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/lit/ - Literature

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12656491 No.12656491 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,
Is it possible to live a good and possibly wealthy life if you drop out of highschool. School gives me terrible depression and once you see through the education system it's hard to have a good time. I want to drop out and become a writer but should I take that leap or just leave it as a dream?

>> No.12656514

I feel so sorry for you guys that had hideous high school experiences. I went to school in rural Kansas near a college town at an excellent but small public high school. They took writing and literature very seriously. Tess of the d’Urbervilles was read in sophomore year, for instance. We even got through the entirety of War and Peace over two semesters. You could take a writing workshop class every semester for compounding credit and few kids did write entire novels on the school’s time. I’ll never forget writing and sharing stories in that old flagstone school as the wind off the flint hills rattled the windows.

>> No.12656533

>i'm depressed

watch NGE, read Crime and Punishment, and get over yourself.

>> No.12656552

You should join a trade OP. I have a degree in English but I don’t want to be a teacher and I’m not ready for grad school yet so I’m training to be an electrician/HVAC tech. It’s pretty nice and low stress.

I write on the side and have published in some journals. Like you I also have dreams of being a writer and publishing novels. You can do it bro just keep trying.

Are you from Manhattan? Sounds like you had an awesome high school experience. Kansas is a great place to be from. I’m proud of it, it’s a good state.

>> No.12656554

I am jealous. My high school was atrocious and i think that made me pursue stem in college. We read things like the Kite Runner. Why can’t every School introduce the students to real literature like yours did?

>> No.12656569

im a fucking loser but high school was the best time of my life. what the fuck is wrong with people that they hated high school?

>> No.12656607

Youth is thinking you have to live in a huge city to be /lit/, maturity is realizing top tier /lit/ comes out of places like this

>> No.12656675
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yes, for real bro how is that possible?

>> No.12656870

Im in the same exact spot as you op. Its scary. I was planning on dropping out a week before senior graduation and then publishing my novel. Serious gamble, fuck it honestly im gonna do it. I have a contingency plan. Make sure you have one too

>> No.12656880

nobody wants to read a novel written by an 18 year old pseud

>> No.12656914

still worth a try

>> No.12656917

Some authors started out pretty young

>> No.12656933

I wish you look and hope to read your book some day

>> No.12656936

yeah bro that’ll definitely be you

>> No.12656937

>about to graduate
>want to drop out
Get over yourself desu

>> No.12656942

Same goes for you man. Dont give up

>> No.12656951

I hate High School very much just like OP. i wont go in depth on it.

>> No.12657084

Please don't be serious

>> No.12657091

probably better off doing a bit more studying and reading until you have a solid knowledge base to draw from but hey you do you

>> No.12657102

>/lit/ is literally a bunch of adolescents
damn its all starting to make a lot of sense

>> No.12657103

Retard, if you graduate in a week just fucking chill for a week and they'll give you a diploma.

>> No.12657152


It's overwhelmingly likely that you will fail as a writer. If being depressed because of school is enough to make you quit, then what will the depression of failing to immediately succeed as a writer do? What will watching all of your friends land jobs after college while you have nothing to fall back on do? If you really have what it takes to be a great writer, then you should be more than capable of succeeding in both school and writing. It sounds like because you "see through the education system" you think that you're more intelligent than your peers, and that your depression is the result of "woke" insights that people would just love to read if you wrote them down. No popular author of literary fiction would write something as pseud as that, and no reader would want to buy it. Do the smart thing and stay in school, go to college, and try to build your life like everyone else. Write on the side.

>> No.12657162

i guess i'll see how it goes but i still want to be an author regardless

>> No.12657163

If they hated high school it's because they aspired beyond its confines and probably went on to do better things. You liked high school because you peaked there. It's not something to be proud of.

>> No.12657165

Get a job and write.

>> No.12657205
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I had a terrible fucking high-school experience emotional scars type of shit.

