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12678609 No.12678609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is hell real? An eternity of torture seems pretty awful

>> No.12678621

I think I am cerebral enough to prefer that over non-existence.

>> No.12678623

It's justified. People are terrible.

>> No.12678624

>Is hell real? An eternity of torture seems pretty awful
Probably not, no.

>> No.12678629

Hell is real. But there are different degrees of Hell. The worst part is frozen where traitors like Judas spend etenity.

>> No.12678642

You think you're more merciful than god?
I think Hell is more of a parable, similar to "if your hand sinneth cut it off," to explain the true gravity of sin.
Basically humans under the judeochristian tradition are canonically inclined to severely underestimate how much harm they inflict through immorality.

>> No.12678643

Does people still believe in such things?

>> No.12678644

Can any crime really justify eternal hellfire?

>> No.12678647

Raping babies.

>> No.12678653

T: betrayer

The traitors freeze for all eternity

>> No.12678668

Non existence is far better than eternal suffer.
How can you even prefer eternal suffer?

>> No.12678733

Pain is a signal given by your body to protect it from damage. If you're dead, you have no body, therefore no pain receptors.

Unless, of course, you're reincarnated into a body capable of pain so that you may feel the effects of torture.

Depends on how sadistic our God/Universe is.

>> No.12678740

You can go for a visit if you have the fortitude

>> No.12678863


>> No.12678867

Not paying your taxes

>> No.12678877

I don’t know, but it’s interesting to note the fallen angels in Paradise Lost fear non-existence above all else.
Whether this was common or personal to Milton, it’s clear to see the general consensus has shifted in favor of non-existence. I’ve even seen people say they’d prefer non-existence to heaven.

>> No.12678889 [DELETED] 

You won't be judged based on singular actions, but on your character morality. Hypocrites and liars who make a business out of betrayal will be in the lowest circles, which is actually somewhat comforting.

>> No.12678898

I don't even know about that. Eternity is a long time.

>> No.12678900


>> No.12678906

No, eternal suffering presupposes an eternal soul, something you can’t find neither in the Old nor New Testament.
The belief in an eternal soul is the encroachment of neoplatonism on Judaism and Christianity, it’s the pagan influence on the Abrahamic religions.
On the last day all the dead will be raised and judged, the worthy will gain eternal life while the unworthy (or unwilling) will be thrown into a pit of fire (the only eternal part about that is the fire itself which burns forever) and be destroyed for good, also called second death.

>> No.12678935

An eternity with praying to some schmuck sounds awful as well. The "afterlife" doesnt solve any problems about existance it is a concept made by morons who were afraid to die.

>> No.12678956
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You’re already in hell, idiot. Look at picreleated - what is worse: being that men or boiling in water? You live without God and don’t reach your potential level even in 5 percent.
Accept God. Accept that you imperfect creature, weakling, fallen god without powers. And start your life with Christ.

>> No.12678963

I think it’s becuase of the influence of bhuddism and modern eastern philosophy on society. When it’s presented in that context, existence is tied inexorably with non-existence and presented as a favourable outcome. That was in essence the core of what the Buddha strived for.

>> No.12679231

yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, like God intended). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though, he’s a fake Christian). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DANTE and DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and true art. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are heretics) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board, and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, I will finally be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that I’m a fraud. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.12679246
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Haha literally like in the pic related, right?

>> No.12679250


>> No.12679256

kissing boys

>> No.12679298


>> No.12679307

Rather go to hell than go to heaven with all the niggers and murderers who repented in prison and accepted Jesus. Seems like they would make up at least half the population

>> No.12679324

>Rather go to hell than go to heaven with all the niggers and murderers`

>> No.12679373

Yeah, it's awful. No, it's not real.

No, it's not. Yes, they are.

>> No.12679488

but isn't that what Christianity believes? As long as you say Jesus is god, you can be redeemed for anything you do on Earth? Why would I want to go to "paradise" that's full of scum?

>> No.12679533

It's a pasta fucking idiot.

>> No.12679555

>implying I don’t know about it
Are all atheists retarded? You still found time to paste it.

>> No.12679564

>you can be redeemed for anything you do on Earth?
Protestant bullshit.

>> No.12679565

Hell is compete separation from God. It's not a place where sinners are actively tortured by demons, it is being completely cut off from the goodness of God

>> No.12679601

Why do people always think that repentance is the same as saying "lol I'm sorry for my sins now let me in heaven".

