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12653330 No.12653330 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start with this guy? Which translation? Also, any cool trivia about this guy? I invariably hear him discussed with the likes of Faulkner and Joyce.

>> No.12653343

Madame Bovary

Lydia Davis is a good translator for Flaubert

He was extremely hardworking, Art was his religion. You wouldn’t be wasting your time reading a biography of him.

>> No.12653344

>Flautbert was asked about what was the process when writing female characters, especially how he achieved such analysis of the female condition in Madame Bovary. Flautbert inhaled his pipe, looked down in a pensive manner, and answered: First, i write my character as a man. Then i strip him out of reason and accountability, adding physical weakness and love for degeneracy. The female name comes last.

>> No.12653352
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whatever work he expressed this based idea in.

>> No.12653367

Did you really think people wouldn't look this up?

>> No.12653375

The funny thing is although this is a lie, Flaubert probably believed something similar. He didn’t have a lot of respect for women, I don’t know if he ever really loved anyone except for a crush he had on an older woman as a young boy.

>> No.12654298

For trivia read Julian Barnes' Flaubert's Parrot; start with Sentimental Education so far as Flaubert himself is concerned.

>> No.12654334

Bouvard and Pecuchet is the best novel of the 19th century

>> No.12654341

AND it's rather comfy.

>> No.12654817

reminder that Flaubert put dildoes up his ass

>> No.12654839

>start with Sentimental Education so far as Flaubert himself is concerned
Retarded advice. There’s literally no reason not to start with Bovary.

Def not.

>> No.12654853

Bouvard et Pecuchet > La Tentation de Saint Antoine > Salammbô > Hérodias >>> Madame Bovary

>> No.12654880

>There's literally no reason not etc.
The principal characters are younger, male, and the novel has both coming of age aspects and fewer pages. These are good reasons to start with Sentimental Education.

>> No.12654892

Which translation for Bovary/Sentimental Education?