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/lit/ - Literature

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12628654 No.12628654 [Reply] [Original]

Post your book ideas and how far you've gotten
I'll go first

I have a semi biography about myself(In search of lost time inspired) 5k words in
And a
Sci-fi noir novel about a socialist U.S. monitoring every movement and a wave a Journalist come through to rake up the muck.
(Boring I know) 10 k words in

>> No.12628804

circa present day, we follow a lady who is selling herself as a way to escape the incessant nature of social media. Novella takes place over a night. Focus on asexuality, androgyny, and public opinion
3000 words but i've planned a great deal

>> No.12628870
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I remember a post on here a week ago talking about social media-phones and all that- ; its hard to have a place for it in fiction its just awkward. Someone mentioned it just not being natural for us humans(I don't necessarily agree). I wonder how plan to incorporate it into your novella if at all

>> No.12628879

the use of social media is limited, its more the negative affects of it and its warping of public opinion rather than delving into sm

>> No.12628886

Started three days ago, about 2,500 words in. MC is a lost, neurotic, insecure college student who accidentally knocks his friend's teeth out during a drunken boxing match and becomes the campus drug dealer to pay for his friend's dental bills out of guilt. Still not sure what direction I want to take it and what the overall message will be, but the MC will "find" himself by the end of the novel