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/lit/ - Literature

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12644180 No.12644180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Friday and I’m lonely as fuck
I want to hangout with a cute /lit/ girl. Where the fuck and how the fuck can I make this happen?
I’m ugly btw

>> No.12644253

Honestly, there are two ways to do this:
1) Get involved with /lit/ communities
2) Become a Chad with choices.

Look for local events, meet-ups, gatherings.etc in your city, and attend, and you'll be able to chat with someone. Repeat. And then hang out with those you like the most, and you'll find more of the same.

Example: Made a new friend a philosophy meet-up; kept hanging out with him; last month went to a bar to chat; went outside to smoke; started to speak to another smoker who was cute /lit/ girl into psychoanalysis.

Even if you're ugly, becoming hygienic and fit will negate that debuff. Once that done, you gotta work on being charming. Eloquence, kindness, humour, alongside a good physique and grooming will put you in the top percentile.

>> No.12644263

Where do you find philosophy meetups lmao

>> No.12644268

The events/meetups thing sounds cool. How do I find them? And will I be exposed as a pseud?
Also is mid 20s to old for this kind of thing, I’m assuming most people at these are in uni still.

>> No.12644270

Go back to /r9k/, you fucker.

>> No.12644324

>not embracing an honest humility so as to learn from others, saving you time in the long run vs. trying to plow through philosophy on your own

I just joined a filmmakers group on Meetup and they're all old boomers with credentials. I get to learn from them instead of trying to use windows movie maker by myself.

>> No.12644337

I’m open to learning. But that’s of course a secondary goal to impressing a qt.

>> No.12644350

read the book Invisible Partners

in fact, everyone on 4chan should read it. massively important perspective.

pass it on once you do

>> No.12644362

What's it about
>I’m ugly btw
Yeah mate you're fucked

>> No.12644365

Got a job interview today
It'll be an avenue for social interaction if I do get it

>> No.12644492

look it up on goodreads and get an account if you dont already have one

>> No.12644512

Ugly /lit/ girl here - you get drunk at bars and spew our literary opinions until someone takes the bait.
t. drunk as hell and no one took the bait tonight better luck next time

>> No.12644581

get into a reading club or just go to places where you think people you'd like to have as friends would go to and start from there

>> No.12644616

>t. drunk as hell and no one took the bait tonight better luck next time
How do you feel about a guy spewing gibberish and always going into big ass digressions because he's pattern of thought is unorganized as fuck?

>> No.12644624
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be my gf please

>> No.12644631

I just joined one that was happening in the city. Otherwise, if there is none, make your own on Meetup.com

Also, I didn't post this originally, but go to you local uni and look for event posters on campus, and attend. Most university have a website that also post their open events online. Chatting happens post-lecture, esp. at one with refreshments.

Also, don't worry about age: I'm mid-20s, and my friend at the bar was mid-30s.

Works for general socialization. Chances for /lit/-type individual are slim.
Good luck!

First post goes for you as well. Find clubs, clean-up, hit the gym -- a guy's routine and girl's routine do not really differ.

>> No.12644651

>Also, don't worry about age
This. Just be chill, don't overthink things to much and talk to people, meet cool peps and what not, enjoy yourself and shit.

>> No.12644717
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Useless bromides

>> No.12644720

This guy is a larper, don't listen to him.

>> No.12644734

>don't listen to actual good advice
Why not?

>> No.12644741

Lotta arabic reviews on that book for some reason.

>> No.12644747

based lonely loser poster!
based reddit "I'll fix your life anon"poster!
based wannabe janitor poster!

>> No.12644831

Kindness is the sweetest quality any man or lady can have. Be kind, everyone.

>> No.12644865

shut up pussy

>> No.12644900

n o t t i n g h a m
Seriously though I just want to not be lonely.

>> No.12644909

>n o t t i n g h a m
Why is it always England?

>> No.12644923

English men are pathetic, tbqhwy.
I watched a documentary the other day where a bunch of women in Africa had to migrate because of British military stationed nearby who kept coming over and raping them.

>> No.12644924

Learn to enjoy being alone

>> No.12644939

Actually it's nottingham PA. RIght between oxford and dublin.

>> No.12644943

england is the most cucked "country" on the planet
>please gibs me brexit
>ahhhh no let me back in

>> No.12644950

Just make a tulpa

>> No.12644960

It's because our women are shit tbqh.
>ahhhh no let me back in
That's just the politicians.

>> No.12644969

I can hold a smile as long as you require, even longer.

>> No.12644970
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I actually feel bad for you guys.

/fitlit/ has literally changed my life, and made me feel that much better.

Regardless, I'll be posting a complete guide to /SIG/ in two months or so -- and maybe I can continue to help people who take me earnestly.

>> No.12644976

stop projecting your insecurities onto others and fuck off.

>> No.12644978

Your men are all effete worms or smooth brained louts. I've never met or seen or heard of a british person worth respecting. Even throughout history you come across as double dealing snakes who fuck yourself over every twenty years due to incompetence and greed.

>> No.12644997

maybe after that you can post a guide on how to brag about castrating yourself

>> No.12645009

this is both you, innit?

>> No.12645012

Get off my Swahili feel-good forum!

>> No.12645018

Can you give me a preview of that guide?

