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/lit/ - Literature

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12631285 No.12631285 [Reply] [Original]

I keep writing short stories which are too abstract, and I don't think publishers understand what I'm getting at. Most of the feedback I get is always them not understanding purposeful choices in symbolism, allegory, ect. they basically say: "it was well written, but we don't get it".

>> No.12631296

T. Schizo

>> No.12631311

Why did you make this thread without giving an excerpt of your work?

>> No.12631410

Yea gib a slice of your work you stupid bitch.

>> No.12631425

because I don't care whether you guys get it either. they are well written, I get that feedback a lot, so should I give up and just write some trite shit for publication or keep trying to be Borges and continue shotgun submissioning and hoping for the best?

>> No.12631430

What's the op picture?

>> No.12631463

according to Google arts and culture, that's what I look like

>> No.12631503

Then why should we care if your submissions get rejected or not? If you don’t post an excerpt there’s nothing to ground the discussion.

>> No.12631527

post it FAGGOT so fucking tired of y'all cowards

>> No.12631536

I'm not looking for feedback on any specific work, and I'm trying to get them published so the less they get posted the safer it is. last time I posted in a critique thread I got an unusual amount of positive comments for what it's worth. All I want to know is if I should write more conventional fiction to get something published or keep writing weird shit. If I get more rejections I'll self publish and post them here, how's that.

>> No.12631544

Clearly the problem is not your writing. It's everybody else.

>> No.12631577

based and redpilled

>> No.12631579
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>if I should write more conventional fiction to get something published
>or keep writing weird shit.
There's a fairly obvious third option, and that is the one that I would recommend.

>> No.12631585


>> No.12631589

It’s not about critique, I didn’t mention anything about that. I said to “ground the discussion”. As it stands you’re basically just blogposting, why should we engage with a damp squib who just wants to whine?

>> No.12631606

obviously engagement with this damp squib isn't too much effort because you keep replying. look, pretend I never submitted anything; would you yourself write stuff you are not happy with just to get published.

>> No.12631615

no, I might be a fag, but I believe in my artistic integrity

>> No.12631616

You should just keep banging your head against the wall

>> No.12631623

Try writing a conventional story. When you are unable to get that published, then you will realize that your stuff actually isn't actually that well written.

>> No.12631630

Borges' shit was pretty clear tho lol. Maybe you're not building the foundation of the myth properly (you need an anchor of realism).

But also: post some you enormous faggot.

>> No.12631668
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Lol everyone just waiting to rip OP's shit apart if he finally posts any of it

>> No.12631675

>But my mom told me my writing is great
>Why won't anyone publish meeeeeee??

>> No.12631686

this is a quote from an editor, I can't tell if it's based or cringe
>The first half reads like a fantasy Fodor's travel guide entry.

>> No.12631690

i want to write stories but people call me retarded

>> No.12631694


>> No.12631750

post some of your writing here faggot

>> No.12631863
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>> No.12632048

He's destroyed you m8. End it all.

>> No.12632073

This one hurt my blood.

>> No.12632102


haha, this op
the world is at fault

>> No.12632125

Who fucking cares about your situation, this is a literature board you stupid fuck, we can engage you and your problems if we are interested in your story, but right now you just presented yourself as someone that's either scared to post what they've written or a attention seeking faggot who doesn't want to accept the fact that your work isnt as great as you though.

>> No.12632159

I'd read it

>> No.12632179

Did you ever consider that your writing is just completely terrible and the publishers are trying to be courteous.

>> No.12632193

I never said my work is great, I said it's abstract. I was hoping someone might suggest an avant-garde publication or something; this was not supposed to be a critique thread. I already said if publishing doesn't pan out I'll self publish and post it here for you to shit on, I promise.

>> No.12632227

I don’t know about how the publishing process works, but maybe you can add a section before or after that explains the deeper meaning of it

>> No.12632229


>> No.12632232


>> No.12632302
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>Well written but we couldn't understand them
Are you one of those faggots that writes 50 pages of obtuse purple prose describing a "deeply personal" experience?

>> No.12632338

The last one I had rejected was flash fiction, it's 831 words about a fictional ancient city.

>> No.12632389

Of course I would, there's nothing wrong with hack writing as long as you're making bank. Why should it mean you can't work on more artistic statements too?

>> No.12632488

Well if it's too esoteric for the editors then either:
A. Tone it down and make it more normalfag friendly whilst convincing yourself that it's a phase until you gain enough of a readership to unleash your true power level.

B. Throw yourself in the gas station toilet known as "self publishing".

Or the hidden C answer: keep sending stuff out despite the rejections. Something will stick eventually.

>> No.12632572

Here’s an actual answer OP.

This isn’t a good time to be placing abstract work - there’s nothing that’s actually good (rather than just experimental pieces from generally talentless writers) because there’s no audience for it (or there hasn’t been for the last few years). Even George Saunders’ experimental novel Lincoln In The Bardo got more press than Trump, and still no one really seemed to care or actually read the thing.

You might as well post them on /lit/ and try to build a following that way. Don’t think of it as a request for feedback, just test the waters. The drought of good abstract fiction won’t last forever.

>> No.12632908

C is obviously the best answer. A is good too.

>> No.12632971

Have you tried Grove Press? They love shit like that. Or maybe some alt lit publishers?

>> No.12632984

No one fucking cares what you think just post it

>> No.12633099

Then find a publisher that gets it. Or, better yet, a literary magazine, if you're just starting out.

>> No.12633241

This is common of amateur writers. They start writing with a starting point and maybe an idea for a scene later but literally zero cohesion. They put a lot of flowery language in that makes it read like someone intelligent wrote it but the truth is that they don't actually understand writing. It is akin to opening your mouth and talking without having an opinion.

>> No.12634388

I'll look at it for the next round of submissions
I've mostly been looking at magazines
Doesn't really match the feedback I'm getting but it could be a possibility I'm fully retarded; not ruling that out.

>> No.12635532


>> No.12635545


>> No.12635553

it's likely it makes sense to you but you have failed to communicate your idiosyncratic thinking to an audience effectively, thereby kind of missing the point of borrowing from a shared semiotic system

>> No.12635562

this. no serious writer bothers with allegory (anymore) and even less so with symbolism

>> No.12635690
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>> No.12636601

This is fucking cringe. So you want to be Borges but no one gets you? People gets Borges. Maybe the problem is that you writte in a poorly and very arrogant style that only you get or like.
You remember me to some guy in my college that just interrupts everyone for mumbling good participation but so akwardly bad explained and with 0 interest on have a clear expresion that no one takes his seriously because he just look tryhard and stupid

>> No.12637274

I was having the same problem OP, so what I decided to do was just write for my own amusement and find work/income elsewhere. I am now an independent male prostitute.

>> No.12637506

man i wish i could be a hack writer so i could get some money to shoot dope and read more books

>> No.12637511

maybe you’re just a pseudo

>> No.12638261

>You remember me to some guy in my college
Must have been quite the school
I was considering selling bodily fluids, do they still pay for that?
I'm open to that possibility

>> No.12638928

I think you can sell your blood in some countries, I don't know that it's particularly profitable and you'll probably feel like shit/become anaemic if you do it regularly.

idk dude just become a barista or something part time