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12679607 No.12679607 [Reply] [Original]

Did he ever write down his racist beliefs in his books?

>> No.12679659


>> No.12679682

Some of his racist stuff is blatant, see his poems. Others are conceptually racist. I believe that the claim is his theme of cosmic horror in which humans are play things of an infinitely more intelligent powerful race (elder gods) who freely kill, abuse, and mistreat them as if humans had no emotion or consciousness is analogous to the hardships black people have as being seen or treated fairly by whites. In that comparison, hes effectively saying whites are elder gods and blacks are humans who will never be their equals, and justifying the cruelty of whites by saying that they're so advanced no one beneath them cpuld possibly understand their motives but those motives are just.
Tl;dr white mistreatment of blacks is okay bc whites are so smart only they know what theyre doing is right
Someone clarify/correct me where im wrong.

>> No.12679697

Poem for reference:
"On the creation of niggers"

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>> No.12679716

Based and redpilled

>> No.12679737

>hes effectively saying whites are elder gods and blacks are humans who will never be their equals
retard take. have you even read Lovecraft? the problematic aspect is that less civilized societies like tribes are the ones who have the most affinity with the elder gods, that's where the cults start to spring up. the tribal people are the unknowable, the un-understandable; he ties this affinity in with madness too. the white man is the reasonable one, the one who goes mad from glimpsing the horrors that lurk outside

>> No.12679771

Thats a fair point. I have read a fair bit of Lovecraft in the past but I really didn't pay attention to those themes at the time. I dont think the point I brought up is completely wrong though, but its definitely less demonstrable in his writing than the facts your statement uses.

Tbh I just regurgitated something I read a while ago in the hopes of actually getting a decent thread of Lovecraft critique before it gets lost in the endless sea of shitposts.

>> No.12680757


>> No.12681136
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I don't think his hate was exclusively racist. He hated all dumb people in general. His stories are not that long, You’ll get the picture of his work in a day.

But there is also this:
- He hated blacks so much he created otherworldly monstrosity Shub niggurath, which is basically some unknown being or power that helps all species including humans breed endlessly.
- other alien deity, Nyarlathotep, which loves to create chaos and plays with our reality like child with a toy has many forms but mostly reveals in form of very dark skinned man or pharaoh with black skin
- like >>12679737 said most of these creatures are alins beyond our reckoning and rational thinking people are driven mad when they study them deeper. Only simpletons can't be affected by it because their mind is not smart enough to soak in the horror. This is greatly described in Color out of space.
- Also read his story Street, which basically says English ancestors good, Other races/nations bad.
- Shadow over Innsmouth is about women being raped by fish monsters. Their children later marry normal humans. Basically a metaphore for interracial marriage.
- Wrote a story about guy who kills himself because he finds out his grandma was a monkey.
-Lovecraft's wife said he had meltdown when he saw black beggar on street.

>> No.12681180 [DELETED] 

Niggers were basically wild animals back then. You can't criticize white people of that era by modern standards because those old niggers don't exist anymore.

>> No.12681181

His oeuvre wouldn't have existed without his autism-powered racism.
The entire mythos works on the fear of miscegenation and of the Alter, what is fundamentally different and thus impossible to understand (read: niggers)

>> No.12681549

There's also some more obvious stuff, ie Reanimator and Dunwich Horror

>> No.12681563

Has one man ever been so based?

>> No.12681585

>rhymes figure with nigger
Lovecraft is committed to sounding British that he uses the literal N-word just to show everyone that he pronounces figure as figger.

>> No.12681598

He lived in New England a hundred years ago. I don’t think it was an affectation.

>> No.12681608

how do americanos usually pronounce figure?

>> No.12681615
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>> No.12681619 [DELETED] 

>Niggers were basically wild animals back then.

Ah, but they still are.

>> No.12681643


>> No.12681673

xD *clap* what *clap* an *clap* epic *clap* takedown *clap* of *clap* that *clap* absolute *clap* incel *clap* sweaty

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind nigger!

>> No.12681706


>> No.12681732
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xD this incel is so mad who hurt this absolute sweaty xD yaaaaaas we finna clap back sweaty mmhmm

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind nigger!

>> No.12681782

holy shit imagine being this much of a pathetic fucking loser

>> No.12681808

back to >>>/r/eddit tourist

>> No.12681830

I don't use reddit

>> No.12681845

back to >>>/r/eddit tourist

>> No.12681878

I came here from r/books, make me leave dear alt right sweetie

>> No.12681977

In “Rats in the Walls” the protagonist has a cat named Niggerman, which was also the name of Lovecraft’s real life cat. In Shadow Over Innsmuth there is a lot of wondering about the race of various odd looking people. “Call of Cthulhu” treats indigenous people in a stereotyped way as well. That’s just what jumps to my head immediately.

