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12630258 No.12630258 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you guys read on Adderall/Modafinil?

How did it help you get through books? Did it increase your reading comprehension? I have okay focus levels, I just want to see if this can give me an awesome weekend of reading now and again.

No idea where to source this shit in the UK though.

>> No.12630282

There's no way to get affordable adderall in the UK because EU doctors aren't stupid enough to prescribe it. Moda works but you'll be unproductive the next day. They are both short term solutions though, I don't see why you'd use them for something other than revision or coursework. Just go to a coffee shop, I find I can read for hours if I'm somewhere that I won't fall into bad habits easily like at home.

>> No.12630327

dont know if not affordable but in germany, and we have stricter import laws than uk, the pill costs 1,20€.
you shouldnt use it for reading though. it makes you think less free and if reading doesnt make fun u shouldnt read.

>> No.12630330

import from India. sun pharma ritalin.

>> No.12630400

Lots of speed in the uk, that'll get you by

>> No.12630470

Modafinil helps a lot

>> No.12630502

In my experience it works alot better when writing desu.

>> No.12630533

i read on insanely high doses of lyrica which is stimmy in effect for years now. i can just keep reading & retaining everything for hours. downside is i'm retarded when sober now like a total dunce.

>> No.12630549

been thinking about this too but i read that you can have pretty bad side effects from using moda with SSRIs so i decided against getting any

>> No.12630567

I literally pay attention to a book for hours without any drugs and I here you guys complaining.

>> No.12630597

don't stop reading lol

>> No.12630641
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I've used concerta, ritalin, vyvanse, adderall, modafinil, cocaine (& coca leaf tea), maeng da kratom, caffeine, nicotine, and probably other things I'm forgetting for focusing purpose with academic/intellectual work. In my opinion, this is only necessary or even really justifiable in regards to reading that you are not fond of or find boring; it is actually more efficient to read sober assuming that the topic or text is of enough personal interest to you to keep you engaged. If you get in the habit of requiring stimulants to read even just books that you like, you will be a poor reader. Save them for dull slogs that you need to brute force your way through. It is also wisest and most sustainable to stick to low doses, only consume orally, and preferably have a full meal and a proper night's sleep prior to consuming relatively early in the morning. And don't smoke any meth.

>> No.12630674
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Oh, and microdosing LSD can be productive while reading. You feel mentally "looser" so you have a sense that you're not reading deeply but you later find that you retained things very well. Fun way to read Burroughs' cut-up stuff. Smoking sativa strains can go similarly if you smoke relatively little. Drinking while reading is fun sometimes but is more just for the raw joy of it than about serious scholarship (although I highly recommend getting turnt and reading plays or poetry aloud alone).

>> No.12630725

Do you have ADHD?

>> No.12630824

Adderall costs £10-15/pill on the dark web in the UK, I've never seen a source as cheap as you're suggesting (unless you mean modafinil). The think is once it's someone in the custom union it can get anywhere. The UK being the harder point however as we do still casually check goods.

>> No.12630835

It wouldn't matter if he did. The notion that there is an ADHD brain is from psychology, not psychiatry. Most psychopharmacologists maintain that CNS stimulants in theraputic doses generally affect people the same.

>> No.12630905

I am diagnosed as primarily inattentive.
Yes and no. Although CNS stimulants operate in more or less the same manner, there is a wide variety of idosyncratic reactions, particularly at different doses. For example, my advice to stick to low doses, while partly driven by interest in sustainability, is also likely biased by my relative sensitivity to these drugs; I am considered ADHD but I distinctly notice the effects of very low doses. Further, while neuropsychiatry is not yet developed to the point at which we can look at a brain scan and say "this person has ADHD," there are nonetheless statistically significant and consistent differences between ADHD-diagnosed populations and undiagnosed populations: if you think about it, this should be obvious, because one would expect any psychological or behavioral deficit or excess to correlate with some sort of physiological partner, just in the same way that if you created a "Poor Runner's Syndrome" you would expect sufferers to have smaller and/or less muscular legs.

>> No.12630910
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Used lots of stims for years after my ADHD diagnosis (no longer use). Amps are great for reading technical material; I found them extremely helpful for math and CS texts in particular. Reading fiction always felt like a bit of a waste of time though, like I wanted to rush ahead and "get to the point", not ideal. Stims are great for action, like fast-paced video games. Can't speak for moda, that stuff seems a lot more mild and is probably a better fit for leisure reading.

>> No.12630940

>Reading fiction always felt like a bit of a waste of time though, like I wanted to rush ahead and "get to the point", not ideal.
This is a good point also; there are certain kinds of reading that are most fully or more fully enjoyed when read leisurely, taking one's time and savoring the flavor of a sentence or a thought, unhurriedly and maybe even sleepily interconnecting ideas and moments, not to mention the many moments of passing contemplation that come when reading a long book slowly over weeks or months due to business with other things. Stimulant reading is perfectly fine for understanding, and you can sprint through any book you want a cobble together any essay on it, but that doesn't mean you spent a single moment to appreciate it. So, again, my point earlier of saving stimulants for reading that you probably wouldn't appreciate anyway, but which offers useful or valuable information.

