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12645256 No.12645256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up
>had some junk food while mindlessly browsing internet
>go outside and walk around a bit while feeling sad
>go to burger king and binge
>go and buy junk food just as an excuse to walk around the shiny bright supermarket
>go home and mindlessly browse internet and leave exercise for tomorrow
>currently lying in bed at 11:24 pm

I have watched multiple Elon Musk videos and saw his meme review and I have concluded that life is a pointless joke because I'll never do anything that's 10 % of his importance.

My bank account has been raped so much due to my junk food buying, it's unreal. I'm not under any pressure though.

I have no idea how to motivate myself to do anything productive in my free time. For over 3 years I've delayed my "real life", which would consist of me working extremely hard.

>> No.12645262

>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.12645263

>Finnegans Wake

>> No.12645268



>> No.12645275
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>he leaves his house

>> No.12645280

It’s like you’re in an extremely wealthy income bubble but a complete loser, being the laughing stock of every other rich guy around you.

Thanks for making me feel better, like I am earning the wealth I make, instead of leeching off of my parents like you.

>> No.12645305
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yesterday i walked into the dunkin donuts next to my office and the qt girl there that i like locked eyes with me and smiled.
today i walked in and she was facing away from the front messing with some machine and some dopey dude took my order and she didnt notice me. i went in hoping i'd get a chance to chat with her. feelin pretty bummed.
how do i ask this girl out anons

>> No.12645316
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I was wondering where you posted now you filthy Paki.

>> No.12645377

How fat is londonfrog?

>> No.12645385


>> No.12645658

Very fat.

>> No.12645704

That's exactly how you do it. Watch videos of psychopathic capitalists that attribute their success to their perseverance + wallow in your misery and think that behavioral change can help fix the gap inside your soul

>> No.12645747

why don't you move to manchester so you could be manchesterfrog instead of londonfag? It sounds like a way cooler and more /lit place.

>> No.12645774

You don't, because it's weird to ask out some poor girl in a place where she's not allowed to walk away.

>> No.12645797

So conflict resolution in your mind is just walking away?
She can say no

>> No.12645800
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>> No.12645814
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>mfw I see another BASED post from BASED Londonfrog

>> No.12645818
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>> No.12645821

Is social alienation and atomization caused by this sort of extreme individualist thinking dominating our morality? Do people just need to do online dating now because everyone expects to be left completely alone in public at all times?

>> No.12645868

Sadly that's the way things in cities are. We are simply too many and have become numb to human presence. I spent my summers to a <200 population village when I was younger. I was happy to see another human being and everyone greeted each other

>> No.12645924

No, but people should be left alone while they're at work.

>> No.12645964

yeah, people care about their service jobs so much that anything that might distract them from making profits for capitalists is a big no-no. what if you get her pregnant? she cant keep brewing shitty watery coffee at a 400% markup for billionaires while making minimum wage, that's in no way acceptable.

>> No.12646012

Problem is the "human interaction"(in reailty just you trying to get in her pants while she's minding her business) you will have with her won't actually change anything to her situation, just make her more stressed if there are a lot of customers. It's not about making profit for your overlord, just about going through the day without an intense urge to murder everyone around you.

If you really want to ask her out do it when there are few customers, perhaps near the end of the day, when you feel she's more relaxed and has time to talk. That way you won't be intrusive and there might actually be human interaction. Getting her number would just be a bonus at this point.

Also I recommend you talk to her a few times before getting her number, so become a regular of sort. Talk a bit with her collegues too, don't be a cunt. It's fine to try to seduce the cute barrista, it's not fine to be the creepy guy who's pestering the poor girl for her numbers while rudely ignoring everyone else. The difference might seem obvious but it's actually a rather fine line.

>> No.12646120

>"human interaction"(in reailty just you trying to get in her pants while she's minding her business)
don't think anyone is under any delusions about this; not sure why this is a bad thing.

>> No.12646213

>Do people just need to do online dating now because everyone expects to be left completely alone in public at all times?
There was a lengthy article in The Atlantic a few months ago that touched on the topic. Basically everyone interviewed agreed that it would be nice to spontaneously meet people of the opposite sex by striking up a chat in an elevator or something like that, but everyone also agreed that it would be extremely creepy to initiate such a conversation.

>> No.12646454

I wake up every morning, I take a shower. Get dressed. Wake up my daughter. Get her ready for the day. Take her to school, go to work. Work several hours with a coworker I hate, in a job I tolerate. I make decent money. Pick up my daughter from school, cook her dinner, we go to bed.

That's everyday.
Sounds like a normal routine yeah?

