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/lit/ - Literature

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12670058 No.12670058 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/

I am a law school drop-out. I'm 24. I'm completing the modules to finish my degree. I live with my family, working a bum job.

I have been writing poetry, and freelancing for a while. I know I have great potential as a writer. I dont say this as 'everyone thinks they're a writer' im talking about talks with agents/publishers etc. etc.

I had an outstanding record and life until 22. The last 2 years or so have been rough on me. It's not been easy. But now I'm healthy again. I want to be a /lit/ artist. But I dont know what life to pursue.

I have two paths remaining;
1. Drama school. Taking up considerable debt, to do a masters in both theatre + drama. Opens up possibilities of both acting, creating theatre, film production etc.
2. Journalism. Just working at whatever paper I can, being a hack, and spending my spare time writing.

What path is the most /lit/ ?

>> No.12670068

talk to a psychiatrist and do whichever is more lucrative.

>> No.12670070

Why drama school? What relation has it to writing, which is what you claimed you desired to do? What experience do you have in acting?

>> No.12670078

Journalists are fucking snakes that get paid in pennies.

acting fags only make it 1% of the time and usually spend thier whole lives bussing tables as waiters

>> No.12670081

>tfw you identify with Louis Bloom


>> No.12670126
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I've got a psychiatrist and I've seen an elite psychologist.

I have a job as an English teacher lined up, and the psych thinks I should take that. He's a good guy, but what more can he say. I don't feel I can be a teacher.

This course I'm looking at is specifically a masters in practical acting + the academic discipline of theatre. It's not just acting.

I am interested in this, because the medium of film and stage is IMO the most effective way of presenting stories to contemporary audiences. If I can study theatre properly, and I can effectively transition into writing my own stories for production. The idea anyway.

I used to agree with you 100% about journalists, but not so much anymore.
It's all down to the journalist, surely ?

The journalist has a real important role. I am not looking to be a hack as an end. I just want to make enough money to survive, and use the rest of my time to create entertaining stories. Maybe I'm deluded beyond belief idk.

Gyllenhaal plays charming-insanity devastatingly well. Its ridiculous.

>> No.12670199

Bird in the hand bro. Keep working on other stuff while you teach, maybe you can save up enough to move out.

>> No.12670249

>A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

damn. sounds silly but that was real profound advice for where I'm at right now.

I go through this fluctuating state again and again. I dont want to risk everything away, throw it all away. I just seek something greater.

Time to man up I guess.

>> No.12670305

You got this bro.

>> No.12670316

Get in a loving relationship with a black man

>> No.12670326

I've finished law school, currently doing my master's and I absolutely loathe it.

>> No.12670327

you are homosexual.

>> No.12670330

Become a tranny

>> No.12670341

>2. Journalism. Just working at whatever paper I can, being a hack, and spending my spare time writing.
I don't really recommend this. I have a shitload of qualifications, years of volunteer/internship experience, an impressive portfolio ranging from investigative stuff and profiles of celebrities to literary criticism and photojournalism, and I still can't get an offer for a job that pays more than the equivalent of $15 per hour.

>> No.12670449

Besides these two pieces of wonderful advice what you SHOULD do is:

Narrow in on some form of literature. You said you do poetry and "freelancing" - take your pick and decide to get honed in one or the other. From that decision, you can take on where you want to go for education.

Remember that success in publishing is mostly about networking, and networking is the business of MFA / workshops / grad programs as far as literature goes. Where you go to school will affect where you get published and which ears you can pull.

>> No.12670622

you're allowed to teach (a job you actually can get quickly) while working on your creativity.
To a writer, any experience should be welcome. Including teaching public school. Plus, maybe a creative-to-the-point-of-ennui-passionate-enough-about-literature-to-blogpost-on-/lit/ type dude would actually be a benefit to kids interested in writing and english.

>> No.12670663


1 is only valuable if you go to a good school (with good networking) in a city with active theater/production. Also only valuable if you are not autistic & can network w/ professors & actors.

2 is a waste regardless.

Nothing is restricting you from writing. Keep doing it in whichever medium you want. I guarantee everything you're writing now will make you cringe in a year (if not weeks).

>> No.12670825
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Im 18, fresh out of college stuck in the same conundrum op, family is dead broke with both my siblings pursuing careers in very profitable careers(One's a stem major and the other went to a prestigious marine biology high school and is a prodigy in the field etc. etc.). I want to pursue an English Degree but have no incentive to teach at all, i'm considering journalism but i'm investigating if I can get away with taking English as a major and working for the school paper so if everything falls back on me i'll be able to work as a correspondent while having the English Degree experience for whatever its worth. Journalism is a pretty dead end class from what i'm being told and i'm pretty sure there is hardly any electives in relation to english stuff its all about PR shit. So.... were both on thin ice op.

>> No.12670854

Can't you freelance for extra $ i'm not very knowledgeable in Journalism but can't it be a decent career path if you freelance while working at your city's paper to slowly climb up to get a Sr. type of position? (i'm >>12670825)

>> No.12670902

I know some freelancing pays well, but I usually make between $75 and $200 per article, which sucks. If you’re good at networking perhaps you’ll do better than me, though. I’m not a talented networker and rarely put much effort into it.

>> No.12671013

I am a 23 year old that is making a run for law school. What made you drop law?

>> No.12672211

maybe I was just too immature desu I don’t know. As I said I’ve had issues with mental illness. I actually had great academic prizes and awards in law school interned with big law firms

I just found law so utterly boring and dry. Academically it wasn’t too bad. But practicing law is just like being an accountant with words imo anyway.

Maybe I’ll still pursue law. But as a disillusioned lawyer

shit sucks little guy. You’re 18 though. You truly have time on your side to make mistakes and fail.

I’m 24 now. Most people i know are set in their careers. The next decision I make is semi-final. It’s quite gut wrenching

I truly don’t want to be a teacher at all.

>> No.12673387

>The journalist has a real important role.
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12673694

>unironically talking about psychiatry and being "healthy"
You aren't going to make as a writer anon

>> No.12674102
