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/lit/ - Literature

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12637759 No.12637759 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw born in a filthy mono-linguist society
i envy europeans

>> No.12637765
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You should.

>> No.12637768

I envy us too. I speak 5 languages.

>> No.12637780

Most of us learn another language besides our mother language. The second language is English for most of us. However, ordinary people aren't fluent in that second language.

>> No.12637801

*All of them different verities of Arabic.

>> No.12637810

t. speaker of Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrian and English

>> No.12637821
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>> No.12637823

Finnish, Norwegian & Swedish (Basically the same language), English, Japanese and Korean.

>> No.12637826

East coast scum.

>> No.12637831

name sir, please

>> No.12637837

Are you a fellow burger? I learned spanish but i barely used it so i dont remember it anymore

>> No.12637838
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>> No.12637840

>imagine being Indian and literally going to a neighboring state and not being able to talk to them
india is nuts holy shit

>> No.12637844

speaking non-english languages is for commies and SJWs

>> No.12637859


>> No.12637864

I'm from the East coast and I can speak English,Spanish and, French.

It also has to do with me being Hispanic and leaning as I grow. Learned French in highschool. I'm pretty sure you have to take language classes to get a diploma so maybe you did not take it seriously enough, most people that I know are at least bi-lingual

>> No.12637869


>> No.12637940

god asian girls are so fucking gorgeous

>> No.12637968
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TIL winning the revolution is as easy as uno, dos, tres!

>> No.12637991


>> No.12637999

asian noodlespad thai sushi foatane cookie animenuggets yum!

>> No.12638002

fucking disgusting

>> No.12638018
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Its literally impossible to learn a language naturally past the age of 25. The best you can do is translate everything into one of your native tongues. This is what /lit/ doesn't understand. By learning foreign languages (unless they have a fundamentally different modality of communication like Chinese or even German) you, at best, become an inferior translator for the works in those languages.

>> No.12638066

Why is 25 the doom age where if you havent learned anything yet you might as well give up?

>> No.12638076

Found the linguisticslet.

>> No.12638081

If you're in the States, you should probably know we're not actually a mono-linguist society. Aside from the fact that Spanish should be GLARINGLY obvious by now, thanks to all the instructions on everything in America being printed in both languages since the 90s, there are also pockets of French, German and Italian in the states and areas where their respective immigrant waves eventually settled down, and there's a fair amount of Chinese, Japanese and Korean along the West Coast, where there are frequent immigrants from South East Asia.

Also, you have the internet. If you want to learn a language, learn a language. If you want to talk to people who speak those languages, just join a damn Discord channel from a different country, I mean, how fucking lazy do you have to be to bitch about such a non-problem so hard that you think the -entire society into which you were born- is the problem, and not just you?

>> No.12638100

>f you're in the States, you should probably know we're not actually a mono-linguist society
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.12638101

My friend take comfort in the knowledge that you had the great fortune to be born in a country that holds English as her language. You speak a global, indeed imperial tongue at the absolute height of its power, Roman Latin for this age. No greater diversity of thought is distributed, no greater bounty of commerce is facilitated than by your native tongue. You, my friend, are not held to excel in but one country, or one culture, the world is your birthright. Go forth and conquer.

>> No.12638105

>BAWWW Not as great as it would have been if I'd spent my youth learning the shit I obsess about now!

Just learn the goddamn language. It really doesn't matter one single whit how or when or how good you are at it. You're not ever going to get a career as an international diplomat without family connections, so who cares?

Just learn to read and write the language passably and you're golden. DO NOT sit here in a language thread bitching about how its useless to learn a new language. It isn't.

>> No.12638123

add macedonian bulgarian slovenian

>> No.12638126

Look, I don't like it any more than you do. But its a big fucking country with a lot of people in it and many of them do speak languages that aren't English.

Even if you argue that somehow all the foreigners don't exist, or something, there's still all the Creole guys down in Louisiana who speak French, and those guys have been legitimate Americans for almost as long as Louisiana has been a legitimate part of America.

