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/lit/ - Literature

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12632194 No.12632194 [Reply] [Original]

Pewdiepie did another book review. Thoughts?

>> No.12632198

based Felix

>> No.12632210

Why is he so triggered by God?
How can he have read all that literature and still have that kind of reaction like a highschool fedora tipper?

>> No.12632212

>unwilling to take the leap of faith and shits on Kierkegaard for even suggesting it
Take notes christ larpers on this board.

>> No.12632214

swedes are retards

>> No.12632218

wtf he looks normal now
I thought you linked an old vid but it's present felix

>> No.12632224

>bringing Kierkegaard to the masses

>> No.12632240

i wish he would have reviewed lolita instead of that weeb shit

>> No.12632243

I think I'm going to have to non-consensually turn Pewdiepie into a human book.

Yes, in fact right this moment I have resolved to turn this man into pulp. All of my faculties and resources are now going to be put into achieving this end. The way this man channels sounds through his vocal cords channels a deep, harmonic resonance within my ears that say "ah, this, this sounds like good material to make a book with!"

If you think about it, how is Pewdiepie different from a book? They are equally timber. Equally dense. Equally acquiescent. Equally of no value until in its final form. Equally interested by a combination of words or ideas that do not conform to the status-quo. And no doubt Mr. Pie has read a book too--maybe just an acidic paperback young adult novel (for now), but nevertheless he has tried it; has been struck with the same sort of 'oh-i'm-so-bookish' inclination that into a book in its external reality, and just like such tree has Pewdiepie greediseizes all books at some point in their past life as a tree and with the frenzied tom-tom of fibrous limbs blaring in against their trunks which is only ever and put to an end and only ever predestined to any purpose when the the tree realizes its time to be felled and pressed ly taken hold of the dense classical book that he secretly keeps in his top drawer (why disguise it further? why, wouldn't he be happy if someone were to discover an actual book? oh think of how oh so very pseudish that would be!) and after lifting the full 7.5lb heft of the Tolstoy novel up he is filled with such a thrill such that no expression of his "bookish personality" has ever come close to attaining.

Hmm, indeed, the lines between Book and Man continue to blur, and my brain continues to rise. Dehydrating, pulping and assembling the pages and finally binding him could be ethically and epistemologically justified, both through Utilitarian ethics and Platonic Teleology, but I will not go into that here. Suffice to say that turning Pewdiepie into a book would be a net benefit for the world as such, as material entity and conceptual ideal. It would be a book that would satisfy so many hearts, so many minds, and most importantly my own erudition.

I am decided: Pewdiepie will be a book within the month. I will devote myself to finding out his residency, his routines, and I will plot and plan my moment of violation meticulously. This is a very real goal I have set, and I shall know neither rest nor mortal satisfaction until it has been attained.

>> No.12632250

based for hating on christkikes

>> No.12632307

Guy nearly exclusively reads translations

>> No.12632311
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Let me guess majority of books are by japs, the rest are fiction and one "white" book that he kind of likes but doesnt, because he is afraid to like white people.

And felix I know you are here, so fuck you, you swedish faggot, stop being a fucking basedboy cuck, stop with the vegan buddhist bullshit, you arent japanese, stop dressing like some nigger anime faggot, go move back to sweden and have some children with those millions you are wasting on childrens toys clotues and stupid inbred dogs, you are an embarassment to your entire country and especially your family you absoloute manlet.

>> No.12632315

omg da pewds xDDD
smash dat friggin like button!

>> No.12632325

Someone should get him into Varg Vikernes' books.

>> No.12632326

I can see the news headlines already.
"Right-wing figurehead confirmed pedophile"

>> No.12632336

My little sister started to read Dostoyevsky and Mishima because of Pewdiepie, he can't be that bad

>> No.12632354

This so much. Review Varg Vikernes and Pentti Linkola and books on Norse mythology.

>> No.12632359

What, do you expect him to say, “Yeah, just let me learn Russian, German, Japanese and Danish, be back in 10+ years!”

This anti-translation meme just needs to die.

>> No.12632361

Did he show the Norwegian flag when mentioning Denmark? Was that a joke?

>> No.12632387

quite embarrassing from him
also brainlet tier analysis

>> No.12632398
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I was partially right, lolita and count of monte cristo, both fiction and of little value, and half the video is about some jap book, but the other half is him giving his brainlet takes on kirkeegard. Cannot understand the abstract of taking a leap of faith and brushes it off with a fedora tip which is low even for him. He simply can not bring himself to adopt the ideas of a Scandinavian, even for a second and has to dismiss it as for superficial reasons as he was programmed to do. Good job jews, hes a perfect examply of a European man, who like the character in a clockwork orange, a movie I assume he likes because he had a poster of it in the background many times; undergone "therapy" to ensure he never gases 6 billion again.


>> No.12632407

Felix pls read Aitmatov. I want him to be more known. He fulfills your Russian fetish, and Kyrgyz is close enough to Japanese. What else could you want?

>> No.12632410

He said he hates Swedish girls because they call him ugly, lol.

>> No.12632413

It's not reading translations that's the issue, he nearly exclusively reads translations. He seems to have next to no interest in literature originally written in the languages he's fluent in.

>> No.12632421

>Lolita, Monte Cristo
>of little value
>ree jews

>> No.12632423

>Why is he so triggered by God?
Believing in God is unironically embarassing in a lot of circles.