>> No.12679606

guys i want to believe in god but the idea of living in eternal complete 100% goodness or 100% awfulness sounds alien and horrible either way. if i were able to view earth and still be exposed to universe, then maybe i wouldn't mind

>> No.12679624

They are ignorant of their own religion and the teachings of Jesus himself, this btw is more common between protestants than between Catholics or orthodox

>> No.12679630

This, do you really God can't tell if you sincerely repent?

>> No.12679642

Its not forever but it can be very long. You have to purge yourself from the lower vibration and coarse matter. Well you dont have to, but youll vibrate in that dimension then, with the others on the same level. So basicly in hell. If you want to go somewhere else it takes time and ur not ready to ascend so maybe youll have a go again.

Some are so corrupted however that their souls are compleltey destroyed over the spans of many ages enclosed in some bad shit.

>> No.12679644

La Commedia you pseud.

>> No.12679646

You have to remind yourself that heaven is not an eternal white room, we don't know much about it but if you are to believe the experiences of some of the the people that have come back it seems to be a place of eternal happiness, a reality that is bigger than the one you experience now and at the same time not bound by time or space in the way you know it.

>> No.12679652

This is why the Church silenced Quietism and guys like Eckhart.

>> No.12679658

Heaven is ascending so high you join God with no more separation.

>> No.12679660

Holding hands

>> No.12679666

It's just a place without God. If you were an atheist all your life nothing really changes

>> No.12679681

Terrible actions in the face of eternity is the finite determining the infinite. The finite actions made during life are utterly annihilated when added to the infinite sequence of tortures which follow. Therefore Hell is literally not justified.

>> No.12679683

Yeah, you could say that.

>> No.12679694

We're probably going to meet there for eternal suffering. Make sure to cremate yourself cause God may punish you for your sins by having you experience the feeling of worms eating your corpse as if you're alive to feel that.

>> No.12679722

The wages of sin is death - Romans 6:23
If you are eternally tortured you are eternally alive. God does not take pleasure in the suffering of man, which includes sin. God loves you and wants you to have eternal life and satisfaction. Study the bible and find salvation.

>> No.12679731

What if hell is less brimstone and fire and more like absolute isolation, alone with your own thoughts and actions, a place where you spend an undetermined time reflecting on your own wicked actions and wills until you get to accept gods light again.

>> No.12679738

Why are you counting on punishment? Everything can be forgiven, no sin is too great.

>> No.12679744
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Hell is other people.

>> No.12679767

Honestly, from what I've read in the Bible, God doesn't seem too merciful or forgiving, contrary to what is said about him sometimes. I feel like he's either a judgemental prick or apathetic psycho. I don't trust him. But I hope I'm wrong and I'll be forgiven and go to heaven eventually. I still try to be a good person, I help financially war veterans in my country for example. I hope that way or some other I'll gain some good boy points/forgiveness.

>> No.12679784

Hell is real, Heaven is not. This truth was revealed to me while I was tripping on acid at the Union Square subway station, watching the trains twist around like prehensile guts. I saw it. Hell is mostly metal (corrugated tin welded into tiny cubes, rusted at the edges, with gore leaking through) and you're crammed inside and squeezed.

>> No.12679791

Heaven is what the world ought to be.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.12679804
File: 153 KB, 600x1125, 40F7EAFD-88AF-4086-9009-6EF4D83EC621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the church fathers guys, seriously I’ve had it with these atheist and Protestant ignoranuses shitting up discussions of theology. St Isaac the Syrian said:
>I also maintain that those who are punished in Gehenna are scourged by the scourge of love. For what is so bitter and vehement as the punishment of love? I mean that those who have become conscious that they have sinned against love suffer greater torment from this than from any fear of punishment. For the sorrow caused in the heart by sin against love is sharper than any torment that can be. It would be improper for a man to think that sinners in Gehenna are deprived of the love of God. Love is the offspring of knowledge of the truth which, as is commonly confessed, is given to all. The power of love works in two ways: it torments those who have played the fool, even as happens here when a friend suffers from a friend; but it becomes a source of joy for those who have observed its duties. Thus I say that this is the torment of Gehenna: bitter regret. But love inebriates the souls of the sons of Heaven by its delectability.

Hell and Heaven are the same, except the presence of God is torture to the wicked and paradise to the righteous.

>> No.12679809

it isn't about good boy points man, that stuff is all lies. You will be saved if you believe in Jesus Christ and the resurrection, and if you are a good person (by gods standards not mans).

