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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 220x326, 220px-Kurt_Vonnegut_1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12653199 No.12653199 [Reply] [Original]

If so, why?

>> No.12653262

no he's ok, idk why this board has such a hatred for entry-level lit when its easy to tell the majority of this retarded board doesnt even fucking read

>> No.12653289

He's a lazy maximalist. He thinks he can have the scope of a maximalist in a much more condensed format. It leads to his literature being ADHDcore and to the overall effect that none of his ideas are fleshed out to any satisfactory degree. I ended up reading Slaughterhouse 5 as a result of a prolonged hospital stay; it was one of the few books that wasn't pure pulp (well at least not obviously). This was my overall impression of his most acclaimed work.

>> No.12653313

what makes you think the ideas in slaughterhouse5 would be better expressed as a full-fledged maximalist work? what needed fleshed out more?

>> No.12653320

nah, i liked cats cradle. slaughterhouse 5 is ok.

>> No.12653335

That's the thing, there were so many that I would have to curate the book in some fashion like "Yeah I think the bestiality can be safely scrapped and the self-insert about having sex with an attractive actress, that one should go without saying. But that part where the war hero in the hospital is being degraded by the other guy, leave that in" etc...

>> No.12653340

He does something that /lit/ usually likes in a way that's accessible to normies.

>> No.12653356

what is this "something"?

>> No.12653378

I have adhd and find myself reading Ulysses with no difficulties, although it's the hardest - strangier being more suitable to describe it - book I ever read.
Please, I ask more discern of your part. It's not like you could put my disorder and Vonneguts writing at the same "level".
Perhaps I should say I'm not american, probably american kids are so full of shit in their food and mind adhd just makes it worse, but I'm not sure. I don't really know what are your standards for adhd, but they're fucking wrong, read before you post.

>> No.12653408

Nah he’s good
Bluebeard, Galapagos, mother night and sirens of titan are all solid books

>> No.12653409
File: 57 KB, 640x608, 1549688427326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid ADHD is the least of your worries, my friend.

>> No.12653460

He's OK. He's lazy with the grammatical devices. I think he tries to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
>he said
>she said
>he said
>she said
>he said
>she said
It gets monotonous. So much can be done to the style of dialogue that it seems such a waste to forfeit it. I especially hate when a writer uses "said" to indicate a question in dialogue.

>> No.12653468
File: 8 KB, 300x225, break-the-conditioning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who wrote the excoriating critique above but I can't agree with this. The idea that dialogue needs to be complicated with variety in the introduction of the person speaking is just one of these meme ideas that gets implanted into your head in primary school and you never really shake. But its a trifling issue, really. Break the conditioning anon.

>> No.12653491

Wait, you claim that Vonnegut is a "lazy maximalist" because he doesn't elaborate on his ideas, but then you suggest he remove elements of the story rather than expanding on them? How is he going to reach the page lengths of Gravity's Rainbow or Infinite Jest if he removes things from the story?

>> No.12653512

I'm saying there were things that were entirely worthless and removing them would have allowed him to potentially write a much more coherent book of similar length.

>> No.12653544

I am not saying that it needs to be complicated. Adding some small detail in the dialog can actually smooth the flow and eliminate the need for some independent narrative.

>> No.12653896

i cried like a bitch reading sirens of titan (near the end), and breakfast of champions was one of my first major favorite literary experiences that turned me onto books

he's good.

>> No.12654519

I think this is probably the division is whether or not people read him when they were younger. I don't like his shit, but I recommend it to newfags to reading because I probably would have in highschool.

>> No.12654536

i hate him because reddit likes him even though I spend an awful lot of time lurking and posting on reddit.

/r/books isn't that bad

>> No.12654654

>/r/books isn't that bad

In all seriousness I do see genuinely intelligent people post on arrbooks, but their generally get overshadowed by stupid mainstream redditors.

>> No.12654684

s5 is fine but everything else I've read by him makes me cringe, like something that I would have loved at 14
>>12654519 I think is nail on the head if I had read him as teenager I'm sure I would have some nostalgia keeping me from hating him like I have with BE Elis

>> No.12654690

Because he's not obscure enough.

>> No.12654724

Who keeps perpetuating this stupid idea that Vonnegut is for teens only? The older I get the more I see the 'types' and caricatures he describes appearing all around me. SH5 is also one of the best character studies I've seen anywhere and Billy Pilgrim is a great character- especially if you've been through any kind of military service. Vonnegut knew how to write people better than the one dimensional stereotypes present in other 'maximalist' authors like Pynchon or DFW, usually focusing on a few memorable human traits even amidst the ludicrousness of the setting.

>> No.12654733

I just went on arrbooks to see what it was like, and it genuinely had "Finally read the first Harry Potter book", never going back it's like when normies try to talk to you about books.

>> No.12654737

He gets called a redditor for teens because that's how his voice comes across. Let me give you an example outside of vonnegut, the son in white noise. In the 80s it was probably fine, today he reads like every faggot fedora tipping kid with an internet connection.

>> No.12654739


>> No.12654757

Nah, no faggot fedora tipping kid could write with the same attention to detail that Vonnegut has. In terms of voice he reads like a more comedic Raymond Carver.