who support living there. It's so dangerous the state has to build fences around every settlement and set up soldiers, young 18-19 yo kids to protect them. This shit costs so much and puts so many people at risk. So yeah, no free shekels for me. Israel cucks it's citizens.

>> No.12683842

So you're mad that people have balls.

>> No.12683844

Can't you just mow down every palestinians?

>> No.12683865

lmao, the only reason they have 'balls' is because the army has their back. Whenever palestinians cuck them back by murdering them or their families they cry for days, never realizing they chose to live in a violent hell. "Yeah lmao let's go live in the jungle and pull on tigers' tails but be suprised when they eat us alive"

>> No.12683876

You seem butthurt. Just sayin'...

>> No.12683883

>Whenever palestinians cuck them back by murdering them or their families
How often does this happen? I mean I doubt all people are moving there for some Israeli manifest destiny to retake the holy land, I guess if a lot of people are attracted by the free shekels it means the risk of getting murdered isn't that frequent

>> No.12683929

this. people think STEM = guaranteed big bucks. But most real scientists I know are always begging for research grants. It's only the good, tenured scientists that make significant money and if you want to wait til you're 50 to make money you can pick basically any career.
college is a scam now unless you have a specific career in mind. just go to tradeschool and learn something worthwhile for a fraction of the price. it doesn't have to be stupid manual laborer shit, I'm a glassblower and I'm learning metalworking and woodworking while I read and play music on the side. My passion is botany but I study it in my free time. It's just not worth pursuing most things in higher ed these days if you come from a poor family like mine and didn't get a ride.