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12634660 No.12634660 [Reply] [Original]

ITT shit /lit/ memed you into reading

pic related was dogshit by the way. Would have been deep and cool if I was thirteen and smoked weed all the time and hated my mom and my step-dad though.

>> No.12634666

>t. Oversocialized leftist

>> No.12634674

The Plague by Albert Camus


>> No.12634686

There have been some pretty respected academics and journalists who have acknowledged the lucidity of Ted's writings, OP. It isn't a book for 14 year-olds. Whether you agree or not with what he says, eco-fascism will likely be a major force in the future, so it would be worth reading the manifesto from the intellectual patriarch of the movement.

>> No.12634691

Brainlet here care to elaborate?

>> No.12634695

>t. 13 year old who comes from an upper middle class family with loving parents and the latest gadget of every kind
Go get hit by a bus btw

>> No.12634694
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You're not worth my time.

>> No.12634700

Master and Margarita
Not shit but only the Pilate story and some parts at the end were good

>> No.12634707

t. my class and self perceived relative poverty is an integral part of my identity.

>> No.12634722


Try reading some of these articles




>> No.12634724

A major force? Really? The only people that care about going off the grid and inna woods are white people.

>> No.12634729

>white people.
That's over 50% of Americans.

>> No.12634732

My Diary desu

>> No.12634733

Class is an integral part of everyone's identity, whether they realise it or not.

>> No.12634734

see >>12634722

>> No.12634736

Literally anything impresses these people. For God's sake these are people who pay David Frum and Jia Tolentino for their opinions.
what happened to these academics and intellectuals of merit who praised him?

why can't you explain to me whats so great about it in your own words?

>> No.12634744

meme'd into buying The Pisan Cantos and Gravity's Rainbow. I liked what I read of Mason and Dixon but I don't have time for the 'lol so goofy' prose. Murakami in translation is five times better at writing random shit happening.

>> No.12634747
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not for long

>> No.12634753

You really think Bernie Bros are ready do log off reddit, chop firewood and shit in a ditch?

>> No.12634759

I disagree.

>> No.12634771

Why do commie larpers get so mad when you tell them that the US is a classless society

>> No.12634812

He got shit done though, didn't he

>> No.12634814

Not really no.

>> No.12634819

It really is shit.
Retards here just meme it constantly because they think it represents an anticommunism that's "counterculture" and "punk," and the writers who fit this category are exceedingly small.
Ted is a stupid idealist mathematician who didn't even have a basic familiarity with the topics he criticized, barely read or cited anything (the only way to maintain this level of Dunning-Kruger and Messiah Complex), and smothered all of his theory with conspiratorial appeals and hasty generalizations.
It's a waste of time to read this paranoid schizophrenic murderer.
If you want to completely misunderstand the diagnosis and the solution to ecological collapse, and you haven't read basically anything on the subject besides perhaps anprims and Heidegger, then read this.

>> No.12634820

that's a pretty retarded statement. What do you mean by it? Do you think 'class' is the same as 'caste'?

>> No.12634872

The only reason I sighted those is because they are mainstream middlebrow publications, I.e. what most Americans are reading, and they are left-leaning, so if they are putting out articles on Ted, that shows his ideas are truly gaining ground.

>> No.12634889

You are blind if you can't see the world is absolutely royally fucked both economically and ecologically, and further, that humanity has not shown it will be able to work towards a cooperative solution before it is too late.

>> No.12634893

You think most americans are reading the new yorker? You refer to the unabomber by his first name? You think that some literally who journalists writing edgy articles to get nioticed means that his ideology is "gaining ground"?

You and I are never gonna see eye to eye no matter what articles you "sight". But it's good to know what type of person his works appeals to.

>> No.12634910
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pic related, the faggots who shill this haven't read it

>> No.12634913


>> No.12634958

Hola conciudadano americano. es genial ser blanco, ¿no?

>> No.12634962

I had an edgy phase where I brought it in for 'banned books day' and tried reading it. What a bore, the first half of it is him autistically rambling about his elementary school.

>> No.12634976

We'll have assimilated Asians like we did Italians and Jews by then

>> No.12634991


>> No.12634994

The Japanese and Chinese have been in the US as long as the Italians.