Was a geek freshman year going to the library,getting good grades,got bullied for being so straight-edged, was well known just friendly with everyone was the king of the chess club :).
Sophomore year met with the wrong people ended up being the typical juvenile scumbag failing all classes smoking weed everyday, but nothing really bad. First girl I start talking to is nice funny, found out she has a boyfriend and she dumped him a month talking to me as friends. Boyfriend thinks I was talking shit or something, beats my ass infront of everyone can't defend myself cause dontknowhowtofight..... There is a video and everything. End up getting kicked out of school because shit grades even though good classes and the other guy gets off scot free with a suspension because the principal thinks what he did to me was justified. So, I had to go to school 40 miles away from everyone I knew my then old friends think Im some juvenile scum fuck and I could not even talk to people anymore because of crippling anxiety I inherited(It also gave me massive acne because of stress and acne in turn gave me more stress).So nobody invited me anywhere or attempted to talk to me unless i've talked to them before. Did not have any close friends for the rest of the 2.5 years of high-school. At least no one bothered me anymore when I read.

tl;dr Tried to be chad juvenile in HS got my ass beat in front everybody; on video. Ended up moving to school in another county, made no friends for the rest of high-school.

If only I had not gone to a shitty highschool where being a dumb-ass is cool and prompted me to be one through immense pressure

>> No.12657375

>If they hated high school it's because they aspired beyond its confines and probably went on to do better things.
lmfao you cant be serious

>> No.12657491

>on video
jesus christ i'm so glad when I was in HS people weren't video taping every ass beating
seems people just involve themselves inshit for social media credit nowadays

>> No.12657635

im 24. I dropped out of law school with mental illness.

I am currently sitting my papers to finish my degree and working a shitty job full-time to survive.

unless there is something you have a crazy passion for, and you have some clear route/contacts, stick with school. make some new friends, listen to music, smoke some weed.

learn from my mistake. no one wants to read your shit book. even if you had a crazy successful academic record and a prestigious job at a magazine/newspaper/sitting a literary PhD, getting published and writing as a young person is fiction. the real young people getting published are the celebrities. youtubers and shit.

>> No.12657848
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>> No.12657860

Saying that high school was the best time of your life is just equally sad

>> No.12657880

I guess it boils down to death or glory anon. Going through similar feelings recently with uni. Also good and wealthy depends entirely on context. You`re probably gonna have a harder live if you drop out, a way harder one, but also a way more interesting one. One that gives way more inspiration for writing

>> No.12657897

second that

>> No.12657919

i already admitted in my post that im a fucking loser. as a lifelong loser, i found high school much more enjoyable than any other part. if your high school experience sucked, what was better? wage slaving? doomerposting from the basement?

>> No.12658067

How will that fix anything?

>> No.12658114

Just turned 22. Think my 20s are waaaaay bether than my teens. I got a lot of stuf figured out and don't care about status symbols that much.
Fun fact: I was kind of the rebell in my year. Even concinved myself that i didn't care about those status symbols. By now I think that you get happier the more you emancipate yourself from the hierarchies that are created in every kond of social network. Sounds motherducking corny but: just be yourself

>> No.12658282

wanna know how I know that you got bullied in high school?

>> No.12658310

I didn't get bullied and I agree with them

>> No.12658316

whats the point dropping out a week before graduation

>> No.12658364

Altough I'm usaually the just do it guy I agree with that anon. I mean one week. Just do that one week

>> No.12658399
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i enjoyed high school, but i agree with them. i realised all too late that i was the bully

>> No.12658422

I'm older than you and everything post-HS has been much more repressive. Maybe you're a bum and can afford not to care about status games, but for anyone on a white collar career path it only gets worth.

>> No.12658426

>Serious gamble, fuck it honestly im gonna do it. I have a contingency plan. Make sure you have one too
This is a fucking terrible idea. It's not a gamble, it's just retarded. There's nothing that'll hurt your chances of publishing by graduating High School, in this situation. But dropping out of High School can seriously hurt your future and set you back. You may not need a diploma for success, but not having one will cut you out of all kinds of career opportunities. I've heard of people dropping out a year or two away for catastrophic reasons. But this?

>> No.12658428

^ worse*