>> No.12632424

There are literally no good swedish books though.

>> No.12632426

Anon, name one book by the nordic people that isn't mythology and worth reading, cause i can only think on min kamp.

>> No.12632436

He is a fool with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.12632441

gay circles

>> No.12632443

you mean in hedonistic, descending and pitiful societies, like those in western and northern europe

>> No.12632447

>living a successful, happy life
I bet you're living an enjoyable life.

>> No.12632451

I don't know man, he's living in a pretty classy apartment and goes on vacation whenever. I think he is an aristocrat play the everyday man.

>> No.12632460

Got any recs for Aitmatov? Any with good eng translations?

>> No.12632461

Not him but

>basically all of Kierkegaard's works, notably Sickness unto Death, Fear and Trembling, Either Or
>Knut Hamsun's Hunger
>Stig Dagerman's Our need for solace cannot be sated
>Ibsen's Doll House and any other play by the same

>> No.12632467

Edge-wise yeah but dont they suck?

>> No.12632468

fair enough. I'll check them out

>> No.12632471

>delusions of grandeur
What exactly gives you that expression?

>> No.12632482

God you sound dreadful.

>> No.12632483

No, I meant some social circles, not entire societies.

>> No.12632490

There are some. Often talked here too. Finland doesnt have anything interesting except maybe meme Linkola

>> No.12632497

If there are good Swedish books why doesn't Pseudipie review them?

>> No.12632499

Ask him not me

>> No.12632503

Pentti Linkola would probably hate living even more if he knew he was associated with black metal folks

>> No.12632504

He should have little issue reading danish.

There are plenty great writers for such a small country.

>> No.12632515


>> No.12632516

Day that Lasts a Hundred Years is his longest read, but it's a bit slow. About a Kazahk man crossing the step to give his friend a traditional muslim burial while some sci-fi shit goes on in space. Like most of his writing, it contrasts the old ways of the steppe with the "new" world of soviet rule.

White Ship is a short novella that personally was my favorite. Same theme of old vs new, but much more negatively cast. Surrounds the reappearance of deer in an area where they were traditionally sacred.

Some of his stuff is harder to find to purchase or borrow, but available on some random scholarly blogs if you search a bit.

>> No.12632522
File: 276 KB, 597x334, D1F6C33E-63FF-4A3B-879C-42B33FDBA539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread complaining about Christianity
Who cares.
More good Nordic authors are Gunnar Gunnarsson and Knut Hamsun which I can think of. He should read something by the Greeks for once though, has been reading for like a year now.

>> No.12632527

Because i mean this with no offence, religion today is a hobby.
In the past i could understand that god is essentially you're moral compass and the basis of decision making but today religion is either set to the side as "oh yeah i'm ____ but i'm not really that devoted to it" like a Muslim who eats bacon cause fuck it right or an obsession with the religion to a point where it's fetishistic. This would be a Christian who live in the woods and beats his kids cause the bible said so. while there is some middle ground it's still very unimportant today.

>> No.12632531

I think he read some plato, i can't remeber if it was the republic or something else

>> No.12632537

yes, that's a joke

svenskere er nogle shittere

>> No.12632545

Did he ever say why he hated the fact that the scandinavian dude was christian? English isn't my first language and maybe i missed it, because i feel like he never says why...

>> No.12632549

>He should have little issue reading danish.
do you speak a scandinavian language? because reading danish/norwegian is possible if you know swedish but it's fucking exhausting, getting through a single page let alone a full book takes way longer than than if it was in a language you're comfortable with

>> No.12632553

God and religion is a massive part of history and philosophy and if you can't get past that kind of visceral reaction you aren't going to be able to understand other people's viewpoints.

>> No.12632566

This is authentic voice of autistic flyover. Can't recognize good literature, muh jews, and talks some godshit. How can you not see how isolated and dumb you are? This is embarrassing and pathetic.

>> No.12632568

hating on christianity is so incredibly safe and pedestrian that it's become repulsive
it's about equivalent to being a devout christian in the times of the puritans, in that it is nothing more than blind follow - which is not to say there is no basis for agnosticism/atheism, but merely that most accept it as truth in order to join themselves with the overarching collective
his smug condescension of faith is indicative of such a reality

>> No.12632571

Idk anon, scandinavian lutheranism is pretty cringy in practice.

>> No.12632576

Atheism is the only rational position. The End.
Some people play poker online and some do godthings, stick to your hobby.

>> No.12632584

what a gross dumb snownigger

>> No.12632590

Danish people can read Norwegian and vice versa. Swedish isn't the same.

>> No.12632592

how did the universe come into being

>> No.12632597

true, but that was simply seen as an authority figure to watch over your choices and to hold you accountable to your action. Now, we do not need a magic authority when we have a physical authority watching , for better or worse. I understand that some people take comfort in having a father figure watch over them and having their best interests in heart, but other don't and thus may look at religion as wishful thinking.

>> No.12632599

don't know

>> No.12632610

then atheism is not the most rational position

>> No.12632614

Pretending to know something you don't is irrational.

>> No.12632618

I'm swedish. Written danish is far easier than spoken. It takes some getting used to but it's not a HUGE issue by any means.

The least he could have done is read a swedish translation.