>> No.12635342

do they not understand the entire point of a buffet is that you can come back and get more? Why get that much at once? Even a sentinalese savage would be able to figure it out.

>> No.12635362
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absolutely based. Dab on that dumb zoomer.

>> No.12635393

Literally thirty years from now.
>no 30 yos on /lit/

>> No.12635399

Why do you think they're the model minority?

>> No.12635604

Reading it at the moment, it's complete shit.

The criticisms of technology are fair, in the sense that almost any position has some kernel of truth in it.

One example is where he tries to show that science is a surrogate activity. He lists supposed reasons people give for doing science (advancement of humanity, curiosity, etc.) then concocts a single example against each one, as though the motives of scientists could only be boiled down to a single reason.

Other parts are presented without historical example, rational deduction, or literary argument, such as his supposed "principles of history".

The whole thing, right down to the use of the authorial "we", reeks of babby's first foray out of his area of expertise. Lacking any historical or philosophical direction, he simply clings to his existing preconceptions, building up elaborate post-hoc rationalisations however he can.

>> No.12635611


>> No.12635627

so the only people who matter?

>> No.12635632

Hispanic people, the only group on their with significant growth, are nearly all white.

>> No.12636073

If you didn't realise it was bad by page 2, like myself, its on you

>> No.12636096

>You and I are never gonna see eye to eye no matter what articles you "sight". But it's good to know what type of person his works appeals to.

are you on the spectrum? serious question

>> No.12636099

literal retard

>> No.12636174

Post body with timestamp.
Anprims are cringe btw, and Ted humiliates them

>> No.12636188

I meant to imply they've been here long enough to fully assimilate but they haven't.

Most don't care about what's going on. They're happy to play video games and browse instagram all day.

>> No.12636221

Maybe because your assessment is retarded? Do you think, for example, that the American political elite (or ruling class) have anything in common with you? This is really basic stuff and I think this excellent introductory video from Devon Stack is a great place to start learning about the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojqAfETtzYM

>> No.12636231
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>> No.12636258

I think AOC and hundreds of other Congress people prove you wrong.

>> No.12636270

My twisted world is unironically one of the greatest books of this decade. Elliot is so unrepentantly narcissistic and his mindset is something that could only have been a product of this century. It's a helpful guide on how to treat the mentally ill, a very quotable book, and a must read.

>> No.12636276

Merely a masquerade for the special interest groups and lobbyists.

>> No.12636327
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Funny that you can't do anything but strawman him, now isn't it though?

>> No.12636332

Funny you can't point to where or how I'm doing that, because you know I can point directly to instances of every piece of my critique.

Nah. If you want to see me start competitive cycling. It's a small world.

>> No.12636497

If you need books to influence your positions, or rationality to justify your beliefs, you are beyond spooked. Baby level spooks are morality and religion. Mid tier is rationality. End tier is existence itself

>> No.12636510

>Funny you can't point to where or how I'm doing that, because you know I can point directly to instances of every piece of my critique.
Do that then you pseud

>> No.12636511

Every recommendation I've ever gotten from /lit/ has been great.

>> No.12636521

No. Try pointing to a specific instance of where I strawmanned angry cabin bomber schizo and then I'll address it.
Since you're a hapless idiot unaspammer who won't be convinced regardless, even that much is basically charity for the board at large.

>> No.12636534

>Hispanic people somehow aren’t white... for some reason
I hate these dumb fuck demographics charts. The United States is just as white as it’s ever been.

>> No.12636543

>because they think it represents an anticommunism
lmao what? TK is straight up dialectical materialism but okay. By the way, if you had read the manifesto you would know that 'environmentalism' and 'ecological collapse' are only scrutinized insofar as they are the prime obstacles to freedom and individual power.

eco fascism lmfao, have you even read TK? Good god how could you be so fucking dumb. You realize fascism implies a state and organization? Which in turns requires technology.. The manifesto couldn't be more clear. Incredible that some of you ideologues can distort a such a clear written manifesto. Damn. Ideology IS powerful.

ok thanks I guess tech is good afterall

>> No.12636562

>TK is straight up dialectical materialism
How is the naturalistic fallacy and idealism about "oversocialization" in any way diamat? It's ahistorical moralizing.