>> No.12645035

go to your nearest truckstop and hang out in the mens bathroom until they ask you to leave.

>> No.12645066


1) I do not use 'woman' or 'incel' in a derogatory way.
2) My lists use parentheses not periods.

Send an e-mail requesting it at: totallynotanalt94@gmail.com

I'll try to give it some polish over the weekend for you. At the moment, it's just a series of prescriptions and proscriptions. I wanted to create a proper forward, flesh each section out, and interconnect different parts.

Tell me a little about yourself and your goals, and I will try to help you focus.

>> No.12645076

I'm pretty sure the Left has already done that.

>> No.12645081

How do you beat wimp mentality? Is it just the matter of either you do or you don't like it seems to me or what?

>> No.12645087


>> No.12645105

>How do you beat wimp mentality?
well the guy your asking just deludes himself into believing acting like pussy doesn't make him a pussy. If he ever went to prison he'd be somebodies girlfriend.

>> No.12645209

You're going to need to define wimp mentality for me.

Ultimately, if I understand you correctly, the best starting point is the physical one. Start going to the gym and start lifting weights. I've increased my size dramatically by only hitting the gym for the last three months five times a day and by increasing my calorie intake.

Second would be developing a skill or a craft. This allows you to be good at something and develop a sense of identity while being useful.

Third would be mental hygiene. You need to read the right things, and think about the right things to establish the mentality you want.

Prison is a whole different ecosystem to which I would need to adapt and adjust. I have enough faith in myself that I would be able to figure things out over three months; I don't think I would be anyone's girlfriend after a year.

>> No.12645223

You would be getting your cheeks split by the whole squad day in and day out for the rest of your natural life.

>> No.12645228

>tfw non-responder to lifting weights and been lifting for 3 years without gaining size

>> No.12645229

Wimp mentality as in being prone to not maintaining my routine, letting myself on downward spirals and shit like that. I guess what I'm hinting at is how do you discipline yourself and if it just boils down to either you do or you don't, no middle ground and room for bullshit excuses just because you failed once. I've had a rough month due to just letting the fire grow larger while I did nothing at all to stop it, but I'm know looking to change that and will do whatever it takes to maintain that line of thinking.

>> No.12645246

I'm off for the night. Keep the thread alive and I'll post in the morning. Otherwise, send me an e-mail to the above address.

>> No.12645249

You're surely doing something wrong if 3 years passed and you haven't moved at all.

>> No.12645251

Fuck you

>> No.12645325

genetics is destiny bro
>Now, it is possible, of course, that a lot of non-responders really are just screwed, and that nothing will help them build muscle. After all, markers of metabolic health actually worsen in a non-negligible amount of people when they take up exercise (which, strangely, not many people talk about), so it’s clear that some people’s bodies just respond to training in very unexpected ways.

>> No.12645345

>genetics is destiny
I don't buy into that shit, seems like an excuse to me. Did you talk with a professional over it?

>> No.12645352

Yeah, my test levels are normal.

>> No.12645356

Did you eat well and all that shit? Surely there must be a reason as to why you haven't progressed much besides "genetics".

>> No.12645373

yeah dude, it's not like i haven't read a ton of material on training or nutrition and tried every diet and workout plan out there. sometimes things are just not meant to be.

>> No.12645382

Shit, that fucking blows. And there's really nothing that you can do about it?

>> No.12645396

maybe hopping on the juice but i don't want to look old in the face like most juicers do.

>> No.12645402

Don't juice, not worth it.

>> No.12645424
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>I’m ugly btw
Look at pic related

>> No.12645453

>Whore who sells herself at bars.
>Girlfriend material.
Come on guys, you're better than this.

>> No.12645811

Surely you gained strength, though? Are you pretty skinny/flexible? There are a lot of great physical activities where being skinny is good. I do rock climbing/bouldering and I don't gain mass easily at all, but I'm good at it because I'm pretty light and flexible.

>> No.12645851

Do males think the same?
May as well become a fag if not.

>> No.12646152

Gay men care much more about looks than women do. You think you can just waltz into the gay community and get boypussy? It doesn't work like that, buster. It's much harder work being gay, so don't even think about it. If your chances with women are hopeless, your chances with gay men are even less.

>> No.12646182
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>Surely you gained strength, though?
>Are you pretty skinny/flexible?
no, skinny fat but hypermobile/very flexible.
I only picked up lifting in hopes of getting poon, desu. Since that is out of the question, I picked up reading.

>> No.12646272

>girl is all over me on Monday
>come Wednesday she's completely avoiding me
now this is podracing

>> No.12646312

we're all thinking to hard about this subject. it's easy to over analyze something so base and emotional to the point that you are paralyzed. quite literally this is about fulfilling the desire to squirt reproductive juice into a womb. this has all become so complex and anxiety inducing that i really can't handle it.

there's a reason brutes fuck one another from age 12 and shoot out more grubby brutish children. they simply don't think about it.

>> No.12646352

o i am laffin

>> No.12646415

You literally own a vagina, you have life on easy mode. Literally any guy will fuck you. And yet you complain you disgusting roastie. You deserve to get brutally anally raped

>> No.12646599
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>> No.12646677
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at least we are united in our aloneness, Gosling poster