>> No.12632624

His proficiency in Swedish has probably declined over the years.

>> No.12632627

which is exactly why atheism is irrational, whereas agnosticism is not

>> No.12632639

same difference

>> No.12632640

It's fairly obvious that Pewdiepie is trying to redpill people en masse. All of his picks are /lit/-inspired, all of his humor is 4chan-derivative, following his chain of thought eventually leads you here. If you aren't convinced by his clash with the establishment media, then you never will. There is a subtle proxy war for control over your minds.

>> No.12632642
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Wouldnt suprise me if he has some sort of aversion of swedish women because of that. I mean he is 5'9 in a country the majority of people are at least 6 foot.
I dont know, learn swedish or something, because there is alot that hasnt made its way into english besides knut hamsun and very popular or famous things.
Sweden is a good country with good people, he just doesnt want to fit in and belittles them to make himself feel bigger about his own problems. He can marry Marzia and have as many little pepperoni babies as he wants wherever in Europe he wants, but disavowing his homeland because he is too pathetic to succeed there is not good.And a productive life is better than an enjoyable hedonistic one. He knows this, but he cares far too much about money and material goods, than he does about himself and his people as a whole.
I live in the biggest city in my country, and it isnt beneficial. I get that they are good books, but they arent worth reviewing. Everyone has read them, everyone knows what they are about etc so him using his platform to show off basic books serves no purpose. Jews are a problem and if you dont accept that then you are delusional or just ignorant (both are good signs of an oversocialized plebian like you most likely are) Im not a christian but dismissing something from a christian philosopher is pure conditioning.

>> No.12632644

i have no interest in the thoughts of a youtube teenage idol

>> No.12632645

Take your meds /pol/

>> No.12632650

Friendship ended with pewdiepie.
Bishop Barron is my best friend now.

>> No.12632652

no, not really

>> No.12632653

Isn't he like the 3rd hottest man?

>> No.12632658

>that was simply seen as an authority figure to watch over your choices and to hold you accountable to your action
This about as big an oversimplification of religion as is possible to make.

>> No.12632659

He might just be tired of these authors. I read some Knut and was super stoked about him. I brought him up to my Norwegian friend and she just complained about her reading classes. For an English speaker, it might be like somebody telling you to review Shakespeare or Steinbeck. Yeah they're good, but after high school I have no desire to read any more of them.

>> No.12632661

he talked about trying to read the danish book. It not he doesnt care

>> No.12632664

Swedish girls are slightly more arrogant than Norwegian and Danish girls. That's because the Norwegian and Danish arrogance is mostly a joke for fun, while Swedes are known to genuinely be pretensious.

>> No.12632686

Not when he was in sweden, then he was a socially inept retard who found coping with video games and meeting people online better. Hes a complete aspie, and so is Marzia (she posted a picture of herself on instagram, celebrating her birthday alone in perfect cursed image form) and not to mention she changed her voice when they first met because she was so insecure about it. In her old photos and what shes said is that she was awkward and an outcast. Nothing beautiful about them then. Sure they have improved a little bit, but Felix especially hasnt let go of these childhood experiences.

>> No.12632697

Thanks anyway for the views and playtime faggot.

>> No.12632699

i also thought anyone who believed in god was embarrassing when i was 13 because "le brainwashed masses believing in a sky daddy is dumb :P"

>> No.12632708

He originally went to school for electrical engineering or something but dropped out because Youtube was more fun.
Look where that got him.
You just sound bitter.

>> No.12632713
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particularly the 1st, 6th and 9th circles

>> No.12632720

Based and redpilled

>> No.12632726

pewds is a fedora-tipper, so he hates christianity.
>buddhism and islam are really mystic and awsom tho

>> No.12632731

Buddhism is redpilled as fuck.
Islam isn't though but hopefully you're being ironic.

>> No.12632738

Can you young fellas here explain to an old man why Pewdiepie is so successful? What makes him a good youtubers?
My brain, it simply can't process this shit.

>> No.12632740

Fuck that fedora tipping cuck, I'm unironically subscribing to T-series now.

>> No.12632744

I believe in God myself, that comment isn't supposed to be accusatory.

>> No.12632747

He's like an entry level Youtuber.
There's a bunch of new Youtube users because of something called people being born and then becoming old enough to use Youtube so he kinda appeals to those younger audiences.

>> No.12632750

I mean, he likes Japan and i remember seeing a vid of his where he reviewed a buddhist book and said that he was actually starting to like buddhism and giving the most 'white answers' to why he liked...

>> No.12632752

I think it goes way way back where he made lets plays and got very big with that

>> No.12632758


>> No.12632759

It was unironically all luck. He started making those commentary video-game plays right before it got popular, so his channel blew up. And he's quite self-aware and could adapt to new trends over the years.

>> No.12632761

he entered the YouTube space when gaming was big enough to have an audiance but not so big as to over saturate the demand. then he was playing the horror game and making funny faces. Plus due to him being able to speak both english and swedish he had the European and american audience getting his videos in the recommended. Now, he's a bit of a rouge who is literally too big to fail, so he could do whatever he wants and get away with it kinda.

>> No.12632794

>Buddhism is redpilled as fuck.
true, and yes, I was being ironic.
I was triggered by pewdiepie's reaction in the vid on the Leap of Faith.

