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/lit/ - Literature

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12646451 No.12646451 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to yellowstone in two months what books should I bring?
I'm looking for some literature along the lines of Meditations, anything Hemingway, Unabomber manifesto that sort of thing.

>> No.12646468

Take Pascal. And Montaigne.

>> No.12646470

My diary desu

>> No.12646559
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Plz share frien.

>> No.12646592

John Muir's books, Walden, Kerouac's "Dharma Bums"

>> No.12646879

I've done a few long hiking trips and have experimented with different books.

You might want something about nature to add to your observations, like Thoreau (Walden or Walking), Wendell Berry or Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold.

But in my experience a nice novel is best for camping/hiking.

If you like nonfiction, then a collection of stories about Yellowstone, or a short history of the park, will be really nice to have.

>> No.12647076

All very good! Thank you.

>> No.12647102

>Unabomber manifesto
Stick to vidya, brainlet,

>> No.12647122

Is that type of philosophy considered plebeian?

>> No.12647145

call of the wild

>> No.12647152

Oh yes very much so.

>> No.12647170
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How so? Seems pretty reasonable, more tech = very bad. Only lame man.

>> No.12647183

You're in yellowstone and you found a secret trail leading to a hidden valley. You’re the first one who sets his foot there for centuries. It’s overgrown with ancient forest plants, strange birds singing. You’re walking through the jungle and come across a gigantic cliff. Upon closer inspection this giant cliff is made of pure emerald. And a holy monk hundreds of years ago spent all his life with a chisel and hammer to scratch a poem into the wall. It’s hard like diamond so it took his entire life to write three lines of a poem. You’ll be the first to see it, and I’d like you to read it to me.