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/lit/ - Literature

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12679123 No.12679123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's her name, /lit/?

>> No.12679181

No name, descended from a famous classicist to the point that I see her unusual surname quite often in print.

The thing is, having those feelings in me brings a welcome chaos and strife to my life, which would otherwise be boring as hell.

I could very easily get content with my basic-bitch work-home-work rhythm but having Weird Feelings towards this friend fuels my striving. It's all very Knight of Infinite Resignation

>> No.12679184


>> No.12679195


>> No.12679201


>> No.12679203

Third Reich

>> No.12679204


>> No.12679205

That's a dude.

>> No.12680124


>> No.12680137

Emma Bovary

>> No.12680146
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chastity and continence.

>> No.12680147


>> No.12680152

Her name is "Claire's Discount Potato Vodka" (distilled twice by law and a third time for good luck). I love her and she loves me.

>> No.12680805

Don't go for french girls, /lit/. They will destroy your heart even if they are fantastic in bed.
Fml it's been like 4 years. I still wake up in the morning dreaming of her.
Holy fuck anon what a devastating post.
Feel like shit.

>> No.12680811


>> No.12680821

>tfw I fell for the French Canadian meme
why are they so evil bros?

>> No.12680832 [DELETED] 


>> No.12680833

I just call her “cunt”

>> No.12680841

How many diseases did she give you?

>> No.12680851


>> No.12680863

Xcom Enemy Within

>> No.12680868

Lady Philosophy

>> No.12680882

Da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo

>> No.12680886
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>> No.12680895


>> No.12680897


>> No.12681084
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>cannot fucking bother writing out his reply

>> No.12681088
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I don't even know any girls. I sometimes dream of romantic interactions with a very beautiful girl. She looks different each time. It's so cruel to have these dreams. It's horrible to wake up to a lonely reality. Why must I be reminded of what it would be like to have someone to love? Just let me be, I'll find a girl one day. No need to torture me with these dreams.

>> No.12681103

Holy based!

>> No.12681108

Pupinia Stewart.

>> No.12681121

That's a man, man

>> No.12681212

She browses /lit/ and is likely checking this thread to see if she has been mentioned. You conceited bitch.

>> No.12681220
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This vocaroo uncucked my life

>> No.12681221

Lolita. Lo Lee Ta

>> No.12681278

The only girl I ever kissed, touched her boobies and cuddled with and read me Rimbaud in French which I recall vividly when I masturbate vehemently everyday

>> No.12681284


>> No.12681331
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Anastasiya. Pretty sure she's gonna ruin my life. Oh well.

>> No.12681338

based lul

>> No.12681344

What's her name anon?
How good was her french? Could she ask for directions somewhere in Toulouse?

>> No.12681353

I wanna know about Nicola. Give me five words.

>> No.12681362

She looks different each time. Are there features that stay the same? If so, what?

>> No.12681374

No it's just a different girl probably. None of them have been ugly of course. Last time it looked like a girl I went to 5th grade with but grown up.

>> No.12681539

This guy gets it.

>> No.12681546

I don't want to talk about Nicola

>> No.12681571

mea culpa mea culpa

>> No.12681652

Look other anon, he gave you two bonus words!

>> No.12681667
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>> No.12681687
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I could've gone straight for it but I was too much of a pussy. Now we only have awkward talk. She's got a slut reputaiton so I try to tell myself that it was best I did not go futhur with it anyway.


>> No.12681694

Larissa. But she changed so much after 5 years that I don't even recognize her anymore.

>> No.12681831
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It was nothing but hedonism.
But even then, I'd do it again.

>> No.12681864

My first love in middle school was named Madeleine. She was blonde and played the flute.

>> No.12681871

So fucking based.
>I can't imagine being some fat fucking retard who spends every day thinking of one bitch.

>> No.12681883

Inb4 this guy dated Wilhelmina Lattimore.

If only it was a single name OP.

>Don't go for french girls, /lit/. They will destroy your heart even if they are fantastic in bed.

As a frog, can confirm.

>> No.12681891

Buy a bottle of wine and take it to her house.

>> No.12681899

You sound like a crossbred of Aaron Paul with a cough and a sixteen years old on weed.

Also I'm selling your voice to a gay voice fetish underground forum, hope you don't mind.

>> No.12681904

Based and Latin pilled

>> No.12681910


thats hot name

>> No.12681928

Wallowing in self-pity about having lost a girl is fine for a few weeks or months perhaps, but after that it just becomes self-indulgent.