>> No.12632795

Good post, but too visceral to catch on as a pasta. Pasta should be light, else it will'n't catch on the posting breeze!

>> No.12632804

I think he talks about video games and internet memes or something.

>> No.12632805
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>80 million kids now know the name Kierkegaard due to some swede
Good thing.

>> No.12632842

Get cancer and rot.

>> No.12632864

PDP triggers the alt-right once again...

>> No.12632868

He’s taught in philosophy 101 already

>> No.12632874

did he take a modern japanese lit class in college or what?

>> No.12632882

Tip to you too

>> No.12632883
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>> No.12632885

if you want to like western stuff without actually liking western stuff, you can just look up japanese stuff, thanks based japs

>> No.12632888

white people love japanese lit lol baka

>> No.12632890

Isn't there meant to be a really, really good Swedish translation of the Iliad? He should read that

>> No.12632906

>Finland doesnt have anything interesting except maybe meme Linkola
t. knows nothing about Finnish literature

>> No.12632918

People on /lit/ rarely know about literature in general.

>> No.12632923

Good luck translating Alastalon salissa or something to English though lmao

>> No.12632948
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I like finns, what are some good books translated to english?

>> No.12632949

Basic Scandinavian impulse I'm afraid. I'm pretty sure he used to be into atheist youtubers, so there's an other bias. Sadly he prefers oriental mumbo jumbo.

>> No.12632952

Leena Krohn is good

>> No.12632966
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yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, like God intended). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though, he’s a fake Christian). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DANTE and DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and true art. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are heretics) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board, and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, I will finally be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that I’m a fraud. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.12632973

Nice copypasta faggot.

>> No.12633015

Under the North Star is a decent classic, but I don't know if a foreigner would enjoy it.

>> No.12633059

Why not?

>> No.12633065

he just raised the iq of 9 year olds by 10 points.
im joking, i love you pewds you are Ok guy! I dont know how he can keep doing this work in yt, looks stressful.

>> No.12633164

Not true.

>> No.12633180
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>> No.12633188

It is fairly long (three books) and has a lot to do with Finnish history during late 19th early 20th century, so it is not necessarily something foreigners would like to read. I would wholeheartedly recommend it anyway, if the setting of the book does not bore you to death.

>> No.12633192

He should read some Strindberg. Hemsöborna is good. Also buy a couple more lamps.

>> No.12633196

>haha ur the fedora now >:)

>> No.12633204

>recommending a misogynist

aaah, funny but oh so predictable...

>> No.12633206

>"le brainwashed masses believing in a sky daddy is dumb :P"
not an argument

>> No.12633217

It's k.

>> No.12633220

Under A North Star is essential fennoboocore, all spurdo fans should read it

>> No.12633229


The Egyptian

>> No.12633245

>all these demiurge cuck slaves seething ITT

>> No.12633249
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>> No.12633279

He didn’t say what you said he said and it was clearly a joke anyways.

>> No.12633289
File: 21 KB, 550x455, pp,550x550.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a joke. I'm joking as well.

>> No.12633297

>These are the people I share this board with

The absolute state of /lit/. God I desperately want to hang all pseud faggots like you.

>> No.12633301

Oh my god, he's reviewing Woman in the Dunes lmao.

>> No.12633316
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Im just talking, why does everything have to be a dick measuring contest with you?

>> No.12633544

if all you butthurt faggots want Felix to read something, here you go;


>> No.12633561

hey fags arguing about Christianity:


>> No.12633570

fuck off

>> No.12633621
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Underated completely

>> No.12633627
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>you are an embarassment to your entire country
he is the least embarrassing thing coming from Sweden that i read about on the internetz in the last decade and that is telling

>> No.12633656


>> No.12633675

what exactly is his contention with the leap of faith? likely some brainlet tier response akin to "uhh it's just a copout"

>> No.12633678

Go away, Felix.
This is an ANGLO safe-space.
Begone, you Kraut.

>> No.12633701

>Hes a complete aspie, and so is Marzia (she posted a picture of herself on instagram, celebrating her birthday alone in perfect cursed image form)
Post it

>> No.12633727

As long as i live and breathe this damned site will never be an angloid safe space cpn

>> No.12633763

also FUCK him for making Kierkegaard known to millions of children

>> No.12633780

In the video he mentions he doesn't want to believe something without evidence.

You might convince him with Aquinas and Descartes, but being religious is a really personal and subjective experience, he just doesn't "feel it" I'm guessing.

>> No.12633787

don't mind if i do
sure thing
yes please
of course
if only
i'm all for it
haven't dreamt of anything else
yikes, i will pass
>also FUCK him for making Kierkegaard known to millions of children
now we are talking

>> No.12633790

I ser you haven’t been to USA or know any hardcore muslims

>> No.12633805

Merci pour ton aide, mon pote ou muchas gracias.

>> No.12633831

motherfucker, he said he tried reading kierkegaard without translation but it was too difficult and he figured he’d lose less on translation than trying to understand danish. literally said he chose kierkegaard to try to read something in original language

>> No.12633834

the point is not really to convert him, couldn't care less about his faith but rejecting the notion of the leap of faith entirely because it lacks "evidence" is literally an 80iq reading

>> No.12633839

Surely a Swedish translation would be closer than an English one

>> No.12633843

Dane and Norwegians have an easier time understanding one another than Danes and Swedes.