On a personal note, you suck, and I hope your cat pukes in your shoe.

>> No.12638147


I actually like Chilolua best off what's placed on the chart, and that's about my placement on it.


>> No.12638175

The vast majoritu of white Americans are monolingual plebs though. The only ones I know that aren't have spent a significant amount of time in another country. Of course that's no excuse to not learn a language, but I won't waste any chances to shit on Americans.

>> No.12638201

kill yourself


>> No.12638206

I didn't say its worthless to learn a language. I said that you can only hope to know a language via translating it into one of your native tongues past your mid-twenties. Its certainly useful to know French if you're planning a trip to Brazzaville, Quebec or Paris. Its absolutely worthless to learn French to read Proust because there is almost certainly a translator who already knows French and English better than you and thus can render a more faithful reproduction of the original text in English than you'll be able to. Really, I would only recommend learning German if you wanted to tackle a philosophical treatise like Being and Time. Romance languages are not worth learning in order to read books in their original language unless you're under the neuroplasticity drop-off point.

>> No.12638218

*Herecegovacki, Istocno Hercegovacki, Dalmatinski

>> No.12638223

Time to ascend. Learn Latin and Greek (ancient and modern). Become a patrician, dab on the plebs my dude.

>> No.12638225

Well, there's always Chinese, Spanish or Arabic depending on which flavor of refugees your country is being forced to accept.

>> No.12638356

He really shouldn't.
t. english, latvian, turkish, russian and learning french now

>> No.12638493

My country is taking in Sub-Saharan refugees. What languages do they speak?

>> No.12638512

>What languages do they speak?
with guys, the language of force
with fräuleins, the language of love

>> No.12638619


those are actually distinct languages, though

>impossible to learn a language naturally past the age of 25. The best you can do is translate everything into one of your native tongues
Got any sources for this bullshit?

>> No.12638642

How were these made?

>> No.12638686


>> No.12638796

>Its literally impossible to learn a language naturally past the age of 25. The best you can do is translate everything into one of your native tongues.
>The best you can do is translate everything into one of your native tongues.
>The best you can do is translate everything into one of your native tongues.
>The best you can do is translate everything into one of your native tongues.
It's literally the complete opposite you brainlet. You'll NEVER learn a new language if you try to wholly filter it through your native tongue. You can spend years "learning" this way and never become proficient in speaking or reading it without effort.

>> No.12639679

english is worth at least 3 languages, based on the amount and variety of literature available in english

>> No.12639691

The brain is not capable of thinking about anything just any old way. It uses the most convenient means available and there isn't much that can be done about that. You probably believe in libertarian free will and that everyone is capable of achieving their dreams if they just put the effort in. What a cutie-pie.

>> No.12639758

Why do people say americans are monolingual? I can walk down the street and see signs in 5 different languages.
Personally I'm bilingual and plan to learn two more in the next 5 years.

>> No.12639780

Kill yourself, you’re complaining about the same trite shit a million threads before you did.
Learn a fucking different language, nobody is stopping you.

>> No.12639793

>no mention of the 25 years barrier
>no mention of learning a language by "translating everything into your native language", a meme that is mentioned only on /lit/
Yep, as expected.

>> No.12639835

English is a free language these days since everyone learns it. Being born in a place where English is the mother tongue is missing out.

>> No.12639867

I'm American and fluent in six languages. Guess I'm just lucky my parents aren't plebs.

>> No.12639884

How do you come up with this nonsense? Is this how you rationalize your unwillingness to learn new languages? I learned two languages after 25, one of which I speak more fluently than most native speakers.

>> No.12639890

Wait so if I'm 23 and start learning another language now the cut off date is 2 years, and if I'm not native-level by then I'll basically be shit forever? Fuck, I'll be a bilingual pleb for the rest of my life.

>> No.12639902
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Dumb monoglot trying to justify his being a dumb monoglot.

>> No.12639924
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I am a proud monolinguist and I adore my Mother tongue above all others, finding it to be the most immaculate. I will NEVER learn another language.