But you’re allowed to like Lovecraft even if he was a racist. It’s worth pointing out that the worlds foremost Lovecraft scholar is an Indian guy.

But yeah, Lovecraft’s racism isn’t subtle or ‘in the background’, it’s often part of the story and is integrated into his themes of terror caused by Otherness. The fear of alien beings is drawn explicitly between foreign people and extraterrestrials.

>> No.12681993

that's based name for a cat, seriously considering naming my new cat like that lmao

>> No.12682003 [DELETED] 

I understand Lovecraft. He was right about everything.

>> No.12682060
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I understand Lovecraft. He was right about everything.

>> No.12682140

Trier! No!

>> No.12682387

The first victim in reanimator is clearly made to be a black person because of his racism as well. It's basically written so that the corpse gets to his hands because "he's just another black" and no one cares enough so they dump him to the nearest person willing to take a corpse.

>> No.12682424
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>> No.12683136

Every brainless cultist who thinks that politically incorrect beliefs totally invalidate unrelated achievements needs to stop using math and language, stop wearing clothing, and stop eating food.

>> No.12683147

There's tons of Lovecraft where there is no visible racism at all and his magnum opus, At the Mountains of Madness, hinges on empathy for a totally alien being. The bad guy in most of Lovecraft is almost always a WASP New England Yankee with white skin.

>> No.12683157

Where I am it is "fig-you-are". 3 syllables. Pretty standard for this part of the country.

>> No.12683158

Having empathy and recognizing differences are two different things, alongside the fact that having inferior people serve as villians destroys any suspense at all. Lovecraft was certainly very racist, but he wasn’t some caricature, nor are his stories based on race “with few exceptions”

>> No.12683161

Jews control America and Orwell tried to warn us.

>> No.12683213

What are these book-burners going to do when they have to read Taming of the Shrew? Oh, that's right, they are removing Shakespeare.

>> No.12683216

>destroys any suspense at all
Okay bro, sounds like you're spending some time reading detective novels.

>> No.12683220

Even in Horror at Red Hook, which is expressly about recently-arrived immigrant ghettos, there are good and bad immigrants, and the primary bad guy is an old money white male of North-Western European extraction.

>> No.12683246

Just racist enough to marry a jewess.

>> No.12684322


>> No.12684624


The current niggers have degenerated even more by dysgenic breeding and bleaching of top talent (like serena williams and virtually every other succesful black woman.)

>> No.12684655


on a side note. What is lovecrafts scariest story? For me its the german ww1 uboat stranded on the bottom of the sea.

>> No.12685226

The Street is a good story to read to understand it. The whole thing is a thinly veiled horror story where immigrants move into a white neighbor hood.

>> No.12686259

>he pronounces figure as figger

>> No.12686279

A powerful verse, truly

>> No.12686327

>I believe that the claim is his theme of cosmic horror in which humans are play things of an infinitely more intelligent powerful race (elder gods) who freely kill, abuse, and mistreat them as if humans had no emotion or consciousness is analogous to the hardships black people have as being seen or treated fairly by whites
Dumbest thing I've ever read on /lit/

>> No.12686397

None, if you want stories that are actually scary read Poe

>> No.12686616

>Shadow over Innsmouth is about women being raped by fish monsters
It's not

>> No.12686654
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>analogous to the hardships black people have as being seen or treated fairly by whites.

>> No.12686767


>> No.12687144

he was married to a kike and was still racist as fuck how do leftists deal with this

>> No.12688303

"I’m against any candidate who talks of letting down the bars to stunted brachycephalic South-Italians & rat-faced half-Mongoloid Russian & Polish Jews, & all that cursed scum! You in the Middle West can’t conceive of the extent of the menace. You ought to see a typical Eastern city crowd—swart, aberrant physiognomies, & gestures & jabbering born of alien instincts."

>> No.12688318
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Can someone tell me what's wrong with this "racism" thing? Who the fuck cares? It's the natural instinct of all Human beings to be partial to their own racial, ethnic and other familial extensions. He just didn't like non-white people, and even other white/European ethnicities that were displacing his Mayflower WASP founding stock. Gonna cry about it?

>> No.12688327
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Why the fuck are people so fascinated with this shit? Is this the schrodinger's cat of literature?

>> No.12688330

Should we focus on his anti-capitalism and anti-religion then?

>> No.12688338
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Based desu

>> No.12688344

>I believe that the claim is his theme of cosmic horror in which humans are play things of an infinitely more intelligent powerful race (elder gods) who freely kill, abuse, and mistreat them as if humans had no emotion or consciousness is analogous to the hardships black people have as being seen or treated fairly by whites. In that comparison, hes effectively saying whites are elder gods and blacks are humans who will never be their equals, and justifying the cruelty of whites by saying that they're so advanced no one beneath them cpuld possibly understand their motives but those motives are just.
Now this is reaching

>> No.12688358

No, you pronounce it "fig-you're"