>> No.12681933

The vocaroo that SAVED /lit/

>> No.12681990

Her name is Sarah. Her special order engagement ring arrives tomorrow. She's given me four years of unwavering trust, friendship, and aspiration. Very soon I'm going to ask her to give me "the very gold of her life", as Wilde put it, and live with me in my little house on an Apalachian hilltop until we need something bigger to accommodate our children. I'm not a rich man but my life is richly blessed in the gifts of love, scholarship, and purpose. I hope you all come to know my joy in time.

>> No.12681997
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sheryne, 24 yo, party slut spending her daddy's money

>> No.12682010
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Congradulations bro, I'm glad someone's making it.

>> No.12682105

No one. That's the problem.

>> No.12682111

You sound wonderful. I wish you both the best, just don't go all Captain Fantastic on your kids.

>> No.12682163
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>It's so cruel to have these dreams. It's horrible to wake up to a lonely reality.

No no no.

the kid went back to New York City to live with a woman
he met in a kibbutz.
he left his mother at the age of
32, a well-kept fellow, sense of humor and never
wore the same pair of shorts
more than one day. there he was
in the Puerto Rican section, she had a
job. he wanted iron bars on the windows and
ate too much fried chicken at 10 a.m.
in the morning after she went to
work. he had some money saved out of the
years and he fucked but he was really
afraid of

I was sitting with Eileen in Hollywood
and I said:
I ought to warn the kid
so that when she turns on him
he'll be

no, she said, let him be happy.
I let him be
now he's back living with his
mother, he weighs three hundred and ten pounds
and eats all the time
and laughs all the time
but you ought to see his
eyes ...
the eyes are sitting in the center of all that
flesh ...
he bites into a chicken leg:
I loved her, he says to me,
I loved her.

>> No.12682164

I don't know. I see her dancing around my mind, enticing me, eluding me, haunting me. I see her figure, her hair, her clothes - but never her face. She is the inspiration of all my writing, she is my muse and my maiden, the coy wanderer through my imagination, only seen in my waking dreams and deep reveries. God's gift not for taking, irresistible grace only for observing, candid whispers barely heard. I know everything about her, all but her name and her face.

>> No.12682174

her name is evil witch creature that broke my pride in half and drove me mad

>> No.12682190

I don't want to give her real name.

She's a semi-famous model at my college.

We dated on and off when I was a little mad and now she's abroad for a year.

I never told her my feelings because I rarely make myself vulnerable to women.

I just gave her a diary.

>> No.12682247

Kristen, she feels about me the same as I feel about her, but our lives are too different to ever work.

>> No.12682298

saying her name any more I think breaks some spell that I once shared with another being.

a month ago I found out she is engaged. I didn't know myself and she was ready for something I probably was not. A year makes so much difference.

>> No.12682321


>> No.12682330

Top kek

>> No.12682350


Such a pretty name, and such a pretty girl

>> No.12682372

Hopefully not yours desu.

>> No.12682379

Three --- Amy, Christina, and Kieran. I have a girl who loves me now. We've been together for a year. I love her, but I can't shake the feeling that I could've ended up with either of those three and been much happier.

>> No.12682551

Absolutely fucking based. FUCK OP

>> No.12682556


>> No.12682632

shit taste desu

>> No.12682640

There's no point naming her because a single word won't convey what she means to me or the depth of my suffering over her

>> No.12682662

>that awkward vocal tic at the end that transitions into the reddit le random rick and morty black people roast voice

I agree with the sentiment but geez man

>> No.12682666

remember to report the post for being off-topic lads

>> No.12682682

>this is the voice of the guy calling you a retard on /lit/

>> No.12682688

Is that her in the vid ? Very hot.

>> No.12682694


Seems like you met the little sister of Beatrice, congrats man.

>> No.12682891
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>> No.12682904

Pale, beyond porch and portal,
Crowned with calm leaves, she stands
Who gathers all things mortal
With cold immortal hands;
Her languid lips are sweeter
Than love's who fears to greet her
To men that mix and meet her
From many times and lands.

>> No.12682958

Ophelia, she's my tulpa

>> No.12682993


>> No.12683133


>> No.12683249


>> No.12683258

Jett ):

>> No.12683260

Oof good question

>> No.12683273

This post is not helping me get over my breakup ):. Im glad youre happy

>> No.12683282

so this is the power of american negrofication

>> No.12683285


i liked her for a bit but nothing happened
then after high school i found out that she was into me but was afraid to tell me and was sad that i went away for school
by that point i had moved on and was in a relationship with someone else

now i'm a fucking bum living with my parents with no friends, no girlfriend, and no job
and sara is engaged and doing really well for herself

i fucking blew it

>> No.12683291

Beatrice. She will never know my name.

>> No.12683301

the day we met, she asked me to leave my wife.

>> No.12683354


>> No.12683429