>> No.12633847

It was posted as a story on her instagram back in october, long since deleted. But you might find it reposted if you scour fan pages and such.

>> No.12633871

Does he know Kobo Abe was a commie?

>> No.12633890

But surely Danes and English speakers would have an even harder time understanding one another
Not that that was what I was saying anyway

>> No.12633893

I only read books written by white people.

>> No.12633895

based damnation poster

>> No.12633904

swallowing my pride, this is all pretty impressive. has any popular youth figure been this literate ever? He's not perfect but its impressive

>> No.12633911
File: 505 KB, 843x435, pewdiepie becomes an aryan pt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because he is afraid to like white people.
umm sweetie that's wrong

>> No.12633913


>> No.12633920

Stop speaking English.

>> No.12633932


>> No.12633938

the kalevala

>> No.12633948

maek mi

>> No.12633950

He’s bilingual, I’m sure he’s VERY comfortable with both Swede and English. I’m not sure if you know any languages other than English, but let’s assume you’re a bilingual Spanish and English speaker. Would you choose to read Pessoa in Portuguese or English? Keep in mind reading in Portuguese would take a lot longer than reading in one of your now native tongues.

>> No.12633955

>being this retarded
Hi Felix

>> No.12633971

He seems to be the only thoughtful big youtuber. Although I disagree with some of the things he said in the video. For example, he came off as a bit of a sperg about Christianity.

>> No.12633974

No you fucking moron, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that a Swedish translation of a Danish book will be closer to the original than an English translation of a Danish book because Swedish and Danish are closer than English and Danish. In your example, a Spanish translation of Pessoa would be closer than an English one.

>> No.12633981

How hard is it for native Swedes to read Kierkegaard's Danish?

>> No.12633989

Okay nevermind, I just unpaused the video and he answered my question within three seconds.

>> No.12633996

It can be done, but it would take more time than reading a translation and you would occasionally have to use a dictionary if you want to understand everything.

>> No.12634005

I dont care much about his reaction to Kirkegaard's religion as long as he reads more of his books. I know a friend who liked kirkegaards books (i knew about kirkegaard from him) but he also didnt like the idea of a leap of faith,but my friend is a certified autist so maybe felix is autisitc too

>> No.12634033


certainly the first for a YouTuber of his standing

>> No.12634039

What's Christianity? It's 2019, grandpa. You're either a pagan or a muslim

>> No.12634041

Okay, but why the FUCK would he read the Swedish edition?

>> No.12634068

Danes (Especially old dead danes) write in a very superfluous manner and with longer sentences. Danes liberally use nouns in comparison to their neighbours. (less use of verbs)

>> No.12634079

>tfw pewdiepie is singlehandedly saving the white race by redpilling the zoomers en masse

>> No.12634127

>first language
>closer to original
Why wouldn't he?

>> No.12634138

He already read at least one book by him.

>> No.12634166
File: 154 KB, 480x480, yummy christmas foam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

danish is fucking nonsense and it's pure guesswork to figure out what some words mean

>> No.12634180

Not sure what you're expecting from a guy who made a living acting like an idiot for children. He's Pagliaci for the modern era.

>> No.12634209

Even Rowling accused him from being a Nazi. He can't literally be more red pilled &/or based than any of you poltardfags.

>> No.12634214

or maybe he like gook culture and read wikipedia/talk to any gook???

>> No.12634222

Probably since pewdie seems to research a bit of background on each author he reads. Abe turned anti-commie later in his life though.

>> No.12634244
File: 14 KB, 449x378, book review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has my respect now.

>> No.12634346

2:05 onwards
you made me cry anon, i hope your happy :(

>> No.12634379

pewdiepie, you are an absolute retard. Your analysis is fucking shit and is filled with too many narcissistic plugs.

We should have nuked sweden instead.

>> No.12634389

>that fedora tip at the end
fuck you

>> No.12634409

god, i'm so tired of pewdiepie. if kids want to watch his shit, that's fine. but it's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid him. everywhere i look there's some idiot talking about pewdiepie, often times telling me to subscribe to his channel.

fuck off, i'm too old for this dumb shit.

>> No.12634430
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keeping the 'ole swede traditions alive, eh pewds?

>> No.12634460
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Two thirds of people never go to university.

>> No.12634489

After all of the Swedish warrior-class died out in the Great Nordic War the Swedes became an unapologetic beta-race of suicidal atheist shitlibs. Going extinct as a race is literally in fashion in Sweden and while he's obviously not a total retard like most of his dwindling kind, the conditioning is still there.

How he could still lack such sense of authenticity after reading Sun and Steel is beyond me.

>> No.12634514
File: 171 KB, 990x928, Antoine_Wiertz_-_Faim,_folie_et_crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand, I like to imagine Gustavus Adolphus pounding his little fists on a table in Hell in rage screaming "NO NO NO NO NO!" as he looks at the state of the country he built. Its people literally dying out, having betrayed their own religion, having sold their country to foreigners and having basically become the stereotype that he himself despised of the French.

On the other hand it is incredibly triggering to me that if you showed a Swede a livestream of the ninth layer of Hell of his ancestors screaming and weeping with rage and regret at the sight of modern Sweden, he'd probably get an erection, and be happy, because "they were bigots anyway and they deserve to be upset."

