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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 900x600, 2014Morrissey_Getty84903136_200614-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12662179 No.12662179 [Reply] [Original]

Is Morrissey /lit/?

>> No.12662208

Most definitely

>> No.12662287

yes, if by lit you mean queer and pretentious.

>> No.12662292

Yes absolutely, an instant classic.

>> No.12662299

Of course. He has awfully good taste in literature too, his favourite poet is Housman.

>> No.12662356

I lolled when I found out his memoir was published under the Penguin Classics imprint

>> No.12662373

you know why, right?
that whiny faget refused any other imprint than 'classics' - and penguin took it up the hole, like the queer penguins they are.

>> No.12662374

Actually he demanded it which is even more ridiculous

>> No.12662383

mozza just taking the piss out of publishing

>> No.12662387

Yes. Everything I like is /lit/ and I like the Smiths

>> No.12663289

best living lyricist which makes him a poet which makes him /lit/

and he is also a pretentious faggot which seals the deal

>> No.12663308

pretty chad honestly

>> No.12663315

the gay parts are

>> No.12663318

His IQ got tested once, and according to the psychologist, his IQ wasn't anything unordinary.

>> No.12663378

That song about dying in a car crash is honestly kind of funny

>> No.12663384

I thought it was about getting raped in a car - and enjoying it.

>> No.12663439

i listen to him almost every day and feel a very weird connection to him.

>> No.12663591

He's incredibly overrated, i can come up with a dozen best lyricists off the top of my head.
Puffed up, ephemeral, second rate, a nonentity, means absolutely nothing for me

>> No.12663684
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He's the only musician/lyricist who has ever given me tfw no gf. Not even Ian Curtis has given me feels as Morrissey has.

>> No.12663694

Fuck off, Nabokov.

>> No.12663706
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>On forcing penguin to turn his autobiography into penguin classic.

>"I can't see why not," Morrissey went on, perhaps anticipating some critical flak. "When you consider what really hits print these days, and when you look at the autobiographies and how they are sold, most of it is appalling." They were "publishing events", he explained. His book would be a "literary event".

>> No.12663711

like him or loath him, he does have a point.

>> No.12663724

All I know is that he come off as narcissist.

>> No.12663751
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What's the border between a celebrity memoir being 'appalling' or 'literary'

Like honestly I don't understand the distinction between Morrissey's autobiography and Posh Spice's

>> No.12663772

>t. asshurt dylanfag

>> No.12663798
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Give me your top 10 lyricists PLEASE

>> No.12663895
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>At this, Eliza and Ezra rolled together into the one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement as it whacked and smacked its way into every muscle of Eliza’s body except for the otherwise central zone.

How can I learn to write like this?

>> No.12664072

i attack from the back, because it's easy

>> No.12664104

His autobiography is more Jocye than actual Joyce.
Lyrics aren't bad either.
Top lad.

>> No.12664109

what an absolute chad

>> No.12664111

everybody knows artists aren't actually intelligent

>> No.12664444

He’s /pol/ approved re immigrants

>> No.12664468
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four fours confirm it, mozz is based

>> No.12664511

>Keats and Yeats are on your side
>While Wilde is on mine

>> No.12664612

Absolutely based. He's a pretentious asshole and I love him. His lyrics, at least in my experience, have always seemed to continue on in the tradition of English poets moreso than a lot of Brit bands.

Hates what happened to England too, re >>12664444 I think he also supported Brexit

>> No.12665798

he's not. He means everything he says.

>> No.12665808

he's a twat

>> No.12665981

Also, Morrissey sings about losers, failures and the depressed in a way that shows true understanding and love for them. Not the fake shit you see in most songs.

>> No.12665988






What a fucking sexist

>> No.12666056

Pretentious as in he loves himself way to much

>> No.12666104

Not my top 10 but some lyricists that are definitely better than Morrisey:
Ian Curtis
Robert Smith
Mark E Smith
Michael Stipe
Jeff Mangum
Lou Reed
Black Francis
Nich Drake
Van Zandt
Even Kanye West is better than that fag

>> No.12666130


Of those that I know, none are better than Morrissey , you stupid prick

>> No.12666139

This thread proves lit is filled with faggots

>> No.12666145

Go suck that 60 year old shitty lyricist's cock elsewhere you cunt. Ypu have to be stupid or illiterate to think that Morridey is better than any of those

>> No.12666240

>Jeff Mangum
I tried listening to ITAOTS and the lyrics just seemed like lolrandom shit, maybe that gets better but the music was so bad I didn't wait to find out.