>> No.12630950

*any book you want and cobble together an essay on it
Phone posting

>> No.12630965

I have severe ADHD and get prescribed dextroamphetamine and I'm starting to try methamphetamine(desoxyn). I'm really hoping I can get modafinal, I need it. But I need to convince a neurologist to prescribe it off-label to get it here in the US.

>> No.12630986

I have ADHD and it's exceptionally difficult form me to maintain focus at all. Obviously I'd really like to be able to read. I'm in the process of getting medication. What do you think? Are there downsides? Should I do it? (I'd only stick to my prescribed doses)

>> No.12630995

i will enjoy my brainlet - use 20% of my brain - life

>> No.12631002

It's really weird how much harder it is to get modafinil in the US than amphetamemes. Also crazy how much of a stigma Dexedrine has compared to Adderall, when it's a tamer drug in every way.

>> No.12631028

Modafinil gives me a nice boost and I don't get tired as fast but it always gives me the wet shits.

>> No.12631048

Dextroamphetamine is far superior to the racemic mix. Cleaner stimulation without all the shitty body effects and comedown L-amphetimine has. I specifically ask for dextroamphetamine because its easier on the mind and heart. I can't take Adderall at my prescribed dose. I recently got prescribed zenzedi, a new brand that comes in 30mg tablets. Which is sort of cool because dexedrine only comes in 10mg so I ended up with 6 pills a day.
Maybe that has something to do with it's high dermatoxicity.

>> No.12631087

>Dextroamphetamine is far superior to the racemic mix.
Agree completely. Addy made me a twitchy mess. Dexedrine... well, a bit less of one. Vyvanse is cool too but in practice I don't see much of an advantage over Dex.

>> No.12631105

I don't know how old you are or how much you "really" need it relative to how much you think you need it so I can only speak for myself. For me, daily use is unpleasant and not even particularly helpful, in part due to habituation to it but also chronic mild undersleeping/undereating even when I am closely monitoring sleep hygiene and dietary hygiene. I recently got represcribed Adderall IR 10mg for as-needed use and have used like 5 pills of 30 in the period of a month. In terms of sleep, I often have chamomile and/or magnesium before bed even when not using stims, and in my college-student-esque days of stacking amphs and coffee and cigs and so on I would often stack chamomile, magnesium, and melatonin to go to bed. If you do get Adderall, it is helpful to know that it metabolizes faster (i.e. is processed out of your body faster) the more acidic your stomach contents are, so back in the day I would often have antacids (which are essentially baking soda) to extend duration of effect and negate the acidity of coffee; I also sometimes had orange juice before bed to kick up acidity to get it out of my system faster. Vyvanse worked very well for me at low doses in that I was focused enough to be productive but also unstimulated enough (unanxious enough) to socially interact normally, but vyvanse is also wildly overpriced because the patent has not yet expired. Concerta and ritalin are hellishly robotic, but you are at least productive on them because they're so dysphoric that there's nothing better for you to do than to get your work done -- vyvanse and adderall are much more pleasant but often less productive because it's easier to end up doing something you enjoy instead.

>> No.12631307

This sure reads like a post that was made on stims. Good advice re: acids & sleep stuff though. There's quite a supplement rabbit hole you can fall into in terms of optimizing stim use and minimizing harm.

>> No.12631345

I've only had two cups off coffee, this is just an interesting subject to me and I consider myself some sort of expert. One of the biggest misunderstandings of ADHD is that it is a true attentional "deficit" as opposed to something more along the lines of an attentional dysregulation. Hyperfocusing on favorite activities or topics is a standard trait in ADHD -- the problem is attending to disliked but important things.

>> No.12631818

Yeah, i get modafinil. I usually take 400mg a day. Will need to get some more. I take more because im bigger than mosy people and i also just like to RAGE, in a non aggressive way.

It just helps you not feel sleepy and a lil focused. Better for you than addy, but addy works better.

>> No.12632097

i keep trying to read on speed but after i snort i usually just end up fapping for hours :(

>> No.12632286

I also recommend microdosing. This sunday I took 25mcg (I know it's too high for a microdose but still) and at some point I went to a cafe and read No Longer Human. I have ADHD and I tried some stims but desu LSD works best. It allows you to just be in a moment where you don't care about anything and the only thing that matters is you enjoying your time with a book. Also your imagination and emotionality are increased.

>> No.12632366

I meant emotions, not emotionality (emotionality too but it's not that important). It's great for perception of art in general but works especially well for some more artistic books like The Waves by Virginia Woolf, it's like you finally experience it in a way she wanted you to.

>> No.12632404

I can't read without Concerta

>> No.12632448

I weep for your loss

>> No.12632782

Thank you so much!

>> No.12633197

> US has a legal amphetamines market, but bombs Afghanistan and raid South America *because drugs*

>> No.12633751
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