>> No.12634520

Most of Sweden and Denmark cringe when people say that they believe in God - there's even a lot of cultural-christian atheist priests that just sees the Bible as god-tier /lit/.

>> No.12634596
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>> No.12634597

Wish he would have said something about it. Pessoa is far more interesting then his weird weebshit novel at the start.

>> No.12634599


>> No.12634772

pssst hey,
upboat, subscribe to pewdiepie XD

>> No.12634786

did he read Culture of Critique already?

>> No.12634794

How can we make him q pantheist?

>> No.12634803

There is no such thing as not having a religion.

>> No.12634805

nigger probably read the entire postmodernism bookshelve and then shoved jacks dick up his ass for extra measure.

>> No.12634841

>taking meds unironically
I have no face

>> No.12634890


>> No.12634907

He's unironically right though.

>> No.12634998
File: 46 KB, 300x250, RdQyw8CQAd-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is he so triggered by God

He's not. The real question is why are you so triggered by his disbeliefs. I swear Christians are all the things they say atheists are.

Fuck that! how about a literal fucking helmet?

What are you, A Weeb? I'll be rocking up to Jerusalem with my broadsword thanks.

I'm pretty sure damning someone in Elizabethan English is edgy

Orthodox aren't supposed to shave

How about a fucking essay-length response laden with veiled-threats and bible quotations, in response to the statement "I don't believe in God"

>> No.12635002

reddit spacing

>> No.12635004

>Posts long-ass triggered response to someone who posted 2 sentences, while complaining about long triggered responses

>> No.12635007

based and redpilled

>> No.12635011

Nobody on this board is actually Christian. They're all ironically larping as Christians fishing for (You)s.

>> No.12635016

Escape your prison

>> No.12635025

I specifically avoided reddit-spacing, you mong. Reddit spacing means a space between every line, not good formatting and paragraphing. Usually I would put a space between each line of greentext and each line of normal text. None of that is "reddit-spacing". Someone on a literature board should be able to appreciate this. But oh wait, the only book you read is the bibble.

>> No.12635040

if you think that's "good formatting" then you're a redditor, as well as a retard - congratulations!

>> No.12635047

>- congratulations!
Now THAT is Reddit.

>> No.12635050

fuck off back to /r/atheism, genetic deadend.

>> No.12635051

>caring about formatting
lol is this tumblr?

>> No.12635054

At least he brings up Kobo Abe.

>> No.12635056

Great, now I feel insecure about putting off either/or. It sounds great

>> No.12635064

Fuck that. I would never hang out with a group of people on the basis we were all atheists.

>> No.12635073

No, its /lit/. Don't be a fucking cretin. This isn't /tv/ where you can just pass an incomprehensible brick with no grammar.

>> No.12635075

Ignore all "Christians" itt until they address this post.

>> No.12635081

Ironic that Juleskum is created by Cloetta

>> No.12635089

Seconding Fear and Trembling. At first you’re like “wtf I don’t care about bible people”
Then he describes his Knights. Even if you’re not Christian or anti-Christian you get a lot out of Knight of Infinite Resignation (every successful author not writing self-help shit has to be this at some point).
Then comparing the ethical and aesthetic, it’s a masterwork.

>> No.12635090


>> No.12635094

t. 14 years old; or stopped growing mentally at 14.

Read Dosto or Pascal and come back kiddo

>> No.12635099

>the amount of faggots in here that think shitting on christianity is cool and not normie as fuck
>being unaware that 95% of millenials report to be non religious
>being unaware being religious is the new counter culture
bunch of fucking grandpas in here.

>> No.12635116

>believing in skydaddy fairytales to spite le normies

>> No.12635120

>fucking normie

>> No.12635123

see, it's not that i can't understand watching somebody play video games, if they're really good at it, have interesting personalities, i totally get it, sports are the same thing, the difference in these cults of personality is what the fuck do i care what some gamer thinks about literature? I don't give a shit what movies Randy Moss is psyched to see this summer, that is where the rift opens up, these guys pull in money hand over fist by placating a demographic who eats it up because their God has deigned to answer their prayers, you know how you guys ask your favorite youtubers to do this or that thing, "requests" i believe they're called, and then one day, lo, and behold, they've favored that pleading with a spirited, well-edited slice of half an hour out of their day spent listening to the sound of their own voice, they literally become like gods, kings appeasing the masses, i don't think a majority of them feel that way about themselves, jury's still out on Pewds, just ask yourselves what you're really getting out of this idolatry

>> No.12635127
File: 39 KB, 381x353, F8662B5B-A165-4BF5-9A17-35A301B6F64F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this. But what is he gaining? Who controls the alt-right paleocon resurgence? Who controls the neoliberal establishment? Are we really just pawns in this? When did our culture become this, a ploy to control the minds of people?

>> No.12635133

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.12635140

go take a leap of faith over a bridge you fucking retarded shits

>> No.12635142

The alt right is dead. And Paleocon resurgence is based so it doesn't matter.

>> No.12635143

You have to have a brain to post here

>> No.12635147

i'll pray for you

>> No.12635158

dumb pagan
can't you see?
break out of the demon's illusion
resist his spell
and cast out his spirit!

>> No.12635181

>t. 15 year old

>> No.12635199

No you don't. What gave you that impression?