>> No.12679811

Well I suppose I deserve that for trying to type “ignoramus” on a phone

>> No.12679816

holy fuck
fuck off satan you're spooking me

>> No.12679820

In Islam there is a story about people who will be suffering in hell for an eternity and they'll wish and ask God to destroy them and they won't get an answer until 1000 years in the future and they'll eagerly wait for a reply and their reply wont be from God but the angel of hell and he will say "no, you're gonna be here forever". Then the angel of hell will whip them with a metal or copper whip that will be burning hot forever.

Not a Muslim but I get the point. You're gonna wish you were never born if you find out you're going to hell.

>> No.12679825
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Wow, this is actually really fascinating Anon, I like your take on this. I want to read more.

>> No.12679831

Where do I start with the Church Fathers?

>> No.12679833

Nice soul you got there. Would be a terrible shame if something were to happen to it.

>> No.12679837

Implying the pains of hell will be equal or even equivocal to the pains we experience on earth.

>> No.12679869

You should start with the book of John, then continue on through acts till you hit the cover.

>> No.12679886

Realise that the eternal torture doctrine is demonic deception and read the bible to find the truth.

>> No.12679893

>The belief in an eternal soul is the encroachment of neoplatonism on Judaism and Christianity, it’s the pagan influence on the Abrahamic religions.
Slight correction. In the Platonist view souls are Intrinsically eternal. But in the Christian view souls have a beginning and they only remain existing by God preserving them. We don't think that souls or anything in creation is in itself eternal but only exists for as long as God permits it. And to answer your verse I will post revelations 14:11
>And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
We see that the souls in hell will recieve no rest. They will suffer in the fires for an eternity with no rest or peace. If they were to be annihilated then they have peace from the fires of hell. The people in hell will pray day and night to be annihilated but their wish will not be answered but rather will be left to the fires day and night for as long as God is God.

>> No.12679901

>Some smuhck
Yeah you're an idiot.

>> No.12679908

not seeding

>> No.12679920

Socrates put it well; eternal sleep sounds like a fantastic outcome for any life. I'd rather dissolve into nothingness than face eternity conscious in either Heaven or Hell.

>> No.12679922

>yeah I'm the only prophet that matters btw if you don't believe me you'll burn forever
Mohammad was probably the biggest fearmongerer in history

>> No.12679932

So this is why people are trying to invent immortality.

>> No.12679941

Guys don't trust drug trips, they are demonic deception. The bible forbids the use of drugs precisely because of this.

>> No.12679951

Same here, man. I'm tired of existence and I don't think even heaven would reward me what I experienced here.

>> No.12679964

>The bible forbids the use of drugs precisely because of this
No, it doesn't.

>> No.12679973

You are wrong, and heavily demonized. Resist the thing that wants to kill you!

>> No.12679978

Well, it’s not like I invented it, I just passed on what St Isaac said. Do you mean you want to read more St Isaac or more of the Orthodox view of hell?
What >>12679869 said isn’t really wrong, but if you’ve already gone through the NT, I’d recommend first checking out some of the homilies and epistles of St Ignatius of Antioch and St John Chrysostom.

>> No.12679984

I don’t know, still alive. I’m leaning towards no however; how is it at all justifiable that at most 75+ years of bad actions can result in eternal damnation and suffering? Only the most masochistic/sadistic mind could ever come up with such a thought.

>> No.12679990

I'm actually not tired of existence; I plan to enjoy my life as much as I possibly can with the calm reassurance that after it is all said and done, I can just slip away into the abyss. Seriously, every time I get scared of the shit fate the world has in store for us, whichever angle you want to tackle it from, I only need to remind myself that once I'm gone all that won't matter. I still try to stray away from nihilism and follow certain morals for I know that indulging in nothingness is the death of the soul, and that must be avoided until the actual end.

>> No.12679995

It commands us to be sober, not to engage in pharmakeia etc. Drug use is considered sorcery since it is communication with demons and fallen angels.

>> No.12680002

Why does the Psalmist praise the Lord who brings forth “wine that maketh glad the heart of man”?

>> No.12680011

If you want to enjoy life as much as possible, then you should attain eternal life and satisfaction through Jesus Christ. Your life will be infinitely better knowing that all that is waiting for you.

>> No.12680018

I don't want eternity, though; there is nothing more reassuring that knowing that all things come to an end.

>> No.12680040


You literally believe in a fairytale

>> No.12680057

You're cherry-picking, heavily. I have to admit that i don't know the meaning of that one, but what i do know that it does not go against the other zillion times we were commanded not to be drunkards and degenerates.

>> No.12680067

But eternity is what you want, it is also what you're getting. Either an eternity of nothingness or an eternity of happiness. Please understand that you are under attack from demons, and that THEY, not you are what is making you feel this way.