>> No.12636607


>> No.12636628

How is it in anyway a naturalistic fallacy? TK goes on and on about the romanticization of nature and primitive life (Mostly in his other books, not so much in ISaiF).

Concerning dialetics, I was talking about TK's points on historical trend and the evolution of societies. The only difference is that the advancement of technology takes on the bigger role instead of class consciousness (which is a symptom of tech development anyways), which Marx couldn't foresee for obvious reasons. Remember that Ellul and TK share the same ideas, and Ellul spent his entire life teaching marxism. All in all, TK's approach is purely materialistic, which adds another layer of irony concerning the poster who thinks 'eco-facism' shares any similarity with anti-tech. If anything, it's funny that the manifesto gained so much traction on /lit/.

>> No.12636633

>t. Oversocialized

>> No.12636753

I say this as a fascist myself, you're retarded.
Ted wasnt describing fascism.

>> No.12636922

keep dreaming, paco

>> No.12637038
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>This man would slap you in the face with a fish because of your post

>> No.12637052

Except they have. Any third generation asian person is as generically american as 10th generation whitey. The fobs might not be as much, and there are more of them but give them a few generations.

>> No.12637061

Kaczynski explained the twisted psychology behind the radical leftist in the most accurate manner possible. Putting that aside, his idea of the "Power Process" also rings very true and he uses straight-forward logic to support his ideas. There are many things to take away from his writings; nobody said you had to frame his poster on his wall. How many of you are just depraved mutts who feel threatened of his ideas, or - even worse - noticed he was describing you? He was much smarter than you, that is for sure.

>> No.12637119

>Kaczynski explained the twisted psychology behind the radical leftist in the most accurate manner possible.
What was his methodology? Have his findings ever been repeated? What was the sample size? Surely a genius mathematician would have employed repeatable scientific heuristics to demonstrate points so important they are worth killing people so the public can see them, yes?

>> No.12637209

The domain for such a claim would be psychology or anthropology. Neither field has sufficient methodology for getting repeatable results.

>> No.12637215

How convenient!

>> No.12637230

>Surely a genius mathematician would have employed repeatable scientific heuristics to demonstrate points so important they are worth killing people so the public can see them, yes?

surely the government does? no? BTFO statecuck. killing doesn't need an excuse. kaczynski was a product of his environment.

>> No.12637338

> Raza y cultura son iguales
¿Quieres saber como he podido descubierto que eres estadounidense?

>> No.12637402

You obviously don't get the joke

>> No.12637538
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Not sure I could string together nonsequiturs into a schizophrenic gibberish better if I were trying to do exactly that.

>> No.12637764

It’s like 1/16th of the book you autist

>> No.12637790

I hate your stepdad

>> No.12637815


Ted was against industrialization

>> No.12637824


>> No.12637833

You both seem kinda dumb (he moreso), but just dropping in to say lmfao at that tweet. Wonder how’d I’d miss Mike Pence as Mr. Hands

>> No.12637988

I haven't posted anywhere else in this thread other than to call you out. I do not care abour Kaczynski in the slightest. I just have endless disdain for pseuds like you who proudly proclaim their refusals to back up anything that they say. It is grotesquely, embarrassingly childish, and I pity you, and I hope that you get better.

>> No.12638029

Ted's so Le based pilled. Technology is so Ie bad we should eat sticks and leaves!

>> No.12638371
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This is my only post ever on 4chan, and I just wanted to say that you should be ashamed of yourself. My sadness is profound, and my aversion to the philistine only grows stronger when I see such posts as this in my discord inbox.
I can only pray for you, that the Lord might shine down on your wretched trousers and relinquish the zipper so that your hog might once again breathe freely on internet.

>> No.12638397

I think Ted is pretty interesting, but the main reason 4chan likes that book is since it, just like everyone on the site, is naturally contrarian. No one wants to be caught in the heinous crime of reading something typical and unoffensive. People like to feel cool and edgy by reading le epic technology hater dude. I honestly think he wrote some interesting stuff, but 4chan is not attracted to it for that reason.