>> No.12635238


Hey fellas, what are your favorite secular books and why do you like them?

>> No.12635270

im leaving /lit/ until you retards quit taking thr bait with these threads

>> No.12635292

you're unironically right it's obvious he browses /lit/and a good chance he browses /mu/ as well considering he listens to bladee

>> No.12635315

dead meme

>> No.12635334

I heard he read Pessoa and other based stuffs. But why??

>> No.12635336

Fuck pff then

>> No.12635810

Reminder that this man killed off this board by bringing in his retarded fans.

>> No.12635816

Because he's not 12. God doesn't exist, you literal psychos.

>> No.12635827

My sister reads similar author's but because of me, not some self aggrandizing celebratory. You should lead the women in your life on the path of knowledge and virtue yourself rather than leave it to another man.

>> No.12635862

How can one man be so attractive?

>> No.12635872
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>> No.12635899

>God and religion is a massive part of history
Because it's the most effective way to oppress a population.

>> No.12635903

sounds like ur a pleb

t. still reads Shakespeare.

>> No.12635943

Based pewdiepie dunks on Kierkegaard, favourite philosopher of midwit adolescents and women.

>> No.12635983

>not being the most redpilled religion
You guys are complete brainlets. True monotheism, focus on and dedication to the divine, and betterment of society and protection of family bonds make Islam the most based religion today

>> No.12635992

House of cards

>> No.12635993

unironically based

>> No.12636042

>He should read some Strindberg. Hemsöborna is good.
Definitely this.
Honestly it's surprising Strindberg isn't bigger on /lit/ too, not least considering his views on women and jews.

>> No.12636043


>> No.12636051

pewdiepie actually has really good taste

>> No.12636061
File: 1.71 MB, 640x896, knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future is bright

>> No.12636064

he likes anime, too

>> No.12636081

why would you say this?

>> No.12636136

He never said that. You're a dishonest person.

>> No.12636209

his taste is /lit/ recommendations you dumb fuck faggot inbred probably unironically watch him.

>> No.12636239

People like you make me want to shoot myself. You're probably not even Nordic. Yoire just larping mutts and Scandinavia has shit literature

>> No.12636247

Based Virgil.

>> No.12636274
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>> No.12636284

>132 posters
/lit/ is fucked

>> No.12636314

It's the swedish education, they were conditioned to hate anything related to religion

>> No.12636317


>> No.12636318

Swedish education sounds based

>> No.12636319

Ask me how I know that you are an Indian with an inferiority complex

>> No.12636321

132 posters think the books some random dumbass has read is worth discussing.
One of the most popular threads on this board is about a man who makes videos for children.

>> No.12636326

Christ cucks btfo and buttblasted to outer oblivion. Holy based. How will they ever recover?

>> No.12636329
File: 35 KB, 600x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a Deafheaven fan unfortunately. Giant poser faggot.

>> No.12636339
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>We trust state more than family.
I feel bile and melancholy at this statement. How perverse.

>> No.12636343


he enables manchild/basedboy culture.
he's also a manlet and a pseud

>> No.12636346

He's also a disgusting fucking weeb who's lived a sheltered life

>> No.12636358

that's a YIKES from me buddy
he had another book review about buddhism where he said he was a fan of it, you brainlet

>> No.12636363

youtube and youtubers are the anti-thesis of literature.

4chan needs a /youtuber/ board.... also a /self-help/ board. /lit/ would benefit exponentially from this.

>> No.12636364

reddit tier incel post

>> No.12636369

pot calling the kettle black

>> No.12636373

We have boards for film, music, and politics. Doesn't stop those faggots from spilling over into other boards.

>> No.12636374

All NPCs keep repeating this some form or another
>le irony
>le hypocrisy

nice cope anyways

>> No.12636380

I also propose that the mods actually start doing their jobs and delete off-topic threads or redirect them to an appropriate board.

I'm going to phone moot and let him know about my ideas

>> No.12636383

chantards are basically glorified redditors now

>> No.12636387

i love when religiouscucks try to insult atheists like they are the ones who are inferior kek

>> No.12636400

Please tell me the other alternative sites for discussing anything, there's not enough newfags to shit them up just in this thread, don't pretend I'm some newfag because I "don't know them already" because if it's dead shit I definitely do.

>> No.12636402
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-it-is-a-dogma-of-the-roman-church-that-the-existence-of-god-can-be-proved-by-natural-ludwig-wittgenstein-38-86-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deism/Dualism is retarded
Tell me something new.

>> No.12636425

That picture is the most retarded bullcrap I've read all day, and I've spent 7 hours on 4chan. Good Lord, that's some retarded logic

>> No.12636432

>Because i mean this with no offence, religion today is a hobby.
I'm a (Calvinist) Christian, and this is actually a really insightful comment.

Religion in the western world today IS very much a hobby, a fashion accessory even. People talk about "finding the right denomination/religion for me personally" in the same way they talk about fashion or decoration. They incorporate it into their instagram posts as part of their brand. They have a pinterest album of uplifting spiritual quotes in the same way that they have one for makeup. People reject uncomfortable truths without understanding that there's no pick-and-choose when it comes to Truth.

>> No.12636495

>was a frog the whole time
explains everything

>> No.12636505


>> No.12636513
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>Dualism is retarded

>> No.12636539

>Hurr durr Two!!!!!
Dualism is retarded. It also have no basis in the reality.

