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12677624 No.12677624 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to write a short story with a heavy emphasis on a developing relationship. I never read or watch much romance so I'm trying to gather Intel

>> No.12677794

Romance is boring unless its not the primary focus, serving simply as a backdrop or motivation, maybe someothing to admire or empathize with.
Either that, or make the guy a vessel for the reader.
Otherwise its a pretty high tier cuck, literally fantasizing about someone else getting it in.

>> No.12677907

Everything but the romance.

>> No.12678329

>Romance is boring
For you. It's much more interesting than war or philosophy

>> No.12679248


>> No.12679839

For you.

>> No.12680382

good thread, I'm glad you're here ;)

>> No.12680442

The story is about a girl hitch hiking that gets picked up by this unpredictable charming hobo type dude. He explains to her that she wasn't getting rides because the truck drivers in the area are superstitious about sirens. They travel together for awhile and eventually get fairly intimate. At the end it'll turn out the guy is actually a male siren and he's going to feed the girl to his sisters.
I'm just afraid that the chemistry I make between them will seem fake, especially with the added challenge of a female POV. I was just seeing if /lit/ had any extra wisdom about creating a realistic romance so I don't end up creating a shitty wattpad fanfic

>> No.12680524
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The possibility that it won't work out the way one or both participants want it to.

Flirting is predicated on plausible deniability and an underlying linguistic power struggle.

Physical gestures of affection (holding, grabbing, caressing) are often the same gestures one applies to property; this indicates the possibility that the beloved can be discarded.

"Dirty talk" so often resembles insult because the implication that the intimacy may soon end draws the participants closer together.

It's all about contingency and power. You have to walk the line between giving each lover some of what (s)he wants, while withholding the rest. Once the relationship is stable and happy, the story is over. [spoilers]Unless there's infidelity.[/spoiler]

>> No.12680536

>she’s thinking about getting pounded by black cock

>> No.12681012
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>> No.12681117

Decent post lad

>> No.12681240

Very interesting. Kinda feels like irl advice desu

>> No.12681537

I'd try not to apply this too directly to anything other than writing. This sort of power-analysis can describe what makes a fling exciting, but not what makes a relationship last. Marriages are more Kantian (contractual) than Foucauldian (exercise-of-power). Read Kant's Metaphysics of Morals if you want advice on how to bag a wife. Not even memeing.

>> No.12681930

Well I'm also trying to bag a wife at some point so I might as well. Thanks anon