Well I wake up alone. In a bed I used to share with the girl I love.

My daughter asks if she'll see the girl I love soon. Everyday.

I go to bed alone and hope by tomorrow ill be over it.

I would kill for the life you hate. To just be sad alone. But when you have a child you can't let that child see you be sad. It's not good for them. So I get to wear a happy face while I rot inside

>> No.12646469

And yes, I know. I should live for her. I'm proud of her. She's brilliant for her age and the apple of my eye. But I'm always reminded I don't have a family for her.

I just want my life back.

>> No.12646506

The grocery store is the modern church. Brightly lit, almost impossibly large, filled with the things that fill one up. Anonymizing. A man is shrunken and impotent before its grandeur. A man is made larger than himself after leaving. Everything is dim compared to this house of God. Everything is empty without it that fills you.

>> No.12646535

I don't even understand, what is "creepy" about that? Am I autistic or are the normalfags the real autists?

>> No.12646581

i think our individual perception not just of the action, but also our imagined perception of the action by other people, reinforces itself until it becomes an agreed upon social principle. it's like individuals consider themselves and others to be, at the very same moment, both an individual (with their own thoughts and opinions) and the 'average person' (who follow social mores)

the thing i wonder, is does this average person even exist, or have we mutually constructed a bogeyman that's actually limiting our ability to meaningfully interact with one another?

i get that it was a small sample size, but to have a group of people limit themselves from positive experiences on behalf of an imaginary person is tragic.

>> No.12646589

I don’t get you man. You sound like a child.

I want my life to be better, but I don’t want to work hard to make it happen.

There are people that are more successful than me. I can’t be number one so why bother trying?

I just don’t get it.

My life isn’t perfect, I have stuff that worries me, but I also put in the effort to be a better person and try to achieve things. I now live in another country with my wife.

Things can get better, but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get off your ass and make it happen.

Life isn’t going to wait for you. It’s passing you by and it’s your choice to sit there and let it happen.

>> No.12646603

What happened with the girl anon? Was she your daughter's mom?

>> No.12646617

Your kid can feel your unhappiness. Fix your attitude for her sake. It's not enough to provide her food and shelter

>> No.12646633

He is a child at heart. Every depressed is fixated on some early developmental phase. What comes naturally to you (self care and actualization) isn't the same for others

>> No.12646651
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>> No.12646653


>> No.12646669

Because not everyone that posts here is a loser, fuckhead. Some of us have wives and shit. You see it so often now it’s commonplace.

Just fuck off already with your virgin bullshit

>> No.12646681

you can't kick the virgins out of 4chan, it is ridiculous to even try

>> No.12646687

No. The mother of my child was a horrible woman. A monument to my inability to hurt a woman. We should have broken up long before my daughter was conceived.
But, we didn't, my child was born and shortly after her mother picked up a heroin addiction, stole everything, and disappeared. Not before calling me every name in the book for "making her feel like a bad person" while I tried to help her kick her addiction.

The girl was.. Heather. My Heather. The most beautiful woman I ever knew. She was another person who's life my child's mother ruined and we came together to support each other in the wake of that human hurricane. A romance developed. Everything was perfect, she was the mother I always wanted for my daughter

But..my greatest shame. She got pregnant. We had already discussed what would have to happen in that scenario.. It was her idea! Naively I assumed it was set in stone. Time came and she wanted to know if we could try it...

I simply said.. "I wish you'd think about it"

That was all she needed to hear. I broke her heart. She got an abortion and though our relationship continued for a year, the burial plot was purchased. Now she's gone. Found a guy who doesn't really get her. Doesn't fully appreciate her. To her, he's a means to an end.

We're still friends. Like that's supposed to make me feel better.

Be all you can be anons. One day you'll meet someone who deserves your best effort. And deserves it everyday. There will come tests. And you don't get do overs. I let her down. The one time I was supposed to prove I wasn't one of those guys who wasted her time and broke her heart. And I didn't.

Her name wasn't Heather. It's a cryptic clue to her real name though

>> No.12646695

fixed your post

>> No.12646701

You're right. I really am trying. She's a fantastic child. More than I deserve.

Her teachers, other parents, they all tell me she's exceptional. It's the only thing that makes me smile.

>> No.12646706

No one going to point out that this retard thinks Elon Musk of all people is a reason to give up on trying to accomplish something in life?

>> No.12646718
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My first thought.

>> No.12646719

I’m not even trying to. Im saying that he is being a fuckhead if he gets offended with the ones who aren’t. As a matter of fact I have no problem with virgins if they are posting continually. It’s when they assume everyone else is like them that’s the problem. It’s just not healthy