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12666424 No.12666424 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw born too late to travel your country and record your nations folklore

>> No.12666441
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>tfw born just in time to see the old cultures present only in the old, frail, and dying

>> No.12666448
File: 19 KB, 701x665, life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw young enough to phone your grandparents or older relatives and ask them about what their lives were like when they were children, or ask their thoughts on modern society over a cup of coffee

>> No.12666514

I take my Grandpa golfing and to watch a film if there's anything we'd find interesting on each month, and after every outing we go for a meal and chat about politics and how he saw the world from the perspective of a working-class lad who grew up in the 1940s. He's the most amazing man, and his insight into the world so unique that every time I come away I'm left with fresh eyes on the world. Even as he edges closer and closer to turning 90, his mind is as sharp as a blade, and his pride is so great that I guarantee he'd rather see me turn old and senile before him just so he can be excused the embarrassment of him being seen in his senescent years. I recommend to every anon that you spend as much time with your elderly relatives as possible - they are our last bridge with a saner past.

>> No.12666517

>I take my Grandpa golfing
Fucking burgers, man. Fucking white trash burgers. Before I trigger some spastic, there's white and there's white trash.

>> No.12666528

That's pleasant and well said, anon. A few years ago, I interviewed my grandmothers about growing up in the forties and they shared some memories of living and working on the farm, traveling to school, hall dances, etc. My grandfather passed away a couple years ago, but he wasn't very talkative. However, there apparently exists a recording of him talking about his life about fifteen years ago which one of my uncles made. Am trying to track it down.

>> No.12666611

I'm British. He's been an avid golfer is entire life for business purposes and now most of his friends are either too old or too deceased to play, so I fill in for them. I take it you're not a fan of the sport, though.

>> No.12666614

I can imagine that would be fascinating to listen to, I hope you find luck with your searches anon!

>> No.12666627

>Golf is American
You are on so many Scottish death lists, I don't think even Henry VIII can compete

>> No.12666631
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>too deceased to play

>> No.12666643

>I recommend to every anon that you spend as much time with your elderly relatives as possible - they are our last bridge with a saner past.
The only response this deserves is a "lel"

>> No.12666646

t. 16 year old who thinks his gramps smells

>> No.12666669
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>tfw your country has no native folklore

>> No.12666687
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>you will be like Asbjornsen and Moe traveling the great country of Norway in search of folklore and fairytales
It hurts, bros

>> No.12666697

What's wrong with golfing?

>> No.12666700

There's biggers and then there's... well there's just niggers.

>> No.12666705

I bet that golfing is the place where people let their hearts speak out and recount their lives truthfully. Old people have learned to hide their skeletons better, that is the only reason they seem happier and wiser than us. Saying that the past was much saner is downright delusional, something that people who play golf to relax would say.

>> No.12666707

>tfw imperialists eradicated your language

>> No.12666758

>referring to the only true culture of the world as 'folklore'
>falling for the educated class meme of calling what they don't understand 'folklore'

never gonna make it

>> No.12666765

The capitalist-fuelled hyper-permissive and blindly-progressive society we see today is far more insane than any society before us. No culture has tried so violently to kill itself than our own, and it's nice sometimes to listen to stories from a time when things weren't so schizophrenic.

>> No.12666770
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>No culture has tried so violently to kill itself

>> No.12666953

You should know.

>> No.12667034

My great-grandfather was insane, a thief and killed a woman and himself, my grandparents' generation brought our nation into a communist dictatorship that negated the existence of our nation, which my parents' generation had to fix by waging a war... so I don't see how today could be so much more terrible.
In some other time you wouldn't have your golf field to contemplate the "decline of society" and compose phrases as pompous as "No culture has tried so violently to kill itself than our own".

>> No.12667046

>my grandparents were retarded commies so that means you are pompous and wrong!

>> No.12667113

Not the guy you were replying to, but what are you trying to achieve with this? Find something beautiful instead of this dick measuring contest on which time was worst.

>> No.12667140

Isn’t it strange to see things just out of living memory’s reach? My great grandmother used to tell my dad stories about San Francisco before the earthquake and fire. It seems such a world away, SF before techies and before hippies, but it really was not long ago.

>> No.12667206

I see that younger generations can't read. I wrote "my grandparents' generation", not "my grandparents". During the regime my grandpa was sent to jail and lost his job, we had land taken away...
Yes, you are wrong, because you're idealizing the past and think your grandfather's rose glasses are an objective look into the era. I did what you said one should do - learn about your ancestor's thinking and lives, because they're supposedly better than ours. It's not my problem that those things contradict your idealism and pretty fantasies.

>> No.12667216

I'm not the guy who wrote all the golf stuff, I just think you're a whiney faggot. Broadly speaking, most anon's grandparents didn't live in communist bloc countries and go about robbing and killing people, so I think the golf-anon probably has it more right than you.

>> No.12667245
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>tfw born just in time to write about mexicans, rap music, thotcore, trannies, and superhero movies

>> No.12667313

Sperg-tacular post. Do what your faggot gramps didn't have the guts to do and slit your throat.

>> No.12667465

Wow. Did your grandpa teach you to talk with strangers like that?

>> No.12667496

No, my grandpa used to live in an old communist nation and then one day his wife was killed and his entire house burgled and then the guy who did it killed himself.

>> No.12667517

>born in le wrong century
Literally just as bad as ‘born in le wrong generation’ YouTube comments.

/lit/ is teaching new lows

>> No.12667522

Nothing worse than frogposting

>> No.12667540

Fuck off Leibniz

>> No.12667559

You're not though. There's plenty of stories hidden away that are at risk of being forgotten forever even now. I have a book about a local town with indepenently-gathered info that would have been lost if it wasn't self-published on Amazon. Don't be defeatist.

>> No.12667948

This is a good bait because it doesn't even make sense. Golf is almost exclusively an upper class activity in the US.

>> No.12667955

just download alan lomax compilations

>> No.12667957


>> No.12667964

this REEKS of underage

>> No.12670345

ONLY applies to males, women are umb as my grandma. Too bad my grandpa died before i was born, and the other two are rural people and live 500km from home
hhahahhaha you reatard piece of shit, it is very british and high class. cheers

>> No.12670586

they have the whole alan lomax collection on the library of congress website with some sick oral history bits, old dudes telling their tales and singing the songs they grew up with. def recommend you check it out if you havent.

>> No.12671598

Sperg-tastic post. Considering that the british high class has been composed by inbred mongrels for centuries, I don't know why that's a point you want to make. Will you salivate over fox hunting next, or will you try and refute what I said before? You failed to do so, in a spergtacular fashion.

>> No.12671717

Born just in time to absorb internet folklore.