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/lit/ - Literature

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12658870 No.12658870 [Reply] [Original]

/Dadlit/ thread
>what does your dad like to read?
>His favorite author?
>Have you read them?

Mine's is pic related. He really liked sci fi as a kid and is into pop-food-history books now. I read some of WTTMH in middle school, but Harrison Bergeron was the only story I liked or actually remember.
I give him a 3/10, because I haven't seen him read a book in years.

>> No.12658885

He got me into Dostoevsky, but I never asked him what his fav book was.
Idk how to rate him tho.

>> No.12658897

F. He sounds patrician anon

>> No.12658914

I don't have a dad :(

>> No.12658939


>> No.12658958

>what does your dad like to read?
He's into occult shit
>His favorite author?
I've never asked him
>Have you read them?

>> No.12658977


>> No.12658982

>what does your dad like to read?
mostly nonfiction
>His favorite author?
David McCullough I guess
>Have you read them?
5.5/10, he reads every day and stuff that's better than Tom Clancy or whatever, but hasn't read a decent novel in years. He's reading a Shakespeare biography now so I'm going to try to get him to read a play after.

>> No.12659006

Dad loves Roman history and Cioran, which is funny given he decided to be a father. I also love both of those and I love my very based father.

>> No.12659009

>mostly canonical /lit/ things from Homer to Cocteau, also lots of historical stuff
>fun thing I never asked him, no idea
>probably, I read from our library all the time
>8/10, he would be a 9 if he read in other languages, and a 10 if he reread more

I'm a solid 9.5 though so maybe my scaling is just retarded.

>> No.12659025
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My dad is chad hes read all of the Patrician wor...... my dad left me as a kid and has barely been in my life since.

>> No.12659033

He sounds... interesting. Like, Crowley occult or conspiracy stuff? Do you know if you were conceived during a sex magik ritual?

>> No.12659082

He exclusively reads true stories, usually about climbing Everest or running marathons

>> No.12659098

Just the Bible, but lately my mom's got him into all her book club audiobooks.

>> No.12659126

Well at least you can be the patrician father he was too scared to be

>> No.12659166

My dad hasn't read a book voluntarily in his life that I know of
Sometimes he asks me about what I like to read and seems glad that I do but it has never once interested him, clearly

>> No.12659193

like game of thrones and name of the wind type books every once in a while but i don't think he cares a lot about them

>> No.12659197
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>Be me
>hate vonnegut
>one day get a call from my friend from like 10 years ago
>"Anon, you remember that pledge we made together before we graduated?"
>"You mean that we would help each other out of a fucked up situation no matter what?"
>"Well, this one is bad."
>"How bad?"
>Arrive at his apartment around 2AM.
>He answers the door and he's still shaking.
>Takes me to the bathroom.
>Dead hooker in the bathtub, partially dismembered.
>"I don't know what happened, shit got out of control."
>"Never mind, we need a few more people to help us with this."
>Call three other friends over.
>Take turns systematically dismembering the corpse.
>Blood everywhere. All over our clothes, all over the walls.
>Drive out beyond the city, scatter the remains into the woods.
>Drive back. Need to take in what had just happened.
>Stop off at a 24/7 diner.
>Walk in.
>Waiter walks up.
>"Well if it isn't the Slaughterhouse Five!"
>Look down
>Still covered in blood.


>> No.12659254

My dad only reads western magazines that he buys from flea markets.

>> No.12659298

For some weird reason the only books he has read is The Prophet and the Garfen of tbe Prophet by Halil Gibran

>> No.12659301

high quality. take your upvote and go. faggot.

>> No.12659398

My dad is gen x but a soiboi redditor incarnate
>marvel comix
>anne rice's entire collection
>too many stephen king novels
>dune in its entirety
>every book-turned-movie, but only the "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" covers
>Hitchhiker's Guide
>Percy Jackson series
>Harry Potter
I wish he wasn't so detrimental to my life

>> No.12659428

On the other hand your dad is automatically less alpha than you so you can easily take control of the house.

>> No.12659449

Is it too late for you to have your dad aborted?

>> No.12659459

but Ie anime traps are based & redpilled xD

>> No.12659476

I moved out the day I turned 18, haven't heard from him since 2016 by his choice; he holds contempt for me improving my life. I've had to raise myself since "don't leave the house and don't have irl relationships" isn't a good way to get any job or friends.