>> No.12666287


There are better lyricists than Morrissey, but none of them are on that list

>> No.12666328

I just dont understand how you can think that Morrisey's cringy lyrics can compare to anyone on that list.
I'd lie to see him write just one song better than those written by the ones on the list..

>> No.12666352


>> No.12667213

all favorites of music critics I see
you seem like the kind of person who has to find out whats certified hip rather than letting your ears decide

>> No.12667264

I have forgiven you Jesus
For all the desire,
You placed in me when there's nothing I can do with this desire

>> No.12667451

David, the wind blows
The wind blows
Bits of your life away
Your friends all say
"Where is our boy? Oh, we've lost our boy"
But they should know
Where you've gone
Because again and again you've explained that
You're going to
Oh, you're going to
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
England for the English!
England for the English!
David, the winds blow
The winds blow
All of my dreams away
And I still say
"Where is our boy?
Ah, we've lost our boy"
But I should know
Why you've gone
Because again and again you've explained
You've gone to the
National, ah
To the National
There's a country; you don't live there
But one day you would like to
And if you show them what you're made of
Oh, then you might do
But David, we wonder
We wonder if the thunder
Is ever really gonna begin
Begin, begin
Your mom says
"I've lost my boy"
But she should know
Why you've gone
Because again and again you've explained
You've gone to the
To the National
To the National Front disco
Because you want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
When you've settled the score
Oh, the National
Oh, the National
Oh, the National
Oh, the National
Oh, the National

>> No.12667797

Shit list overall. The good ones being Lou reed, van Zandt, Dylan, Ian Curtis and Mark e smith, which of them only Mark and van Zandt can even compete with Morrissey

>> No.12667834


>> No.12668219

>Pin and mount me like a butterfly
>What she asked of me at the end of the day
Caligula would have blushed
>Now I know how Joan of Arc felt / As the flames rose to her Roman nose / And her Walkman started to melt

Years and years ago, when I first started listening to the Smiths, it was stuff like this that really hit me as the proof of Morrisey's genius. With that said, however, I think the band couldn't have been half as good if it weren't for Marr, and the fact that Morrisey's solo stuff wasn't nearly as good is proof.

>> No.12668262
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>the fact that Morrisey's solo stuff wasn't nearly as good

>> No.12668312

I've not listened to all of it, but Morrisey's solo work didn't blow me away. Where do you suggest I start? What's his best solo album?

>> No.12668318

Morrisey solo is just a different angle, it would be lame for him to keep doing the jangle indie as a solo, the man had to grow up.

>> No.12668320


Same goes for Marr without Morrissey. They were two creative forces that balanced each other in a unique way.

>> No.12668380


>> No.12668628

its true, its fucking true
morrisey was just a fucking beard for the true genius of the band

>> No.12668643

Musically, I agree. Marr's jangly guitar is always going to be one of my favorites. But the lyrics (and Morrisey's voice) are equally, if not more, important. I wouldn't listen to them without either Morrisey or Marr. It's a shame neither Rourke or Joyce will ever get any recognition considering the two geniuses they worked with.

>> No.12668671

not gonna lie folks, if this is bait im caught hook line and sinker

>> No.12668742

If I was like that i would be worshipping Morrisey's mediocre lyrics, considering The Smits are one of the biggest critical darlings ever.
I just cant see how come so many people adore him as the biggest lyrical genius of popular music along with Dylan, when there are so many better lyricists than him out there.
Not saying that all his lyrics afe shit tho,the man has moments.

>> No.12668748

I used to like him but turned out he was right wing scum.

>> No.12668765

Remember back then when people thought National Front Disco was a satire and Morrissey was mocking nationalists?

>> No.12668771

Bullshit. Morrissey has a few great records. Marr only went to make trash.

>> No.12668782

Even back then Morrissey kept saying it was for real. His fans were just in denial telling themselves Morrissey was too smart not to be a liberal.

>> No.12668809

do you have a speech impediment, I bet you do you retard

>> No.12668827

>Be on the right
>Be in the right
ho hum

>> No.12668830

don't be so emotional

>> No.12669038
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>> No.12669048

No. Why would you ask?

>> No.12669052
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>extreme rabbit

>> No.12669064

Morrissey being a nazi is one of the biggest disappointments of my life. I grew up loving his music. Who would have thought that the man who wrote "It's so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind" would be an unempathetic piece of shit?

>> No.12669086

Is this bait
>Not wanting your land to be invaded is Nazi-tier
>Only leftists are empathetic
>Morrissey can't care about his countrymen if he's right-wing

He's also still a vegan for animal rights reasons, and very into climate change issues. That shows "empathy", no?