Non-native English speakers need not attempt any replies, whatsoever, for they are not truly initiated into the wonders of this glorious language and fail to understand its inherent, absolute beauty.

I pity those not born to this language, the greatest of them all. The envy of all the world. Purely pitiful, are those born to my language and then discard this prized possession away to gain knowledge of inferior tongue. A precious pearl, one of a kind, one that is a treasure— and these sad cretins decide to trade it for what they think are stores of coin. Keep your filthy lucre. I will do as Shakespeare, Milton, and all great speakers, the masters as I like to call them, of this glorious language have done and keep my priceless English language utterly unsullied.

>> No.12640165

The only relevant ones are English and French, so there's not much to envy.

>> No.12640497

The only way that I will learn another language is if the Chinese and Spanish usurp English.

>> No.12641014
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Airi Suzumura.
I meant that he should envy us.

>> No.12641206
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>tfw born in Singapore

>> No.12641210

Joseph Conrad

>> No.12641227

Wait, doesn't that mean you get to learn Chinese at least? I don't know many people from Singapore but I'm pretty sure the ones I know learned at least some Mandarin.

>> No.12641233

You know what's funny? They're all learning English, the only language that matters.
It's not like, "Oh, let's learn a language because we're so smart."
It's more like, "We are literally irrelevant because no one understands or cares about our language, we had better learn English if we want to be at all relevant in the world."

>> No.12641241

The fact that English is becoming universal is not a good thing, monolingual plebs just think it is because it makes them feel like they don't need to bother with other languages. I'm American btw

>> No.12641252

This. Bilinguals will rule the world, everyone should know Spanish. I'm American btw

>> No.12641355


Yes it is, because the very existence of several languages is a blight on communication, as described in the Babel myth. By consolidating to a single language, we undo the damage which is correctly described as having been done, in the mythological telling. We teach god a lesson, put him in his place, and put him down.

We are better than god.

>> No.12641489
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It gets even better in New Guinea

>The languages of Papua New Guinea today number over 850.
And their population is only 8 million.

>> No.12641499


Much more linguistic diversity than Europe and the Middle East combined, with a population of a few million, it's insane.

>> No.12641581
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The New Guinea highlands are, without contest, among the most perfect climes in all the Earth. The temperature does not exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and drop to a brisk 50 degrees at night, and indeed, traversing higher affords a further decrease in temperature. The sun shines daily, and Leeward areas do not get nearly as much rain. Pilots would wreck there during World War II and when rescued, they did not want to leave for they feel they have found heaven on Earth. To this day, the highlands remain mostly unpopulated.

>> No.12641607
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It would be nice to have a cult there. We could take occasional trips across the border to a now defunct ski slope.

>> No.12641638

based island.

>> No.12641661

Why Turkish bro?

>> No.12641669

English, latvian, russian learning german now.

>> No.12641673

This chart is very accurate... almost scarily so.
The dive bar that i grew up by stocks that Louisiana Crystal hot sauce because its so bad and cheap the bums wont steal the bottles.
And it figures some "libertarian leftist" faggot would "love" Cholula since its directly aimed and white liberals since its about x3 more expensive than in should be because muh wooden top
MexicanAmericans use tapatio
Real Mexicans use Valentina sauce

>> No.12642111

then u'd still be a monolinglet

>> No.12642171

It's mono-linguist because everyone who lives here realizes they need to speak English to get anything done. Road signs are all in English while in countries like Belgium they have English, French, and possibly phelmish(?, I forget the name.) No one respects anyone in America who can't speak English.

>> No.12642201

Shits basically inevitable if we further globalize, there has to be some kind of common tongue.

>> No.12642203

I know Spanish (mother tongue), English and a bit of French (B1). What language should I learn after mastering french?

>> No.12642229

looks like discourd tranny. yukk

>> No.12642405

I'd say Italian, since it's quite close to the ones you already know.
German and Russian offer a lot of literature too, but they'd probably be more difficult to you.

>> No.12643487