>> No.12680076

there isnt anything wrong with that man. no need to fake reddit headlines either

>> No.12680080

True, eternity does exist, and now that you mention it, I do wish for eternity. But I want to put an end to my consciousness some day; everything ends, except for the nothingness. That is the one natural eternity we can and should be grateful to accept.

>> No.12680084

Yes, it is. The pride of so many people is astounding, how they treat others like trash is disgusting. People walk over people every single day. They deserve to burn forever.

>> No.12680085

stop obsessing over Christianity

>> No.12680086

>You're cherry-picking

>> No.12680094

All crimes do. Not any one in particular.

>> No.12680103

No it isn't, this is another deception. You are promised eternal life by God and he will deliver. You don't really want to end your consciousness either, the demons that are torturing you want that. Instead of wanting to end yourself, end their torture, purge the infestation and open your eyes. See the God that loves you.

>> No.12680129

I appreciate your concern, anon, I truly do, but I'm afraid you are not going to change my mind on something as personal as faith. I will either see it for myself or I won't, but you won't be able to convince me through words. Sorry.

>> No.12680132
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>No one knows what can come of an evil thought in the long run. Our hidden faults poison the air others breathe.
>You'd never get through the day if you dwelt on such thoughts!
>I believe that, madam.....I believe if God gave us a clear idea of how closely we are bound to each other in good and evil, we truly could not live.

>> No.12680161
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It's real and I have fated myself to it.

>> No.12680174

I wish i was there with you, i wish i could show you through deliverance. I know it all sounds like bullshit we all did. But it isn't.

>> No.12680192

we all thought it was bullshit i mean

>> No.12680204

Voting for Trump

>> No.12680210
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And sin will no longer be forgiven at will. I don't expect any applause from you. There will be no expressions of thanks in this chapel. None from me and none from you. Courtesy and good manners are not the business of men of God. What I do expect... is that you will do what I have told you to do. There is nothing outside your obedience to God. Nothing except Hell. A Hell you may know nothing about... but I do. Because I've built it, right behind that door: Hell. These past few days, I've had to build Hell for you, that's why I've come to you belatedly. I know you will obey, because you've already figured out that this pope isn't afraid to lose the faithful if they're been even slightly unfaithful, and that means this Pope does not negotiate. On anything or with anyone. And this Pope cannot be blackmailed! From this day forth, the word "compromise", has been banished from the vocabulary. I've just deleted it. When Jesus willingly mounted the cross, he was not making compromises. And neither am I. Amen.

>> No.12680219

idk, care to find out?

>> No.12680229

No, Hell is not real. Hell as we know it is an invention of the Catholic church to control proles. In pre-Christian theology and scripture, Satan is like a prosecutor, not a prison warden and Hell isn't even mentioned.

>> No.12680240
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be it heaven or hell, it all sounds really tiresome

>> No.12680253

Lmao wishing eternal torture upon anyone (which is the core of your edgy justification) is significantly more immoral than someone being a proud douche. It doesn't matter anyway because your opinion didn't address the argument.

>> No.12680317

>And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
Does anyone have any interpretation of this in which it doesn't imply and eternal Hell? I've reconciled most things in christianity but how can you reconcile this verse with something like the doctrine of universal salvation or with what >>12678906 said about souls being destroyed in Hell?

>> No.12680347

is it canon?

>> No.12680366

This is your own arrogance speaking and prideful presumption that you're too good to burn forever. You're not. Your lack of empathy and self-inflated view of yourself causes more misery in your lifetime than hell will inflict on you. Unlike eternal damnation, your actions are not justified and what you do to other people has bigger ramifications than you can possibly think.

>> No.12680377

nobody knows faggot. believe what you want to believe

>> No.12680380

Christ knew.

>> No.12680410


>> No.12680478

You'll see.

>> No.12680502

I'm in hell right now, and it's not even real

>> No.12680517

eternity in itself is scary as shit

>> No.12680525


>> No.12680540

How can accuse me of lacking empathy when you are suggesting that eternal (a word I don't think you grasp) torture (another word I don't you grasp) is justified for people who are selfish? I am specifically arguing from a position of empathy and it appears you lack it entirely.

>> No.12680546
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>> No.12680560
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My favorite are the people who think Hell would be fun because it is where the cool people go... People who are so averse to any hardship that they only seek out constant, fleeting pleasure think that they will have fun in a place dedicated to complete and total hardship with no reward

>> No.12680568


>> No.12680674

Good post