>> No.12659501

Whoa. Give us some greentext neet-dad stories.

>> No.12659504

he's been dead for a decade now
i think he read some pulp westerns or something

>> No.12659541
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My father didn't read much at all. I remember, a long time ago, he picked up and skimmed through one of my Animorphs books (it was the one written from the PoV of the Alderaans, was that their name?) he looked bemused and quickly discarded it. I remember feeling disappointed that of all books to choose he picked that one. If he's read anything in the interim I wouldn't know; we don't talk.

>> No.12659557

My dad likes Biggles and reads mother's discarded true crime novels.

>> No.12659559

>400lbs, his diet consists solely of Taco Bell, McDonalds, Nutter Butter, Hostess, TV dinners, and chips
>goes through a 12 pack of Pyramid IPA a night watching some superhero netflix/tv show/movie
>onomatopoeias every 15 seconds watching shows like Flash, Smallville, Arrow, etc.
>neetbux from idefk what, getting 4k a month as a (now) 43yo
>autistically collects every marvel movie the day it comes out, also watches it opening night in theaters
>falls asleep watching these
>reads books when he's seen everything he owns 3 x years he's been alive
>won't allow me into sports as a teen bc he thought I wouldn't like it
>told me spending too much time (4 hours a week outside would give me cancer bc white
>the second I complain about a friend he calls the school to report "bullying", forcing me to look like the school shooter stereotype (I wasn't at all)
>punishes me for trying to better myself by having a social life
>calls me evil for insinuating that he's less than his best due to his hardcore aversion to any amount of suffering
>picks up smoking out of nowhere
>pack a day marlboro gold pack
>loaded to the teeth with antidepressants, ssri's, etc.
>he's not sure why he is not happy, avoids any conversations with me about it bc I'm trying to ruin his life apparentlt
Nothing really specific, but the redditor/npc/soi memes were likely modeled after him

>> No.12659572

>what does your dad like to read?
Kurt Vonnegut, Flannery O'Connor, William Shakespeare

>> No.12659597

>Mostly McCarthy and Robert Graves
>Robert Graves. Gave him a first edition King Jesus for christmas a while ago. Was weird giving him like a heartfelt adulty gift but there ya go.
>6/10, I can see why he likes it from what I know of him tho

>> No.12659601

Dude sounds abusive. Therapy.

>> No.12659636

My father? I never met the guy.

>> No.12659656

My dad only read the newspaper after coming home from work.

>> No.12660619

He was in college in the early 80's and he wrote his name in most of his paperbacks with the year. He never threw out any books he had and I found hundreds in boxes in his basement, he was really into DeLillo, Roth, and Pynchon it seems like. He also had a lot of first editions of Kurt Vonnegut and Richard Brautigan, I think he was just buying them as they came out

I have all his old Pynchon books too, he had V, Crying Lot, Gravity's Rainbow, Slow Learner, and Vineland.

He doesn't read literature so much anymore, he was a little kid during the space age so he has a lot of stuff pertaining to the Apollo missions because I think it really captured him. Or maybe he does, he mostly uses an E-Reader now so I wouldn't know.

It was actually a really good way to bond with him as an adult just because we both basically started reading a lot of the same shit independently of one another

>> No.12660635
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my dad is an evangelical christian convert who for some reason reads a lot of Chaim Potok

>> No.12661420

Reminds me of my ex who only read YA fantasy

>> No.12661437

I've heard of a lot of disappointing neet sons on this website, but never a neet dad
The only essential /dadlit/

>> No.12661491

My dad has a huge collection of books about WWI, WWII, and US military history, and he collects first printings of Clive Cussler novels.
I haven't really read anything out of his collection, but he read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy when he was younger, so we can talk about authors like Herbert and Asimov that we both enjoy.
When I was probably 9 or 10 he gave me his old copies of The Hobbit and the Hitchhiker's Guide books and now I'm getting a bit choked up realizing just how big a part he played in my current love of literature.
I should call my dad today.

>> No.12662091

>Books on old jazz and rock musicians, scientific journals, and newspapers
>never asked him
>I read an article he had published but it was about some physics thing and I don't remember a thing. Other than that, no.