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/lit/ - Literature

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12632956 No.12632956 [Reply] [Original]

>qt girl next to me is reading Paradise lost
what should I say /lit/?

>> No.12632975

Whence and what art thou, execrable shape,

>> No.12632979

"Good book, you would look great reading it next to me in bed"

Only say it if you're extremely attractive though

>> No.12632994
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Look at her deeply and think of two things. First, she is beautiful now and has been beautiful for her whole youth, and any pressure on her to distinguish herself and become an interesting soul is inversely proportionate to the overwhelmingly greater amount of praise and attention she gets on a daily basis simply for being attractive. Second, she will soon cease to be beautiful and become a desperate frump looking to exchange the full value of what she once had (but no longer does) for an equivalent value in excellence and status in a male partner.

You must understand that she is squandering her present value. Women are the prodigal son. She will coast on her youthful glamour, using it as an excuse never to develop a soul, and then only when it fades away (relatively soon) will she begin to panic and decide she deserves to marry Napoleon and continue being worshiped by him forever as if her looks never faded and her value was always integral to her.

All women are fast-depreciating assets, and spendthrifts during the brief time that those assets are still worth anything. Women do not undergo bildung in the years critical for their self-development. They wither up like an old, unpurchased fruit and then still expect people to buy them, completely misunderstanding that when people say they want to "buy some fruit" they mean "some tasty, firm, ripe fruit that is good to eat," not "a battered used-up fruit with strange cum all over it."

Look at this image. Imagine a young cute beautiful woman who is bubbly and fun because she is constantly riding a dopamine high of infinite male attention and she is full of joy and self-confidence. Then imagine she becomes old and crazy, sour and unwanted, but still retains her feeling of entitlement the praise she received while young. Look at her and understand your future if she deigns to sleep with you. Read the Milton, ignore the girl.

>> No.12633029

>start reading over her shoulder
>lean in closer
>take a deep breath in through the nose
>wait until she turns to look at you, totally creeped out
>whisper "its pronounced paradife loft"

>> No.12633033

Henceforth an individual solace dear;
Part of my soul I seek thee, and thee claim
My other half: with that thy gentle hand
Siezed mine, I yielded, and from that time see
How beauty is excelled by manly grace.

>> No.12633038

hey girl wanna fuck i have a big dicc

>> No.12633740

>h-heyy.. I asked an i-image board for help with how I shouldbtalk to you
>a what?
>you’re nice reading that book
>o-oh I-I mean that’s a nive book you’re reading. Paradise Lost heh heh..
>yea I like it
>d-did you enjoy the part where...

Even if you’re a studdering mess she’ll probably engage if she has half a wit to her. Most girls don’t though, so expect a bruised ego with only your poorly honed social skills to blame.

>> No.12633761



>> No.12633822


>> No.12634009

I said this once to a girl as I was recommended, and it didn't turn out when we got to the part where she sees my 6 inch dick
flawed advice

>> No.12634317

but normalfags are why I have poorly honed social skills

>> No.12635085

>I'm the only person that doesn't fit in with the rest of society.
>Surely the problem is not with me but with the rest of the universe.

>> No.12635098
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Nothing. Let her read in peace you worthless faggot.

>> No.12635132


>> No.12635136

"How is that? Are you reading it for a class?"
Usually a good place to start.

>> No.12635245

Say "I lost my paradise but I just found it". Then whisper "nigger"

>> No.12635267

Literally just “paradise lost? It’s really an amazing poem, isn’t it?” Have confident, engaging body language, and a friendly smile/tone. Either she helps strike up a conversation and shows interest in you, or it’s a quick, friendly interaction and you move on. No reason to be down if she seems disinterested, she’s just a stranger, after all

>> No.12635305

A lot of men lose their shit when they find gray hairs or wrinkles, I myself admit I got scared when I noticed my hair thinning, yet you never hear about woman getting upset despite the fact that looking good is so integral to them.

Why is this?

>> No.12635313
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>You know, I always thought Lucifer was the good guy

Bitches love edgy garbage opinions like that

>> No.12635338

personally I think she looks uglier on the left. Mommy pussy is best pussy.

>> No.12635355

"Sometimes, when I see a happy couple together, I sympathize with Lucifer's soliloquy on Adam and Eve, "Sight hateful! Sight tormenting! That these two should have their fill of bliss on bliss while I, to Hell, am thrust."