>> No.12636549


>> No.12636563

No it's not, one is called "Atheism" and denies the existence of a greater force while Agnosticism claims ignorance over this matter. They have two different names (that aren't synonyms) for a reason.

>> No.12636622

He's mentioned it in an old video. He basically just said he didn't like having an eternal master he has to worship, and that people who are Christians but don't follow the teachings of Christ are hypocrites.

>> No.12636624

In that case there are no "atheists". You can't know god does not exit.
An atheist is a someone who does not believe in god. And by this definition agnostics are atheists. Agnosticism is just an irrelevant special snowflake term for people who do not want to get into arguments with believers.

>> No.12636632

Says the fag that is auto-breathing right now

>> No.12636643
File: 532 KB, 931x682, zoomer dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's my hero

>> No.12636650

He lived in Italy and his gf is Italian, he could have learned the language. Maybe he would like Landolfi, eco, manganelli or calvino. Maybe even bassani. He could read hamsun in his own native language

>> No.12636662

>lets play yootoober thread on /lit/
>300 replies
>thread about actual literature
>0 replies

>> No.12636665

Mods are dead.

>> No.12636686

>Pepperoni babies

Oh shit, here's another vargfag. Why shouldn't he date a beautiful girl who's loaded? Oh yeah right, because she's not muh nordic master race. Just cut off all this autism from your life dude

>> No.12636698

There is a difference between knowing that you don't know and thinking that you know what you don't know. You reason like an underage Redditor.

>> No.12636711

Dude, I traveled through Sweden, it's not like everybody is so beautiful that someone like Felix looks ugly. he's an handsome guy, whether he goes in Scandinavia or stays in England

>> No.12636725

Based and Dantepilled.

>> No.12636846

He's an adult who calls himself "Pewdiepie". He won't have any affect on literature or philosophy at all.

>> No.12636895

he pronounced cannes like a retard

>> No.12636915

thought eliott smith already did that

>> No.12636960

Pewdiepie represents everything wrong with election tourists.

>> No.12637031

Wittgenstein is such a bitch.

>> No.12637080

absolutely based and terminally red pilled

>> No.12637101

>imagine being this mad that people on a board are Christians, so you accuse them of larping

Go project your insecurities somewhere else.

>> No.12637158

>God as beeing like myself but more powerful
Yea that is not God

>> No.12637227

there is a difference between knowing what didnt happen and knowing what did happen

>> No.12637257
File: 76 KB, 750x745, o8l8py3jt0f21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i suggest you go and di, you old piece of shit.

subscribe to pewds first tho RAWR xD

>> No.12637478


>> No.12637513

>believing in a supposedly omnipotent god who still gets shit on by youtubers and ledditors

I can't think of anything more beta than believing in a monotheistic religion

>> No.12637574

His fans want to make his the first Youtube-channel with 100 million subscribers. It's currently in the 80 millions, so you'll have to bear with it a few more months.

>> No.12637605

Vishnu will smite his cringe ass subscriber counts so I don't understand what lowIQ materialist whitecels find beta about the Chad pantheon

>> No.12637793

Living in Sweden is depressing as fuck if you have any sort of aspirations in life. Yngwie Malmsteen said something in similar in an interview. We're oppressed by something known as jantelagen, which is the supreme law of mediocrity and conformity.

>> No.12638229
File: 7 KB, 250x223, pleasedbythispepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's great he devouts such an amount of his time so he can make these videos, -at least that's what he says. They all look interesting but the one by Kierkegaard. Might try some of them -didn't read any of those-, specially Dostoyevski's.

On another matter of things, this moment is kinda comical:
"He was also a Christian, which really annnoyed me..."
Like... did he even read a brief summary of the book, or the author's Wikipedia page? What else did you expect from Kierkegaard? It's like reading Saint Thomas Aquinas and being bothered because of how much he talks about the Bible.

At least you guys can leave your parents home early enough. You are free to worship whoever the fuck you want, say whatever you want (at least it used to be that way). Swedes get high employment rates as well, and free money for attending college. Wtf is so mediocre about it? Sure, the SJWs are lords and owners of everything, and the weather isn't good, but that's pretty much it.

I was an Erasmus student there for 5 months. I met many foreign students, and a few of them stayed after the term was over. They believed that life would be easier for them in Sweden than in their home countries. And this is Erasmus, an EU programme. They didn't come from any shithole.

>> No.12638242

Let's go to his sub reddit and shill /lit/'s canon.

>> No.12638299

>At least you guys can leave your parents home early enough.
There is literally no property in this country anymore due to reasons and everyone's living with their parents until they're 30, either that or buy a home at full housing bubble prices. I just moved to a different country instead. Yes you have freedom, but the atmosphere around you is oppressive and you don't feel like this should affect you but every day it chips away at you.

>> No.12638391

Remember, he's an ~influencer~. He's reading shit for himself, but he's also reading for a potential audience of 80 million people. The reason he said he was covering Woman in the Dunes because it was accessible. Since his audience all presumably speaks English, recommending books that's accessible to everyone in his audience is probably something he cares about.

Reading something that may not translate cuts down on audience involvement, and would make his reviews shitty except the 2 polyglots on /lit/