>> No.12669103

To be fair he did wrote that it wasn't easy. Too bad he chose the easy path.

>> No.12669138

:( :( :(

>> No.12669240
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>> No.12669301

This post reeks of reddit.

>> No.12669506


>Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!

Kill yourself you thick cunt. Nazi doesn't mean "anyone right of my ridiculously left wing social ideals". Jesus, you make me sick

>> No.12669855

He was a member of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei between the years of 1920 and 1945?

>> No.12669872

You the man of that list? I don't have anything against you and I know and love most of those guys but honestly you just don't like Mos and that's fine. Let's just think about what you said for a minute; we all know Dylan is better than him and whatever, but what makes Stephen Malkmus better lyricist? How? while everything about Malkmus is very slackerish and hip and ironic, Morrisey is very precise and delivers his lyrics with a strong anglo background, if you are telling me that lyrically somehow anything written by Malkmus is better than "I Know it's Over" then you just don't like the man.

>> No.12669905


What makes Dylan so special? Literally never understood what the supposed literary aspect of his lyrics actually was. Leonard Cohen strikes me as a better lyricist than Dylan by miles

>> No.12669907

dylan is definitely not better than morrissey.

>> No.12669977


As this anon said >>12669905 Cohen is far better. Dylan is literally middle-school tier. And if you want someone with a similar voice, but far better lyricism, try The Tallest Man on Earth

>> No.12670005

Lou Reed, yikes

>> No.12670025


>> No.12670173

Largely hated for his left-wing background he was really good in his prime, especially in the The Freewheelin', A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall is a masterpiece.

>> No.12670429

Mark E Smith is the only one on that list better than Morrissey

>> No.12670463

you mean largely praised for his left wing background

>> No.12671635
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>> No.12671684

God fucking dammit now I have to cop a copy

>> No.12671921

Just listen to Here or Greenlander and tell me that those aren't better lyrics than anything Morrisey ever wrote.
I do kinda hate Morrisey as a person but i can separate the art from the artist, however his art isn't much better than his personality

>> No.12671935

Richey Edwards is lit.

Wherever you go I will be carcass
Whatever you see will be rotting flesh
Humanity recovered glittering etiquette
Answers her crimes with Mausoleum rent

Regained your self-control
And regained your self-esteem
And blind your success inspires
And analyse, despise and scrutinise
Never knowing what you hoped for
And safe and warm but life is so silent
For the victims who have no speech
In their shapeless guilty remorse
Obliterates your meaning
Obliterates your meaning
Obliterates your meaning
Your meaning, your meaning

No birds - no birds
The sky is swollen black
No birds - no birds
Holy mass of dead insect

>> No.12672145

Morrissey is firmly based and thoroughy redpilled, like an overstuffed faux antique burgandy archair bolted to a concrete floor.

>> No.12672243

I thought the same the first time I tried to listen to it. Then I tried again while driving somewhere in an emotional state and fell in love. I still wouldn't say Jeff Magnum is an amazing lyricist because its power lies at least partially elsewhere, but that album is very moving.

>> No.12672268

You have to have an extremely shallow taste in music to consider Morrisey anything above average. Really sad that so few people care about music beyond the mainstream.

>> No.12672309

Beyond the mainstream?
What is the current "mainstream"?
It's certainly not The Smiths. Unless mainstream in your eyes, means something entirely different to what I perceive it to be.

>> No.12672334

Morrissey isn't shallow compared to any record by anyone. He talks about topics unheard of for a mainstream act

>> No.12672336

The Smiths are one of the most famous bands of the 80s. Maybe even the most famous. Every dumb teenage girl knows The Smiths.

>> No.12672337

What do you mean it was "for real"?
I feel like you missed the point of the song entirely, it's not something that can be "for real" or "ironic".

>> No.12672338

Examples please. Not dismissing you, just that I haven't heard anything deserving such praise on any of his albums.

>> No.12672339

I thought this was the intelligent board, how so many people responded to this genuinely shocks me.

>> No.12672386


How hard did you "Yikes" ?

>> No.12672491


Have you considered that intelligence doesn't necessarily mean "believes what I believe"

>> No.12672562

Girlfriend in a Coma, Sweet and Tender Hooligan, I know it's over, a Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours

>> No.12672732

The Cure > The Smiths

>> No.12672816
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careful, boy

>> No.12672856


>> No.12673400

He just happens to write about hot button issues so people automatically think his works are "important"

>> No.12673544

I once had a dream where Morrissey came out alleging that he had been sexually abused as a child by the King of Thailand (the old one who's dead now).