>> No.12635360

>Hi, I noticed you're reading Paradise Lost and it is a book I also appreciate. *insert rest of conversation*

>> No.12635364

Unironically laughed out loud

>> No.12635372

based incel-larpers

>> No.12635422

A whirlwind wouldn't be so bad if I could do it with you

>> No.12635715
File: 531 KB, 1553x1389, lucy fur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12635822

You need to go outside more

>> No.12636350

You won't say anything and if you do it will be something that will bear no fruit,
just as when I saw a roastie have /lit/ open on her laptop I went over and asked her if that was /lit/, she said yes and then I left again. That's it.

>> No.12636360

Say nothing, because if you have to ask 4chan for advice you don't deserve pussy.

>> No.12636362

You just know that fucked with her.

>> No.12636440

If I saw someone shamelessly browsing 4chan I’d tack shitposts onto their existence.

>> No.12636470

Based & Redpilled

>> No.12636494

This stupid meme needs to die.
>inb4 based and redpilled

>> No.12636529


>> No.12636553

Men get upset by gray hairs because it reminds them of their mortality.
Women get upset by gray hairs because it’s a sign the gravy train is almost at a stop.

>> No.12636647

Debased and bluepilled

>> No.12636672

This post, lemme tell you, pals, I saw some based ones in my time, but this one may be the basedstest of them all. Not only that, but think of the pill, red one, the crimson truth. This post glows with the thirsty redness of bare knowledge, the pill, it's been swallowed whole!

>> No.12637930

>Paradise Lost
>It's old as rape

>> No.12638337

>Women get upset by gray hairs because it’s a sign the gravy train is almost at a stop.
I'm sure it upsets them but I mean how it's largely a thing with men.
When you hear "midlife crisis" what kind of person do you imagine?

>> No.12638404

The Stolen and Perverted Writings of Homer & Ovid, of Plato & Cicero, which all Men ought to contemn, are set up by artifice against the Sublime of the Bible. But when the New Age is at leisure to Pronounce; all will be set right & those Grand Works of the more ancient & consciously & professedly Inspired Men, will hold their proper rank & the Daughters of Memory shall become the Daughters of Inspiration. Shakespeare & Milton were both curb'd by the general malady & infection from the silly Greek & Latin slaves of the Sword.

>> No.12639239


>lean over to her, close enough that she knows you want her attention, yet not close enough for your Cheeto breath to be noticeable
>You smile a coy smile
>The girl: "Uh, can I help you?"
>*Sniff* "Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven"
>Continue to grin with direct eye contact
>She moves seats
>Call a council of angels to whine at them about how you were cast out into the friendzone

I just wouldn't bother anon.

>> No.12639256

Long is my cock and hard, that out of pants leads up to light

>> No.12639305

Describe how John Milton prophesied Crystal Pepsi.


>> No.12639322

You’re directed to think Lucifer was the good guy you retard, it’s a test of faith to see through his deceit

>> No.12639342

>lean over
>snort in her ear
>wait for her to turn around
>force out the words ‘w-wouldn’t it be funny if he’d written p-paradise lost 2: paradise found’
>wait for her to say ‘you mean Paradised Regained?’
>look at her distrustfully before leaving the train carriage
>but only after pulling the emergency stop lever so that the entire train slams to a halt and you disembark the train in the middle of nowhere and wander off into the wilderness to die

>> No.12639543
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Kneel down and tenderly scoop up one of her gorgeous feet. Plant a deferential but worshipping kiss on it and say
>It is better to serve your feet than to rule in hell
Then start sucking her toes as she moans appreciatively at your wit and nimble tongue.

>> No.12639556

Like the tests God makes up aren't enough. We have to be tested by fucking Milton as well. But really, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Milton was a literal Luciboo. Creative types seem to get pulled into various forms of mysticism.

>> No.12639574

The only girl I know who is fascinated with Paradise Lost is an absolute sperg with severe personality disorders.

>> No.12639577

Recommend her some Torquato Tasso.

>> No.12640191
File: 9 KB, 248x233, 1545532875413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she's paranoid about browsing /lit/ in public now.

>> No.12640209

God bless you Anon

>> No.12641756

I think it’s more just a test of whether you’re in the Christian frame of mind. If you’re a ‘good Christian’ according to Milton then you should never even contemplate that Lucifer might have a point.

>> No.12641775

>"Your breasts are more delectable than the teats of ewe or goat dropping with milk at even unsucked by lamb or kid that tend their play"

>> No.12641838

and regained

>> No.12641840


>> No.12641862

Holy mother of kek

>> No.12641878

based and redpilled